4.03 The Economist
From Lostpedia- Sayid, eyes open, he's praying near the helicopter, nearby is Naomi's corpse.
- Miles asks Juliet if Ben ever mentioned knowing anyone off the island, Juliet says no, Jack wants to know what they want with him, Miles says they need to locate Ben, Jack says he's with Locke and their friend.
- "The people who hired me told me his name is Benjamin Linus. I don’t know anything else. They gave me the picture, that’s all they told me. They told me “find him” and for what they’re paying me I don’t need to know anything else, do you?" Miles
- Sayid closes Naomi's eyes, covers her body, looks at a bracelet she was wearing.
- "N, I'll always be with you, RG." The bracelet reads.

From Lostpedia - Miles says Locke is the guy who killed Naomi, that he wants his gun back, but Jack says if he wants his gun, then he wants answers, they don't trust eachother, Miles says they both have the same problem, Locke, Kate says they can't just go in, that they're armed.
- Sayid says they're not going anywhere, asks Frank if the helicopter will fly, says he wants him to take him to their ship, Frank says he can take 3 people with him, they burned a lot of fuel coming in, Sayid makes a deal with Frank, if he brings Charlotte back safe, he'll take him to the freighter.
- Sayid, on a golf course, a man arrives, asks if he wants a ride to the next hole, Sayid says no, the man gives him advice, to use the 5 iron, not the 7, they make a bet, the man says 50 Euros, but Sayid makes it 100, Sayid says he does nothing for a living, that he was the recipient of a large settlement, a plane crash, Oceanic Flight 815, says he's Sayid Jarrah, one of the Oceanic 6, the man appears to be frightened, shocked, says he remembers reading about it, but takes his shot, wins the bet, Sayid insists on paying him, but the man says no, tries to leave quickly, but Sayid knows his name, calls him Mr. Avellino, shoots him, leaves quickly as the sprinklers come on.
From Lostpedia - "Actually, a plane crash. Oceanic Airlines, Flight 8-1-5. I’m Sayid Jarrah, one of the Oceanic Six." Sayid
- Sayid at a café, sits at an occupied table, meets a woman named Elsa, he's lost, asks her for directions, he's looking for Potsdamer Platz, they're in Berlin, he says he's a headhunter, a corporate recruiter, Elsa says she works for an Economist, who works in emerging markets, she doesn't really understand what he does, she just shops for him, if her pager goes off, she has to be at his side instantly, only in Berlin once or twice a year, she asks if she knows him from somewhere, Sayid is smooth, makes a date with her.
From Lostpedia - "Do I… Know you from somewhere?" Elsa
- Sayid leaves the café and calls someone, says that he made contact, then tosses the phone, wipes his hands off with snow.
- Sayid shows Jack, Juliet and Kate the photograph of Desmond and Penny that Naomi had, says she was looking for Desmond, that whatever their agenda is, they're not telling them, and maybe Desmond could shed some light on it.
- Jack asks Juliet to go get Desmond, she goes.
- Sayid says Jack isn't the best candidate for this mission, that he'll make Locke release Charlotte without any blood shed, that the last time Jack encountered Locke, he put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger, that it's not good diplomacy, Miles says he's going with.
- Sawyer wants to know who the man on the boat is, says he'll shoot Ben, but Locke says no.
- They approach where the cabin should be, the circle of ash, but there is no cabin, Locke says the cabin should be there, Ben says he's looking for someone to tell him what to do next, but Locke says he was mistaken, that they keep moving, the barracks aren't far.
- Rousseau says if Charlotte's team is with Jack's group, then they know they're going to the barracks, Sawyer says she was wearing a vest, so they're going to be expecting a gun fight, Hurley questions if they should just let her go, Locke says they're keeping her because she will be valuable, Hurley says he's trying to compromise, but Locke says no compromise.
- Sayid is getting ready to go, Jack tells Kate she should go with him, that he doesn't trust Locke, Sawyer won't let him do anything to her, Sayid says guns are a last resort.
- Frank asks Jack where Sayid is from, Jack says Iraq, Frank asks if he's a diplomat, but Jack says no, that he's a torturer.
- Sayid has Naomi's bracelet, asks Miles about Naomi, he says he wasn't close to her, he met her on the boat, asks about Charlotte, why he doesn't care about them, Miles says they're the ones going after their friends with guns, asks what split the camp up, Sayid says there was a fundamental debate on whether they were coming to rescue them or kill them.
- "And which side did you land on?" Miles "I'll let you know when I decide." Sayid
- Sayid and Elsa are going to the opera, she has she's not bringing her pager, Sayid says to take it, he doesn't want her to be fired, but to tell her boss there is newer technology, she says her boss is old-fashioned, she asks if he has a boss, why he's still there, he was only supposed to be in Berlin for one week, he says the job is harder to accomplish than he thought, she says she was hoping it was her.
