- Juliet wakes Jack, everyone is arguing with Charlotte and Daniel, Daniel says they have no signal, Jack says to clam down, agrees, says he knows they're lying, sooner or later their people will come back for them, and they'll be waiting, promised they'd get off the Island, Jack collapses in pain.
From Lostpedia
- Jack in bed, gets up, bare chested, the phone rings, Jane confirming consult with Ms. Berenberg, has a scar on his lower abdomen, goes to kitchen, hears whispers, trips on toy, makes coffee, newspapers reads "Yankees Bludgeon Red Sox in Sweep," goes to take a shower, Kate is there.
From Lostpedia
- Jack is reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to Aaron, he tells Kate that his old man used to read that story to him, that he was a good story teller, Kate says she's glad he changed his mind, glad he's there.
- "Alice took up the fan and gloves, and, as the hall was very hot, she kept fanning herself all the time she went on talking: `Dear, dear! How queer everything is to-day! And yesterday things went on just as usual. I wonder if I've been changed in the night. Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? But if I'm not the same, the next question is, 'Who in the world am I?' Aha, that's the great puzzle." Jack
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- Jack gets up, they say he fainted, he says he's just dehydrated, but Kate says that he's not fine.
- Claire is feeling better, but she has a bit of a headache, says at least she's not seeing things anymore, Miles hears voices, asks who Danielle and Karl are, they find the bodies buried, face up, Sawyer says they'll be back to the beach by noon tomorrow.
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- Jacks says he has food poisoning, Juliet says to lift his shirt, checks it out, she says that it's his Appendix, Jack says the pain started yesterday, that it hasn't ruptured yet, but Juliet says they have to take it out.
- Juliet sends Sun to The Staff station for medical supplies because she knows where it is, she needs the medical instruments for Jack's Appendectomy but Sun doesn't know what they look like, Daniel offers to help, says he's done animal autopsies, says they're Scientists and they don't take anyone to get hurt, so Sun and Jin go and Charlotte and Dan join them, Juliet says that if they try to run, to shoot them in the leg.
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- Juliet says they need to create a sterile environment, that Jack can't be brought to The Staff instead because his Appendix might rupture, and he'll die.
- Sawyer tells Miles he has a restraining order and to stay away from Claire.
- Rose wonders why Jack got sick, Bernie says it was bad luck, happened the day before they're supposed to leave, Rose says people don't get sick on the Island, they get better.
- "Why did he get sick?" Rose "Why? It's just--it's just bad luck." Bernard "The day before we're all supposed to be rescued, the person that we count on the most suddenly comes down with a life-threatening condition, and you're chalking it up to bad luck?" Rose "Well, what are you saying, that--that Jack did something to offend the Gods? People get sick, Rose." Bernard "Not here. Here, they get better." Rose
- Juliet shaves Jack's stomach, she says she did a lot of Appendectomies in her Medical Residency, Jack looks at where she is shaving and tells her the incision is two inches lower, Jack wants to stay awake for the surgery and talk her through it, they can use Lidocaine to numb the area, he'll watch and Kate will hold a mirror, Juliet says she needs someone with Medical experience to help, she wants Bernard to instead, but Jack says no, he wants Kate to be there.
- Jack, working at St. Sebastian's, with patient Ms. Berenberg who leaves, he sees someone walking, looks like Christian Shephard, Erika asks him to take a look at an x-ray on the L4, he gets a call from Dr. Stillman, he's from Santa Rosa, he says Hurley refuses to take meds, stopped sleeping, and therapy is useless because he thinks his doctor doesn't exist.
- Jack goes to visit, asks why he isn't taking his meds, Hurley says they're dead, the Oceanic 6, that they never get off Island, he asks Jack what he did today, and Jack says that he woke up, took shower, he and Kate fed the baby, Hurley says he thought Jack didn't want anything to do with Aaron, Jack says he changed his mind after the trial, Hurley says everything is perfect, just like Heaven, living with Kate and and taking care of Aaron, Jack says just because he's happy doesn't mean it's not real, Hurley says he was happy too, but then he saw Charlie, that he likes to sit with him on the bench out on the front lawn, yesterday Charlie told him that Jack would be coming by, he wanted Hurley to give him a message, that he made him write it down, the note says "You're not supposed to raise him, Jack," Hurley asks if he thinks that means Aaron, Charlie also said someone will be visiting Jack soon too, Jack gets upset and leaves.
