4.11 Cabin Fever
- Record player, Buddy Holly's "Everyday" is playing, it's the 1950s, a young girl getting ready, tells mom she's going out with him, that mom can't stop her, mom says he's twice her age, calls her Emily, says she loves him, runs out of house and is hit by a car, goes to hospital, says she's pregnant, five months, almost six months, the baby is born, it's a boy, nurse says he's okay, but it's real early, he's too little to hold, they take him away, Emily says to call him John. She is Emily Locke and the baby is John Locke.
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- Hurley asks who builds a cabin in the middle of the jungle, Locke says he doesn't know, says hopefully the man in the cabin will tell them about the people trying to kill them, Ben says he's following Hurley, Locke says they should stop and make camp, says he doesn't know what will happen when the Freighties come back to the Island.
- Sayid wakes Desmond, says the helicopter is back with injured men, Keamy wants to know how many people are on the Island, where they are, says the Captain gave him up, but the Captain says no, Keamy goes after Michael, says he gave his name to Ben, tries to shoot him, but nothing happens, Captain says he's only the guy who can fix the engine.
- Locke's eye opens, by the campfire, Ben and Hurley are asleep, he hears someone chopping wood, introduces himself, Horace Goodspeed, wearing a DHARMA Initiative jumpsuit, knocks down the tree, building a getaway for he and the misses, needs a break from the DI, says he's not making sense, bloody nose, says that's probably because he's been dead 12 years, pushes over tree again, he's on a loop, "Hello, there," he says to find him, when he does, he'll find "him," Jacob, says he's been waiting for Locke a real long time, chopping, pushes over the tree again.

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- Locke wakes up again, says he knows where to go now, Ben says that he used to have dreams.
- John Locke is the youngest premature baby to ever survive in that Hospital, he's had infections, pneumonia, you name it, he's knocked them all out, nurse says, he's a fighter, they say he's a miracle baby, today they can take him out of incubator, so she can hold him, but Emily can't do it, leaves, mother asks about adoption, Richard Alpert is in the Hospital, watching, she says he's not the father, doesn't know who he is.
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- Hurley asks why he's here, Locke says he can see the cabin, Hurley says he has a theory, they can see it because they're the craziest, Locke asks Hurley if he wonders where DHARMA Initiative went, says they're all gone, disappeared, going to see them, Ben happened.
- "You ever wonder what happened to the DHARMA Initiative, Hugo? There must have been at least a hundred of 'em living on this island--manning the stations, building those homes, making all that ranch dressing that you like. And then one day, they're all gone. They just disappeared. You want to know where we're going? We're going to see them." Locke "Whoa. What happened to 'em?" Hurley "He did. [Points to Ben]" Locke
- Richard goes to see John, he's playing backgammon, Richard says he runs a school for kids who are extremely special, thinks he's one of them, asks to show him some neat things, we see drawing of Locke and the Smoke Monster, Richard asks if he drew it, John says yes, Richard shows him a baseball mitt, Book of Laws, sand, compass, comic book, knife, tells him to look at the things and think about them, asks him which things belong to him, John asks to keep, but Richard says no, which ones belong to him already, Locke picks the sand, compass, hesitates, and then picks the knife, Richard asks if he's sure about the knife belonging to him, John says yes, but Richard says it doesn't, tells mom he's not ready for the school, says he's sorry he wasted her time, she asks Locke what he did wrong.

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- "You like backgammon? Yeah? You seem to have a pretty good sense of the game. I'm Richard, John. I run a school for kids who are... extremely special, and I have reason to believe that you might be one them. Mind if I show you a couple of really neat things?" Richard Alpert
- Hurley asks Ben if he shot Locke and left him for dead, Ben says he realizes that it was pointless, that he wasn't thinking clearly, Hurley asks why he killed all those people too, Ben says he didn't kill them, that it wasn't his decision, the others wiped out the DHARMA Initiative, it was their leader who made the decision, Ben wasn't always the leader, Locke finds the body of Horace Goodspeed, his jumpsuit says he was a Mathematician, Locke finds the blueprints for the cabin in the grave.
