- Locke is in a dark room, reading a file, throws it in the fire, he has kidnapped someone, there's banging and muffled screaming, Locke tells them to save their breath, that no one will hear them.
- 8 days ago--Anthony Cooper in the room when they open the door, Locke wants to know why they brought him there, Ben says Locke brought him there, Locke approaches him and Cooper bites him, Tom tasers him, Cooper asks Locke if he knows where he is, Ben says they're leaving first thing in the morning, going to an old place, Locke say he'll go with, Ben says they're holding Kate, that he should say goodbye to her.
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- "We're going to a new place. Well an old place, actually. Would you like to come with us?" Ben "Yes." Locke "Good. We're holding Kate a few buildings over from here, maybe you'd like to say goodbye." Ben
- Kate is in Sawyer's tent, says she's going back to her tent, Sawyer's going to pee, he sees Hurley and Jin rustling outside a tent, asks what they're doing, he goes to pee, hears something and pulls his gun, Locke returns, says that he's looking for him, says he infiltrated the Others, kidnapped Ben, tied him up, dragged him into the jungle, wants Sawyer to kill him, Locke says he's a not a murderer, that Sawyer killed a man in Sydney, they have files on all of them, Sawyer reluctantly goes with him.
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- "I'm not a murderer." Locke "Neither am I!" Sawyer "Except for the man you killed in Sydney. They got files on us, James. All of us." Locke
- 3 days ago--Locke helps Cindy with her tent, people are watching him, Emma and Zack, she says that they're excited he's there, they've been waiting for him, Tom says Ben's asking for him, Ben is listening to Juliet's tape recording, tell him she's gathering information, determining if they're pregnant, going to go in and take them, Ben says no one will get hurt, he says a week ago, he couldn't move his toes, has Locke to thank for it, Ben says he's not ready to know what the island can do yet.
From Lostpedia
- "A week ago I couldn't move my toes. But the minute you showed up, I started to feel pins and needles. And this is only the beginning, John. I can't wait to show you what this Island can do. But unfortunately, you're not ready, John." Ben "Well er, no, I'm ready." Locke "No, John, you're not. You're still crippled by the memories of the man you used to be before you came to this Island. And you'll never be free, until you release the hold that your father has over you. Why do you think you brought him here?" Ben "Oh oh oh, the, magic box, okay Ben, how about you show me..." Locke "The magic box is a metaphor, John. I can't show you anything until you can show me that you're ready and willing to be one of us. When people join us here on this Island, they need to make a gesture of free will, of commitment. That's why you're going to have to kill your father." Ben
- Charlie is stocking up on food to bring to Naomi, Jack asks where they went, he tells Jack they were exploring the beach, male bonding.
- Charlie says they should tell Jack, Hurley says he should check at her wound, but Desmond says Jack was with them for 10 days, that they have to keep the parachutist safe, to bring someone in that they cant trust.
- "Aye, Juliet. Two weeks ago she had your friends in cages. Naomi, I mean you heard everything that she said. If we keep her safe, she's our way off this Island. So given that, do you trust Jack? Or don't you?" Desmond
- Sawyer wants to know what's in his file, Locke says his parents died when he was young, but it didn't say why his father shot his mother, or why he turned the gun on himself, his transcripts, criminal record, con jobs he was arrested for, why he uses an alias, bringing him to kill Ben, won't do it himself because he can't, Sawyer says no, they bring him back, Locke says he'll change his mind when he hears what he has to say.