- "I was happy, too, Jack... for a while, anyway. Then I saw Charlie. He likes to sit with me on the bench out on the front lawn. It's pretty cool, actually." Hurley
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- While at The Staff, Jin asks Sun if she thinks Charlotte knows that Dan likes her, Charlotte looks at them like she understand Korean, Daniel asks where they think all the power is coming from on the Island, Charlotte says to add it to the list, Sun tells Jin The Staff is where Juliet brought her, Jin promises to get her and the baby off the Island.
- Sawyer, Claire and Miles run into Frank Lapidus, he warns them that Keamy and his men are coming, says they're wounded, they show up and Frank tells them they have to get back now, that he's not flying at night.
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- Juliet asks Kate to help with the surgery, Kate says she's surprised he's not taking his Appendix out himself.
- Jack is back at Santa Rosa, in his car, watching, he goes back home, asks Kate if she really thinks he's good at this, asks her to marry him, gives her a ring, she says yes.
- They're back from The Staff, Juliet asks Sun to sterilize the instruments, Jin tells Charlotte he knows she understands him, that she speaks Korean, that she smiled when he was talking about her, asks about listening station, says if she continues to lie, he'll hurt Daniel, break his fingers, Charlotte admits she understands, he makes her promise to take his wife off the Island when the helicopter comes.
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- Bernard says he could use Chloroform to knock Jack out, asks if he'd rather dream about something nice back home, but he declines, Juliet starts the surgery, but Jack is struggling with the pain, Juliet tells Bernard to knock him out, but Jack is fighting it, Bernard uses the Chloroform, Juliet yells for Kate to leave.
From Lostpedia
- Jack is at St. Sebastian, looking at x-rays, he hears beeps, it's the smoke alarm,goes to check it out, his dad says "Jack," Jack is startled, he sees him, Christian Shephard is wearing the suit and tennis shoes he was buried in, then Erika interrupts him, startles him again, he asks her to write a script for Clonazepam, says that he's not sleeping well, has a lot going on, she tells him to talk to someone.
From Lostpedia
- Jack gets home, Kate is on the phone, she says Jack is never home before 8, that she can stay for at least an hour, gets off the phone, she tells Jack that it's Noreen, one of the moms from the park, Jack says she's never mentioned her before, he drinks and takes pills.
- Camp fire, Aaron is gone, Christian Shephard is holding him, Claire investigates and finds them.
From Lostpedia
- Bernard tells Kate the surgery went well, Juliet said she can go back inside, she tells her Jack is fine, they'll have to talk him into rest, Juliet tells her that Jack kissed her, that it was nice, but he did it for him, to prove that he doesn't love someone else, Kate says thanks, leaves, Jack is awake, overheard the whole thing.
- Jack comes home early, tells Kate that he sent Veronica home early, asks where she was, why Veronica was there so late, Kate says she was running errands, Jack tells her that he went to see Hurley, last Friday, Kate asks why he didn't tell her, she would've gone, Jack says that he's crazy, he didn't want to upset her, he asks where she was, she asks him to trust her, to just leave it be, but Jack insists, asks who she was talking to on the phone, wants to know where she was, who she was with, she says that she was doing something for Sawyer, that she made a promise, that he wouldn't want her to tell him, Jack says he's not there, that he made his choice, that he chose to stay, Jack is the one who came back, that he's the one who's here, that he saved her, Kate says that if he has a problem, he needs to figure it out, but that she can't have him around her son, Jack says that she's not even related to him, Aaron walks in on their argument.
- Sawyer wakes up, Miles says that Claire walked off into the jungle in the middle of the night with her dad, they hear Aaron crying, find him left under a tree, alone, Claire is gone.
- Do Charlotte and Daniel really not know anything? Are they just a Science Team?
- What was Claire seeing when she wasn't feeling well?
- Hey, Juliet, I thought you weren't a surgeon? So you can't remove a bullet, but you can perform an Appendectomy? What's next, Heart Surgery?