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- Keamy asks for the Captain's key, Lapidus says Mayhew just died, the crew is asking questions about what happened, Keamy says he's dealing with it, tells Frank to gas up the chopper, says he's going back, Captain says there was a sickness while he was gone, that Regina threw herself overboard, Keamy says to give him the key, Captain says it's not the protocol, Keamy takes it anyway, Captain says they're only supposed to open the safe together, Keamy says it's the secondary protocol, that it says where Ben is going, DHARMA symbol, The Orchid, Captain asks how Charles Widmore would know that, Keamy says if Linus knows they're going to torch the Island, he has only one place to go, Captain says that wasn't the agreement, that it's supposed to be an extraction mission Keamy tells him to fix his gun.
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- Desmond says the injured man had no gunshot wound, Captain tells Omar that Keamy wants him in the armory, Omar says he was supposed to watch Sayid and Desmond, but the Captain says he will, he tells Sayid and Desmond to go the the pantry and hide, that he left them food and water, to go before Keamy comes back, Sayid asks about Michael, Captain says he's not dead, Sayid says hiding is pointless, that he wants the Zodiac, that he can ferry people off the Island, Captain says ten minutes, boat will be in the water.
- They look at a map and blueprints of the cabin, Locke says Hurley should head back, that it'll be dark soon, he'll hit the coast, then go North until he reaches their beach, doesn't want to put him in harms way, Hurley says he'll stick with them, Ben says thinks that Locke talked him into it, making him think it was his idea.

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- Locke in locked in a locker, in high school, everyone is laughing, a teacher comes to help him out, he's bleeding, Geronimo Jackson poster in his locker, he gets a call form Portland, a camp doing exciting things in Chemistry, New Technology, place called Mittelos Laboratories, spoke with Dr. Alpert, interested in finding young, bright minds interested in new fields of Science, want him to go to their camp this summer, John says that's why he gets stuffed into lockers, John asks how they know about him, sent a representative to the Science Fair, John says he's not Scientist, that he likes boxing, fishing, cars, that he likes sports, his teacher says that it might not be what he wants to be, but it's what he is, John gets upset.
- "I'm gonna tell you something--something I wish someone had told me at your age. You might not want to be that guy in the labs surrounded by test tubes and beakers, but that's who you are, John. You can't be the Prom King. You can't be the Quarterback. You can't be a Superhero." Teacher
- "Don't tell me what I can't do!" John

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- Frank asks Michael why he didn't tell him he was a survivor of Oceanic Flight 815, Michael says that we wouldn't believe him, Frank says that he's one of the only people in the world that thinks it was a hoax, Michael says that he didn't think he could trust him, that his boss put the plane on the bottom of the Ocean, he tells Frank that he can't fly Keamy back, that he'll kill everyone on the Island.
- Captain tells Desmond ans Sayid to take the Zodiac, stay on bearing 305, Desmond says that he's not going, that he was on the Island for three years, that Penny is coming for him, Sayid leaves.
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- Locke says the cabin should be about 200 yards away, Locke says he was told that is where it would be, Ben says he was told a lot of things, that he was chosen, that he was special, that he ended up with a tumor on his spine, daughters blood on his hands, Locke says he's sorry, Ben says it was his destiny, says Locke will understand there are consequences to being chosen, destiny is a fickle bitch, they find the cabin.
- "I was told a lot of things, too--that I was chosen, that I was special. Ended up with a tumor on my spine and my daughter's blood all over my hands. Those things had to happen to me. That was my destiny. But you'll understand soon enough that there are consequences to being chosen... because, destiny, John, is a fickle bitch." Ben
- Locke is in Physical Therapy after his eight story fall, the Orderly tells him don't give up, that anything is possible, Locke says he should read his file, that his spine was crushed, the Orderly says he did, that Locke survived falling eight stories, that it's a miracle, the Orderly is Matthew Abaddon, pushes his wheelchair to stairs, waiting for elevator, says that he needs to go on a walkabout, that it's a journey of self-discovery, go to the Australian outback, nothing but a knife and wits, went on a walkabout convinced of one thing, found another, that when he's ready, he'll listen, they'll run into eachother again, and Locke will owe him one.

