- Back at the airport, Kate stops the car, drives back, gets out crying, she says that Jack called her for two days straight, stoned on his pills, shows her an obituary for Jeremy Bentham, she says that he came to her, she heard what he had to say, she knew that he was crazy, but Jack believed him, Jack says that he said it was the only way to keep her and Aaron safe, Kate slaps Jack, says not to say his name, that she has to explain why he's not there to read to Aaron, that she spent the last three years trying to forget all the horrible things that happened on the day they left the island, how dare he ask her to go back.
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- Jack and Sawyer walking through the jungle, Jack says Lapidus said they were heading North East, to The Orchid, they stumble upon Hugo taking a leak, Locke is looking for a way into The Orchid.
- There is enough C4 to blow up an aircraft, Desmond says he did 6 months Explosive Ordinance Disposal, enough time to learn how to blow himself up, Michael asks if it's on a timer, Desmond says the bomb has a radio receiver, like a walkie, send out a signal and it triggers the bomb remotely, Jin wonders if they can turn it off, but Desmond says there is a trip wire, movie it and boom, dummy-wiring, cut the wrong one and boom, multiple firing systems, disable one and the next one, boom, battery's power source gets disconnected, then boom.
- Locke says there's a DHARMA station below, that he's looking for a way to get in, says that he wants to speak to Jack alone, but Jack says that he only came back for Hurley, Locke says he needs to hear what he has to say, but Jack says he needs to get their people off the island, Hurley says they're taking Ben to the helicopter, that he surrendered himself.
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- Keamy is taking Ben back to the chopper, he wants to know why Ben is so important, why Widmore would pay him so much money to capture him and bring him back alive, Lapidus with toolbox, Kate runs up, says she's a passenger of Flight 815, that she's being chased by Ben's people, they hear whispers, Sayid and company attack, kill Keamy's men, Ben and Kate run, Keamy kicks a grenade toward Omar, Sayid fights Keamy, Richard shoots him, Kate cuts Ben free, he asks Richard what the arrangement is, Richard says if they helped free him, he promised to let them off the island, Ben says the helicopter is theirs, tells Kate and Sayid to have a safe journey back, Kate makes sure that they can leave the island, that's it.
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- Hurley is in Santa Rosa, eating a fruit roll-up, Walt's grandmother, Michael's mother, is there, she asks him if he's dangerous, says that he knows her grandson, that they traveled all the way across the country to see him, she needs to know if he'll do anything crazy, he says that he won't do anything crazy.
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- Hurley says Walt got big, Walt says when they came back from the island, he was waiting for someone to come and see him, but nobody ever came, only Jeremy Bentham came to see him, he says that he doesn't understand why they're all lying, Hurley says they're doing it to protect everyone who didn't come back, Walt asks like his dad, Hurley says yes, like his dad.
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- "We're lying... because it's the only way to protect everyone that didn't come back." Hurley
- Hurley says thanks for coming back to Sawyer, asks him about Claire and the baby.
- Locke wants Jack to reconsider leaving the island, Jack says the rest of them are going home, Locke says they're not supposed to go, Jack says that's because crashing on the island was their destiny, Locke says Jack knows that they're there for a reason, that if he leaves, he'll have that knowledge and it will eat him alive, until he decides to come back, he has to lie about everything, it's the only way to protect them, to protect the island, that it's not just an island, it's a place where miracles happen, Locke tells Jack to wait and see what he's about to do, Jack says there's no such things as miracles.
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- "I want you to reconsider leaving the island, Jack. I would like you to stay." Locke "You'd like me to stay?" Jack "Yeah, that's right." Locke "(Chuckles) You threw a knife into the back of an unarmed woman. You led half of our people across the island and got most of them killed." Jack "Well, Jack, you put a gun to my head and you pulled the trigger. I was hoping we could let bygones be bygones." Locke "Well, I'll tell you what. You stay here in your little greenhouse, but the rest of us are going home." Locke "But you're not supposed to go home." Locke "And what am I supposed to do? Oh, I think I remember. What was it that you said on the way out to the hatch--that crashing here was our destiny?" Jack "You know, Jack. You know that you're here for a reason. You know it. And if you leave this place, that knowledge is gonna eat you alive from the inside out...until you decide to come back." Locke "Good-bye, John." Jack "You're gonna have to lie." Locke "Excuse me?" Jack "If you have to go, then you have to lie about everything...everything that happened since we got to the island it's the only way to protect it." Locke "(Sighs) It's an island, John. No one needs to protect it." Jack "It's not an island. It's a place where miracles happen. And--and--if you--if you don't believe that, Jack, if you can't believe that, just wait till you see what I'm about to do." Locke "There's no such thing as miracles." Jack "Well...we'll just have to see which one of us is right." Locke
- Ben shows up, shows them the way to get into The Orchid, Locke says he tried to tell Jack, Ben tells Jack that Sayid and Kate are waiting at the helicopter, Locke tells Jack that if he lies half as well as he lies to himself, he'll do a good job at fooling everyone, Locke and Ben go down to The Orchid.
