3.22 Through the Looking Glass
- Jack, with a beard, on a plane, having a drink, Oceanic, Flight Attendant says they're landing in 20 minutes, gives him a newspaper, turbulence, Los Angeles Times, obituaries.
- Jack driving, stops on a bridge, makes a phone call, 3105550148, says he read something, and hangs up, stands on the edge of the bridge, says to forgive him, is going to jump, but then he hears a car crash, a child and mother, Jack gets down from the bridge.

From Lostpedia - Everyone is ready to leave, Sayid says Bernard and Jin are excellent shots, highly motivated, dynamite in place, they won't miss, tells Jack no matter what happens, keep moving for the radio tower, don't turn back, willing to give his life, Jack understands, says good luck.
- "They're both excellent shots...and highly motivated. The dynamite's in place. We won't miss. Jack, no matter what happens here, I want you to keep moving; keep moving for that radio tower. Don't turn back for any reason. I'm willing to give my life if it means securing rescue, but I'm not giving it up for nothing. You understand?" Sayid
- Rose and Bernard says goodbye, Hurley tells Claire that Charlie will be fine, Jin tells Sun to stay with Jack, says that's he's doing it because they have to go home, they leave for the radio tower, Sayid, Jin and Bernard are left behind.
From Lostpedia - They're trekking to the radio tower, Hurley has Vincent, Jack and Juliet lead, Naomi asks if she can trust Juliet, shows Jack how the satellite phone works in case anything happens to her, so he can call her boat.
- Bonnie and Greta beat Charlie up, he says Juliet told them about the station, agrees that they should call Ben, he sees a blinking yellow light in the communications room, just as Desmond had described from his flash.
From Lostpedia - Ben writing in his journal, walkie, Bonnie calls him, she broke radio silence, says one of them is down there, Charlie, Juliet told them about the station, Ben says he's sending help, Mikhail says he thought the station was inoperable, flooded, Ben says he lied, Mikhail says he can be there by dawn, wonders what else Juliet told them, Ben tries to contact Ryan.
- Ryan, Tom at the beach camp, their walkies are off, tents are marked with white coral, Juliet did her job, but no one is there, Sayid shoots, explosion, kills 3, Bernard, another explosion, kills 2, but Jin misses the dynamite, shoots 2 of them directly, Ryan captures Jin, Tom gets Bernard, Sayid surrenders, 3 of the Others' men left, Ryan, Tom and Jason.
From Lostpedia - They see the explosions at the beach, Rose says there was supposed to be 3 explosions, they're all worried, Kate says it didn't work.
- Jack in hospital, stitches, news people outside, hero, woman stabilized, Sarah shows up, she's pregnant, Jack says used to be married, car accident, asks if he's drinking again, Jack says no, Sarah is still listed as his Emergency Contact, asks what he was doing driving around at 2 AM, Jack asks for a lift home, but Sarah says no, it would be inappropriate.
From Lostpedia - "The news people are waiting for you outside. You being a hero and all. Thank God you were on that bridge." Doctor
- There were only 2 explosions, they heard gunshots, Jack says everyone is okay, that they have to keep moving, Rose and Sun are worried.
- Charlie says he's there to turn off jamming equipment, whatever they do, he's going to turn it off, Bonnie says he doesn't know the code, only Bonnie, Greta, and Ben know, Charlie says the station will be flooded, he won't need the code, he'll turn off the jammer, and the helicopters will come and rescue his friends, Boonie asks him if the station floods, then what happens to him, Charlie says he dies.
From Lostpedia - "I'm here, to turn off your jamming equipment. It's in there, next to the flashing yellow light." Charlie "How do you know about that?" Greta "I know, because I know. Whatever you ladies do to me, I'm going to turn it off." Charlie "You are, huh?" Bonnie "Most definitely am." Charlie "So, what's the code?" Bonnie "What?" Charlie "Oh, Charlie, if you're going to turn off the jamming equipment, you're gonna need the code. And only three people know it. Me, her, and Ben." Bonnie "Well, guess I won't need the code. Since this entire station's gonna be flooded anyway. I just turn off your little jammer and the helicopters come and rescue all my friends." Charlie "But, if this station floods, what happens to you?" Bonnie "I die." Charlie
- Tom tells Ben they're all dead, Shephard and his people are gone, killed 7 of their people, they caught 3 of them, they knew they were coming, Ben says it was Juliet, they're not talking, Jarrah, Kwon, and the dentist, Ben says shoot Kwon, they'll answer questions, Jin and Sayid say don't talk, but Bernard tells them they're hiking to the radio tower, a woman parachuted there, had a satellite phone, they're going to call her ship, a kid came in on a canoe, warned them, Karl, Ben says don't kill them yet.