- "The file they got on me." Sawyer "Not much. That your parents died when you were very young. But it doesn't say why, your father, shot your mother, or why he turned the gun on himself. That must have been hard for you." Locke "What else?" Sawyer "High school transcripts. Er, criminal record. All the con jobs you were arrested for. I guess that's why you use an alias huh? Why did you choose the name Sawyer..." Locke [Sawyer hits Locke over the head with his gun, knocking him to the ground. He grabs Locke's knife and puts it to his throat] "How stupid do you think I am, huh? I already been conned by Ben once. Maybe you heard about it, bunny with a number painted on it? Think I'm just gonna follow you through the jungle..." Sawyer "James, please, you have to, you have to trust me..." Locke "Where are you taking me? Tell me the truth. What do you want from me?" Sawyer "I'm bringing you there to do exactly what I said. I need you to kill Ben." Locke "Why did you come back to get me?" Sawyer "I had to." Locke "Why me! Why won't you do it yourself?" Sawyer "James, please!" Locke "Don't call me James! Why won't you do it yourself!" Sawyer "Because I can't! I can't!!! I can't do it! That's why I came back for you." Locke "I'll go to wherever you got him, but then we're bringing him back to our camp. I ain't killing nobody, you understand me?" Sawyer "Yeah. I understand. But you'll change your mind. When you hear what he has to say. You'll change your mind." Locke
- Hurley gets Sayid, interrupts him digging an anonymous hole, Charlie says they haven't told Jack, Sayid questions the parachutist, she says her name is Naomi Dorrit, took off from a ship, a freighter 80 nautical miles West, she was part of a search and recovery team, Flight 815, entire plane found off the coast of Bali, in an ocean trench 4 miles deep, they sent down cameras, all the bodies where there, she's looking for Desmond, company hired by Penelope Widmore, doesn't know why, she never met her, was given a set of coordinates, did a GPS grid search, didn't know about the island, was given coordinates in the middle of the ocean, 3 days ago, she was flying back, and the clouds cleared, she saw land, instruments started spinning, she grabbed her shoot and bailed, Sayid questions her, if they actually saw her helicopter, if she has a was of communicating with her ship off the shore, she shows him the satellite phone.
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- "What was your name? Sayid?" Naomi "Yes." Sayid "Remind me not to rescue you, Sayid." Naomi
- Sawyer asks about what Ben has to say, tells Locke the guy in Sydney was a mistake.
- "Look, what you read in that file, about the guy in Sydney. I thought he was someone else, I made a mistake I didn't mean to kill him." Sawyer
- 3 days ago--Ben wakes Locke, brings him out in front of everyone, tells him it's time to kill Anthony Cooper, Locke is hesitant, Cooper says that he can't do it, Ben says he has to, knows about the walkabout, says that Locke can't do it, he's not who they thought he was, humiliates him in front of the whole group.
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- "You're doing this to yourself. As long as he's still breathing, you'll still be that same sad pathetic little man that was kicked off his walkabout tour because you couldn't walk." Ben
- Locke takes Sawyer to the Black Rock, says Ben is inside, in the brig, he says that it's an old slaving ship, mid 19th century, Locke guesses they captured salves, to try to mind the island, says the boxes have dynamite in them, Sawyer hears muffled screaming from the back, says they're not killing him, Locke closes the door and locks him inside, Sawyer takes the hood off his head to reveal that he is not Ben, and in fact, Anthony Cooper.
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- "I said shut up! [Sawyer pulls off the bag to reveal Cooper] Who the hell are you?" Sawyer
- Sayid is trying to fix the satellite phone with Hurley, he says he's never seen equipment that sophisticated, Sayid says there's no audible channel, interference is blocking their ability to send out their own transmission, Kate discovers them, Sayid leaks the secret.
- Rousseau goes to the brig, there for dynamite, doesn't ask any questions.
- 2 days ago--Richard introduces himself to Locke, says Ben wanted to embarrass him, that he knew he wouldn't kill his father in front of everyone, wanted to watch him fail, that he's a man with a broken spine who could walk, the people are excited, he's someone special, Ben is wasting his time with fertility, they're looking for someone to remind them that they're there for more important reasons, he wants Locke to find a purpose, but Anthony Cooper has to go, he gives him Sawyer's file, says to read it.
From Lostpedia
- "Ben knew you weren't going to kill your own father. He put you in front of everyone in our camp just so they could all watch you fail." Richard "Why?" Locke "Because when word got back here that there was a man with a broken spine on the plane who could suddenly walk again, well, people here began to get very excited because that, that could only happen to someone who was extremely special. But Ben doesn't want anyone to think you're special, John." Richard "And why are you telling me this?" Locke "Ben has been wasting our time with novelties like fertility problems. We're looking for someone to remind us that we're here for more important reasons." Richard "What do you want from me?" Locke "I want for you to find your purpose. And to do that, your father has to go, John. And since you're not gonna do it, I'm gonna suggest someone else." Richard
- Locke knows that there's no bullets in Sawyer's gun when he threatens him, Cooper says that's his son, he was driving I10 in Tallahassee, slammed into the back of a car, went into the divider at 70 mph, the paramedics in the ambulance, one smiles at him as he puts the IV in, then it goes black, he wakes up in a dark room, guy, door, John Locke, he threw him out a window, his dead son, survived the window, but was paralyzed, he's dead because he was in a plane crash in the Pacific, says they're in hell, they found the plane in the bottom of the ocean, he conned Locke for his kidney, has gone by the names Adam Seward, Anthony Cooper, Ted MacLaren, Tom Sawyer, Lewis Jackson, James says his name is Sawyer too.