- Sun says she didn't tell anyone about the bomb, Michael tells her everything is going to be okay, says he'll send Jin up, Sun tells Michael she's pregnant, Michael congratulates her.
- Michael says that they can freeze the battery on the bomb, using liquid Nitrogen, the bomb needs to charge from the battery, to make the chemical reaction, they spray the battery, keep it cold, then it will have no reaction, the catch is that there's only one canister of liquid Nitrogen, when the light turns red, the battery will already be cold, Jin and Desmond begin to trace the wires so they can figure out how to defuse the bomb in the meantime.
- Daniel Faraday is back, he says the Freighter's engine is fixed, they're going to get closer to island now, as close as they can without hitting the reef, the next trip won't be so long, he tells Miles and Charlotte to make sure they're on the raft, but Miles says he's staying, and he asks Charlotte why she would want to leave the island after all the time she spent trying to get back there, Charlotte seems confused and asks what that means.
- "I'm surprised you want to leave." Miles "Sorry?" Charlotte "It's just weird. You know, after all that time you spent trying to get back here." Miles "What do you mean, get back here?" Charlotte "...What do I mean?" Miles
- Ben says The Orchid station is deep, Locke asks about the magic box, Ben says The Orchid is not the magic box, that it's for the same thing all the DHARMA stations are for, silly experiments, Ben gives Locke a video to watch while he takes care of business.
- The Orchid Orientation, 6 of 6, bunny with #15 painted on it, Edgar Halliwax, Station 6 of 6, The Orchid, not a botanical research unit, unique properties of the island, created kind of Casimir Effect, allowing DHARMA Initiative to conduct unique experiments on space and time, the vault, construction next to pocket of negatively charged exotic matter, great care taken to avoid leaving inorganic matter inside the chamber, electromagnetic energy highly volatile, unpredictable, for safety, metallic objects never placed in vault, demonstration, shift subject forward 100 seconds in four-dimensional space, for a moment, the animal seems to disappear, the tape stops, begins to rewind, Locke rewinds.
- "Hello. I'm Dr. Edgar Halliwax... (warps and distorts) and this is the Orientation film for Station Six of the DHARMA Initiative. As you've no doubt surmised, Station Six, or "The Orchid," is not... (warps and distorts) a Botanical Research unit. The unique properties... (warps and distorts) of this island have created a kind of Casimir Effect, allowing the DHARMA initiative to conduct unique experiments in both space and time. (Clatter) This... is "the vault", constructed adjacent to a pocket of what we believe... (warps and distorts) to be negatively charged "exotic matter". Great care must be taken to avoid leaving inorganic materials... (warps and distorts) inside the chamber. The electromagnetic energy within the island can be highly volatile and unpredictable. Now for your own safety and the safety of those around you, metallic objects must never... (warps and distorts) be placed within the vault. (whirring) In our first demonstration, we will attempt to shift the test subject 100 milliseconds ahead in four-dimensional space. For the briefest... (warps and distorts) of moments, the animal will seem to disappear, but in reality... (voice distorts)"
- Ben begins putting everything metal that he can find inside the vault, Locke asks Ben if the video was talking about what he thinks it's talking about, Ben says yes, it's about time-traveling bunnies, Locke mentions that Edgar Halliwax said specifically not to put metal inside the vault, Ben and Locke notice the elevator in The Orchid going up to get someone, Ben asks Locke for his deadly baton weapon back.
