- Jack wakes in the jungle. We see Vincent. There is a tennis shoe near by.
From Lostpedia
- Claire is 8 months pregnant.
- "You don't seem afraid at all. I don't understand that." Kate, to Jack.
- Jack tells counting to five story to Kate, his tattoo has a 5 in it.
From Lost Hatch
- "If that were me, I think I would've run for the door." Kate "No, I don't think that's true. You're not running now." Jack
- Charlie tapes his fingers with the word FATE.
From Lost Hatch
- "You'd think they would've come by now." Sayid
- At 40,000 feet, the plane hit an air-pocket and dropped 200 feet.
- "Took a couple of flying lessons, wasn't for me." Jack
From Lost Hatch
- "I saw the whole thing. I knew that the tail was gone, but I couldn't bring myself to look back, and then the front end of the plane broke off." Kate
- "Don't worry, it's gonna be over.." Jack
- "That sound. I keep thinking that there's something really familiar about it." Rose
- "Have we ever met anywhere?" Kate, to Charlie.
- "My friend Beth would freak! She loves you guys!" Kate
- Drive Shaft, second tour of Finland ring.
- Locke sitting in the rain.
- Jack says at least 48 survived the crash.
- The pilot wakes 16 hours after the crash. He says that after 6 hours in, the radio went out, no one could see them, they turned back toward Fiji and hit turbulence, were 1,000 miles off course when they crashed.
- "They're looking for us in the wrong place."
From Lostpedia
- Kate uses Jack's five-count.
- Charlie almost dies standing next to engine that later explodes, exploding wreckage landing next to him, running from monster in the jungle, he falls down and Jack saves him.
- How is Jack not more severely injured after falling through bamboo in the jungle? How does he know to run to the beach, or even which direction the beach is if he blacked out when the plane crashed?
- What the hell is the monster? Why did it kill the pilot, Seth Norris?
- Is Charlie's FATE foreshadowing?
- When Locke first sits on the beach in the rain, my first thought was "is he home?"
From Lostpedia
- Who the hell is Beth?
- Jack being a hero, and Boone trying to be a bigger hero for the first time, but he just sucks at it. "Well, you need to seriously think about giving the license back."
- Shannon saying she'll eat on the rescue boat, and then she looks pissed when Boone eats the candy bar. She's such a bitch.
- Jack and Cindy's interaction on the plane.
- Rose is from the Bronx. Of course she's from the Bronx.
- Locke with the orange, and the look Kate gives him.
From Lost Hatch
- "What are you spelling, man, bodies?" Michael
- "You all everybody!" We hear Charlie sing it for the first time.
- Charlie coming out of the restroom in the cockpit. He looks fucked.
- The reflection of the dead pilot in the puddle of water.
From Lostpedia
- The opening sequence in the show is amazing. Jack coming out of the jungle, it's quiet, and then we hear the engine and people screaming. The camera shots are so awesome.
- Before you watch the show, if this is the first episode you see, you expect to see the plane crash, but you don't. I think that's cool. Everything you expect about the show is wrong.
- Jack on the plane getting a drink from Cindy is very similar to the opening scene in Through the Looking Glass.
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