- The helicopter is flying back to the freighter, Desmond looks at his photograph of Penny.
- Frank is flying the helicopter, looks at his notes from Daniel, 40 N at bearing 305, 7 Kilometers, Sayid asks what it is, Frank says that it's a cheat-sheet.
- A storm forms ahead of them, but they're flying straight into it, Sayid asks why, Frank says it's because they have to stay on the bearing.
- Sayid asks Desmond about Penelope, that she told Charlie she didn't know about the boat, asks what he expects to find when he gets to the freighter, Desmond says answers.
- They hit some turbulence in the storm, lightning strikes, they go slightly off the bearing, to 310, Frank struggles to take control of the helicopter.
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- Frank tells them to hold on, Desmond holds on to his seat, gripping it, and suddenly he is transported to when he was in the Royal Scottish Regiment, in a Military barrack, gripping onto the side of his bed, a Drill Sergeant calling orders, telling them to get up, Desmond appears to be disoriented, confused, but gets out of bed slowly.
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- Desmond rushes to his mark, his Drill Sergeant asks what took him so long, Desmond says he was having a dream, he says he was on a helicopter, in a storm, the Army Officer says to be in the yard in 4 minutes, tells all the Soldiers to be thankful that they have to do it in double-time because of Desmond's tardiness.
- In the yard, they do push-ups, sit-ups, in the mud and rain, Desmond's friend tells him that he hopes his dream was worth it, Desmond says he's never had a dream so vivid, that it was like he was actually there, the Drill Sergeant sees Desmond talking, asks him a ques--
- Back in the storm, on the helicopter, Desmond is confused, Frank says they're almost through it, they see daylight, Desmond is disoriented, doesn't know where he is, is trying to get out of the helicopter, unbuckle his seat-belt, but Sayid is trying to help him, hold him back, but Desmond doesn't recognize Sayid, asks who he is, how he knows his name.
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- Jack is worried, says they took of a day ago, Charlotte says she doesn't know anything, Juliet says they're not worried, that their boat is 40 miles off-shore, it should have only taken them 20 minutes to get there, Dan says they should just tell him, but Charlotte says not to get them confused, Jack and Juliet insist, Dan says that their perception of how long they've been gone may not be exactly how long they've actually been gone, that it will be okay as long as they stay on the bearing, and if not, there may be side-effects.
- Desmond is confused, keeps trying to get out of the helicopter, Sayid is trying to help him, hold him back, tells him to sit down, that they're at 2,000 feet, but Desmond keeps asking what he's doing there, how he knows his name, but Frank tells Sayid to just hold on to him, that they'll be there in 2 minutes, and the helicopter gets to the freighter, The Kahana.
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- Desmond looks down at Penny's photograph clenched in his hand again, and he appears to recognizes her.
- They get off the helicopter, the people on the freighter question them, want to know who they are, Frank says they're survivors of Flight 815, Sayid says his friend is disoriented, but Desmond doesn't claim to know Sayid.
- Desmond is freaking out, wants to know who they are, where he is, what he's doing there.
- They ask how long Desmond has been like that, Frank says he was fine when they took off, Sayid tries to protect Desmond, but they talk to Sayid, say they want to take Desmond to their sickbay, to have their doctor look at him, then Sayid can come down, Desmond says this is a mistake, he's not supposed to be--
- --here, suddenly Desmond is transported back into the Royal Army, standing in the rain, while the rest of the soldiers are doing crunches, the Drill Sergeant catches Desmond, makes the soldiers start running as punishment.
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- Desmond is loading a truck, he tells his friend, Billy, that he left, he was on a boat, then he was back there, right where he started, Billy asks who else was on the boat, if there was anyone he recognized, Desmond says Penny was on the boat, that he had a photograph, and Penny was in the photo.
- Desmond goes to a phone booth to call her, an angry soldier comes out and bumps into him purposely, saying thank you for that morning, and Desmond drops his change on the ground, going to pick it up.
- Desmond is back on the freighter, trying to pick up his change on the deck, but nothing is there, Desmond says he's not there, doesn't believe this is happening, Keamy and Omar take him to the sickbay.
- Desmond asks them who they are, Keamy says he's from Vegas and Omar is from Florida, they last ported Fiji, that at least they know they're in the Pacific, they put Desmond in the sickbay, saying they're going to get the doctor, that he'll ask him questions and try to sort everything out, they lock him in there.