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- Back at the chopper, Kate is picking the lock on Lapidus' handcuffs, Jack, Sawyer and Hurley get there, Jack is okay, Sawyer gets a hacksaw instead for the handcuffs, Lapidus is freed and say it's time to go, Sawyer, Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sayid get on the helicopter, Hurley asks if they'll come back for Claire, Jack says yes, they leave, looking back on the island.
- Keamy arrives inside The Orchid, says he knows that Ben is down there, that he was shot in the back, but is wearing Body Armour, that he took out a life insurance policy, he's wearing a heart-rate monitor, connected to a radio transmitter, he says that it's a dead man's trigger, if his heart stops beating, it sends a signal to 500 lbs. of C-4, hardwired on the Freighter, it will kill a lot of innocent people, that if he thinks he's bluffing, remember how he killed Ben's daughter.
- Locke comes out from hiding, says that he has no conflict with Keamy, neither do the people on the boat, that he just wants to talk about it.
- Ben busts out, attacks Keamy, hits him in the head with is baton, grabs his knife and stabs him several hundred times in the neck, Locke is upset, tries to stop him, says he killed everyone on the boat, but Ben isn't phased by the thought of killing anyone on the boat.
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- "You killed my daughter!" Ben
- Charlotte says she's going to stay on the island for now, Dan says it'll be forever if she doesn't leave with him, asks her why, Charlotte says she can't make sense of it either, but she's still looking for where she was born, Dan accepts her explanation, they say goodbye.
- "I'm going to stay, Daniel...for now, anyway." Charlotte "Charlotte...there is no "for now". If you don't come with me, "for now" could be forever." Daniel "Nothing's forever." Charlotte "Why?" Daniel "Would it make any sense if I told you I was still looking for where I was born?" Charlotte
- Juliet says she's not going either, that she promised she wasn't leaving until everyone go off the island, that she'll be there when Dan gets back, Dan says right, as if he knows something will happen already, they leave.
- "I promised I wouldn't leave until I got everyone here safely off this island. Relax. I'll still be here when you get back." Juliet "Right, right...when I get back. Okay. Everybody ready? Let's get started. Off we go." Dan
- Desmond says that he doesn't know enough about bombs to figure out how to dismantle it, Michael says they only have a quarter of a tank of Liquid Nitrogen left, if they can't deactivate it, they better get everyone off the boat before the light turns red.
- The helicopter is losing fuel, a bullet pierced the tank, Jack says not to land, that there's no fuel on the island, Frank Lapidus says that they need to get the extra weight off the chopper, so they throw everything out, but it's not enough, Lapidus says they need to be a few hundred pounds lighter.
- Sawyer tells Kate a secret, kisses her, says to just do it, then jumps off the helicopter.
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- Outside Santa Rosa, a man waits in a car, Sayid asks him for the time, he says it's 8:15, Sayid shoots him.
- Inside Santa Rosa, Hurley is playing chess by himself, Sayid shows up, Hurley says visiting hours are over, Sayid says that he wants him to come with him, somewhere safe, Hurley says that he hasn't seen him in forever, Sayid says the circumstances have changed, that Jeremy Bentham is dead, he died two days ago, they said it was a suicide, Hurley asks why they have to call him Jeremy Bentham, Sayid says not to say his real name, that they're being watched, Hurley says that he has regular conversations with dead people, the last thing he needs is paranoia, Sayid says that he just killed a man perched outside Santa Rosa for the last week, that paranoia keeps him alive, Hurley asks if they're going back to the island, Sayid says no, just somewhere safe, Hurley decides to go with Sayid, says checkmate, Mr. Eko, they leave.
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- "Dude, I've been having regular conversations with dead people. The last thing I need now is paranoia." Hurley "I just killed a man who's been perched outside this facility for the last week. I'm finding paranoia keeps me alive." Sayid
- Frank Lapidus is flying the helicopter on course, but they can't find the Kahana anywhere, Frank says in four or five minutes, they'll be out of fuel, Jack tells Kate that as soon as they get to the boat, they'll go back for Sawyer, Hurley spots the Freighter.
- Keamy is slowly dying, Locke is trying to help him, Keamy says that wherever Ben goes, Widmore will find him, Ben says not if he finds him first, Keamy dies, the heart monitor stops.
