- Juliet is waiting, Harper Stanhope comes in, says that today is just a meet and greet so they can get to know eachother, she's a therapist, Juliet has been there 1 week, says she doesn't like being treated like a celebrity, Harper says she's no different from anyone else there, Tom comes in, says that Ben wants to see Juliet.
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- Ben gives Juliet a house, says she's there helping them with very important research, gives her all the opera classics on CD, so she feels at home.
- Charlotte and Daniel have disappeared, Jack is looking for them, he says all their stuff is gone, he doesn't have the satellite phone, Sun says that Jin saw them going into the jungle, that Jack said they were friends, but Jack is worried, they go after them.
- Juliet hears the whispers, turns and sees Harper in the jungle.
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- Harper says she came to deliver a message from Ben, that Charlotte and Daniel are heading to The Tempest, to deploy the gas, and everyone will die, Harper says that Ben wants her to go, Juliet asks how Ben could know this when he's a prisoner, but Harper says that he's exactly where he wants to be, that she needs to stop them.
- "I came to deliver a message from Ben. The two people you're looking for--Faraday and Lewis. They're headed to The Tempest, and if they figure out how to deploy that gas, then everyone on this island is going to die." Harper
- "Ben is exactly where he wants to be." Harper
- Jack shows up, Harper says that she's an old friend of Juliet's, that he needs to help her.
- They hear the whispers again, Harper disappears.
- Juliet is crying in a medical supply room, Goodwin comes in, says he was at the power station, his arm pressed against a transformer, Juliet takes a look at him, Goodwin says they lost Henrietta, she died this morning, that's it's not her fault, Juliet says that pregnant women keep dying on the island, that she was brought there to help fix that, but Goodwin says no one expects Juliet to fix the problem overnight.
- He suggests she talk to Harper, but Juliet says that Harper hates her, that she gets the feeling she's a mean, spiteful person, Goodwin tells Juliet that Harper is his wife, he says that if she needs to talk, he's around, Juliet asks him not to tell her what she said and she won't tell anyone that he lied about how he hurt his arm, that's it's a chemical burn.
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- Juliet tells Jack they're heading to The Tempest, that it's safer for him if she doesn't talk about it, but Jack insists, Juliet says that it's an electrical station that powers the island, that she wants Jack to help her, if they move all night, they can catch them.
- Charlotte and Daniel stop to look at a map, Daniel wonders what happens if he can't do it.
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- Kate shows up, tells them that Locke has Miles, but that he's fine, Charlotte says the satellite phone is dead, that they're going to get batteries from the packs they threw out of the chopper, but Kate spots the bag they're carrying, wants to look inside it, she finds gas masks, Charlotte knocks Kate out.
- Juliet tells Jack about Harper, that she's a therapist, Jack wants to know more.
- Juliet looks into a microscope, she tells Ben that in the 2nd trimester, the mother's immune system is triggered, the white blood cell count plummets, the immune system turns on the fetus, Ben looks at the microscope, Goodwin shows up for lunch, makes an excuse that he just had an extra sandwich, but Juliet has an appointment with Harper.
- Harper asks Juliet what she thinks of Ben, she says he's great, smart, intense, challenging, he's been good to her, Harper says of course he has, she looks just like her, that she's close to Goodwin, her husband, asks her when they started sleeping together, that she followed them, watched them, that if she continues their relationship, there will be consequences, that Ben will hurt him.
- Claire asks Locke, who's killing and skinning a rabbit, about Miles, says she wants to talk to him, find out who they are, why they're not rescuing them, says that he killed one, Ben shot one, and now they're holding one prisoner, that it's not hard to understand why they think they're hostile, Locke says remember what Charlie said about them, Claire says that Charlie said whose boat it isn't, not whose boat it is.
- Locke brings Ben some rabbit, who is reading Valis, Ben says Locke's the leader, now, people start questioning, they're going to get angry, says that he always has a plan, Locke asks if it involves him raising $3.2 million, Ben says they have shared interests, a common enemy, not the people on the freighter, but the one they work for, says to let him out, and he'll tell him everything, Locke says he doesn't trust him, Ben says he'll show him.