- Ben draws a map to the radio tower, only he is going, says Richard is going to The Temple, Richard says the people are asking questions, about leaving home, what happened to Locke, Jacob, the rumor that everyone that went to the beach is dead, Ben says they're not all dead.
- Ben tells Alex they're going for a walk, to find Jack and his friends, Alex says she's going, Ben says she wants to see Karl again, he's leaving in 10 minutes.
- Richard says there's 40 of them, they'll do whatever it takes to get off the island, Ben says he'll talk them out of it.
- They stop a stream, Kate says something is wrong, they should've caught up with them by now, she wants to go back to see if they're okay, wants to know what's wrong with Sawyer, says they sent Juliet to see if she's pregnant too.
- Desmond wakes up, looks for Charlie, gun shots hit the canoe, it's Mikhail at the shore, shooting at him, Desmond dives in the water, follows the cable, goes through the moon pool, comes up, Charlie sees him while Bonnie and Greta are in the communications room, says to hide, Desmond goes to hide inside a locker in the station.

From Lostpedia - Jack is checking on the woman from crash, taking pills, meets Dr. Hamill, the new Chief of Surgery, says he's a hero twice over, Jack wants to operate, Dr. Hamill says Gary Nadler is doing surgery, he pulled the woman's 8 yr old son out of flaming car, then went back for her, says he'll let him know what happens.
- "Doctor Shephard, the hero. Twice over." Dr. Hamill
- "Jack. Last night you pulled this woman's eight year old son out of a burning car then you went back for her. I think you've done enough." Dr. Hamill
- Jack leaves the room and go into the waiting room, sees the boy from the crash, the news is playing on a television in the background.
From Lostpedia - "This morning...[inaudible]...bridge was shut down for several hours in the wake of a fiery car accident that left two injured, an unidentified forty year old woman and her son... Fortunately for the two of them, Doctor Jack Shephard, who was at the scene of the crash, pulled both victims from the burning wreckage and treated them at the scene until paramedics arrived. The victims were later transported to Saint Sebastian Hospital. Further details of their conditions have not yet been...." Reporter
- Sawyer stops, says he's going back, he says no to Kate going, says he didn't want to go with her before, Juliet says there's a hidden cash of guns, a couple of miles, go back to the beach, route past it, Juliet says she has to go, kisses Jack.
- Charlie can't find bridge of a song he's writing, Bonnie says she's getting the spear gun, because she wants it to hurt, Mikhail shows up, without his eye patch, says he thought they were on assignment in Canada, they made a promise not to tell anyone, asks where Desmond is, Charlie asks why Ben said the entire station was flooded when it wasn't, or why Boonie and Greta have been jamming transmissions off the island.
- "This idiot swam down from a boat. I was just shooting at his friend. He dove down here." Mikhail "Here's a better question to ask, Cyclops. Why did your little friend Ben tell you people that this entire station was flooded when it isn't? Or, why these two have been jamming transmissions off the Island?" Charlie
- Ben calls in to the communications room, says everything he did for the island, Mikhail asks if it was necessary to jam his own people, Ben says Mikhail is a loyalist, to trust him, trust Jacob, the island is under assault by forces stronger than anything it's had to deal with in many years, meant to protect by any means necessary, jamming for everyone' security, in a serious situation, Ben says he made a mistake, should've told Mikhail, apologizes, needs his help to clean up the mess he made, kill Charlie, make sure jamming mechanism continues to function at all costs, can't risk Bonnie and Greta telling the others, so kill them too, Ben says if he said the same to them, he'd already be dead.
- Juliet says they were building a runway, there are no guns, she lied, it was the only way Jack would let them go back, she's going back because of karma.
- Hurley shows up, he wants to help, but Sawyer says he's just going to get in the way, he doesn't want him to get hurt.