- The light on the bomb turns red, Michael tells Desmond and Jin to leave, get everyone off the boat, they have maybe five minutes of Nitrogen left, Jin tells Desmond to go, he stays with Michael.
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- Desmond runs to the deck, sees the chopper trying to land, tells them to go back, that they can't land, there's a bomb on the boat, Lapidus says he has to put it down, Michael is still freezing the battery.
- Desmond says they have to get off the boat, they patch the hole, get a life raft, Sun says they have to get Jin, Kate tells her to get on the helicopter with Aaron, the she'll go get Jin, but Jack won't let her, they fill the helicopter with fuel, Michael tells Jin to go, to be with is wife, to get home, that he's a father now.
- Hurley, Sun, Aaron, Jack, Lapidus, Desmond, Sayid, Kate get on the chopper, they take off, Jin runs to the deck of the Freighter as they're taking off, Sun wants to go back for him, but Jack says no.
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- Michael runs out of liquid Nitrogen, he hears the whispers, then Christian Shephard suddenly appears on the Freighter, says the Michael can go now.
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- "You can go now, Michael." Christian Shephard "Who are you?" Michael
- The Freighter explodes, Sun screams for Jin, part of the Freighter goes down, Jack says there's nothing down there, Sun wants to go back, but Jack says he's gone, tells Lapidus to fly back to the island.
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- Sun gets a phone call, it's her mom, she talks to Ji Yeon, she's in London, says she's leaving tonight, finishing business, she approaches Charles Widmore, says she's Mr. Paik's daughter, managing director of Paik Industries, Widmore says that Paik is quite the golfer, owes him a dinner after their last game, Suns asks if he's gong to pretend that he doesn't know who she is, he says that he doesn't know what she's talking about, but Sun says that he does know, he knows they've been lying all this time about where they were and what happened there, that they have common interests, when he's ready to discuss them, to call her, that he knows they're not really the only ones who left the island, Widmore asks why she would help him.
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- "Yes, you do know, Mr. Widmore...just like you know we've been lying all this time about where we were and what happened to us there. You and I have common interests. When you're ready to discuss them...[Sun hands Widmore her Paik Industries business card from her pocket.] Call me. As you know, we're not the only ones who left the island." Sun [Sun turns and begins to walk away. Widmore calls after her.] "Ms. Kwon? Why would you want to help me?" Widmore
- Locke asks Ben why he would kill Keamy when he knew that it would destroy the boat, Ben says he wasn't thinking straight, says a leader has to make good command decisions, not be compromised by bad emotional responses, that he's sure John will do a better job at separating the two than he ever did.
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- "Well, John, I really wasn't thinking straight. Sometimes good command decisions get compromised by bad emotional responses. I'm sure you're going to do a much better job of separating the two than I ever did." Ben
- Ben closes the vault doors, turns it on, there are explosions, Ben says he'd better change.
- Juliet is drinking on the beach, Sawyer arrives at the shore, asks her what she's celebrating, but she's not celebrating, she points out the Freighter in the distance, which is on fire from the massive explosion.
- Ben puts on Edgar Halliwax's parka, says that he's going somewhere cold, tells John that he can't go with him, Jacob told John what to do, but not how to do it, that Jacob wants Ben to suffer the consequences, whoever moves the island can never come back, tells John to get in the elevator, go up, Richard and his people are waiting for him two miles East of The Orchid, that they're ready, willing and able to share what they know, will follow his every word, Ben says goodbye, that he's sorry he made John's life so miserable, John asks what he's supposed to tell them to do, Ben says that he'll find a way, that he always does.
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- "Whoever moves the island can never come back. So I'd like you to get on the elevator, John, and go back up. Richard and my people will be waiting 2 miles East of The Orchid." Ben "Waiting for me?" Locke "Ready, willing and able to share what they know. And then they will follow your every word. Good-bye, John. I'm sorry I made your life so miserable." Ben [Ben exhales deeply as he shakes Locke's hand.] "What do I tell 'em to do?" Locke "You'll find your way, John. You always do." Ben
- Locke finds Richard and the others, Richard says welcome home.
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- Ben goes through the hole blown through the wall in the vault, through a tunnel, with a crowbar, takes a ladder down, breaks the ice, takes another ladder down, falls, cuts his arm, it's cold inside, snow, he lights a lantern with a match, there is a frozen donkey wheel, Ben says he hopes Jacob is happy now, he pushes the wheel, breaks ice off the frozen wheel with the crowbar.