- Did Jack get sick for a reason? Was he not supposed to leave the Island?
- Why do some people get cured on the Island and some get sick?
- How and why is Christian Shephard appearing to Jack off Island?
- What did Charlie mean by telling Jack that he's not supposed to raise him?
- Is Jack not supposed to raise Aaron or someone else?
- What powers the DHARMA stations?
- Why does Christian appear to Claire? Why does she go with him?
- "Just watch your tone, Red." Rose
- "I don't say nice things about my dad? Well, he was a good storyteller. I'll give him that." Jack
- "Don't look at her. Don't talk to her. Don't mess with her. You got a restraining order. 20 feet." Sawyer "What are you, her big brother?" Miles
- "Do you think she knows he likes her?" Jin "She's a woman. She knows." Sun
- "Where do you suppose all this power's coming from?" Dan "Add that one to the list, Dan." Charlotte
- "If you continue to lie... I'm going to hurt your friend Daniel. I'm going to break his fingers one at a time. Do you understand that?" Jin
- "Wouldn't you rather be dreaming about something nice back home?" Bernard
- "I would like to be able to tell you you' not gonna feel a thing, but... you will." Juliet
- "You know, getting engaged is supposed to help reduce stress, not create it." Erika
- "Dad?" Claire
- "He should be fine. We just have to talk him into resting." Juliet "Good luck with that." Kate
- "I'd have followed them, but I have a restraining order." Miles
- Jack steps on a Millennium Falcon, which is yet another Star Wars reference.
- The toy can also be a reference to Sawyer, who had made several Star Wars references himself throughout the series. Jack also exclaims "Son of a bitch!" which is a Sawyer line.
- When Jack is seen shirtless in the flashforward, he has a scar where his appendix would be. Obviously this is shown for continuity, but there was a big deal made over the fact that Matthew Fox had shaved his chest and stomach for this episode, when he was clearly hairy previously. Kate also says that she bought Jack a razor in the same scene. Obviously the chest-shaving was done to show the scar from his surgery in this episode, which was revealed in the flashforward before we knew that it happened on the island.
- I always wonder what exactly Jack is responding to when he scoffs at the newspaper and exclaims "A-Rod."
- The Yankees/Red Sox series, to my memory, occurred in August of 2006.
- This is not my favorite episode ever. In fact, I think it's one of the weakest of Season 4. Maybe it's just that I don't enjoy Jack or Kate flashes so much anymore. I'd rather learn about characters that I don't know that much about yet. However, I love the scene with Hurley. Jorge Garcia's serious acting is so underrated.
- When Jack is supposed to work on someone with an L4 vertebrae problem, obviously he was familiar with it already, because he operated on Ben who had a tumor on his L4.
- Jack gets a prescription for Clonazepam. Hurley asked Sawyer for Clonazepam in Dave. He said he needed it so that he wouldn't see things. Now Jack is the one seeing things and taking pills.
- Jack is looking pretty freakin' crazy right here. This is one of Jack's craziest Crazy-Jack moments.
- The title comes from something Bernard says to Jack during the surgery, "dream of something nice back home."
- In Raised by Another, Richard Malkin told Claire that she was the only one who could raise the baby, but she wanted to give it up for adoption, when she decides not to, he then changed his story and told her that there was a couple in Los Angeles that would adopt the baby. He said "They're not strangers. They're good people." Now, there is a couple in Los Angeles raising Aaron. Was Richard Malkin somehow talking about Jack and Kate?
- You didn't save Kate, Jack. What the hell is wrong with you? Sawyer saved her more than you did.
- Why in the hell did Keamy bury Danielle and Karl's bodies face up, showing through the dirt? Not only is he a ruthless kill, but he's lazy too.
- Uh, usually the Smoke Monster beats the crap out of people and kills them. Those guys had a few scratches.
- Hurley states that someone will be visiting Jack as well, this is reminiscent to ghosts visiting Scrooge in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.
- This episode was the second time Kate's identity was revealed in a shower scene. Not complaining.
- Sawyer's evolution to leader begins, and Jack's drug addiction begins.
- I dare you to name a Jack flashback/forward where Jack hasn't cried. Go ahead, find one.
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