07 January 2009

3.21 Greatest Hits

  1. Karl, running through the jungle, gets to the shore, takes a canoe, going somewhere.
  2. Jack taking everyone somewhere, Desmond has a flash, tells Charlie he didn't, Jack says that Juliet told him everything, Danielle blows up a tree, Jack found help, for the past 3 days, Rousseau has been getting dynamite from the Black Rock, they know what they want, when coming to get it, and they have no idea, they'll be waiting for them, Juliet will mark the tents, no one will be inside, dynamite. From Lostpedia
  3. "When Juliet told me they were coming, the first thing I thought was, "Where the hell are we gonna hide this time?" But hiding's pointless. They're just gonna keep coming back. So I went out and I found some help. And for the past few days she's been bringing dynamite back from the Black Rock. For the very first time we know exactly what they want, when they're coming to get it, and they have no idea that we're gonna be waiting for 'em. So Juliet's gonna mark the tents with the white rocks just like she was told to, but there's not going to be any pregnant women inside; there's gonna be plenty of what we just used on that tree. So tomorrow night we stop hiding, we stop running, we stop living in fear of them, because when they show up, we're gonna blow 'em all to hell." Jack
  4. Drive Shaft, pulled over the on side of the road, blown tire, shitty gig, Charlie wants to quit the band because they're not making any money, but Liam says they're building their fan base, right then they hear their song on the radio, You All Everybody, they're excited. From Lostpedia
  5. #5 The first time I heard myself on the radio.
  6. Naomi asks Charlie who they're going to war with, she's from Manchester too, Charlie says his band got their start at the Night and Day Bar, Oldham Street, Drive Shaft, she says she knows him from the crash, he's the dead rockstar, they made big deal when they found the plane, had a memorial service, a new album, Greatest Hits.
  7. "Hey, look on the bright side. You're not really dead, right?" Naomi "Yeah, right." Charlie
  8. Jack and Juliet handling the dynamite, Rousseau handling the wiring, says they need more to trigger it from a safe distance, Jack says he can get people to strip the plane wreckage, Rousseau says they can be ready by tomorrow night.
  9. Sayid wants to talk to Jack about the satellite phone, trying to get off the island, says the satellite phone can't transmit, Rousseau's distress signal overriding the frequency, wants to go to the radio tower, switch off the message, call for help, Naomi's boat 18 miles off shore, Juliet says no, Ben using a DHARMA station to block all the signals off the island, The Looking Glass, an underwater hatch, but Juliet says she had no idea where it is, but Sayid he knows where it is.
  10. Claire wonders if they're coming for Aaron again, Charlie says he will protect her, Desmond asks to have a word with Charlie.
  11. Desmond tells Charlie he saw Claire and the baby getting into a helicopter that lifts off, leaves the island, if Charlie doesn't die, none of it will happen.
  12. "What I saw, Charlie, was Claire and her baby getting into a helicopter. A helicopter that lifts off--leaves this Island." Desmond
  13. "We're getting bloody rescued! I thought you were gonna tell me I was gonna die again!" Charlie "You are, Charlie." Desmond "Wait, what?" Charlie "If you don't, none of it will happen. There won't be any rescue. I'm sorry, brother, but this time--this time you have to die." Desmond
  14. Charlie's dad is teaching him to swim, says there's nothing to be afraid of, to jump in, that he'll catch him, Charlie jumps in, but his father doesn't catch him.
  15. #4 Dad teaching me to swim at Butlin's. From Lostpedia
  16. Charlie wants to know how it happens, Desmond says he's inside a hatch, room full of equipment, blinking yellow light above a switch, flip switch, light goes off, then he drowns.