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- "You should read my file. My spine was crushed. There's a 98% chance I'll never get any feeling back in my legs. So I don't know why I'm even trying to--" Locke "As a matter of fact, I did read your file. You survived falling eight stories out of a building. That's a miracle, Mr. Locke." Abaddon
- "Wha--what's a walkabout?" Locke "It's a journey of self-discovery. You go out into the Australian Outback with nothing more than a knife and your wits." Abaddon
- "When you're ready, Mr. Locke... (presses button) you'll listen to what I'm saying. And then when you and me run into each other again... you'll owe me one." Abaddon
- They're loading guns and supplies up for the chopper, Omar tells the Doctor, Ray, that the Morse Code message said the Doctor washed ashore with his throat slit, Lapidus says he was hired to fly Scientists, Keamy says to go, but Frank refuses, Keamy slits Doctor's throat, throws him in overboard, Captain is back, tells Keamy to stand-down, that he fixed his gun, and he will fire, Keamy shows the Captain a device on his arm, shoots the Captain, Lapidus says he'll fly the helicopter, and he has a satellite phone.
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- Jack is out of bed, Juliet yells at him, they see a helicopter fly overhead, drops a package on the beach, it's a satellite phone, Jack says he thinks they want them to follow.
- Cabin, Ben says he's not going in, the Island wanted him to get sick, and John to get well, it's his now, Hurley says that he's not going in either.
- "I'm not going in there with you. The island wanted me to get sick and it wanted you to get well. My time is over, John. It's yours now." Ben
- Locke takes a lantern, goes into the cabin, sees a man, asks if he's Jacob, he says he's not Jacob, it's Christian Shephard, he says he'll speak on Jacob's behalf, Locke asks if he knows why he's here, Christian says yes, asks if he knows why, Locke says because he was chosen, Christian says he's absolutely right, Locke hears a sound, notices that Claire is there, she says that she's fine, that she's with him, Locke asks about the baby, Christian says he's where he's supposed to be, and that's not here, he says not to tell anyone that he saw Claire, Locke tries to question it, but Christian says the Freighties are on their way back, to ask the one question that does matter, Locke asks how to save the Island.

From Lostpedia
- Hurley and Ben share an Apollo Candy Bar.
- Locke tells Hurley and Ben that they have to move the Island.
- "He wants us to move the island." Locke
- Who is Emily Locke going to see? Anthony Cooper? Is the man John Locke's father?
- Who ran Emily Locke over with their car?
- How in the world was that girl almost six months pregnant?
- Did John Locke live as an infant because he's special?
- What is the significance of Locke's dream about Horace Goodspeed?
- Why is Horace on a time loop?
- Did Mrs. Locke really not know who Richard Alpert was?
- How does Richard Alpert get off the Island?
- Why can Hurley, Locke and Ben see the cabin but no one else can?
- Why doesn't the knife belong to John already?
- Was the sand directly from the Island?
- Which items was John supposed to pick according to Richard?
- What is the significance of the drawing John did of the Smoke Monster?
- What miracle happened to Matthew Abaddon?
- Why does Matthew Abaddon tell Locke to go on a walkabout? What did he do on his?
- Why does Mr. Abaddon think that he and John Locke will run into eachother again?
- Why is Claire with Christian Shephard in the cabin? Why is she so calm, so content?
- Is Claire dead? Is she the Smoke Monster?
- Why does Christian ask Locke not to tell that he saw Claire?
- Why is Christian Shephard in the cabin?
- Does the Island really move? Does it move through time and through space?
