- Eye opening, beeping, bunk beds, computer, man typing EXECUTE, record playing the song Make Your Own Kind of Music, dishes, cycling, pull-ups, sit-ups, shower, laundry, protein shake, cabinet with swan logo, vile of medicine, shot in the arm, explosion, jump suit, gun, lights, cameras, mirrors, Jack and Locke at the hole of the hatch.
- The shaft is 40 or 50 feet down, there is a puddle at the bottom. Jack doesn't want to go into the hatch, but Locke does.
- Female, late 20s, no ID, fire department had to use the jaws of life, tire blew, jumped the divider, went head-on with SUV.
- Adam Rutherford, 57, time of death 8:15 AM.
From Lostpedia
- "She said she has to dance at her wedding." Jack
- The hatch door says QUARANTINE.
From Lostpedia
- Shannon loses Vincent, goes looking for him in the jungle, she hears whispers, sees Walt soaking wet, dripping, whispering.
- "Five hours ago, I was pulled into a hole by what appeared to be a calm of smoke. Did you see it, Kate? Then I guess we're both crazy. I wonder what Jack thinks he saw." Locke
- Hurley tells Jack about the numbers, Leonard and winning the lottery, $114 million, the bad luck, the numbers on the hatch.
- Sarah's back is broken, Jack has to operate but doesn't believe he can save her.
- "You might want to try handing out some hope." Christian
- Shannon tells everyone about seeing Walt in the jungle.
- They return to the caves, Jack tells everyone about the hatch, Arzt dying.
- Locke goes back to hatch and Kate follows.
- "Live together, die alone, right?" Kate says to Jack.
- Sarah's wedding is supposed to be in 8 months.
- Jack tells Sarah he's going to fix her.
- Locke lowers Kate into the hatch, she counts to five, she falls down the shaft, a light goes on.
From Lostpedia
- Jack goes to the hatch, no one is there, he follows them down.
- Stadium, Jack running, tries to outrun another guy, twists his ankle, man says Jack won't catch up with him, that he was almost a doctor once. "Small world." Jack
- "So, what's your excuse? For running like the devil's chasing you?" He tells Jack he's training for a race around the world, Jack tells him about his patient.
From Lostpedia
- "What if you did fix her?" Jack says he didn't, that it would be a miracle. "And you don't believe in miracles. You have to lift it up. See you in another life, yeah?" Desmond
- Jack is in the hatch/bunker, hallway, pipes, shoes, painting on the wall, numbers, magnet, camera, music, spotlight, computer room.
From Lostpedia
- Jack tells Sarah about doing a Tour de Stade, he realizes that he fixed her.
- Desmond is the man in the hatch.
- Jack recognizes Desmond from their previous meeting. "You.
From Lostpedia
- How did the ladder leading from the hatch break?
- Why does the hatch door say QUARANTINE on the inside?
- Why did no one replace Kelvin and Desmond?
- What is the medicine for? What is the sickness?
- Why does Charlie believe there are no others when he was hanged by Ethan?
- Did Vincent know that Walt was there when Shannon saw him?
- Did Desmond know he would see Jack again? Did he know Jack would fix Sarah?
- Was Desmond time traveling in the flashback at the stadium with Jack?
- Seeing Desmond in the hatch for the first time.
- "I'm not really in the mood, Hurley." Jack "Really, wow, usually you're like Mr. Ha Ha." Hurley
- "You were in a psyche ward?" Jack
- "What's that thing where doctors make you feel better just by talking to you?" Hurley "Bedside manner." Jack "Yeah, that. Yours sucks, dude." Hurley
- "Yeah, you left out the part where you just want to see if I get eaten by something." Kate
- "I dropped the light. Maybe we should.. (Locke continues lowering Kate down) Well, okay then."
- The Make Your Own Kind of Music being played when Jack is in the hatch.
- "You smell like you ran far." Sarah
- "Because I'm intense." Jack explaining why he'd run all the steps in a stadium.
- "You." Jack
- When describing Adam Rutherford and Sarah's accidents, they are both described as being hit head-on by an SUV. Was this a mistake or were they in the car together?
- The backward whispers of Walt: Don't push the button. Button Bad.
- The opening scene to this episode is probably one of the best opening scenes or season premieres to any show, ever.
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