1.02 The Pilot, Part 2
- "Every trek needs a coward." Charlie "You're not a coward." Kate
- Charlie is having withdrawals on the plane, tapping his DS ring.
From Lost Hatch
- Charlie almost dies in bathroom, and then when he comes out a cart almost hits him.
- Walt finds handcuffs in the jungle.
- "Whatever you say doc, you're the hero." Sawyer, to Jack, after he breaks up his fight with Sayid.
- Walt reads comic book with polar bear: Green Lantern/Flash: Faster Friends #1
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- Walt and Locke playing backgammon.
- "Two players, two sides. One is light, one is dark." Locke
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- Locke tells Walt a secret.
- Sawyer shoots a polar bear. Polar bears don't live in the jungle.
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- "Maybe there's other survivors." Boone
- "Does anyone speak French?" Sayid
- The French message: "Please help me. Please come get me. I'm alone now. I'm on the island alone. Please someone come. The others, they're dead. It killed them. It killed them all."
- Iteration 17294535, 30 seconds long.
- Sayid says it's been playing for 16 years, 5 months. That would be April 1988.
- How can a plane rip apart in mid-air and in three pieces so cleanly? Nearly all of the mid-section survives without a scratch after cart-wheeling through the jungle. How?
- Charlie goes to the front of the plane, near first class and the cockpit. Shouldn't he have died? How did he end up in the mid-section?
- Why do Jack and Kate seem like they know eachother already?
- How does Locke know so much?
- Why doesn't Sayid know a lick of French? He spent time in France.
- Hurley and Sayid's interaction. "The Republican Guard."
- Thank you, Kate, for bathing yourself in the ocean.
- Hurley rejecting Jin's fish.
- Locke and Walt playing backgammon, the numbers appear.
From Lost Hatch
- Jin giving Claire fish, she makes him feel the baby kicking.
- Sawyer shoots the polar bear, Charlie compares polar bear to what killed the pilot. "No, that's a tiny, teeny version compared to that."
- "There's a rescue plane! We're saved! Yay!" Hurley, he then passes out on top of the Marshal after seeing blood.
- "Where did that come from?" Kate "I don't know, probably bear village." Sawyer
- "Guess what? I just shot a bear!" Sawyer
- "Guys? Where are we?" Charlie
- The first time we see Sawyer with the letter.
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- The polar bear is the first introduction of Dharma. Other than the monster, this is the first time we realize that there are very strange things happening on this island.
- This is when we realize that Kate is the fugitive.
- Sayid says the transmission could be a Satellite phone.
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