14 July 2008

1.02 The Pilot, Part 2

  1. "Every trek needs a coward." Charlie "You're not a coward." Kate
  2. Charlie is having withdrawals on the plane, tapping his DS ring. From Lost Hatch
  3. Charlie almost dies in bathroom, and then when he comes out a cart almost hits him.
  4. Walt finds handcuffs in the jungle.
  5. "Whatever you say doc, you're the hero." Sawyer, to Jack, after he breaks up his fight with Sayid.
  6. Walt reads comic book with polar bear: Green Lantern/Flash: Faster Friends #1 From Lostpedia
  7. Walt and Locke playing backgammon.
  8. "Two players, two sides. One is light, one is dark." Locke From Lostpedia
  9. Locke tells Walt a secret.
  10. Sawyer shoots a polar bear. Polar bears don't live in the jungle. From Lostpedia
  11. "Maybe there's other survivors." Boone
  12. "Does anyone speak French?" Sayid
  13. The French message: "Please help me. Please come get me. I'm alone now. I'm on the island alone. Please someone come. The others, they're dead. It killed them. It killed them all."
  14. Iteration 17294535, 30 seconds long.
  15. Sayid says it's been playing for 16 years, 5 months. That would be April 1988.
  1. How can a plane rip apart in mid-air and in three pieces so cleanly? Nearly all of the mid-section survives without a scratch after cart-wheeling through the jungle. How?
  2. Charlie goes to the front of the plane, near first class and the cockpit. Shouldn't he have died? How did he end up in the mid-section?
  3. Why do Jack and Kate seem like they know eachother already?
  4. How does Locke know so much?
  5. Why doesn't Sayid know a lick of French? He spent time in France.
  1. Hurley and Sayid's interaction. "The Republican Guard."
  2. Thank you, Kate, for bathing yourself in the ocean.
  3. Hurley rejecting Jin's fish.
  4. Locke and Walt playing backgammon, the numbers appear. From Lost Hatch
  5. Jin giving Claire fish, she makes him feel the baby kicking.
  6. Sawyer shoots the polar bear, Charlie compares polar bear to what killed the pilot. "No, that's a tiny, teeny version compared to that."
  7. "There's a rescue plane! We're saved! Yay!" Hurley, he then passes out on top of the Marshal after seeing blood.
  8. "Where did that come from?" Kate "I don't know, probably bear village." Sawyer
  9. "Guess what? I just shot a bear!" Sawyer
  10. "Guys? Where are we?" Charlie
  1. The first time we see Sawyer with the letter. From Lostpedia
  2. The polar bear is the first introduction of Dharma. Other than the monster, this is the first time we realize that there are very strange things happening on this island.
  3. This is when we realize that Kate is the fugitive.
  4. Sayid says the transmission could be a Satellite phone.

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