- Desmond discovers a man strapped down to the bed in the sickbay, the man asks if it's happening to him too.
- Sayid asks Frank what's happening to Desmond, but Frank doesn't know, Sayid asks why they took off at dusk and landed on the freighter in the middle of the day, Frank says he's trying to help him, Sayid asks for a satellite phone to call his friends, Frank wants Sayid's weapon for the phone, he gives it to him.
- Sayid calls Jack, tells him something happened during the flight, Desmond is in their sickbay, Jack puts him on speaker phone, Sayid says that Desmond doesn't recognize him or know where he is, Jack asks if that's the side-effects, Dan wants to know if Desmond has been exposed to high levels of radiation or electromagnetism, he says that they don't know why, but going to and coming form the island, some people can get a little confused, Juliet asks if it's amnesia, but Daniel says no.
- Desmond tries to talk to the man in the sickbay, but he appears to be staring blankly into space, he suddenly blinks, becomes lucid, says he was just on a Ferris Wheel.
- The doctor, Ray, comes in, the man strapped to the bed says it's happening to Desmond too, that he's not crazy, that it's going to happen to all of them once they start heading to the island again, but Ray draws a needle and injects him, which relaxes him immediately.
- Desmond says he's not giving him that too, but Ray says he just wants to check Desmond's eyes, so he can help him, he asks his name, the last thing that he remembers.
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- Desmond is transported back to the phone booth, picking up his change on the ground, he calls Penny, he tells her he's in trouble, that he thinks something's happened to him, he's confused, that he needs to see her, she says he broke up with her and joined the Army, and now he expects that she still cares about him, that he is confused, Desmond says he has 2 days leave starting tonight, asks if he can come see her, but she says no, that she moved from the flat, so don't bother showing up there, that it doesn't matter where, not to call her again, he tells her "Penny, I need--
- --need you." Desmond is back in the sickbay, the Doctor, Ray, checking his eyes, asks him if he just experienced something.
- "Did you just experience something, Desmond?" Ray
- Sayid and Frank come in, Ray says they're not supposed to be there, but Frank says he has Faraday calling from the island, that he needs to talk to Desmond, but Ray says he's not talking to his patient, Sayid says he's not his patient, slams him against the wall, tells him to give Desmond the phone, Ray sounds an alarm, Sayid closes the door.
- Daniel talks to Desmond, says they met yesterday before they took off, but he's guessing he doesn't remember that, Desmond doesn't remember taking off or the island, Daniel asks Desmond what year he thinks it is, Desmond if confused but this questions, he says it's 1996, Daniel asks where he's supposed to be in 1996, Desmond says Camp Millar, Royal Scots Regiment, just North of Glasgow, Daniel tells him that when it happens again, to get on a train and go to Oxford University, Queens College, Psychics Department, Desmond questions why, Daniel says he needs Desmond to find him.
- Daniel looks for his notebook, says he needs to find it or he won't believe him, Jack wants to know why Desmond thinks it's 1996, Daniel tells him that he doesn't know, that it's a random effect, it's unpredictable, that sometimes it's for a couple of hours, other times it's years, Jack asks if it's happened before.
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- Daniel gets back on the phone with Desmond, Sayid is holding the door closed in the sickbay, Daniel tells Desmond that he needs to find him, when he does, tell him to set the device to 2.342, and make sure it's oscillating at 11 Hertz, and if the numbers don't convince him, to tell him that he knows about Eloise.
- Desmond writes the note on his hand, Keamy and Omar bust into the sickbay.
- Desmond is transported back to the phone booth, checks his hand, but the note is no longer there.
- Desmond goes to Oxford, he finds Daniel, tells him he thinks he's just been to the future, that he spoke to him there, Daniel told him to find him at Oxford, he said he'd help him, but Daniel asks why he would put him through the headache of time travel, that it seems unnecessary, thinks that it's a prank, says it's a paradox.
- Desmond tells Daniel to set his device to 2.342 and to make sure it oscillates at 11 Hertz, Daniel asks who told him those numbers, Desmond says that he told him, Daniel says it's ridiculous, but Desmond says that he knows about Eloise, which gets Daniel's attention.
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- Daniel takes Desmond to his lab, says it's where he does the things that Oxford frowns upon, asks that the future version of him referenced their meeting, so he would remember Desmond coming to Oxford, but Desmond says no, that maybe he just forgot.
- Desmond asks if they're changing the future, but Daniel says you can't change the future.
