- Keamy tells Frank Lapidus to be ready, he says he will.
- Frank brings food to the sickbay, Regina is watching the door, reading a book upside down.
- Sayid asks Frank why they're being held captive, tells him that they had nothing to do with Minkowski's death, that the door was left open, but Frank says it wasn't him, gives them Lima beans, Sayid says he wants to talk to the Captain.
- Sun says that Sayid and Desmond left 3 days ago, Jin says that maybe they're returning with the ship, that he wants to talk about baby names, he says that if it's a girl, he wants to name her Ji Yeon, but Sun says that it's bad luck to talk about that, that they should wait until they get off the island first.
- Sun is packing, she's pregnant, off the island, a Korean dubbed version of Exposé plays in the background, she starts to go into labor, calls 911, thinks that something is wrong.
- Jin is in a rush, goes into a store, to get a panda, says he has to get to the hospital.
- Kate and Jack are back, Kate tells Sun that Charlotte knocked her out, that she didn't want to explain why she was on her way to a poison gas factory, she says Juliet lied, she told Jack it was a power station, that Charlotte and Daniel were going there to turn it off, to deactivate the gas, Sun asks if she thinks they're going to rescue them, but Kate says they've never talked about it the whole time they've been there.
- Sayid and Desmond get a note under the sickbay door, Sayid says 3 days ago at Locke's camp, Ben said he had a spy on the boat, the note reads "DON'T TRUST THE CAPTAIN."
- Sun introduces herself to Daniel, tells him that she's 2 months pregnant, asks about their rescue, but Daniel says that it's not his call.
- Jin speaks English to Jack, Jack asks Sun how she's feeling, she says the morning sickness has stopped.
- Sun tells Jin to do what she says and to not ask questions, that he needs to find food for 2 days, and to meet at their tent in 20 minutes, she says that they're going to Locke's camp.
- Sun gets vitamins from Juliet's tent, but Juliet catches her, says they should have lasted longer, Sun says they're going to Locke's camp, that she doesn't trust the people that have come to the island, but Juliet says Locke doesn't want them to leave the island, that pregnant women don't survive there, she tells her that she's not lying, but Sun says that Claire's baby is fine, that she feels fine, that she doesn't trust her.
- Sun is in the hospital, the nurse recognizes that she's one of the Oceanic 6, she tries to take Sun's wedding ring off, she says that they remove jewelery, but Sun objects, they give her drugs, the Doctor says the baby is in distress, he asks if there's anyone to contact, her parents, her husband, she says to get Jin.
- Jin is getting a taxi on the street, he gets a phone call, the taxi drives off with the panda in the back seat, he goes back to get another one, the man at the store says it was the last one, but Jin asks about the one behind the counter, the man says it's on hold, says it's the year of the dragon, but Jin demands it.
- Kate draws a map to Locke's camp for Sun and Jin, tells Sun she'll give them a head start, but she has to tell Jack, Sun says she'd tell him herself, but he wouldn't understand.
From Lostpedia
- "Once you hit the stream, you want to head North West, pretty much in a straight line for about a day and a half." Kate
- Juliet says no, that they're not going anywhere, it's a bad idea, she tells Jin his wife is sick, that they have to get off the island within 3 weeks, or she'll die, if he lets her go, that Sun is in danger.
- Juliet tells Jin that Sun had an affair, that Sun was with another man, that she thought the baby was his.
- Sun bitch-slaps Juliet, Jin leaves, Sun follows.
- Jin starts packing his things, is going fishing, Sun tries to stop him, wants to explain, she says it was a long time ago, but Bernie interrupts, wants to go fishing with Jin.
- Jin and Bernard go fishing, Bernie says that they're the only 2 married couples on the island, that decisions take longer, he tells Jin that Rose has cancer, that she's sick, she's dying, or at least, she was dying, but she says she's better now, that she says it's that place, the island, that he was sure Rose would want to go with Locke when the camps split up, but they stayed with Jack because it was the right thing to do, that Locke is a murderer, and it's all about Karma, they catch a fish, Bernard says they must be the good guys.