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- "I hope you're happy now, Jacob." Ben
- There is white noise, Locke, Richard and the others, Juliet and Sawyer on the beach, Daniel Faraday and others on the zodiac, helicopter folk, Ben continues to push the wheel, a bright flash of light, Aaron cries, purple sky, white noise, Juliet and Sawyer on the beach, zodiac folk, and helicopter sees the island move, noise, light goes away, the island is suddenly gone.
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- The light disappears and they down to see that the island is completely gone, Lapidus asks where the island is, where will he land the helicopter, Jack says there is a smaller island nearby, but they're out of fuel, they put on life vests, throw out a life raft, Lapidus tells them to brace themselves, the helicopter crashes into the water, Jack gets Hurley and Aaron into the raft, Kate, Sun, Lapidus and Jack get Desmond, Sayid, Jack does CPR on Desmond, he's okay, they're all alive and in the life raft.
- Kate is at home, in bed, she wakes up, the phone rings, clicking on the other end, whispers, backwards talk, a door creaks, Kate gets her gun, goes to Aaron's room, Claire is there, she says not to bring him back, Kate wakes up from her dream, no one is there, she tells Aaron she's sorry.
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- "Don't bring him back, Kate. Don't you dare bring him back." Claire
- On the life raft, Aaron is okay, it's a miracle, Hurley says that he can't believe Locke did it, that he moved the island, Jack says no he didn't, Hurley says that one minutes it's there, the next, it's gone.
- Lapidus sees a light int he distance, it's another boat, they scream to get its attention, the boat starts to turn around and go toward them, it sees them.
- Jack says they're going to have to lie, about everything, all of this, every moment since they crashed on the island, that men come to the island to kill them, someone put a plane on the bottom of the ocean, someone wants them to think they're dead, what do they think will happen when they tell people that wasn't their plane on the bottom of the ocean, what do they think will happy to the people they left behind, Kate says they can't pull it off, Jack says he'll do the talking.
- "(Softly) We're gonna have to lie." Jack "What?" Kate "(Normal voice) We're gonna have to lie." Jack "Lie about what?" Sayid "Everything, all of it, every moment since we crashed on the island. Your freighter, those men came to the island to kill us, all of us. You said that our plane was discovered on the bottom of the ocean. Well, someone put it there--someone who wants everyone to think that we're dead. So what do you think is going to happen to us when we tell them that that wasn't our plane? What do you think's gonna happen to the people that we left behind?" Jack "Jack, we can't. We can't pull it off." Kate "Just let me do the talking." Jack
- The boat comes upon them, Portuguese men begin to talk, it's called Searcher, Desmond hears them say Ms. Widmore, Penny is there, it's her boat, Desmond and Penny reunite, Desmond asks how she found him, she says after his phone call, she has a tracking station, Desmond tells Penny he loves her, that he'll never leave her again, introduces Penny to everyone, Jack says they have to talk.
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- One Week Later--Membata, Sayid tells Hurley, that's where they're going, sailing 3,000 miles to another island, it's the only way to keep them safe, Jack asks how long it'll take to get there, Frank says 8-9 hours to land if the wind isn't too brutal, Jack says that he hopes he never sees Frank again, Penny gives Aaron to Kate, Desmond asks Jack if he's sure he wants to do this, Desmond says as long as he's got Penny, he'll be fine, Jack says don't let him find them, that he'll see Desmond in another life, brother, Desmond says aye, I guess you will, Jack says let's go home, they take off on the raft--Hurley, Sun, Sayid, Jack, Kate and Aaron.
- They arrive to an island, people help them ashore, there is no photo being taken.
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- Jack, listening to The Pixies, driving his car, arrives at HOFFS/DRAWLAR, breaks in with a rock, goes to the casket, looks at Body Release Form, Jeremy Bentham, he opens the casket, Ben shows up, asks if he told him he was off the island, Jack says yes, Ben asks when he spoke to him, about a month ago, and Kate, came to see her too, told him that after they left the island, some very bad things happened, that it was his fault, that he had to come back, Ben says he heard he's been flying, hoping to crash, that it's very dark, Jack asks why he's there, Ben says the island won't let him come alone, that they all have to go back, Jack says he doesn't know where Sayid is, Hurley is insane, Sun blames him for Jin's death, Kate won't even talk to him anymore, Ben says he can help, that this is the way it has to be, that it's the only way, that they have to do it together, all of them, that he has a few ideas, tells Jack all of them have to go back, the casket too.