- Daniel puts on a radiation vest, Desmond asks what it's for, if he gets one, but Daniel tells Desmond he only needs it for prolonged exposure, that he does it 20 times a day, but Desmond asks why he then doesn't protect his head, Daniel flicks some switches.
- Daniel shows Desmond Eloise, a rat, says that if the numbers Desmond gave him are correct, the machine will unstick Eloise in time, just like him.
- Daniel places Eloise at the beginning of a maze, puts his machine on her, presses a button and a red ray of light consumes her, Desmond asks what happened, but Daniel says she's not back yet, when Eloise comes to, Daniel releases Eloise into the maze and she goes through it without a mistake, Daniel says it's perfect, that it worked, it's incredible, but Desmond questions what's so wonderful about it, Daniel says that he just finished the maze that morning, that he's not going to teach her how to run it until an hour from then, Desmond says that she traveled to the future, but Daniel says that it's only her consciousness, her mind that traveled to the future.
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- Desmond asks how that's supposed to help him, but Daniel asks if he sent Desmond back there to help him, Desmond says he doesn't know why he sent him there, he just knows that Daniel ends up on some island, Daniel asks about the island.
- Desmond is back in the sickbay, Keamy taking the phone from him, Frank says that Daniel just wanted to talk to him, that he said he could help, but Keamy says Faraday can't even help himself, tells them to leave, that the Captain wants to talk to Frank.
- Sayid says he wants to talk to the Captain, Keamy says that he'll let him know, Desmond says that he needs to get back, Sayid asks where, to the island, Desmond says that Faraday said he could help him, he could tell him what he needed to do, Sayid wants an explanation.
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- The man who is strapped to the bed speaks to them, he recognizes Desmond's name, he says his name is George Minkowski, that he's the boat's Communications Officer, that before they strapped him down there, all the calls to and from the boat came through him, in the radio room, and every so often, he'd get a flashing light on his console, an incoming call, that they were under strict orders never to answer, he says that those calls came from Desmond's girlfriend, Penelope Widmore.
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- Desmond is back in Daniel's lab, he says that Desmond was out 75 minutes, that he went catatonic in the middle of a sentence, but Desmond says he was in the future, only there 5 minutes, Desmond asks why it keeps happening, Daniel says that he thinks, in his case, progression is exponential, that each time his consciousness jumps, it gets harder to jump back, he tells him to be careful crossing the street.
- Desmond discovers that Eloise is dead, Daniel says it was probably a brain aneurysm, that he'll do an autopsy later, Desmond asks if that's going to happen to him, Daniel says the effects vary from case to case, but Desmond throws him against a wall, wants to know if he's going to die, Daniel says he thinks Eloise's brain short-circuited, the jumps between the present and the future, she couldn't tell which was which, she had no anchor, the equation needs stability, a constant, to stop it, he needs to find something there that also existed in 1996, something that's important to him, Desmond asks if he could be a person, Daniel says yes, but that he has to make some sort of contact.
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- "I think Eloise's brain short-circuited. The jumps between the present and the future...she couldn't tell which was which, she had no anchor. Something familiar in both times. All this, see this is variables, it's random, it's chaotic. Every equation needs stability, something known. It's called a constant. Desmond, you have no constant. When you go to the future, nothing there is familiar. So if you want to stop this, then you need to find something there, something that you really, really care about, that also exists back here, in 1996." Daniel "This constant, can it be a person?" Desmond "Yeah, maybe. But you have to make some kind of contact. Didn't you say you were off on a boat, in the middle of nowhere?" Daniel
- Desmond makes a call, to Penny, but her number is out of service, been disconnected, he leaves to go find her, but he collapses in the stairwell.
- Desmond is back in the sickbay, falling down, he sees himself in the mirror, noticing that he has a beard and looks very different from 1996, a lot older.
- Desmond says he needs to call Penny, but Sayid says that it isn't their priority now.
- "I need to call Penny." Desmond "Calling your girlfriend is not our priority." Sayid "Listen, brotha, I don't know you. But you seem to know me, so...so if you and me are friends, then I need your help. I need to call Penny, now." Sayid
- Minkowski says that 2 days ago, someone sabotaged all the equipment, they lost all communication with the mainland, that he probably could have fixed it, but then he went nuts, Sayid asks where the radio room is, Minkowski says it's one deck up, that he will help them, they wonder how they will get out, but Minkowski says through the door, which is now suddenly opened, Minkowski says they must have a friend on the boat, but his nose then begins to bleed.
