4.08 Meet Kevin Johnson
- Locke's camp has a meeting, Locke says there will be no more secrets, he brings Miles in, and Miles they're there for Ben, Sawyer wants to turn Ben over to them, but Locke says no, Ben says that once they have him, they'll kill everyone else on the island, that Michael is the man on the boat, everyone is shocked at this news.
- On the freighter, Desmond and Sayid are asleep, an alarm goes off, they wake and go to the deck, the Captain says no one leaves the ship without his say so, he's beating two of his crew members for trying to leave and go to the island, he calls Michael to clean up.
- Sayid approaches Michael, questions why Michael is on the boat, says he's there to die.
- Sawyer approaches Locke after the meeting, who is bringing Miles back to the boathouse, he questions the $3.2 million Miles asked Ben for, but Locke says he doesn't think he'll be able to get it since there isn't a bank on the island, Miles says he'll find a way to get it.
- Ben gives Alex a map to The Temple, he says it's a sanctuary, that it may be the last safe place on the island, Karl asks why don't they know about it, Ben says that he doesn't tell everyone about it, that the rest of their people are already there, that they can get there in a day and a half, Karl says they all should go, but Ben says it's only for them, people are there to capture him, that they will use Alex to get to him, Rousseau agrees, Ben says they're more dangerous than him, tells Alex that her mother will protect her, they leave.
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- In the morning, Sayid and Desmond find out that Michael is in the engine room, they go there, Michael is fixing the engine, asks Jeff to go get a pressure valve from the supply room, when he leaves, Sayid attacks Michael, wants to know how he's on the boat, Michael said he wouldn't understand, so Sayid says to start from the beginning.
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- Michael is in his apartment in New York, he's writing a letter, he looks at a photograph of him and Walt, he takes the note and leaves, gets in his car, Mama Cass plays on the radio, he pins the note to his coat, drives away.
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- Michael says he's sorry, he drives full-speed into a dumpster, the radio continues to play, there are sirens in the background, coming toward him.
- He wakes up in the hospital, a nurse comes in, he asks how he got there, she says he was in a car accident, that it's a miracle he's alive, there is whispering, the nurse is Libby with blankets, Michael wakes up from a dream.

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- The real nurse comes in, there is a Christmas tree in the hallway, she says he's lucky to be alive, that he wrecked his car, there was a note was pinned to his chest, she asks him if he wants her to call Walt, that's who the note was written to, he says no.
- Michael goes to see Walt at his mother's house, but his mom says no, that Walt doesn't want to talk to him, that she thought he was dead, questions why they have different names, that Walt wakes up in the middle of the night screaming, they said their plane crashed in the middle of the ocean, wants to know why she can't tell anyone about him and Walt, that they were gone 2 months, that until he explains, he gave up his rights, Michael asks her to tell Walt that he loves him.
- Michael leaves, Walt watches by at the window.

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- Michael pawns the watch that Jin gave him for a gun and bullets, goes into an alley to kill himself, he's about to pull the trigger, but Tom Friendly shows up.
- Michael attacks him, Tom is going to shoot him, so Michael says do it, but Tom says they sent him there, kept tabs on him, realizes that he told Walt what he did, that he couldn't carry the guilt, says that he can't kill himself, that the island won't let him, that he has more work to do, tells him that when he comes to terms with that, he's staying in the Pent House, at Hotel Earl.
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- Michael goes back to his apartment, he tries to kill himself, but nothing happens, the gun is loaded, but no bullets come out, the gun jams.
- Michael has the television on in the background, a Game-Show Host asks a Literature questions referring to the book, Slaughterhouse Five, and the contestant answers Kurt Vonnegut, but then the news interrupts the program, Michael hears that Oceanic Flight 815 was found, the wreckage, they say that there's little chance of retrieving the black box.
- Michael goes to the hotel to meet Tom, who is now gay Friendly.
- Tom says he doesn't make it to the mainland too often, Michael wants to know why the plane is at the bottom of the Ocean, Tom says it's not his plane, that it's a phony, that Charles Widmore staged the wreckage, doesn't want anyone else to find where the real plane is except him.
- Tom asks Michael if the bullet bounced or the gun jammed, Michael says to prove it.
- Tom shows Michael a photograph of a cemetery in Thailand where the bodies were dug up, a purchase Order for a 777, bought through a shell company, shipping logs for a freighter to drop the whole mess down a trench too deep enough to guarantee no remains would be identified.
- Michael wants to know what he wants, Tom says in a few days, a freighter, porting Fiji, that it's Widmore's, that they have reason to believe he's finally found the coordinates to the island, that he's heading for it, Michael has a job on the boat, shows him a fake ID, says meet Kevin Johnson, that he's joining the crew as a deckhand, going undercover, that if Widmore finds the island, everyone dies, that Michael can redeem himself for what he did, to give his life, but Michael says he can't go back to the island, Tom says that he's not going back, that he's going so he can kill everyone on board the freighter that's heading for it.
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- Michael arrives in Fiji, gets to the freighter, he meets George Minkowski, who says that check in is with Naomi Dorrit, she tells him he had a crate delivered, he then meets Miles, who says his name isn't Kevin, that 80% of the people on the boat are lying about something, offers him an orange.

