1.07 The Moth
- Locke tells Charlie that he'll let him ask for his drugs 3 times.
- "Then we're one step closer to getting off this island." Jack, to Sayid about acquiring the transceiver signal.
- The caves collapse on Charlie and Jack, he is trapped.
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- "People survive plane crashes all the time." Kate "The tail section broke off while we were still in the air. Our section cart-wheeled through the jungle, yet we escaped with nothing but a few scrapes. How do you explain that?" Sayid "Blind, dumb luck." Kate "No one's that lucky. We shouldn't have survived." Sayid "Sorry, Sayid, but some things just happen. No rhyme, no reason." Kate
- Charlie already has the DS ring when he decides that it's time to walk away from the band.
- Michael worked construction for 8 years.
- "I'm here to rescue you." Charlie, to Jack.
- "I'm no saint either." Jack says to Charlie.
- It's been 8 days on the island now.
- "Struggle is natures way of strengthening it." Locke
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- Sayid triangulates transceiver signal, but is knocked out from behind.
From Lost Hatch
- Charlie wants Liam to do an 8 week tour.
- Why did Locke imply that it was Sawyer who destroyed their chance to acquire the signal?
- Why does Sawyer want to be hated so much?
- Charlie's confession. It makes me laugh every time.
From Lostpedia
- "You're great bait." Locke "Give me my drugs!" Charlie
- "Thank God for fireworks smugglers." Sayid
- "I'm a bloody Rock God!" Charlie
- "He's Scott. I'm Steve." I still don't even know which one is which!
- Sawyer saying that if he had band-aids and a bottle of peroxide, he could be a doctor and liked by everyone like Jack.
- Jack tells Sayid that they'll be closer to getting off the island if they figure out where the transceiver signal is coming from. This, ultimately, is what gets them off the island three seasons later.
- This is the first time we hear You All Everybody.
- Kate says Sawyer doesn't want to leave because he has nothing to go back for. She later finds out that he does have something to go back for, but he ends up staying and sacrificing himself.
- This is the first time Charlie does drugs.
- We later find out that it is Locke that knocks Sayid out. Surprise, surprise.
- Charlie sets himself free, and throws his drugs into the fire.
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