- Desmond is transported back to the stairwell, he wakes up and leaves to find Penny.
- He goes to an auction, where they are selling the Black Rock journal, owned by Tovard Hanso, Charles Widmore is there, bidding on the item, which he wins, and then leaves.
- "The Black Rock set sail from Portsmith, England, on March 22, 1845 on a trading mission to the kingdom of Siam, when she was tragically lost at sea. The only known artifact of this journey is the journal of the ship's first mate, which was discovered among the artifacts of pirates on the Ile Sante-Marie off the coast of Madagascar seven years later. The contents of this journal have never been made public, or known to anyone outside the family of the seller, Tovard Hanso. We open the bidding on lot 2342 at 150,000 pounds." Auctioneer
- "Sold, for 380,000 pounds to bidder 755. Thank you." Auctioneeer
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- Desmond approaches Widmore, says he needs to have a word him, Widmore tells him to walk with him, they go into a bathroom, Desmond says he needs to get in touch with Penny, that he doesn't know how to reach her, her number has been disconnected, Widmore says that there was a time, if he'd asked her to marry him, he's certain she would have said yes, but that his cowardice won out instead, that he's had second thoughts, he he wants her to give him another chance, Desmond asks why he hates him so much, but Widmore says it's not him who hates him, gives him Penny's address, says she'll tell him herself.
- Widmore leaves the faucet in the bathroom on, and Desmond goes to turn it off, but then flashes back to the freighter.
- Minkowski tells Desmond that he knows it's getting harder, that it starts happening faster too, they start to head to the radio room.
- Desmond asks Minkowski how this happened to him, he says the freighter was anchored there, they were waiting for orders, bored out of their minds, that him and one of the other crew members, Brandon, took out the ship's tender, wanted to see the island, but Brandon started acting crazy, they had to turn around, tells them that he's dead now, in a body bag.
- They get to the communications room, Sayid asks Minkowski who destroyed the equipment, he says he doesn't know, but then he collapses, Desmond catches him, Sayid says that after he makes the call, he wants to know what exactly is going on, he asks Desmond if he has the number, Minkowski starts having a seizure, Desmond tries to get him to wake up, but he doesn't.
- While Sayid tries to fix the equipment, he tells Desmond that he needs to remember the number, Desmond notices a calendar in the communications room, he realizes that it's December 2004, they notice that it's also Christmas Eve.
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- Desmond starts to get a bloody nose, Minkowski begins to have another seizure, he goes into convulsions, says that he can't get back, and then he dies, Sayid asks what happened to Minkowksi, and Desmond says it's the same thing that's going to happen to him.
- "I...can't....get....back!" George Minkowski
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- Desmond is transported back into the bathroom, laying on the floor, water filling the sink, dripping on him, he turns the faucet off, goes to wipe his nose, but no blood is there, he leaves to go find Penny, 423 Cheyne Walk, knocks on the door.
- Penny answers the door, Desmond says he needs to talk to her, but she says she's trying to make a clean break from him, but he begs her to let him talk to her, so she lets him in.
- "Desmond? What are you doing here?" Penny "I had to...I mean, I tried to call you but you disconnected your phone." Desmond "Yeah, because I moved. Look, I don't know if you're getting the signals, Desmond, but I'm trying to make a clean break from you, so if you don't mind..." Penny "Wait a minute, Pen, please wait. I just need to get your new phone number, okay?" Desmond "Why would I give you that?" Penny "Because I made a huge mistake, I never should have broken up with you, and...and I know that now, and I'm sorry, and--" Desmond "Don't, just don't dare..." Penny "--and I understand. And I know it's...it's too late to change things, but I need to tell you something, and I need you to listen to me, and I know it's going to sound ridiculous, but...please, Pen. I need you to listen to me." Desmond
- Desmond tells Penny that he needs her number, she questions why, but he says that if there's any part of her that still believes in him, to give him her number, that he won't call for 8 years, on December 24, 2004, she gives him her number, 79460893, he says that she can't change her number, to believe him, trust him, Penny makes him leave.
