2.02 Adrift
- Jin, Michael and Sawyer in the water after the raft is destroyed by the others. Sawyer saves Michael's life.
- Michael goes to see a lawyer, Susan wants him to sign his paternal rights over to Brian so that he can adopt Walt.
- Locke in the hatch, removes shoes, kitchen, UVA-UVB lights, finds Kate on the floor.
- "Are you him?" Desmond
- Michael, Sawyer climb onto what's left of the raft. Jin, Walt not anywhere in sight.
- Michael and Susan meeting with lawyers. Michael last saw Walt 14 months ago. Susan's lawyer grills him about Walt.
- Sawyer pulls bullet out with his bear hands.
- "Are you him?" Desmond "Yes, I am." Locke
- "What did one snowman say to the other snowman?" Desmond
- Locke and Kate tell Desmond about the plane crash, 44 days ago. There is a wall with tallies of days he's been there?
- Locke tells Desmond that Kate is a fugitive. Locke ties her up, gives her a knife.
- Charlie tells Claire he found the Virgin Mary statue in the jungle.
From Lost Hatch - Sawyers says he thought the others were fisherman or pirates, that the boat wasn't made for the open water, range maybe of 100 miles, had to leave port from somewhere close to the island.
- "French chick said the others were coming for the kid. I think they came, Mike." Sawyer
From Lostpedia - Susan talks Michael into giving away Walt.
- Kate gets out of the restraints, uses the knife that Locke gave her, trapped in a food pantry, Apollo candy bars, vent in the ceiling.

- Locke tells Desmond about losing radio contact, being 1,000 miles off course, that any search teams would've given up weeks ago, they were traveling from Sydney to Los Angeles.
- "So the world's still out there?" Desmond
- Locke tells Desmond there are 43 survivors, 4 that left on the raft. Desmond asks who has gotten sick, Locke says no one.
- Alarm, beeping, Desmond makes Locke type in the numbers 4 8 15 16 23 42 at gunpoint, then press EXECUTE, clock goes back to 108.
From Lostpedia
From Lost Hatch
From Lostpedia - Jack comes down the hatch, Locke tells Desmond that it's their doctor.
- The shark passes underneath, there is a Dharma logo on its tail. Michael shoots the shark.
From Lost Hatch - Susan takes Walt to see Michael for the last time, he gives Walt a polar bear, tells him that he loves him, that Susan should let him know the gift is from him some time.
From Lostpedia
From Lost Hatch - Michael and Sawyer were brought back to the island by the current. Michael says it was his fault for bringing Walt on the raft.
- "We're home." Sawyer
- Sawyer and Michael arrive back at the island.
From Lostpedia - Jin on the beach when Sawyer and Michael arrive at the shore.
- "Others!" Jin
Questions:- Does Locke really believe he is the him? Is he?
- Why does Charlie tell Claire that he's not religious?
- Does Susan really believe that Michael is going to win in court or is she just manipulating him?
- How does the food get to the island?
Favorites:- "You got a band-aid?" Sawyer
- "I reckon Jack's going to do something heroic." Charlie
- "What are you gonna do? Splash me?" Sawyer, and then Michael does and Sawyer's piece of the raft falls apart under him.
- Kate eating the Apollo candy bar cracks me up every time.
- Desmond calling Locke Box Man.
Notes:- There are a lot of pointless scenes in this episode. We really don't need to see everything over again just to see it from someone else's point of view. A lot of things in the episode are drawn out for no reason and could have been done a lot quicker.
- While I really like the Michael flashback, I did not enjoy the on-island (in water) scenes with him and Sawyer. They just seem a little too dramatic and overacted. Every time he's yelling "Waaaaaalt!" all I'm thinking is "Shuuuuut uppppppp!" Needless to say, I'm not exactly the biggest fan of this episode, but it's still better than most things on TV.
- The appearance of Ezra James Sharkington!
- Susan Lloyd and her lawyer.. what a bunch of bitches.
- I really like Michael in the flashback of this episode, and I feel bad for him.
- Sawyer pulling out a bullet with his bear hands, badass, yet makes me cringe.
- I think after this episode is where I officially started to hate Locke, because the Locke that I knew from Season 1 died.
- The numbers add up to 108!
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