  17. Sayid map, The Looking Glass, underwater DHARMA station, Juliet says she's never been down there, doesn't know anyone who has, there was some accident, Ben said the station was completely flooded, Jack asks if it's flooded, then how it still works, Sayid says how is irrelevant, how they got it to stop working, diagram shows The Looking Glass connection to the island by a cable, wire from the beach, they swim in, through the moon pool, room with an open floor at base of the satin, for sub to dock, find relay switch, and disable, Jack asks about swimming back out, it's a suicide mission, Jack says no, Sayid says they have to do it or they'll never leave the island, Charlie says he'll go, he was Junior swim Champion in Northern England, can hold his breath for 4 minutes, Jack says no. From Lostpedia
  18. "How it still works is irrelevant. The question is, how do we get it to stop working, so we can use the satellite phone. The diagram shows that The Looking Glass is connected to the Island by a cable. I feel sure that this is the very same cable down the beach which runs into the ocean. So if we follow the cable, it should lead us to the station. We swim in. There's a moon pool. A room with an open floor at the base if the station, big enough for a submarine to dock. Even if the station's flooded, I think I'll be able to find the relay switch and disable it." Sayid
  19. "No. And there's no reason to do this now, we're going to focus on the Others, and then we'll deal with this." Jack "Wait a minute. We have the chance to signal for a rescue." Sayid "Look, for ninety days I've been asked to make decisions for this entire camp. There you go. I just made one." Jack
  20. Everyone is gathering the plane wrecking, working the wiring for the dynamite.
  21. Jin asks Sun about what Juliet said, heard her name on the tape, Sun tells him about the baby, went to a medical station, the baby is okay, very healthy.
  22. Karl arrives to the beach, Sayid tackles him, Sawyer says it's okay, Karl tells them they're coming, they say they know already, but Karl says they're coming RIGHT NOW. From Lostpedia
  23. 6 hours ago--Ben back to camp, no Locke, Alex is gutting a rabbit, he gives Alex her gun back, tells Ryan that Jacob wants it to happen now, tells Richard John had accident, can bring his 10 best, Ryan says, by night fall, Richard says what if Juliet isn't ready, Ben says then they'll take all the women, if the men get in the way, kill them.
  24. Alex tells Karl to go warn them, gives him the gun, Austen and Ford saved his life, asks Karl if Ben is her father.
  25. Jack says everything has to happen at once, the wiring isn't ready yet, Sayid says shoot the dynamite, 3 tents and 3 guns, Karl gives them his gun, Rousseau too, but Jack says she's not staying, she has to lead everyone to the radio tower, contact Naomi's boat, everything has to happen at the same time, asks Charlie if he's up for a swim, Desmond goes with.
  26. Charlie in bed with two birds, it's Christmas, Liam shows up, they're in Helsinki, Finland, gives him the DS ring, mom gave it to him, her father's, his before, family heirloom, named band after Dexter Stratton, Liam says Charlie will marry, have a family, a baby, the ring has to stay in the family, pass it on, Charlie says he'll hold on to it.
  27. #3 The Christmas Liam gave me the ring. From Lostpedia
  28. Charlie tells Claire he didn't want her to worry, he'll be fine, while he's gone, don't worry about him, he takes Aaron, tells him to take care of his mum, he loves him, kisses Claire.
  29. "It's what needs to be done to get us all rescued. I'll be fine, Claire. Now you've gotta promise me something. While I'm gone, don't worry about me." Charlie From Lostpedia
  30. Charlie playing Wonderwall on the street, he walks by an alley, hears a woman in distress, saves Nadia from a mugger, says his last fight, he was 8 years old, and he lost, she says that he's a hero, 3 people walked by and didn't help her.
  31. "Three people walked by the alley. They saw me, but they just kept on going. You are a hero, sir. And don't let anyone ever tell you differently." Nadia From Lostpedia
  32. #2 Woman outside Covent Garden calls me a hero.
  33. Desmond and Charlie getting ready to go, Desmond makes a weight belt, asks Charlie how long he can really hold his breath.