- "How long?" Locke "I don't know. I've been following him." Ben "What? What do you mean, you've been following him?" Locke "I'm not even in front." Hurley "I have no idea where the cabin is. Hugo's the last one who saw it." Ben "Oh, this is just awesome." Hurley
- "Oh, building a place--a little getaway for me and the misses. I mean, sometimes you need a break from the D.I., y'know? The DHARMA Initiative? (Laughs) I'm not making any sense, am I?" Horace Goodspeed
- "I'm Horace. [Grunting] Godspeed, John. [Thud]" Horace
- "[Locke awakes] Hugo." Locke "(Muttering) Mallomars." Hurley "Wake up, Hugo." Locke
- "You can't smoke in here, Mrs. Locke." Nurse [Mrs. Locke closes her lighter.] "Oh. Of course. I'm sorry." Mrs. Locke
- "Well, I have a theory as to why we're the only ones who can see it." Hurley "I'd love to hear it." Locke "I think we can see it 'cause we're the craziest." Hurley
- [Playing Backgammon] "That game's stupid." John
- "Okay, now tell me, John, which of these things belong to you?" Richard "To--to keep?" John "No, no, John. Which of these things belong to you already?" Richard
- "So... This is where you shot Locke and left him for dead, huh?" Hurley "Yes, Hugo, I was standing right where you are now when I pulled the trigger. Should have realized at the time that it was pointless, but... I really wasn't thinking clearly." Ben [Hurley steps back a little]
- "He actually thinks staying was his idea. Not bad, John. Not bad at all." Ben "I'm not you." Locke "You're certainly not." Ben
- "I'm not a scientist! I like boxing and fishing and cars. I like sports!" John
- "Destiny, John, is a fickle bitch." Ben
- "I can't "walkabout" anything. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a cripple." Locke "Is that what you are, Mr. Locke? I went on my walkabout convinced I was one thing, but I came back another. I found out what I was made of, who I was." Abaddon "And here you are, an orderly." Locke
- "Yeah, I'm cool with you going in alone, too." Hurley
- The scene with Hurley and Ben sharing the Apollo Candy Bar. Jorge Garcia and Michael Emerson are brilliant.
- Buddy Holly plays in the opening scene. Buddy Holly died in a plane crash.
- It looks like Ben is the third wheel.
- The search and tests for the leader of the Island given by Richard Alpert is much like the Tibetan Buddhist ritual for the choice of the Dalai Lama. The Panchen Lama chooses the Dalai Lama, which is much like Richard Alpert's role. I'm guessing that Jacob chose Richard as the Panchen. In Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lama also chooses the Panchen. So, which came first, the Panchen or the Dalai, the chick or the egg?
- Richard Alpert gave young Locke the same compass that he gave him on the Island, which John then returned back to him in the past, which Richard then shows him in this episode.
- The drawing of the Smoke Monster is reminiscent of the scene in Exodus, Part 2.
- From Lostpedia: The comic book that Richard shows to John is "Mystery Tales" Issue #40, which was published in April of 1956 by Atlas Comics. The cover contains the text "What was the Secret of the Mysterious Hidden Land?" and "Does it Pay to Ignore the Voice of Warning?"
- I feel really bad for young and older Locke in this episode. He was abandoned by his Biological Mother, then his adoptive Mother is mean to him, Richard Alpert is snappy with hm, get gets beat up in high school, made fun of, and stuffed in a locker, and then he has to go through grueling Physical Therapy after getting thrown eight stories out of a window from his own father.
- Locke is locked in a locker. He likes boxing. Very funny.
- The way that Matthew Abaddon says "Mr. Locke" is just like Walt. This led to theories that this is future Walt, which is obviously impossible, but still cool.
- The scene where Matthew Abaddon pushes John Locke in his wheelchair to a flight of stairs and stops totally freaks me out. Every time I watch it, I think he's going to push him down the flight of stairs. That scene just creeps me the hell out.
- Terry O'Quinn's acting in the Physical Therapy scenes is so great. He doesn't use his legs at all. He really makes you feel his pain and believe that he's paralyzed.
- John Locke finally takes Matthew Abaddon's advice and goes on a walkabout in Walkabout.
- Claire clearly had been smoking some illegal substances in that cabin. She also freaks me out in that scene.
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