- "Island? Okay. I'm driving down I10 through Tallahassee when bam, somebody slams into the back of my car. I go right into the divider at seventy miles an hour, the next thing I know, the paramedics are strapping me to a gurney, stuffing me into the back of an ambulance and one of them actually smiles at me as he pops the IV in my arm. And then, nothing. Just, black. And the next thing I know I wake up in a dark room tied up, gag in my mouth, and when the door opens, I'm looking up at the same man I threw out a window, John Locke. My dead son." Cooper "And he's dead cause you threw him out a window?" Sawyer "No, he survived that. But it paralyzed him, permanently. He's dead because the plane he was flying on crashed in the Pacific." Cooper "Well, I got bad news for ya pops, cause I was on that plane with your son. He sure as hell wasn't crippled. And we didn't crash in the Pacific, we crashed here on this Island." Sawyer "You sure its an Island?" Cooper "Well what else is it?" Sawyer "Little hot for heaven isn't it?" Cooper "Oh okay, so we're dead?" Sawyer "They found your plane on the bottom of the ocean. One minute I'm in a car wreck and the next minute I'm in a pirate ship in the middle of the jungle. If this isn't hell friend, then where are we?" Cooper "Why did you throw Locke out a window?" Sawyer "He was becoming a nuisance. I conned him into giving me one of his kidneys. He never got over it." Cooper "Conned?" Sawyer "Yes sir, conned." Cooper "What's your name?" Sawyer "Hmm?" Cooper "Your name." Sawyer "A con-man goes by many names friend. I've been Adam Seward, Anthony Cooper, Ted MacLaren, Tom Sawyer, Louis Jackson, and Paul..." Cooper "Tom Sawyer." Sawyer "I was young and Huck Finn was taken. And the ladies loved that one. Made me charming." Cooper "Well how about that." Sawyer "How about what?" Cooper "Sawyer's my name too." Sawyer
- Yesterday--The Others are packing,, moving, Ben says that Locke can't go, has to stay behind, Anthony Cooper is his mess, but they'll leave a trail, and he can only return if he comes carrying his father's body on his back.
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- "But I thought I was special." Sawyer "Well everyone makes mistakes. We're leaving now. We'll leave a trail, one you can track. And John, unless you're carrying your father's body on your back, don't bother." Ben
- Sawyer asks Cooper if he's ever been to Jasper, Alabama, says he killed his daddy, gives him the letter he carries, Cooper says he ran that con 2 dozen times, Sawyer says his mom was Mary, Cooper says she begged him to take her $38,000, says it's not his fault, tears the letter, Sawyer kills him, Locke says thank you.
From Lostpedia
- "You ever been to Jasper, Alabama?" Sawyer "Why?" Cooper "Have you or haven't you?" Sawyer "Yeah I been to Jasper. Don't tell me I'm your daddy?" Cooper "No. You killed my daddy. [Sawyer gets his letter out of his pocket] Read it." Sawyer "“Dear Mr Sawyer.” What is this?" Cooper "Just read it." Sawyer "“You don't know who I am, but I know who you are. And I know what you done. You had sex with my mother, and then you stole my dad's money all away, so he got angry and he killed my mother, and then he killed himself” blah blah blah blah. So what? Is this supposed to be you, you wrote this letter? Hey wait a second. Did you take my name because you were on some kind of revenge kick?" Cooper "Keep reading." Sawyer "Easy, easy, don't get all worked up. Look, I ran that con two dozen times. If your mother was one of the..." Cooper "Mary. Her name was Mary." Sawyer "Mary from Jasper, Alabama. Yeah, I remember her. She practically begged me to take her thirty-eight thousand dollars and to rescue her from her sorry little life." Cooper "You finish the letter." Sawyer "Look, I only took her money. It ain't my fault your dad overreacted. If he pulled the old murder suicide then I'm sure he's down here somewhere. Er, maybe you could take this up with him..." Cooper "FINISH IT!!!" Sawyer "Okay. Okay." Cooper [He rips up the letter into pieces, and Sawyer attacks him, choking him with the chains around the room] "You wanna go to hell? You wanna go to hell!!" Sawyer
- Kate is a tattle-tale, she tells Jack about Naomi, no one trust him, she has a satellite phone, Juliet says they should tell her, but Jack says no.