  34. Bernard practices shooting, Rose is worried, she wants to stay, Jack says no.
  35. Jack says to get going, Rousseau said days to walk to radio tower, Sayid says he's not going, Jack is, be the leader, he can execute the plan.
  36. "What are you more concerned about, killing the Others, or getting our people off this Island? This afternoon you said you were our leader. It's time for you to act like one. Lead them to the radio tower, Jack. And then take us all home." Sayid
  37. Hurley wants to go with Charlie and Desmond, Charlie says he's too big, won't fit in the boat, he'll catch up with him later, remember he loves him. From Lostpedia
  38. They're ready to leave, the tents are marked, Jin is the 3rd shooter, Hurley helps with Claire and Aaron.
  39. "So here we go again, huh?" Kate "Here we go again." Jack
  40. Charlie left the DS ring for Aaron. From Lostpedia
  41. Charlie and Desmond find the wire on the beach, start paddling to the station.
  42. First night of the crash, Charlie meets Claire for the first time, gives her a blanket, tells her it will be okay, they're alive on a beautiful island, they can sleep under the stars, then the helicopters will come and take them home.
  43. "We're alive, we're on a beautiful Island. We'll sleep under the stars, and before you know it the helicopters will come and take us home." Charlie
  44. #1 The night I met you.
  45. Charlie and Desmond arrive at The Looking Glass, Charlie tells Desmond to give Claire his Greatest Hits, Desmond says he'll go, that maybe he keeps seeing Charlie die because he's supposed to take his place, Charlie asks what about his girl, but Desmond says what about his, that he might be luckier, to keep his memories to himself, but Charlie knocks Desmond out, puts Greatest Hits in his pocket, not supposed to take his place.
  46. "I want you to give this to Claire for me." Charlie "What is it?" Desmond "It's the five best moments of my sorry excuse for a life. My greatest hits. You know, memories. They're all I've got." Charlie
  47. "You don't have to do this Charlie. Maybe I keep seeing you die because I'm supposed to take your place." Desmond
  48. "What about your girl, Penny?" Charlie "What about your girl? Besides, I might be luckier than you. Keep your memories to yourself. I'll take it from here." Desmond
  49. "You and I both know you're not supposed to take my place, brother." Charlie
  50. Charlie swims down to the station, goes through the moon pool, but it's not flooded, he survives, two women are in the station, they come out with guns. From Lostpedia
  51. "I'm alive. AH! I'm alive!!!!" Charlie
  1. Did Desmond really see Claire and Aaron getting into a helicopter?
  2. Will Claire and Aaron get in a helicopter and lift off the island?
  3. Why did Charlie say that he couldn't swim?
  4. If Desmond hadn't told Charlie how he dies and why, would it have still happened?
  5. Did Charlie learn how to swim in the past in order to save Claire in the future?
  6. Will Claire ever get Charlie's Greatest hits?
  7. Will Aaron get the DS ring?
  1. "Anyone want to venture a guess as to what Jack's going to be showing us out here in the middle of nowhere?" Charlie "I dunno. Stuff. Probably secret stuff." Hurley "Why does everything have to be such a secret? How about some openness for a change?" Charlie "We kept the parachute lady secret." Hurley "Ah, that's different." Charlie "Different how?" Claire "Well, because we weren't out there playing football with them..." Charlie
  2. "Oh, bloody hell!! Why are we even doing this?!" Charlie "Chin up, mate. We're headlining." Liam "Headlining? We're playing Clitheroe--the arse-end of nowhere." Charlie
  3. "We're on the bloody radio!" Charlie "I told you, baby brother, we're gonna be bloody rock stars!" Liam
  4. "Who are you people about to go to war with?" Naomi "Now that's a long story. Wanna ask me something else?" Charlie "You having a laugh?" Naomi "No, of course not. I'd never disrespect a fellow Mancunian." Charlie
  5. "If you're angry, I doubt that you'll be happy to make a sincere apology later." Sayid
  6. "You're swimming, Charlie, you're swimming!" Mr. Pace
  7. "I'll do it. Swim down, turn off that bloody switch, swim back up. Piece of cake." Charlie "Charlie, you don't even know what we're talking about." Jack "I was Junior Swim Champion in Northern England. I can hold my breath for four minutes. I know exactly what you're talking about, Jack." Charlie
  8. "Rose, that's a sailor's hitch. It's not gonna hold. You wanna do a sheet bend like mine." Bernard "Oh, so now you're knot expert?" Rose "Well trust me its, er..." Bernard [Rose pulls his knot apart easily, then makes her own perfect sheet bend knot very quickly and pulls it taut to demonstrate its strength] "How did you do that?" Bernard "Watch and learn, dear. Watch and learn." Rose