From Lostpedia
- "So has the revolution begun yet? Or..." Ben (The door creaks shut, but Locke peeks back in, interested.) "What are you talking about?" Locke "Well, you're the leader now. I know it's a tough position. You have to deal with all those people constantly second-guessing your decisions, and it always starts out so innocently, doesn't it? A question here, a comment there, and then if you're not careful, you find you have a full-blown insurrection on your hands. Believe me, your people are gonna be so angry when they realize you still don't have a plan." Ben "And I assume you have a plan." Locke "I always have a plan." Ben
- "I can help you, John. We have shared interests, or at least a common enemy." Ben "And that would be our friends on the freighter." Locke "Not them. The one they work for. Let me out of here. Give me some semblance of freedom, let me sleep in a bed and eat with utensils, and I give you my word I'll tell you everything you wanna know about the person who sent the freighter." Ben "Yeah, but see, there's the problem. I don't trust your word." Locke "All right, then. I guess I'll have to show you." Ben
- Juliet with Goodwin, having a picnic on the beach, wine, Goodwin says he swiped it off the sub, he says he doesn't want to be private, but Juliet says no, that Ben wouldn't like it, Goodwin says that he has a crush on her, says he's working a kilometer away, with chemicals, could kill everyone if he flips a switch, Ben doesn't care.
- We see the Oceanic 815 crash, Ben sends Goodwin.
- Jack and Juliet find Kate, Juliet says she's going to get water, Kate says she was going to the beach, that she ran into them, Jack says they're headed to power station, Kate says they had gas masks, Juliet disappears.
- Locke lets Ben out, wonders how he knows that Ben won't take off, but Ben says his people don't want him, they would've came for him already.
- Ben says to look behind a picture frame, Ben gives him the combination to the safe, 36-15-28, the Red Sox tape is inside, Ben says he taped over it, Locke puts the video on.
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- Charles Widmore, Ben says it's the man whose boat is parked off shore, he gets out of a limo, Ben says he's trying to find the island, there is a man in a blindfold, Ben says it's one of his people who got caught, says he doesn't know how Widmore knows about the island, Locke asks what he wants, Ben says that 3 months ago, in Gainesville, Florida, a Virgin Mary appeared in a patch of mold on the side of an old housing complex, when word got out, 5,000 people came to see it, that Locke survived an airline crash on the island, that now he can do jumping jacks, asks how many would come to see him, that Charles Widmore wants to exploit the island, that he'll do anything to possess it, in the video, Widmore beats the man he's captured, discovers the person video taping him, and the video cuts out.
- "This is Charles Widmore. This is the man whose boat is parked offshore. This is the man that's been trying to find the Island." Ben (On the TV screen, a henchman removes a blindfolded man from the limousine trunk and walks him to the first man.) "Who's the man in the blindfold?" Locke "One of my people that had the misfortune to get caught." Ben "How does Widmore know about the Island?" Locke "I don't know, but he does." Ben "What does he want?" Locke "John, three months ago, in Gainesville, Florida, the Virgin Mary seemed to appear in a patch of mold on the side of an old housing complex. When the word got out, over 5,000 people came to see her face for themselves. You've survived an airline crash on this island. One minute, you're in a wheelchair. The next minute, you're doing jumping jacks. If 5,000 people came out to see a piece of mold, how many people do you think would come here to see you? Charles Widmore wants to exploit this island, and he'll do everything in his power to possess it." Ben (On the tape, Widmore beats the blindfolded man with his fists. When he finishes, he looks up, apparently noticing the handy-work of the concealed cameraman. With a static hissing, the picture turns to snow noise. Ben gets up and goes back to the safe, removing a file folder, filled thick with papers.)
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- Ben gives Locke a file on Widmore, says that some of it is vague, some is guess work, some is concrete, says he didn't tell him sooner because it's a bargaining chip, Locke wants to know who the man on the boat is, Ben tells him to sit down for that one.
- "Everything I know about Charles Widmore is in this file. Some of it's vague, some of it's guesswork, some of it's concrete. But this is everything, and now it's all yours. I'm sorry I didn't tell you all this sooner. But it was the only bargaining chip I had left." Ben "There's one more thing I need to know. Your man on the boat...I want you to tell me who it is." Locke "All right. But you might want to sit down." Ben
- Kate and Jack track Juliet, Jack wants to know why she stayed, Kate says to find out if they knew about her, if she's a fugitive, she says that they do.
- Juliet arrives at The Tempest, she goes inside.
From Lostpedia
- Juliet goes to Ben's for dinner, talks about Zack and Emma, says they're asking about their mother, Ben says they were on the list, Juliet says that Goodwin has been with the tail section 3 weeks, Ben says that he keeps making a case for Ana Lucia, that his assignment will be over soon, not to worry.
- Juliet enters The Tempest, alarms are going off and red lights are flashing, an automated voice speaks over the loud speaker, Daniel is working at the computer inside, wearing a hazmat suit, a gas mask, Juliet approaches him.
