3.18 D.O.C.
- Sun is working in her garden, Jack helps her, asks about the pregnancy, if she's okay, if she has morning sickness, Sun says not anymore, Jack asks if there's any bleeding, Sun says she's fine, she's suspicious.
- Sun talks to Jin on the phone, they were just married, a woman sitting next to her on a bench asks about their photo in the paper, their wedding announcement, asks about Mr. Paik, of Paik Automotive, if it's her father, asks about her husband's parents, Sun says they're dead, the woman says Jin is the son of a fisherman, son of a prostitute, that she'll be back in 3 days, 5 PM, with $100,000, spare him the shame.

From Lostpedia
- The parachutist wakes up, Desmond says he's never seen her before, Hurley says she speaks Spanish, she says she's dying, they find a branch in her side, they say to get Jack, but if they move her, it will make it worse, but Hurley looks through her pack for help, he accidentally shoots the flare gun that he found in the woman's backpack.
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- Sun asks Jin where there are no photos of his family, asks why his father didn't leave any, Jin says they didn't have a camera, he was in the Army when he died, Sun says he was 16 when it happened, gets confused about his story, Jin gets upset.
From Lostpedia
- Sun asks Kate what happened to Jack, says he seems different, asks if she believes his story, he asked about the baby, she says maybe the Others want it, he could be working with them, he was there for over a week, Kate says no, Juliet was a fertility doctor, the reason the Others wants Claire's baby was for research.
- Sun goes to Juliet, asks her what happens, Juliet says that all the pregnant women on the island die.
- The parachutist speaks Chinese, not Korean, Jin says, Desmond wants to go get Jack.
- "Lest you forget. She said my bloody name. She had a photo of me and my girlfriend. Do I understand? I understand better than the lot of you." Desmond
- Mikhail shows up, sees them and runs away, Jin goes after him, slaps some kung fu on his ass, Charlie says that's the guy who shot Sayid, Desmond threatens him with the flare gun, but Mikhail says he already died once, the woman speaks Italian, Mikhail understands her, says she's dying, needs help, he was in the Soviet Army, a field medic, the branch punctured her lung, it needs to be ventilated, that if he fixes her, they let him go.
- Sun is on the beach, thinking, watching Claire and Aaron.
- Sun goes to see Jin's father, he asks about their wedding, he tells him Jin said he was dead, Jin's father says that he said it to avoid shame, he told him his mother died when he was a baby, she was with many men, she left him, his dad raised Jin himself, wasn't even sure he was the father, he tells Sun not to tell Jin.

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- Juliet wakes Sun quietly in the middle of the night, she tells Sun that she'll help her, that she has to go with her, there may be hope, there's a medical station, there's an ultrasound machine, Sun says it was abandoned, but Juliet says that Kate and Claire didn't know where to look, she will look at the baby, and then she can determine the D.O.C., date of conception, if she got pregnant off the island, she and the baby will be okay.
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- Sun goes to see her dad, Mr. Paik, asks him for money, says she can't tell him what it's for, he gives it to her, he says Jin will bear the debt, he works for him now.
- Hurley has a big mouth, tells Mikhail about the satellite phone, Mikhail helps, removes the branch, she speaks Italian, he says that she said thank you, but it appears that she said something else to him.
- Juliet takes Sun to The Staff, Sun asks Juliet why she's helping, she says she lost 9 patients in 3 years, wants to give someone good news, Sun tells her she slept with another man before she was on the island, her and Jin were having trouble at the time.
- "Once upon a time, I told women that they were pregnant and their faces, it was the best news they ever got in their entire life. Then I came here. I've lost, nine, patients in the last three years. I'm helping you because I want to tell you that you and your husband got pregnant before you came here. I'm helping you because I want to give good news again." Juliet
- Juliet brings Sun in the locker room, where there is a secret door, a hidden room, with medical supplies, the crib and things from the baby's room that was given to Claire.
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- Mikhail says she should be better in a day, Desmond tells him to go, but Jin runs after him, because he stole the satellite phone without them noticing.
- "Day? Her lung was punctured." Charlie "On this Island, the wounds are a bit different. Maybe a day and a half. I did as I promised, she will live." Mikhail
- Sun tells Juliet they tried to have a baby, but Jin was infertile, Juliet says that average male sperm count is between 60-80 million, but on the island, it's 5 times that, she's in her 1st trimester, she takes the measurement of the fetus, she'll find out when the baby was conceived, then who, Sun says that she loses either way, but she wants to know.
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- Jin discovers the money in Sun's purse, Sun says that it's money from her father for new furniture, he says to give it back, he can take care of her, he doesn't want to be in her father's debt, that he's sorry they couldn't go on their honeymoon yet, she says okay.
- Juliet says the baby is strong and healthy, they crashed 90 days ago, she conceived about 8 weeks ago, 53 days, Sun got pregnant on the island, it's Jin's child.
- Sun meets the woman, gives her the money, asks why she didn't tell her that she's Jin's mother, the woman says she only gave birth to him, Sun says Jin thinks she's dead, to keep it that way, that her family is powerful.
From Lostpedia
- Juliet says that most of the women made it to the middle of their 2nd trimester, none to their 3rd, that she has 2 months, Juliet goes back inside to clean up.
- Juliet goes to the locker room, finds a tape recorder, records a message for Ben, 6 Am Saturday morning, Kwon is pregnant, fetus is healthy, the baby was conceived on the island with her husband, he was sterile before, working on samples from the other women, Austen soon, she'll report when there's more, turns the recorder off, says she hates him.
- They make a stretcher for the parachutist, Charlie says they should've killed Mikhail.
- The woman wakes up, Hurley says they're survivors of Flight 815, she says they found the plane, there were no survivors, they were all dead.
From Lostpedia
- "You're on an Island. Are you here to rescue us? Are there more of you, can you make your phone work?" Hurley "Who are you?" Parachutist "Hugo Reyes. I crashed here on Oceanic Flight 815. A bunch of us survived, is that why you're here, were you looking for us?" Hurley "815. Flight 815? The one from Sydney." Parachutist "Yeah!" Hurley "No, that's not possible." Parachutist "Yeah I know. It wasn't easy but we found food, and the hatch..." Hurley "No. No, Flight 815 they, they found the plane. There were no survivors. They were all dead." Parachutist
- Why does Naomi speak so many languages? Why not just speak English?
- Why is the room in The Staff hidden?
- How did Mikhail get back through the sonic fence?
- Is the baby Jin's?
- Was anyone else on the island pregnant?
- Was the plane crash staged? Who did it?
- Was the plane that was found on an alternate timeline?
- Who is Naomi working for?
- "Nobody knows we're here!" Desmond "[Hurley accidentally shoot the flare gun] Oops." Hurley
- "What else do you know about this woman? Did she have anything on her besides the flare gun?" Mikhail "Just a book, fancy radio phone thingy. [Charlie shakes his head as Mikhail turns to Hurley]" Hurley "Does it work?" Mikhail "Like I'd tell you." Hurley
- "You stole this." Charlie "How could you respect me if I didn't try?" Mikhail "How about I take your other eye? Would you respect that?" Charlie "Sorry, what?" Mikhail
- [Hurley sits with the parachutist. He attempts to make the satellite phone work, and holds it to his ear] "Mom?" Hurley
- Sun, thank you, finally someone confronts the possible evil-Jack issue! I wished Jack was evil at this point.
- Naomi says to Mikhail "I'm not alone," but he says that she said thank you.
- How our views of Sun and Jin have changed.
- I wish Mr. Kwon was my dad!
- They were all dead? Whaaaat?!
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