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- "Perhaps I can help you with that. This is the way it has to be, Jack. It's the only way. You have to do it together, all of you." Ben "How?" Jack "I have a few ideas." Ben [Jack sighs deeply and turns to leave.] "Jack...I said, all of you. We're gonna have to bring him, too." Ben
- John Locke is in the coffin. He is Jeremy Bentham.
During San Diego Comic-Con, in 2007, a video was shown of outtakes from Dr. Edgar Halliwax filming The Orchid Orientation film. If you watch and listen closely, something very interesting seems to happen while filming this Orientation video for the DHARMA Initiative.
Here is the actual Orientation film from The Orchid, shown in this episode. If you watch closely, you can see John Locke literally rewind himself along with the VHS Orientation film involuntarily rewinding itself.
- Did Desmond do 6 months of Explosives training in the Military so that he could dismantle the bomb on the Freighter?
- Did Charles Widmore tell Keamy to kill Alex or did Keamy do it on his own?
- Why didn't anyone go visit Walt when they got off the island?
- Why didn't Hurley tell Walt that his dad died?
- How does Daniel Faraday know that something is going to happen to the island?
- How does Miles know that Charlotte was born on the island?
- Why are there only 6 Orientation videos for the DHARMA Initiative Stations when there are clearly more than 6 Stations? Were some made after the first 6 and their films were made?
- Why did the Orientation film begin to rewind? Why did Locke also rewind?
- Who is watching the Oceanic 6?
- Why does Michael see Christian Shephard? Why does Christian tell him that he can go now?
- Why does Sun approach Charles Widmore? What business does she want to do with him?
- Why does Ben apologize for making Locke's life so miserable? Does he meant it?
- Why does Ben think Jacob wants to punish him?
- Where did the frozen donkey wheel come from? Is it from the Black Rock? Who built it?
- Why can't the person who turns the frozen donkey wheel come back to the island?
- Did the island move when Desmond turned the key?
- Did the moving of the island cause a tsunami?
- Where did the island go?
- How does the island move?
- Why does Kate see Claire? Is it a vision, a dream, or the Smoke Monster?
- Why does Claire advise Kate not to bring 'him' back?
- How could Jack not believe that the island is special after all this time?
- How does Ben know that Locke has to be brought back to the island?
- Kate slapping Jack. It's about all she's good for.
- "I'm fine." Jack "Of course you're fine. You're always fine." Sawyer
- "So what's the plan, Sundance?" Sawyer "The plan is we wait till--" Sawyer [They hear what sounds like a zipper zipping. They swing around, pointing their weapons toward the source of the sound, rustling branches. Through the foliage they see Hurley, apparently finishing up some business.] "Hugo?" Sawyer
- "Boom." Jin
- Locke looking for the Anthuriums at The Orchid Station. Great directions, Ben.
- Sayid and Keamy's fight. Sayid is so badass. Keamy is like twice his size and Sayid can roll with him.
- "Hey, Walt." Hurley "Hey, Hurley." Walt "You're getting big, Dude." Hurley
- "What the hell they talkin' about in there, anyway?" Sawyer "I don't know. Leader stuff?" Hurley [Sawyer scoffs. He eyes Hurley's wrapper of crackers.] "Where'd you get that?" Sawyer "Came from a box Ben dug up out of the ground. They're good." Hurley
- "Couldn't find the Anthuriums, could you?" Ben "I don't know what they look like." Locke
- "Didn't you tell him?" Ben "I tried." Locke
- "Lie to them, Jack. If you do it half as well as you lie to yourself, they'll believe you." Locke
- "Uh, who told you you could eat those peanuts?" Rose "May--may I eat these peanuts?" Miles "I'm gonna keep my eye on you, shorty." Rose
- "Miles, no, uh, uh, I don't think I'm getting across the... direness of the circumstance." Daniel "Oh, no, you're very dire, but I'm still gonna stay." Miles
- "How deep is the station?" Locke "Deep." Ben
- I love when Ben gives Locke the VHS tape to watch while he's busy. It's like Locke is a little kid and Ben is the parent, just trying to keep his kid occupied while he gets work done.