- Ben says he's heading North, get to them before the tower, delivering Alex to her new family, didn't want Karl to get her pregnant, he can't let them leave.
- Locke's eye opens, he is alive, can't use his legs, finds a pistol next to him, contemplates suicide, he hears the whispers, Walt shows.
- "Don't, John. Put the gun down. You have work to do." Walt

From Lostpedia - Jack tells Kate that Sawyer didn't mean what he said, he was trying to protect her, that's why he said not to go back for him, because he loves her.
- Jack driving, listening to Nirvana, Scentless Apprentice, looking at the obituary, in a black neighborhood, makes another phone call, hangs up, HOFFS/DRAWLAR Funeral Home, coffin, funeral director, says there was no funeral, only a viewing, nobody showed up, just him, he asks if it's a friend or family, but Jack says either, he doesn't want to open the casket, Jack is visibly upset, takes his last pills.

From Lostpedia - Jack asks when they'll get to the radio tower, Rousseau says in about an hour, she says the last time she was there was the day she recorded the message, says she's not leaving the island, there's no place for her back there, she's home now, Ben shows up suddenly.
- Mikhail asks if it's possible to turn off the equipment, Boonie and Greta say yes, they're the only ones know, who have the code, if the station is flooded, nothing would happen, the casing for the equipment is waterproof, they're there because they're following orders, never asked why, trust Ben, Jacob, Mikhail shoots Boonie and Greta, Desmond comes out, harpoons Mikhail in the chest, Charlie says don't kill Bonnie, they need her.
- "No. Because I trust him. And I trust Jacob. And the minute I start questioning orders, this whole thing, everything that we're doing here falls apart.
- Ben wants to talk, killed 7 of his people, Kate checks the perimeter, says there's only 2 sets of tracks, Jack says he has 5 minutes, takes his walkie.
- Jack in a pharmacy, the pharmacist says no more refills, Jack says he has another prescription, guy in line says he's a hero, Oxycodone, prescription from Christian Shephard, Jack says he's out of town, the pharmacist wants to call his office, but Jack leaves.
- "Hey, I know you. You're the hero." Man "I'm not a hero." Jack "Yeah, yeah, we saw it on TV. Hey lady, what's wrong with you? Just give this guy whatever he needs. Do you know what he did?" Man
- Ben says not long ago, he made a decision, took the lives of over 40 people in a single day, Jack's going to do that, Naomi is not who she says she is, representative of people trying to find the island, one of the bad guys, if he phones the boat, every person on the island will be killed, get phone and give it to Ben, Jack says no, gives Ben the walkie back.
- Ben tells Tom to kill Jin, Sayid and Bernard, if doesn't hear voice in 1 minutes, tells Jack to bring him the phone, Jack says they're going off the island, all of them, Ben asks what he wants to get back to, father's dead, wife left him, time is out and Jack hears gunshots, he beats the crap out of Ben, tells Tom he's leading his people to the radio tower, going to get them rescued, then he's going to come and kill him.
- "Let me ask you something, Jack. Why do you wanna leave the Island? What is it that you so desperately want to get back to? You have no-one. Your father's dead, your wife left you, moved on with another man. Can you just not wait to get back to the hospital? Get back to fixing things? It's twenty seconds now. Just get me the phone, Jack." Ben
- "I'm going to lead my people up to the radio tower. And I'm gonna make a call. And I'm gonna get 'em all rescued, every one of them. And then I'm gonna come find you, and I'm gonna kill ya." Jack
- Charlie is trying to get the code, tells Bonnie she has a chance to make Ben angry, she gives him the code, Good Vibrations, Beach Boys, keypad, numbers, notes, programmed by a musician, 5458775543776116.
- "You said it's my destiny to turn off that jammer. Okay, Bonnie, we're both gonna die down here. All right, let's be perfectly honest. A one-eyed maniac just killed your friend, he shot you in the back. It would appear that your glorious leader, Ben, put him up to it. Are you a sodding idiot? You have the opportunity to make Ben very very angry. Why would you not take that?" Charlie
- "Beach boys. Good vibrations. On the keypad, the numbers, they're notes. It was programmed by a musician." Bonnie
- Jack brings Ben back, says to tie him up, that he's going with them, Rousseau gets introduced to Alex by Ben, they tie Ben up together.