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- "Just, say what you need to say and go." Penny "I know this doesn't make any sense, because it doesn't make any sense to me. But...eight years from now...I need to call you, and I can't call you if I don't have your number." Desmond "What?" Penny "Look, Penny, just give me your number, and, and I know I've ruined things, and I know you think things are over between us, but they're not. If there's any part of you that still believes in us, just give me your number." Desmond "And what's to say you won't call me tonight, or tomorrow?" Penny "I won't call for eight years. December 24, 2004. Christmas Eve. I promise. Please, Pen." Desmond "If I give you the number, will you leave?" Penny "Aye." Desmond "79460893. [Desmond repeats the number, whispering.] All that, and you're not going to write it down?" Penny "It wouldn't do any good. You have to keep that number. You can't change the--" Desmond "Just get out, get out!" Penny "--just remember, December the 24th, 2004. If you still care about me you'll have to--[Door slams in his face.] I'm not crazy, Penny! You have to believe me! You have to--[Desmond reappears on the freighter]--trust me." Desmond
- "I do trust you. But you still have to remember that number." Sayid "79460893. (repeating) It's a London number." Desmond "Excellent timing. The patch is done, but I don't know how long the battery will last. I hope she's there." Sayid "I hope so, too." Desmond
- Sayid fixes the phone with a battery, Desmond is back and has the number.
- Desmond calls Penny, it rings for a long time.
- Penny answers the phone, Desmond can't believe he's talking to her.
- Desmond says that she believed him, that she still cares about him, Penny says she's been looking for him for 3 years, that she knows about the island, that she won't give up, they say they love eachother, but the battery dies, and the phone calls cuts out.
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- "Hello?" Penny "Penny?" Desmond "Desmond?" Penny "Penny...Penny, you answered. You answered, Penny." Desmond "Des, where are you?" Penny "I'm...I'm on a boat. Um...I've been on an island, and--Oh, my God, Penny. Is that really you?" Desmond "Yeah! Yes, it's me!" Penny "You believed me. You still care about me." Desmond "Des, I've been looking for you for the past three years. I know about the island. I've been researching--(static)--and then when I spoke to your friend Charlie, that's when I knew you were still alive. That's when I knew I wasn't crazy. Des, are you still there?" Penny "Yes, yes, I'm here! I'm still here, can you hear me?" Desmond "Yeah, yeah, that's better." Penny "I love you, Penny. I've always loved you. I'm so sorry. I love you!" Desmond "I love you too." Penny "I don't know where I am, but--" Desmond "I'll find you, Des--" Penny "I promise--" Desmond "No matter what--" Penny "I'll come back to you--" Desmond "I won't give up--" Penny
Both say: "I promise. I love you." [Static cuts them off.] - Desmond recognizes Sayid again, remembers everything in the present, Sayid apologizes, but Desmond thanks him, says that it was enough.
- "I'm sorry. The power source went dead, it's all we have." Sayid "Thank you, Sayid. It was enough." Desmond "Are you alright now?" Sayid "Aye. I'm perfect." Desmond
- On the island, Daniel looks in his notebook, comes to an interesting page, which states that if anything ever goes wrong, Desmond Hume is his constant.
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- Why do they have to stay on the bearing of 305? Why did it change?
- Why did they take off at dusk and land in the middle of the day?
- Why don't Jack and Juliet tell Daniel that Desmond was exposed to electromegnetism?
- Where was George Minkowski time-jumping to?
- Was Desmond traveling through time in Flashes Before Your Eyes?
- Is the radiation and Daniel not protecting his head the reason for his memory loss?
- How does radiation unstick you from time?
- If Minkowski was under strict orders to never answer the call, how does he know the calls were coming from Penelope Widmore, and that she's Desmond girlfriend?
- Who did the orders come from? How do they know Desmond was on the island?
- Why is Desmond only in the future for 5 minutes, but catatonic in the past for 75 minutes?
- Who sabotauged the equipment in the radio room?
- Who opened the door to the sickbay?
- How did the Black Rock ledger get from the ship to being discovered with the artifacts of pirates off the coast of Madagascar 7 years later?
- What's in the journal? Why does Charles Widmore want it?
- Why does Charles Widmore leave the faucet in the bathroom running?
- Does Widmore know that Desmond is time-jumping?
- Did Penny remember Desmond telling her he wouldn't call for 8 years, on Christmas Eve, 2004?
- Did Penny know that Desmond was alive because he told her he would call in 8 years?
- Why is Desmond Daniel Faraday's constant? Is he time-jumping also?