- "Is this the magic box?" Locke "No, John, it's not." Ben "What is all this stuff for?" Locke "Same thing that all the DHARMA stations are for..silly experiments." Ben "What kind of experiments?" Locke "You know what, John? Why don't you watch this very informative video that will answer some of your questions?...And I'll take care of some business." Ben
- "Hey. Uh..was he talking about what I think he was talking about?" Locke "If you mean time-travelling bunnies, then yes." Ben "You do know that he said specifically not to put anything metal in here." Locke
- "He say somethin' to tick you off, Freckles?" Sawyer "Didn't kill that one." Kate "Well, which one did you kill?" Sawyer
- "Let's go, Freckles. I've seen enough of this rock." Sawyer
- "You just killed everybody on that boat." Locke "So?" Ben
- Sawyer shows complete growth as a character by sacrificing himself to save his friends.
- Sayid killing a dude for telling him the time is 8:15.
- "I think visiting hours are over, Dude." Hurley "This is not a visit." Sayid
- "Did he say "bomb"?" Jack
- "Hello, John. Welcome home." Richard Alpert
- "I can't believe he did it." Hurley "Who did what?" Jack "Locke. He moved the island." Hurley "No, he didn't." Jack "Oh, really? 'Cause one minute it was there, and the next it was gone, so...unless we, like, overlooked it, Dude, that's exactly what he did. But, if you've got another explanation, man, I'd love to hear it." Hurley
- "Jack, now I know I'm new to this group and everything, but isn't this the place where everybody starts jumping up and down and hugging each other?" Lapidus
- Desmond and Penny's reunion. Awesomeness.
- "Don't let him find you, Desmond. And I'll see you in another life, brother." Jack "Aye. I guess you will." Desmond
- We return to the flashforward scene from the end of Through the Looking Glass, "The Rattlesnake in the Mailbox," if you will, and resume where they left off, after Kate drove away from Jack. Turns out she stopped the car, and Jack's beard got some Just for Men in the meantime. The plane that flies over them has also mysteriously disappeared.
- It would be really funny if LOST or a fan made a video of Jack saying "We have to go back!" and Kate driving away, only to stop the car, go back and say "We have to go back? We have to go back?" then getting back in her car, driving away, Jack screams again "We have to go back!" and rinse and repeat.
- The fact that no one visited Walt after they left the island is really sad.
- Every time Locke says "it's not an island," I always think he's going to say something completely crazy after that, like "It's purgatory" or "We're living on a giant turtle shell!"
- I still have nightmares about Sun's heart-wrenching screams. Seriously, superb acting by Yunjin Kim.
- Upon seeing this the first time, I totally never expected the Penny and Desmond reunion to happen so soon. I don't think anyone did. It was a really great surprise in this episode at the time, though it only made me feel doomed for the end of their story. I expected this to happen toward the end of the series. I also thought that maybe the writers should have left their story at that, instead of stringing Desmond along in Season 5, and most likely Season 6. Unless Desmond makes a surprising comeback and we finally find out why he really is so special, I believe they should have let Desmond and Penny's story end happily, and at the height of the viewer's interest.
- I absolutely was not expecting Penny to show up in this episode. After The Constant, I think that was the most anyone expected for a Desmond and Penny reunion for a while, so The Searcher showing up in this episode totally caught me off guard. So glad it did though. I think that scene is probably one of the biggest payoffs in LOST thus far.
- I always thought Hurley saying "Checkmate, Mr. Eko" and Mr. Eko not being there was really cheap and so lame. They shouldn't have done it if they weren't going to get the actor for that scene.They should've done it with an actor who could've been there or not done it at all. Considering, we see Charlie when Hurley sees Charlie, it's kind of a cop-out to not have Mr. Eko actually there.
- So, Walt is like 25 now? Seriously.
- I was really disappointed when Hurley didn't give Walt the money he owed him from losing backgammon.
- From Lostpedia: Hurley is seen opening a Fruit Roll-Up with the words "Molly Fisher" on it, where the name of the flavor should be. "Molly Fisher" is the name of a mysterious rock in Kent, Connecticut, near a body of water known as the Hatch pond. It appears to have inscriptions of ruins and hieroglyphs that have yet to be deciphered.