From Lostpedia - Jack tells Kate Ben radioed the beach, killed Jin, Bernard and Sayid, that he let it happen, she can't tell Sun and Rose, he promised Sayid to keep moving, wants Ben to see them get off the island, then he's going to kill him.
- "Because I want him to see it. I want him to experience the moment that we get off this Island, and I want him to know that he failed. And then I'll kill him." Jack
- Ryan says it was an order, Tom says they've should've killed them for real. Sayid, Jin and Bernard aren't dead, it was a bluff by Ben.
- Sawyer and Juliet get to the beach, Sawyer says 3 guys, 4 guns, they hear something, Hurley shows up with the Dharma van, drives onto the beach, runs over Ryan, Sayid karate's Jason's neck, Tom surrenders to Juliet, but Sawyer kills him anyway, says it's for taking the kid off the raft, that he didn't believe him.

From Lostpedia - Jack steals drugs from the hospital, checking the Arland charts, Dr. Hamill says he left 3 messages, Jack says his phone is broken, Mrs. Arland woke up, 2 hours ago, she's in recovery, in some pain, highly responsive to reflex test, lucid, described series of events that caused her accident, driving over a bridge, saw a man standing on the railing, about to jump, got distracted, lost control, ran into median and rolled over, was hit by a car form behind, asks Jack what he was doing on the bridge, Jack wants to know how long he's been at the hospital, what he's been through, says get his father, see if he's drunker than him.
- "Mrs. Arland, the woman you saved, woke up in recovery about two hours ago. She was in some pain but highly responsive to the reflex test and entirely lucid. But then she described the series of events that caused her accident. She says she was driving over the bridge when she saw man standing on top of the railing, about to jump off. She was distracted, lost control of her car. She ran into the median, rolled over and was hit by the van behind her. So the obvious question here, Jack, is how did you get to that flaming car so fast? What were you doing on that bridge?" Dr. Hamill
- "Do you know how many years I've worked at this hospital? Do you know anything about me? Do you have any idea what I've been through?" Jack "How much have you had to drink today, Jack?" Dr. Hamill "Okay, I'll tell you what, you do this. You get my father down here, get him down here right now, and if I'm drunker than he is, you can fire me. Don't you look at me like that. Don't you pity me." Jack
- Hurley calls the Others on the walkie, but Jack answers, Hurley says he went back to help, everyone's fine, Bernard, Jin and Sayid, Sawyer and Juliet, he saved them all, Claire asks about Charlie, Hurley says he's sure he's fine.
- Desmond is getting the diving gear, Charlie says he'll tap Good Vibrations out, Desmond says he's not having anymore flashes, Charlie figures out the code, punches it in, then the blinking light goes off.
- "So much for fate." Charlie
- There is an Incoming Transmission, a woman, tells her he's Charlie Pace, survivor of Oceanic Flight 815, on an island, alive, doesn't know his location.
- Penelope Widmore, she wants to know how he got the frequency, she hears Charlie call Desmond, says he's here with him, he's brilliant, asks if she's on a boat, 80 miles off shore, asks about Naomi, parachutist, Penelope doesn't know Naomi, she's not on a boat.
From Lostpedia - "Incoming transmission!" Charlie [He quickly presses it, and Penelope Widmore appears on the view-screen] "Hello?! Can you hear me?" Penny "Yes, yes I can hear you." Charlie "Who is this? Who am I speaking to? Penny "Charlie er... Charlie Pace, I'm a survivor of Flight eight-one-five, Oceanic Flight eight-one-five." Charlie "Er... where are you?" Penny "We're on an Island, we're alive." Charlie "An Island!! Well, where, what's your location?" Penny "I dunno. Who's this?" Charlie "This is Penelope. Penelope Widmore. How did you get this frequency?" Penny "Desmond? Desmond!" Charlie "Did you just say Desmond?" Penny "Yeah, he's here, he's with me." Charlie "Is he okay?" Penny "He's brilliant! Hey, are you on the boat?" Charlie "What, what boat?" Penny "Your boat, eighty miles off shore. Er... Naomi, parachutist." Charlie "But, I'm not on a boat, who, who's Naomi? Hello, hello is Desmond there? Desmond, can you hear me? Desmond? Can you hear me?" Penny "Penny!!! No...Charlie!!!" Desmond
- Desmond notices Mikhail is gone, Charlie sees him at the window in the communications room, with a grenade, Desmond hears Penny, Mikhail pulls the firing pin out of the grenade, there's an explosion, water starts rushing in, Charlie closes the door, the room is flooding, Desmond tries to get in, Charlie writes a note on his hand, NOT PENNY'S BOAT, puts his hand up to the window so that Desmond can see the message.

