1.10 Raised By Another
From Lostpedia
- In Claire's dream, there is a baby crying, she's walking through the jungle, she sees Locke and he says "he was your responsibility, but you gave him away. Everyone pays the price now."
- Locke's eyes are black and white when he is speaking to Claire.

From Lostpedia
- There is a baby's crib in the middle of the jungle, with an Oceanic plane mobile, blood in the crib, and blood on her hands when she wakes.
From Lostpedia
- "She was okay with letting you fly in your third trimester?" Jack, asks Claire about her doctor.
- Thomas, Claire's boyfriend says that they can make it work. He is a painter. Claire says her mom would disown her if she had a baby.
From Lostpedia
- Sayid's been gone for almost a week.
- Claire goes to psychic with her friend, Rachel, he knows she's pregnant, that she hasn't told her mom, he freaks out and turns her away.
- Claire with hand over mouth and knife. She says he had a needle. "He was trying to hurt my baby!"
- Hurley starts a census, asking everyone why they were on the plane.
- Locke says, "I was looking for something." Hurley asks if he found it. "No, it found me." Locke is from Tustin, California.
- Claire is due in a little more than a week, maybe two.
- Ethan Rom, from Ontario, Canada.
- The psychic tells Claire that she has to raise the baby, that if anyone else does it will be dangerous. "There is no happiness for this child without you."
- Claire is going to give up the baby for adoption to Arlene and Joseph Stewart for $20,000, she asks if they know Catch A Falling Star, that her dad sang it to her. She has a bad feeling and backs out, goes to psychic again.
From Lostpedia
- Richard Malkin spent the last 4 months saying that Claire has to raise the baby, then he pays her to give the baby away to a couple in Los Angeles, $6,000 when she leaves and when she gets back. "They're good people."
- Claire tells Charlie about the psychic while she's having contractions. Charlie says maybe he knew they would crash.
- "It has to be this flight." Richard Malkin
- "There was no couple in LA. He knew about the plane, what was going to happen." Claire
- Sayid comes back. "I found the French woman. We're not alone."
- "One of them isn't in the manifest. He wasn't on the plane." Hurley
From Lost, The Untold
- How did Claire get on a plane when she was about to have a baby?
- Why does Claire tell Thomas that her mom will disown her when we find out later that she was in a coma at that time?
- Was the psychic for real? Did he see the plane crash or was he working for someone?
- Did Claire's dream foresee the future?
- Is this when Claire got into astrology?
- Where did Hurley get his nickname from?
- Does the baby really need to be raised by Claire?
- "I have this dream. I'm driving a bus, and my teeth start falling out. My mom's in the back making biscuits. Everything smells of bacon. It's weird." Charlie
- "My name's not even Hurley. It's Hugo Reyes. Hurley's a nickname. Why? I'm not telling." Hurley, to Jack about doing the census because they don't know people.
- Hurley after talking to Locke. "Yeah, I know I already talked to you. I just need to get away from that guy."
- "Lance? Your name's Lance, right?" Hurley "Yeah, definitely not Lance." Ethan
- "Canada? Right on, right on, love Canada. They have great..." Hurley
- "Name, Shannon Rutherford. Age, 20. Location, Craphole Island."
- "One sugar plum fairy, two sugar plum fairy. If I can kick drugs, I can deliver a baby." Charlie, to Claire, in the jungle when she's having contractions.
- Raised by an other.
- Ethan Rom is an anagram for Other Man.
- Jack says Claire will have the baby soon.
- This is the first time Oceanic Flight 815 is mentioned.
- Charlie told Claire that he did drugs when she's having contractions.
- The survivors find out that there are, in fact, other people on this island.
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