- You get it? There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. Parts 1, 2 & 3. Very punny, Darlton.
- While Locke is watching the Orientation video for The Orchid, the tape starts to rewind, and if you watch closely, Locke also starts to rewind. It's pretty cool. I remember catching this the first time it aired.
- The scene where the rafties discover The Searcher, the light coming toward them, they scream for it, is very reminiscent of the scene in Exodus, Part 2, where the others come upon Michael, Walt, Jin and Sawyer on the raft.
- The conversation that Jack and Locke have at The Orchid is very reminiscent, and even references the very same conversation they had in Exodus, Part 2.
- Jeremy Bentham was influenced by John Locke and David Hume. That was a big clue that it was John Locke who was in the coffin.
- The scene where Sun tells Michael that she's pregnant is so awkward. I don't know why they had to throw that in there. Michael and Sun did not have an affair. Michael ain't Sun's baby daddy. Enough already.
- Jack is an idiot. After everything he's seen on the island, he still says that it's just an island, and even denies the islands disappearance after witnessing it with his own eyes. He's always in denial. He needs to man up and admit that Locke was actually right about what he was saying at The Orchid. Plus, I love the dig by Locke.
- This episode really seemed like the series finale, because, since the beginning of the show, most people assumed that they show would end with them getting off the island. However, I think Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse's decision to show us that well-before the ending is a pretty awesome and ballsy move. They show us that they get off the island first, then they show us what happens to them off the island, then how they got off the island. I really appreciate the clever, non-linear story-telling. It makes the story so much more interesting, than say, a show like--cough--HEROES.
- The Casimir Effect states that the same matter cannot occupy the same space, e.g. when traveling through time, you cannot come into contact with your former or future self.
- Keamy's "life insurance policy" would never get a signal that deep underground, and then send it out to a boat that's miles away. Completely unrealistic, but I'll roll with the punches.
- Ben murdering Keamy via about a million stabbings disturbs the hell out of me.
- I really don't like the way that they handled the killing off of Michael's character. Harold Perrineau is one of the biggest reasons that I started watching LOST and I believe he deserved a lot more respect than he got, especially after all the hype of Michael's return to the show, only to have him in a few episodes, and then get killed off at the end of the season.
- When Ben goes down to the frozen donkey wheel, he falls and cuts his arm on the broken ladder, which is the same cut that is seen in Ben's flashforward in The Shape of Things to Come.
- The moving of the island is very similar to the effects of Desmond turning the failsafe key in Live Together, Die Alone.
- The visual effects of the island moving are phenomenal.
- The white rabbit from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is seen on Aaron's bedroom door.
- From Lostpedia: When reversed, the inaudible phone call Kate receives in her dream appears to be "The island needs you, you have to go back before it's too late."
- The Oceanic 6 were rescued on Day 108. It's awesome how that worked out.
- Jack says "See you in another life, brother" to Desmond as he departs, just as Desmond said to him in Man of Science, Man of Faith.
- "The Frozen Donkey Wheel" was a codename used by producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, referring to the secret scene in the Season 4 finale. Secret codenames have been used in every finale of LOST thusfar, however, this episode literally featured a frozen donkey wheel. Although, "The Frozen Donkey Wheel" was used as a deference from the actual surprisingly secret-ending scene of John Locke being revealed as Jeremy Bentham and the man in the coffin.
- As not to spoil the viewers for the final scene in this episode, several alternate scenes where shot, one with Sawyer in the coffin as Jeremy Bentham and one with Desmond as well. So glad it wasn't Desmond! Although, John Locke is really the only one that would have made sense and I can't believe I didn't see it sooner. Who else would Jack be so distraught over, leaving Kate baffled about it? It all makes sense now.
During San Diego Comic-Con, in 2007, a video was shown of outtakes from Dr. Edgar Halliwax filming The Orchid Orientation film. If you watch and listen closely, something very interesting seems to happen while filming this Orientation video for the DHARMA Initiative.
Here is the actual Orientation film from The Orchid, shown in this episode. If you watch closely, you can see John Locke literally rewind himself along with the VHS Orientation film involuntarily rewinding itself.
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