From Lostpedia - "I’ll carry it. If he does call, I don’t want you fired over me. You should tell your employer that there is newer technology." Sayid "Well, I’ve tried. He’s very old-fashioned. You know how bosses can be. Do you have a boss?" Elsa "Everyone has a boss, Elsa." Sayid
- "Why are you still here? When we met, you said you would only be in Berlin for one week." Elsa "The job I’m on is proving harder to accomplish than I thought." Sayid "Oh. Right. I was hoping it was because of me." Elsa
- Daniel wants to do an experiment, he wants to use the satellite phone, to call Regina, Frank says to only use it for science stuff, that if Minkowski gets on, to hang up.
- Daniel calls Regina, she says she's getting his signal pretty clear, Daniel says to fire the payload, 40 kilometers to beacon, countdown, gets down to zero and nothing happens, nothing arrives, Regina says that's weird, but Faraday says it's far more than weird.
- Sayid, Kate and Miles arrive at the barracks, they hear muffled noises, banging, they go in one of the houses, find Hurley in a closet, gagged and tied up, he says they left him.
- Hurley says Locke's gone off the reservation, he took a hostage, said Walt told him to kill Naomi, he was just trying to argue with him, they tied him up and they left, Locke said the people on the ship are going to kill them, that he said they were going by Ben's house.
- Jack asks Frank if the Red Sox really won the World Series.
- The payload finally arrives, the rocket's timer and the timer on island are at different times, the rocket is 3:16:23 and the timer on island is 2:45:03, Daniel says that's not good.

From Lostpedia - "Thirty-one minutes. Oh, no. This is not good." Daniel
- Juliet returns with Desmond, who is amazed by the sight of the helicopter.
- They go to Ben's house, Kate searches the bedroom, Sayid finds a movable bookshelf, a hidden room, inside there is a rack with clothing, suitcases, and a desk, he looks through it and finds different kinds of currency, passports, looks through them and finds Ben's photograph in them, Dean Moriarty, Kate looks through the room, under the bed, sees someone's feet, Sawyer is in the bedroom, she calls Sayid, Sayid leaves the hidden room, but Locke is there, he says Kate is fine, says Hugo did a good job, he set them up.

From Lostpedia - They capture Sayid, Rousseau, Hurley move him to the rec room, where they're also holding Ben, who says the he bet Locke that Sayid wouldn't be stupid enough to fall for his friend as bait.
- Kate asks Sawyer why he went with Locke, he says he's not looking to leave, that there's nothing back there for him, says Kate is a fugitive, they'll be waiting for her with handcuffs, he says there they have roofs, electricity, showers, beds, Kate asks how long they can play house, Sawyer says they should find out.
- Locke brings iced tea to Sayid, says Kate is with Sawyer, Miles is somewhere else, they only asked him questions, but he didn't answer them, Sayid wants Charlotte, says if he brings her back safely, they'll take him to their ship, but Locke says Ben has a spy on the boat, Sayid says to give him Charlotte, he wants to go to the boat, that he's not asking him to give her up for nothing.
- "I agree that these people are liars and they’re certainly not here to rescue us. But if I return safely with Charlotte, they’ll take me to their ship. It’s our best chance of finding out who they are and what they really want." Sayid "Well, then, I can save you a lot of trouble, Sayid, because Ben says he’s got a spy on the boat." Locke
- "Forgive me, but the day I start trusting him is the day I would have sold my soul. Give me Charlotte. Allow me to do things my way. Or war is coming, which we will both be powerless to stop." Sayid "Why would I give you Charlotte for nothing?" Locke "Oh, I think you misunderstood me. I never expected you to give her to me for nothing. (smiles)" Sayid
- Sayid and Elsa are in bed, she says he never talks about his job, knows nothing about him, she understands that he doesn't want to talk abbot the crash, what happened to him, wants to know about life, about him, says that's what people do when they're in love, Sayid says no more secrets.
- Elsa's pager goes off, she says that he's here, she has to go, Hotel Adlon, Sayid tells her to leave Berlin, that she can't be there anymore, people will be asking questions about what happened to her employer, she can't be around to answer them, she realizes he meant to meet her at the cafe, asks what he'll say when people ask what happened to him, if he's going to kill him, Sayid says her name was on a list, his employer's list, she asks if he just kills people because their name is on a list, innocent people, Sayid says the man she's working for is not Economist, she shoots Sayid in the shoulder, calls her employer, she says he was supposed to page her at 10:30, not 10, that she didn't kill him, says the he had no idea, that she'll bring him to her employer, they'll meet at a safe house, Sayid shoots her, she dies, he mourns her death, looks at her bracelet, the same one as Naomi's.

From Lostpedia - Desmond asks Frank about Naomi, why she had a photograph of him, Frank says Naomi was senior management, he doesn't know anything, Desmond says he's going to the ship.
- Sayid and Charlotte return, but no Kate, Sayid says she decided to stay, he traded Miles for Charlotte.
- They're preparing to leave on the helicopter, Charlotte and Daniel say they have work to do, they're not going with, Daniel says to be sure to follow the bearing, to stay on it no matter what, Sayid says there's room for one more, wants to bring Naomi.