From Lostpedia - Water rushes in, Charlie does the sign of the cross, Charlie dies. Aaron cries.
- Naomi says Charlie just go them rescued, the jamming stopped, she tries to use the satellite phone, Rousseau's message is still on, but they're at the radio tower, iteration 145500445.
- Rousseau says the she recorded the message 16 years ago, 3 days before Alex was born, says they don't need it anymore, Rousseau turns it off.
From Lostpedia
- Naomi can't get a signal inside, outside Ben says stop making the call, it's the beginning of the end, but they're connected, Locke throws a knife in Naomi's back, has a gun, says he did what he had to, tells Jack not to make the call, he doesn't want to shoot him.
- Jack says Locke is done keeping them on the island, to kill him, Jack calls the freighter, Locke says he's not supposed to do this, Minkowski answers, says he's Jack Shephard, Naomi told them about their boat, about the search team, says he's one of the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815, Minkowski says he can get their location, they'll be right there.
- Jack is in his apartment, maps all over the place, he sits on the floor drinking alcohol, makes another phone call, says he needs to see the person at the Airport.
- Jack goes to the Airport, another car shows up, it's Kate, says she saw him on the news, still pulling people out of burning wreckage, Jack says it's old habits, she says he looks terrible, Kate wants to know why he called, he shows her the obituary, hoping she heard, maybe she'd go to the funeral, she wants to know why she'd go, Jack says he's been flying a lot, the Golden Pass they gave them, every Friday, flies from LA to Tokyo or Singapore, Sydney, gets off, has a drink, flies home, he wants it to crash, doesn't care about anyone else on board, turbulence, he prays to get back, sick of lying, says they made a mistake, Kate has to go, says he's going be wondering where she is, Jack says they were not supposed to leave, Kate says yes they were.
- "Saw you on the news. Still pulling people out of burning wreckage, huh?" Kate "Old habits." Jack
- "That golden pass that they gave us. I, I've been using it. Every Friday night I, I fly from LA to Tokyo or, Singapore, Sydney. And then I, I get off and I, have a drink, and then I fly home. Because I want it to crash, Kate. I don't care about anybody else on board. Every little bump we hit, or turbulence, I mean I, I actually close my eyes and I pray that I can get back. No, I'm sick of lying. We made a mistake. We were not supposed to leave." Jack
- "We have to go back, Kate. We have to go back!" Jack
Questions:- Who were the woman and boy that Jack saved in the car crash?
- Why were Bonnie and Greta in radio silence?
- Why is it too inappropriate to give Jack and ride home, Sarah, but not to show up at the hospital in the middle of the night when you're pregnant?
- Did Sarah get married to the guy she cheated on Jack with? Is he the baby's father?
- What would they be doing on assignment in Canada?
- Why was Ben jamming all the frequencies?
- What is The Temple? Where is it?
- Why has Richard lost faith in Ben?
- Were the Others really building a runway? What for?
- Why did Walt appear to Locke when he was in the ditch?
- When did Jack turn grunge?
- How could Danielle record the message at the radio tower 3 days before Alex was born? She hiked all the way there when she was about the have a baby? What is it with pregnant women and hiking on this show?
- Why did Jack have a prescription written by Christian Shephard?
- Why does Jack say to go get his father?
- Is Christian Shephard alive?
- How did Penny's frequency connect to The Looking Glass station? Was she broadcasting to them or were they broadcasting to her?
- Was Charlie the musician who programmed the code for the jamming equipment? If not, who was?
- Uh, how is Mikhail still alive?
- Why do they have to go back? Why weren't they supposed to leave?