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- Michael gets a phone call, Tom says to wait a day or two until they're out in the open sea, asks if he's getting cold feet, but Michael says he's in, Tom tells him to ditch the phone, do the job.
- Frank and Naomi argue about the chopper.
- Frank talks to Michael about Oceanic Flight 815, asks what if he said the plane that was found int the trench wasn't the real 815, Michael asks why he signed up for the trip, Frank says that Widmore believes him, asks to imagine if they found people alive.
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- Keamy shooting, Michael says he thought they were on a rescue mission.
- Michael opens the crate he received, there's a case inside, with a bomb in it, he brings it in to the Engine room, executes the code, Libby appears, she says don't do it, but he pushes the button anyway, counting down from fifteen seconds, a note comes out that says "NOT YET."

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- Michael gets a phone call on the freighter, says it's Walt, but it's not, it's Ben.
- Ben says that he will not kill innocent people, Michael asks about Ana Lucia and Libby, Ben says he killed them, that no one told him to do it, he tells Michael to compile a list of names, every person on the boat, give him the list, to disable communications and to take out the engine, that the boat will never get to island, that his friends will be safe, Ben says that Michael is one of the good guys.
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- Michael finishes telling Sayid his story, that he's working for Benjamin Linus but Sayid isn't satisfied and brings him to Captain Gault, tells the Captain his story.
- "This man is not who you think he is. He was a passenger on Oceanic Flight 8-1-5. I spent two months with him on the Island before he betrayed us. This is the man who sabotaged your radio room. He destroyed the ship's engine, and his name isn't Kevin Johnson. It's Michael Dawson, and he's a traitor." Sayid
- Rousseau, Alex and Karl are going to The Temple, they stop to drink and rest.

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- Gun shots fire towards them, Karl's water bottle is shot, and then while starring at it, he gets shot, he dies.
- Alex is in shock, Rousseau tells her that they have to go, that she's going to count to three and they're going to run, but as soon as they run, Rousseau gets shot and dies.
- Alex surrenders, says she's Ben's daughter so they stop shooting.

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- Why does Miles think it will be so easy for Ben to get $3.2 million?
- What is The Temple? Why is it only for the Others?
- Why does Ben think it would be the only safe place on the island?
- How did Tom get off the island?
- When in the timeline did Tom visit Michael? When was he gone?
- Was Libby a hallucination or the smoke monster?
- What stopped the gun from firing and Michael committing suicide? Was it the island? Was it Jacob?
- Why in the hell did Michael tell Walt what he did on the island? How do you tell a ten year old kid that you killed two women?
- Who was watching Michael after he left the island?
- Why won't the island let Michael kill himself?
- How did Miles know that Michael's name wasn't really Kevin?
- Does Michael tell Sayid and Desmond the part about Tom Friendly being gay?
- "We're here for him. (Ben)" Miles "Um, we kind of, like, knew that forever ago." Hurley
- "I'm sorry. You mean the same guy that killed two women in cold blood to set this little bastard free? And then sold all of us out so he could get off the Island? That Michael?" Sawyer
- "Yeah. Miles offered his loyalty in exchange for the money. But as I haven't seen a bank on the island, I didn't think it worth mentioning." Locke
- "He wants to survive. And considering a week ago you had a gun to his head, and tonight he's eating pound cake, I'd say he's a guy who gets what he wants." Miles
- "It's a cold night. I brought you some extra blankets." Libby
- "Excuse me, sir. You got the time?" Tom
- "Manhattan, huh? We let you leave one island, and you just go to another one." Tom
- "Is this the guy who hit you with the champagne bottle?" Arturo "Yeah, but I had it comin'." Tom
- "Did the bullet bounce off your skull, or did the gun just jam on you?" Tom
- "You know those nuts that think the moon landing was faked?" Frank
- "What, are you going Nicholson on us? You know, Jack Nicholson in The Shining, when he's bouncing that ball against the wall? Next thing you know, you're gonna go after your wife with an axe." Minkowski "I'm not married, man." Kevin
- "You put me on this boat, talked me into blowing it up, and when I push the damn button, a flag pops up." Michael "You actually activated the bomb?" Ben "It's not a bomb! It's a... (catches himself) It's a joke." Michael
- When Karl dies. That was the most hilarious death ever. Karl wonders why his water bottle was shot.
- So, Mr. Friendly is gay. I guess that's why Kate isn't his type, as he said in A Tale of Two Cities.
- Michael's mother notes that he was missing for over two months, which tells us that time on the island and off the island are the same. It had been speculated for a long time that time on the island may lapse differently than the island world, but this is one of the many conformations that it hasn't.
- Michael David Kelly claimed in an interview that it in fact was him that appeared in this episode, but obviously was digitally altered.
- It made me kind of sad that Michael pawned the watch that Jin gave him. Jin attacked Michael for having the watch in House of the Rising Sun, but they built the raft together and quickly became friends, so Jin gave it to Michael. It was a symbol of how much they grew and their time on the island, and Michael goes and hocks it. Bastard!
- I like how Tom has all the funny lines in this episode.
- Michael knew Naomi was from Manchester because of Charlie.
- When Michael sees Libby on the freighter, she is wearing the same clothing that she died in.
- From Lostpedia: "Kevin Johnson" and "Dean Moriarty," from The Economist, share the same passport number: HNSO12153. The passport number: HNSO12153 references Hanso (HNSO) and two of the Numbers 4 and 8 (1+2+1=4 and 5+3=8).
- Karl saying "I've got a bad feeling about this" is yet another Star Wars reference.
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