- The helicopter takes off with Frank, Sayid, Desmond, and Naomi's corpse.
From Lostpedia - Sayid, entering a veterinarian's office after being shot, he sits down and a man starts fixing his bullet wound, Sayid says she's dead, she didn't kill him because she was trying to get information from him, she wanted to know who he worked for, about him, Ben, asks if he wants to protect his friends, has another name for him, they know that Sayid is after them now, but Ben says that's good.
- "Why are you crying? Because it hurts? Or because you were stupid enough to care for her? These people don’t deserve our sympathies. Need I remind you what they did the last time you thought with your heart instead of your gun?" Ben
From Lostpedia
Questions:- What is the significance of Naomi's bracelet? Who is RG?
- Why does Sayid appear to recognize it?
- Did Mr. Avellino know Sayid? Did he know he'd be after him?
- Did Elsa know who Sayid was from the beginning?
- Why does Sayid throw the phone away and wash off his hands in snow?
- If they weren't there for Desmond, why did Naomi have the photograph of him?
- Why does Frank say they can't talk to Minkowski?
- Why is there a 31 minute, 18 second time difference from the timer on the payload to the one on the island? Does time work differently on the island than it does in the outside world? Does time move slower on the island?
- Why does Ben have a hidden room? What is the clothing, money, and passports for?
- How does Ben acquire all of these things? How does he get off the island?
- Did Ben put the room there or was it there before he became leader?
- Why did Elsa have the same bracelet as Naomi? Did they know eachother?
- Did Elsa only figure out that Sayid was after her boss when he told her to leave Berlin?
- Who is The Economist? Who does Elsa work for?
- Why did they want Sayid if they weren't going to kill him?
- Is the Economist Charles Widmore?
Favorites:- "In case you zoned out while you were tweezing your goatee, one of these yahoos took Charlotte prisoner." Miles
- "I’ll tell you exactly where you know me from… if you let me take you to dinner." Sayid "Um… [marks on map] this is the restaurant you’re taking me to tonight. 8:00. Well, if you can find it. [leaves]" Elsa
- "Last time you encountered him, you put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. That’s not good diplomacy." Sayid
- "Hey, Jarrah, you think you’re going after Charlotte without me?" Miles "Of course not." Sayid "Oh. Well, good." Miles
- "You ready to give us the name, Gizmo?" Sawyer
- "Well here’s an idea: why don’t we take a gun, point it to his big toe and send that little piggy to the market. [Ben looks slightly amused.] And if he still doesn’t want to tell us, move on to the roast beef. Why don’t we do that?" Sawyer "Because then we’d have to carry him." Locke
- "Kinda sucks, huh?" Kate "What’s that?" Jack "Being told not to come along. Now you know what it feels like to be me." Kate "Does that mean I should wait twenty minutes and go anyway?" Jack "Touché." Kate
- "Hey, this guy Sayid–where’s he from?" Frank "Iraq." Jack "Iraq? He’s just gonna go and work everything out? What was he, a diplomat?" Frank "No. No, he was a torturer." Jack
- "Sure I’m affected. She was hot and I dug her accent." Miles "Nice." Kate
- "Define care." Miles "So much for camaraderie." Sayid
- "What’s his story?" Jack "Couldn’t tell ya. Half the stuff he says goes way over my head, the other half goes way, way over." Frank
- "What’s with the swing set? These people have daycare?" Miles
- "Where the hell did they go, Tubby?" Miles "Oh, awesome. The ship sent us another Sawyer." Hurley
- "Mind if I ask you a question?" Jack "Shoot." Frank "The Red Sox really win the Series?" Jack "Hey, don’t get me started on that, alright? My dad’s from the Bronx. I bleed Yankee blue." Frank "I can’t believe it’s been a hundred days since I’ve seen a game." Jack
- "I’m not going to hurt you, Hurley." Sayid "Yeah… I saw you snap that guy’s neck with that break dancing thing you do with your legs. I think I’ll hang back here." Hurley
- "I lost a dollar, you know. I bet John that you wouldn’t be stupid enough to fall for your friend as bait." Ben
- "[Raises hand] I’m thirsty." Ben
- "Who?" Sayid "It’s a secret." Ben
- "You cheated." Frank "Did I?" Sayid "Yes, you did. Lucky for you that guy’s nothing but a pain in my ass." Frank
Notes:- From Lostpedia: Among Ben's foreign banknotes is an original Series E £20 note issued by the Bank of England, withdrawn in 2001. The design incorporates the face of Michael Faraday. The New Zealand passport shown briefly from the drawer is a diplomatic passport. Standard issue New Zealand passports are blue, while the one shown in the episode was red. The passport that Sayid picked up to inspect was from Switzerland. The date of birth on this passport is March 3, 1962. It was issued on April 2, 2003 and expires on April 1, 2013. The name on the passport is Dean Moriarty.
- The Theory of Relativity basically states that if objects are moving at different speeds, time can move at different speeds as well.
- I really love the scene where the helicopter leaves the island.
- Damn, Sayid is a ladies man in the future. Maybe I should straighten my hair.
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