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- Sawyer gets sick, Locke says to go back, that Cooper ruined his life and Sawyer's, had it coming,he says Juliet's a mole, she's working for Ben, in 3 days they're coming, says he's telling him to warn the camp, he's not really undercover, he's on his own journey now, he gives Sawyer the tape, so they'll believe him, Sawyer asks if he really was a cripple, if his father pushed him out a window, Locke says not anymore.
- Locke returns to the Others' camp with his father's body on his back.
From Lostpedia
- How did Anthony Cooper get to the island?
- Did Sawyer's file say that Anthony Cooper was the reason for his parents' murder-suicide or did Locke just know that it was him?
- Did Ben really think Locke would kill his father or did he want him to get someone else to do it for him?
- Did Ben know that Richard talked to Locke, gave him Sawyer's file?
- Why does Naomi have technology that Sayid has never seen before?
- How did Naomi get the photograph of Desmond and Penny?
- Was Naomi's story completely true, was she lying?
- Why couldn't Locke kill Anthony Cooper?
- When did the fertility problems start?
- What does Richard think is more important? What are they there for?
- "I can't sleep if I'm not in my own tent." Kate "Fine, let's go to your tent." Sawyer "Erm... its nothing personal, its just... old habits, you know?" Kate "Fine, scram! You want me to walk you home?" Sawyer "It's five tents. I think I'll make it." Kate "Sure? I gotta pee anyway." Sawyer "That is so romantic." Kate
- "What the hell are y'all doing?" Sawyer "What the hell are you doing?" Hurley "Going to take a leak." Sawyer "Yeah, well, so were we." Hurley "Well, alrightey then." Sawyer
- "Hello, James. Wanna zip your pants up?" Locke "The hell are you doing here?" Sawyer "Looking for you, actually." Locke "Okay, Tarzan, so now that you're back from your blow up everything that could get us off the Island tour, how bout you tell me why you joined up with the damn enemy?" Sawyer
- "The magic box is a metaphor, John." Ben
- "You're wasting your time, bug-eye, me and him have been through all this. All he wants is his daddy..." Anthony Cooper
- "I'll be here the rest of the week John if you change your mind..." Anthony Cooper
- "[Points his torch at skeletons] Friends of yours?" Sawyer
- "Son of a bitch. You really kidnapped the little bastard." Sawyer
- "What's that? Is that a radio? Where'd you get it?" Kate "Er, the luggage." Hurley "What you just found a radio in the luggage?" Kate
- "Rousseau." Locke "Locke." Rousseau "What brings you to the Black Rock?" Locke "Dynamite. And you?" Rousseau "[In the next room] Open this door! Open up!" Sawyer "Crates are right over there." Locke "[In the next room] Open this damn door!" Sawyer "Be careful, it's unstable." Locke
- "Sawyer! Why would Sawyer kill my father, he doesn't even know him." Locke "Keep reading." Richard
- "You're not gonna shoot anyone, James." Locke "One! Two!" Sawyer "If there were any bullets in that gun, why would you hold a knife to my throat?" Locke "Ah! Son of a bitch!!" Sawyer "Guess I didn't raise no dummies." Cooper "The hell's that mean?" Sawyer "It means that bald headed bastard outside the door is my son." Cooper "Come again?" Sawyer "My son. As in I'm his father. You do speak English?" Cooper
- "You missing those cheeseburgers yet?" Jack "Only every second." Juliet
- Desmond questioning Jack and Juliet's loyalty, excellent.
- Sawyer kills Anthony Cooper Star Wars stylee, the same way that Princess Leia kills Jabba the Hutt in Return of the Jedi.
- Kate, why can't you shut your mouth and listen to the damn Iraqi? Do you have to tell Jack everything that happens on the damn island, especially after he's canoodling with his favorite Other? That scene is so lame.
- When Anthony Cooper says he doesn't raise dummies, I originally thought that he was saying he was Sawyer's father too.
- Anthony Cooper is the real Sawyer and James Ford get to kill him, what a great pay-off.
- Josh Holloway is phenomenal in this episode.
- I don't think Ben literally meant to return carrying your father's body on your back, Locke.
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