- "Well, at least it was a bloody military dream. Right!" Drill Sergeant
- "Should I wring me hands together and whisper a prayer on their behalf?" Charlotte
- "Here? Here what? What the hell are you doing on your feet? Are you finished with your crunches, because you want to run?" Drill Sargeant
- "Keep moving, or so help me, I'll kill you myself!" Billy
- "If I told you, you'd think I was crazy." Desmond "I already know you're crazy." Billy
- "Be quick. And don't go trying to call Baghdad, those phones can only call each other." Frank
- "I was just on a ferris wheel." Minkowski
- "What the bloody hell is going on?" Desmond
- "You're not going to stick me with that, brotha." Desmond
- "You broke up with me and then you joined the Army. And now you call with the expectation that I still care about you? Yeah, I say you are confused, Desmond." Penny
- "Um...um...I'm in some kind of sick bay..." Desmond
- "You do understand the concept of original, the opposite of derivative? Now I'm the one you need to impress, you need to impress me. And I'm not impressed. Go, go try again." Daniel
- "Why would I put you through the headache of time travel, you know? You know what I mean, it just seems a little...unnecessary. And don't you think that my esteemed colleagues could have come up with something just a little more believable, huh? Wha--what kind of a prank is that? Paradox, so uninspired." Daniel
- "Maybe you just forgot." Desmond "Yeah, right, how would that happen?" Daniel
- "What's that for?" Desmond "Radiation." Daniel "Do I get one?" Desmond "You don't need one. For prolonged exposure, I do this twenty times a day." Daniel "So what do you put on your head?" Desmond "(chuckles) Yeah." Daniel
- "I'm sorry, how is a rat running through a bloody maze so incredible?" Desmond
- "All I know about you is that you end up on some bloody island." Desmond "An island. What island, where...why would I go to an island?" Daniel
- "I would be careful crossing the street if I were you." Daniel
- "I'm calling my bloody constant." Desmond
- "And how do we get out of here?" Sayid "Through the door." Minkowksi
- "Yeah, because I moved. Look, I don't know if your getting the signals, Desmond, but I'm trying to make a clean break from you, so if you don't mind..." Penny
- "All that, and you're not going to write it down?" Penny
- Every damn scene with Desmond and Penny.
- If this isn't my favorite episode of all time, it's definitely in my top 3. But it still may very well be my favorite when the series comes to an end.
- Every time I watch this episode, I feel like I am Desmond.
- The editing in this episode is phenomonal. When the scences cut from Desmond in the helicopter and on the freighter, to 1996, you almost feel as if you're living it yourself. When he falls down walking down the stairs, and then he's immediately falling down on the boat, and then when he's talking to Penny on the freighter and looking back, recognizing the situation when he's at her house in 1996, with a smirk on his face beacuse he knows he finally talks to her again in 8 years. The transitions are smooth, with wonderful acting by Henry Ian Cusick, just pure perfection.
- The Desmond and Penny story is by far the best relationship only the show. It's the only one that I actually like. I believe that Desmond, Penny, and his story, is probably one of the most essential to the story as a whole. Their relationship is the most real, heartbreaking, and most romanticly non-shipper story. Their love is timeless. They're probably two of the most important characters on the show, and I'm not ashamed to admit, this episode made me cry. Desmond finally talking to Penny after 3 years is touching, and you can't help but feel something for him when he finally gets to talk to her.
- Have I mentioned that I love this episode?
- Ben gave Michael a bearing of 325 to leave the island, but now it's 305.
- Oxford University has also been the location of the Monastery where Desmond was a monk, and he met Penny, in Catch-22, and also the church where Charlie confessed to having relations in The Moth.
- Desmond remembers things in the past because he's traveling to the future, which is why he doesn't remember Sayid and doesn't remember being on the island in the future until he talks to Penny, his constant.
- Eloise dies before Daniel can teach her how to run the maze because Desmond has already visited him, causing him to teach her how to run it sooner, therefore she doesn't need to be alive when she is going to learn how to run it, because she ends up dying anyway.
- Daniel giving Desmond the numbers to unstick Eloise in time could possibly not be a paradox because he obviously ended up figuring on the numbers eventually anyway, so it isn't changing anything, just possibly making it happen sooner than it originally did.
- If George Minkowksi was time-jumping to the future, it would make sense, because he remembered everyting in the present day, and when he dies, it may have been a way of the universe course-correcting as Ms. Hawking said, which wouldn't be a paradox.
- The music during the Desmond and Penny scenes is bloody amazing.
- That phone rang for a damn long time, Penny was making a brotha sweat.
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