17 July 2008

1.04 Walkabout

From Lostpedia
  1. Charlie is side-swiped by boar from fuselage.
  2. It's been 4 days.
  3. "Any bodies we bury are not gonna stay buried for long." Jack
  4. Transmission indicates a significant power source on the island.
  5. Kate tells Jack she's going to go hunting with Locke, and help Sayid. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were worried about me, Jack." "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you have trouble staying in the same place for very long, Kate."
  6. "Patience is the hallmark of a leader." Locke
  7. Locke tells his boss, Randy, at the box company a story about Norman Croucher, a double amputee who climbed Mt. Everest. "It was his destiny." Locke says that he's going to go on a walkabout in Australia.
  8. "Don't tell me what I can't do!" Locke
  9. "I'm not a psychiatrist." Jack
  10. Jack was sitting in seat 23A.
  11. "I'm the guy who told you not to worry about the turbulence." Jack, to Rose.
  12. Locke talks to woman on the phone, asks her to go on the walkabout with him, but it turns out she's just a phone sex operator.
  13. Locke has been talking to woman named "Helen" for the past 8 months.
  14. Locke sees the monster for the first time when he's hunting. From Lostpedia
  15. "My husband is not dead." Rose says to Jack after he asks her to say a few words at the memorial service for those who perished in the plane crash. From Lostpedia
  16. Jack tells Rose that everyone in the tail section is gone. "They're probably thinking the same thing about us." Rose says.
  17. Jack sees his dad off the beach. He is wearing tennis shoes. From Lost Hatch
  18. Locke claims he didn't see the monster.
  19. It is revealed that Locke was paralyzed and in a wheelchair before the crash, which is why he never went on the walkabout and ended up on a plane back to LA.
  20. He's been in a wheelchair for four years, since 2000.
  21. He says that he booked the walkabout a month ago. "You have no idea who you're dealing with."
  22. "This is my destiny. I'm supposed to do this." Locke From Lostpedia
  1. Why does Kate want to get off the island so badly?
  2. Does Locke watch the History and Discovery channels exclusively?
  3. Locke turns off machine next to bed. What is it? From Lost Hatch
  4. Does Jack really see Christian Shepard, or is he just hallucinating?
  1. Sawyer and Hurley fighting over peanuts.
  2. Locke throwing knife at Sawyer's head. "We hunt." From Lostpedia
  3. "You either have very good aim, or very bad aim." Jack
  4. Locke opening up his suitcase filled with knives.
  5. Randy asking Locke about his TPS reports. Office Space!
  6. Michael asking Sun to watch Walt.
  7. Shannon using Charlie to prove that she can take care of herself. "I'm a fishing fiend."
  8. Hurley and Charlie fishing. "You said I had to corner it!" From Lostpedia
  9. Jack wandering into jungle after the man he sees, and Locke walking up with boar.
  1. We see a flashblack of Locke from the plane crash.
  2. From Lostpedia
  3. They burn the fuselage to get rid of the bodies and because Jack is hoping that someone will see it. They have a memorial service which Claire leads. From Lostpedia
  4. "I'm not big on rubbing it in." Maybe I'm mistaken, Jack, but you rub it in every chance you get.
  5. This is the first episode where the mind-fuck twists begin. The reveal that Locke was in a wheelchair before the crash is a total Sixth Sense moment, that when you go back and watch it again, you see all the clues and think "how did I not catch that sooner?" The writers are so good at this. I think this was probably the episode that hooked me into the show for good.

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