- Sayid and Desmond are getting restless, they hear someone banging on pipes, Ray comes in, he says that the Captain wants to see them, they leave, see that the helicopter is gone, Rays says that Lapidus is running an errand.
- "What, you think somebody's doing that? Somebody's just banging those pipes again and again?" Desmond "That's exactly what I think." Sayid
- Regina has a chain wrapped around her, she jumps ship, Desmond and Sayid try to help her, they call for help, try to go after her.
- The Captain comes out, tells them to stop, that she's gone.
From Lostpedia
- The Captain introduces himself, Captain Gault, says he didn't want to lose anymore of his crew, that they have cabin fever, that it has something to do with the close proximity to the island, that there's a saboteur on board, the crew is working on repairs to the engine, then they'll move to safer waters, his orders from Charles Widmore, says Desmond knows him.
- "Some of my crew has been dealing with, what might best be described as a heightened case of cabin fever. I think it's got something to do with the close proximity of the island." Captain Gault
- "This is Charles Widmore's boat?" Desmond "That's right. You know him." Captain Gault
- Captain Gault brings them inside, he shows them something, Sayid says it's a Flight Data Recorder, a black box, the Captain says it's from Flight 815, that a salvage vessel retrieved it from bottom of the Ocean, it took considerable amount of Widmore's resources, they found with wreckage of the plane, along with all 324 bodies, that the wreckage was staged, asks what kind of resources and manpower go into pulling off something like that, he says that's exactly why they want Benjamin Linus.
From Lostpedia
- "That's exactly what it is. Now here's the funny thing. This black box comes from Oceanic Flight 815. A salvage vessel recovered it from the bottom of the ocean. It took a considerable amount of Mr. Widmore's resources to procure it. It was found with the wreckage of the plane, along with all 324 dead passengers. That's not the complete story, as you are well aware, Mr. Jarrah, given the fact that you're standing here, breathing. The wreckage was obviously staged. Now can you imagine what kind of resources and manpower go into pulling off a feat of that magnitude? Faking the recovery of a plane crash? Putting 324 families through a grieving process based on a lie? But what's even more disturbing... where exactly does one come across 324 dead bodies? And that, Mr. Jarrah, Mr. Hume, is just one of the many reasons we want Benjamin Linus." Captain Gault
- Juliet tells Sun she's sorry, that she had to stop them, she needs to get off the island, doesn't know if the boat is the answer, that in 3 weeks she'll have nausea, the week after that, shortness of breath, the week after that, she'll lose consciousness, go into a coma, then she'll stop breathing, that the baby will die, that she can't go.
- "I'm sorry. I had to stop you any way I could. I know you don't trust me, but you need to get off this island. We all do." Juliet "You want to leave?" Sun "More than anything. I don't know if that boat out there is the answer or not, but it's something. I need to go home. So do you. Sun, in about three weeks, you'll be in an almost constant state of nausea. A week after that, you will experience shortness of breath that won't go away. A week after that, you will lose consciousness and slip into a coma. And then, Sun, you will die. And when your heart stops beating, so will the baby's. And that, Sun, is why it is my business, because you are my patient. If you go, you will die. And your baby will never be born." Juliet
- The Doctor wants to do surgery on Sun, a C-Section, but Sun says she's waiting for Jin, the baby starts to come out anyway, is born healthy, the baby is okay.
From Lostpedia
- Ray escorts Sayid and Desmond back, but is going to put them in a new room.
- There is a blood stain on the wall, roaches in the room, Ray calls Johnson to mop it up.
- Johnson introduces himself, Kevin Johnson, but it's Michael Dawson, Sayid and Desmond introduce themselves to him as if they don't know him.
From Lostpedia
- Jin makes up with Sun, brings her dinner, he says explaining won't matter, that he forgives her, he says that he knows why she did it, that he knows the man he used to be, that they will go to Locke's camp, but Sun says no, that they have to get off the island, that they have a helicopter, they have to try, she tells him that the baby is his.