Favorites: - "If I told you that I'd help you with your SOS sign, would you change your mind?" Rose "No, ma'am." Bernard "Then I want you to say it again." Rose "Rose..." Bernard "Say it, Bernard." Rose "I am a dentist. I am not Rambo." Bernard "And don't you forget it." Rose
- "What did you do for a living before you became Moses?" Naomi
- "I came in my invisible submarine. Don't you see it?" Charlie
- "Oh, yeah. Let's call Ben." Charlie
- "It's Charlie! Tell him I said hi!" Charlie
- "If you say live together, die alone to me, Jack, I'm gonna punch you in your face." Rose "Fair enough, Rose. Fair enough." Jack
- "I feel like standing.... stupid people...." Charlie "Who are you talking to?" Bonnie "I wasn't talking to anyone, I was just singing. [Sings] You all everybody! You all everybody! You all everybody! You all everybody!" Charlie
- "Don't do anything stupid." Jack "I won't if you won't." Juliet
- "You know when you get a tune stuck in your head? This song just started coming to me, it's almost finished. Just need to find the bridge." Charlie
- "Get the speargun!" Bonnie "What, why?" Greta "Because I want it to hurt." Bonnie
- "So, when you pulled us out of those polar bear cages and put us on the chain gang, what the hell you have us breaking all those rocks for anyway?" Sawyer "We were building a runway." Juliet "Runway, for what?" Sawyer "The aliens." Juliet "I don't know what for, do you think they told me everything?" Juliet "Yeah yeah, whatever you say. So you screwing Jack yet?" Sawyer "No. Are you?" Juliet
- "Because I love you." Jack
- "Hi, I'm Benjamin, I don't believe we've had the pleasure..." Ben "Don't talk to him!" Jack
- "And what's to stop me from snapping your neck?" Jack
- "Want to help me tie him up?" Rousseau, about Ben, to Alex, the first time they speak.
- Sayid's badass moment. Hurley's badass moment.
- "That's for taking the kid off the raft." Sawyer "Dude, it was over, he surrendered." Hurley "I didn't believe him." Sawyer
- Jack knocking things over when he's all drugged up.
- "Attention, Others. Come in, Others. If you're listening in, I want you to know that we got you bastards. And, unless the rest of you wanna be blown up, you best stay away from our beach..." Hurley
- The scene with Penny and Charlie's death.
- The flash forward, of course.
Notes:- There is a theory that the people who Jack saved in the car crash were Rachel and Julian, Juliet's sister and nephew. I think that would be awesome.
- Rose has the best lines in this finale.
- Ben's notes in his journal, written by Michael Emerson.
From Lostpedia - Apparently Isabel, "The Sheriff," died in this episode.
- I hate Ryan. "I got your man?" Shut up!
- Bernard, you could've at least not told them the complete truth. Sayid told you to shut up!
- Jack, you love Kate, really? That was just about the worst "I love you" I've ever heard.
- Again, Jack, out of nowhere there's a secret cash of guns that Juliet knows about, why don't you question this? Couldn't you have used those guns when Jin was using a pistol to shoot dynamite, when the Others were coming to kill all of you?
- Poor Hurley, but so glad you had a badass moment, dude.
- HOFFS/DRAWLAR is an anagram for FLASH FORWARD.
- Reminder, don't mess with Sayid even if he is tied up and on his knees.
- Tom, Mr. Friendly/Zeke dies, a monumental character from Season 1, the first Other we ever saw, "Only the thing is, we're gonna have to take the boy," In Exodus, Part 2.
- For the record, I started to figure out this was a flash forward during the opening scene. Don't ask me why or how, but that was my first thought when I saw Jack.
- Also, when I saw that this was a Jack-centric episode, I seriously considered not watching anymore. I was so frustrated with Jack at that point, I figured either it had to be the best Jack episode ever, or that was it for me. I seriously didn't want to see another episode about how Jack went to Phuket to get Chinese tattoos from Bei Ling. Yeah, I really didn't want to watch another Stranger In A Strange Land, but, turns out it was the best Jack episode, and almost made me cry with happiness when I thought Jack would jump off a bridge or overdose from drugs and alcohol.
- While Charlie dying was sad, I thought it was done extremely well, and is probably the best death on television, ever. He died a hero, and I'll admit, it makes me cry every damn time.
- I have so much respect for the writers of LOST for producing such a game-changer in the show. I admire them so much for the guts they have to do almost anything and pull it off.
- Kate is fine as hell in the future.
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