- "Warning. Computer switching to manual operation. This attempt is unauthorized. Warning--manual entry override denied. Warning--manual entry override denied. Repeated attempts to access storage tanks will result in contamination." Automated voice
- Juliet tells Daniel to stop, but Daniel says he has to render it inert, Charlotte attacks Juliet, while Daniel continues to work on the computer, Charlotte says they're trying to disable it, Ben has used it before, but Daniel is successful, it works.
- "We're trying to disable it before he can use it against us! Juliet, look me in the eye and tell me you are certain that Benjamin Linus wouldn't use this gas to kill everyone on this island! We know he's used it before. If you want to stop us, you're going to have to shoot us both." Charlotte
- Juliet reads Shephard's file, Mikhail dropped it off, Juliet says he's a spinal surgeon, that he can help, she's surprised Ben isn't excited, he tells her to come with him.
- Ben takes Juliet for a walk, shows her Goodwin's body, Juliet asks why he took her there, she says he knew it would happen, Ben says that she's his.
From Lostpedia
- "We don't know. There weren't any witnesses. I can only assume they found out he wasn't one of them. Guess I should've listened to you." Ben
- "You knew this would happen. You sent him out here because you knew this would happen. (Cries) You wanted this! You wanted him to die! Why? Juliet "Why? You're asking me why? After everything I did to get you here, after everything I've done to keep you here, how can you possibly not understand...that you're mine? (Ben looks down, surprised at himself.) Take as much time as you need. (He storms off.)" Ben
- Kate and Jack show up at The Temple, Charlotte says they saved their lives, but Kate doesn't believe her, so Charlotte agrees to take her inside and explain.
- Juliet says that Ben said to kill both of them, she tells Jack that she doesn't know how Ben got to her, but he knew who they were and where they were going, that they came to the island to wage war on Ben, and Ben is going to win.
- Juliet tells Jack that he doesn't want to be near her, that Ben thinks she's his, and he knows how she feels about Jack, but Jack kisses her anyway, says he knows where to find him.
- Hurley and Sawyer play horseshoes, Locke lets Ben out.
- Why does Harper appear to Juliet? Is she alive?
- How did she get a message from Ben to deliver to Juliet?
- Why is Ben exactly where he wants to be?
- Why can Jack see Harper?
- What did Goodwin get a chemical burn from?
- Where did Charlotte and Daniel get so much information about the island from?
- How do they know about The Tempest station?
- Who does Harper think Juliet looks like? His mother or Annie?
- Who is the man that Charles Widmore captured? Who is filming?
- Why does Ben claim to not know how Widmore knows about the island or who he really is?
- Did Ben use The Tempest for the purge?
- "That Harper's a piece of work. (Chuckles) But you give her a week, she'll have you cryin' about your daddy. I'm speaking from personal experience here." Tom
- "I'm only gonna be here for six months." Juliet "Right, of course." Ben
- Ben checking Juliet out. She's his, dammit.
From Lostpedia
- "So... if you threw your pack from the chopper, what's that?" Kate (Kate indicates Dan's bag.) "This? Uh... it's...I just borrowed this." Daniel
- "You people had therapists?" Jack "It's very stressful being an Other, Jack." Juliet "Seemed kinda hostile, even for a therapist." Jack
- "And I see you and my husband have become friendly." Harper "Yeah. He's great. He's been really helpful." Juliet
- "Rabbit today?" Ben "Running out of chickens." Locke "This didn't have a number on it, did it?" Ben "What?" Ben
- "Does it involve you raising $3.2 million? Phew. That's a lot of money. Wait. (Locke removes a dollar bill from his pocket, uncrumples it, and hands it to Ben.) Maybe this'll get you started." Locke
- "That's what this is about? You're worried about Ben? Why? Because he has a crush on you?" Goodwin "You know?" Juliet "Come on. Everyone knows. He follows you around like a puppy." Goodwin
- "What's Ben gonna do?" Goodwin
- "Red Sox?" Locke "I taped over the game." Ben
- Ben opening the door for Juliet and running like a mixture of a little girl and a geekily excited teenage boy to the oven.
- "Hi. Come on in. Sorry. I have to get this ham out of the oven, or it'll dry out." Ben
- "I hope you like dinner rolls." Juliet "I do indeed." Ben
- "Why are you showing me this? Why did you bring me out here?" Juliet "What, you mean instead of his wife?" Ben
- "What the hell are you doing out?" Sawyer "See you guys at dinner." Ben
- The whispers, from DarkUFO: "He can die. You never know. This is Lapidus? I told you. There is no way to stop them. I know."
- One of Harper's diplomas in her office has a Hanso Foundation logo on it.
- I'm not really a big fan of this episode, but I really like the Locke and Ben scenes.
- Alright there, Kate. You're officially no longer Super Kate for getting bopped over the head with a gun.
- Jack is so annoying in this episode.
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