- Jin arrives at the hospital with the panda, but he's delivering it for Mr. Paik, says he represents Paik Automotive, came to present a gift to an Ambassador who has just become a grandfather, he leaves the panda with the Ambassador, says that it's a symbol of Mr. Paik's eagerness to do business with China, a nurse asks why he's leaving so soon, but Jin says it's not his baby, he's only been married for 2 months.
- Sun is putting her wedding ring on, the doorbell rings, Hurley shows up to see the baby, he asks if anyone else is coming, but Sun says no, Hurley says good, she asks if he wants to hold the baby, Hurley says she looks just like Jin, that they should go see him now.
From Lostpedia
- They arrive at a grave, Jin's grave, the head-stone says he died September 22, 2004.
- Sun talks to Jin, says he was right, it was a girl, that the delivery was hard on her, that she kept calling out for him, that she named the baby Ji Yeon, just like he wanted.
From Lostpedia
- "Jin, you were right. It's a girl. The delivery was hard on me. The doctor said I was calling out for you. I wish you could've been there. Jin, she's beautiful. Ji Yeon. I named her just like you wanted. I miss you so much. I miss you so much." Sun
- Did Regina have the sickness? Was her consciousness jumping through time?
- Was Michael banging on the pipes?
- Was the banging on the pipes in Morse Code?
- Why does Captain Gault suggest that Ben staged the fake Flight 815 crash?
- Who really did it? Ben or Charles Widmore?
- What does the recording on the black box say?
- What did the blood stain on the wall come from?
- Why does Hurley visit Sun and why is he glad no one else is coming?
- "Why would Juliet lie about that?" Sun "Force of habit?" Kate
- "(Eating Lima Beans, frustrated.) I hope they resolve their kitchen issues." Sayid
- "Uh, Sun teach me...Uh, Sawyer, too. Sun, is...better." Jin "I bet." Jack
- "You realize we're the only two married guys on the island? (He shows his ring) Married?" Bernard "Married." Jin "Yeah, well, no, not to each other. No. (laughing) You got it. It's not easy, is it? Oh, I mean, it's--it's wonderful, but...let's face it, every decision that you make takes twice as long. 'Cause you always gotta talk them into it." Bernard
- "Wow, look at that! You see? Now, that's karma. We must be the good guys, huh?" Bernie
- "So what do you think of the captain?" Ray "He was surprisingly forthcoming." Sayid
- "Would you like to hold her?" Sun "I don't know, I... kinda have two left hands." Hurley
- This is the first episode to feature both a flash back (Jin) and flash forward (Sun).
- Captain Gault seemed to know that Desmond and Charles Widmore know eachother. If he knows that, that means that Charles Widmore knows Desmond was on the island, so, I'm wondering if he really did send him there now, and if he was someone that pushed Desmond along on his path to the island.
- Jin's grave indicates that he was born on November 27, 1974, and died on September 22, 2004, the day that Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on the island.
- Sun is the last member of the Oceanic 6 that was revealed.
- From Lostpedia: Atlas Shrugged: Alternately the name of the Kahana's captain may be a reference to a character in Ayn Rand's 1957 novel, which is a story about the producers, the movers and shakers in society who decide to go on strike because they are not appreciated by the masses, and create a separate Utopian world, a "village" hidden from view from people, planes and the world.
- From Lostpedia: The Survivors of the Chancellor: is the Jules Verne book, about the last voyage of the British ship Chancellor, that Regina is reading upside down. In the novel, at the beginning of its voyage, the Chancellor carried eight passengers and twenty crew members. By the end, only eleven people (five passengers and six crew) remained alive. In the novel, several characters commit suicide, at least one of them by jumping off of the raft and into the water.
- Just a slap? Sun should have knocked Juliet out.
- If Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse hadn't revealed at the 2007 Comic Con that Michael (Harold Perrineau) hadn't been coming back to the show, and his name hadn't been in the credits in every episode of the season before this one, his reveal and return to the show probably would have been one of the greatest and most shocking ones in the entire series. However, everyone and there mother had anticipated him being the man on the boat, and it was pretty disappointing, in my opinion. I wish they wouldn't have told us.
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