  9. Karl running toward them on the beach, Sayid sacking him like what.
  10. "Get off him, dammit, its okay." Sawyer "What?!!! He's one of them!" Sayid "I know, I know, its okay. He was in the cage next to me. I know this guy. What the hell are you doing here, Karl?" Sawyer
  11. "I thought you were bringing rabbit." Karl
  12. "She's a spy. She's supposed to mark the tents of the pregnant women with white rocks so they can take them." Karl "They know, Karl, but thanks." Juliet
  13. "Radio tower?!" Claire
  14. "Ho ho ho! It's here, baby brother. Christmas is here. Oi, are these the birds from row two? Well done, mate. Well, as you have spent another year as the only drug-free rock star in the world, I'm gonna share a little known fact with you. Father Christmas lives just down the street from here." Liam
  15. "Hey! All right, turnip head, now you take care of your Mum while I'm away, okay? [Pauses] I love you." Charlie
  16. "Pardon me while I have a heart attack. The last time I was in a fight I was eight years old. [Laughs] And I lost." Charlie
  17. "So how long can you really hold your breath for?" Desmond "Does it matter?" Charlie
  18. "Bernard, this is not pheasant hunting in Montgomery County." Rose "I know what I'm doing." Bernard "No, you don't. Pheasants don't shoot back." Rose
  19. "Everyone's gathering down at the south end of the beach. No one's staying behind but the shooters." Jack "Says who? You wanna give me your word that nothing's going to happen to my husband, then I go." Rose "I'll give you my word that if we don't kill everyone that shows up here in about an hour, it's not gonna matter where Bernard is." Jack "I like you better since you got back, Jack. You're almost an optimist. [To Bernard] Come on. If you're gonna be hiding in the bushes, let's get ya into something dark." Rose
  20. "Dudes, wait! I heard. I heard what you're doing. I wanna come with. Everyone--they're all going to the radio tower--and I'm sick of trekking and, you know, explosions. I think I can help you guys out. I'm a really good paddler." Hurley
  21. "Because...you're too big! You won't fit in the boat." Charlie "That's uncool, man." Hurley [Hurley begins to go] "Wait, wait, wait!" Charlie [Charlie hugs him] "Dude, it's fine. I don't even wanna go on your stupid boat." Hurley "Catch up with you later. Just remember I love you, man." Charlie "Yeah, whatever, love you too." Hurley
  22. "So, first plane crash?" Charlie "[Sarcastically] What gave it away?" Claire "Ah, you can always spot the newbies. We're gonna be okay, you know." Charlie
  1. Uh, Jack, probably not a good idea to blow a tree up just to make a point, and doing so probably isn't the most intelligent thing to do, considering the Others might hear you, plus you're wasting dynamite, Jackass.
  2. When Charlie's father is teaching him how to swim, you can hear someone in the background clearly say, "Desmond, come on!"
  3. In White Rabbit, Charlie exclaimed, "I don't swim! I don't swim!"
  4. I love this episode, the acting, the music, the direction, everything about it, so glad Charlie's character was vindicated and I started to like him again.
  5. The shot of the shoe is the saddest thing ever.
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