- Locke's eye opens, he's sleeping in Ben's bed, living in his house, gets up, makes eggs, cuts cantaloupe, goes into the basement, gives Ben his breakfast, the last 2 eggs, a book from his own bookshelf, Valis.
- Locke wants Ben to tell him about the boat, his spy, Ben says Locke couldn't find the cabin, couldn't make contact with Jacob, that he's more lost than ever, Locke knows what he's trying to do, but gets upset anyway, storms out, throws the food tray against the wall, Ben knows that it worked, that he has Locke's number.
- "You might catch something you missed the second time around." Locke
- "I feel for you, John. I really do. You keep hitting dead ends. You couldn't find the cabin, you can't make contact with Jacob. You're so desperate to figure out what to do next, you're even asking me for help. So here we are, just like old times. Except I'm locked in a different room, and you're more lost than you ever were." Ben
From Lostpedia
- Locke goes outside and slams his door, angry, Kate and Claire watch nearby, having coffee.
- Sawyer comes by, Claire goes to get him some coffee, he wants Kate to move in, says he'll kick Hugo out, she says she's not moving in with him, that it's none of his business why she stayed, Sawyer knows she has a secret agenda.
- Kate, wants to go through the back entrance, lawyer says front door, with her head held high, there's press outside, her lawyer says no statements, not answering any questions right now, in court, The People vs. Katherine Anne Austen, charged with fraud, arson, assault on a Federal Officer, assault with a deadly weapon, grand larceny, grand theft auto, murder in the 1st degree, she pleads not guilty, the DA wants her to be remanded into custody for the duration of the trial, her lawyer says she's been free pending arraignment, she's not a flight risk, she's one of the most recognizable faces in America, the Judge says she has a prior history, agrees with The People, remanded into Federal custody for the duration of the trial, she's taken into custody.
From Lostpedia
- Jin and Sun look at a map, for a new place to live, Jin suggests Albuquerque, New York, but Sun wants to go back to Seoul, Jin says he learned English for her, to go to America, but Sun wants to raise the baby at home.
- Jack and Juliet get back to the beach, with Charlotte, Daniel, Jack introduces them, says their helicopter took Sayid and Desmond, that they can make arrangements to get off the island, tells them that Kate stayed with Locke.
- Kate talks to Locke, wants to talk to Miles, but Locke says no, that it's not a democracy.
- Kate gets information out of Hurley when he's bringing food to Miles, says Locke told her to take it to him, Hurley says Locke moved Miles to the boathouse.
- Kate goes to the boathouse, asks Miles if he knows who she is, what she did, he says he'll tell her, but he wants something, Kate says she's not letting him go, but Miles says that he's exactly where he wants to be, that he'll tell her what she wants to know, if he gets one minute of someone's time, bring him, then he'll tell her everything he knows about her.
- Kate in jail, her lawyer is trying to cut a deal, says she'll get a 15 year sentence, and she'll only serve 7, if she goes to trial it will be 20 years on each count, and she'll get a life sentence on the murder charge, she confessed to her mother, and she's their star witness, but Kate says put her on the stand, the lawyer is concerned about the DA crossing her, wants to make it about character, not what she did or didn't do, but who she is, wants to bring him in, but Kate says no, that they're not bringing her son in there.
- Jack is trying to call the boat, they haven't heard from Sayid, Sun asks if Locke was right.
- Claire tells Kate that Ben is in Locke's basement, asks her to help with Aaron, but Kate is uncomfortable, she tells Kate to try it sometime, Kate says she's good with Aaron, but Claire says the last thing she thought she'd be good at is being a mum.
- Kate's lawyer brings a witness in, Jack, the Judge says he's only a character witness.
- The lawyer asks Jack questions, how they met, Jack says on September 22, 2004, they were both passengers on Oceanic Flight 815, they crash-landed on an island in the South Pacific, he learned she was a fugitive, the Marshal died in the crash, he never asked if she was guilty, just assumed it was a mistake, says that 8 survived the crash, they landed in the water, he was hurt badly, if it weren't for her, he wouldn't have made it to the shore, she took care of them, gave them first-aid, found water, shelter, food, she tried to save the other 2, but Kate stops Jack from talking, says that it has nothing to do with anything.
- The DA asks Jack if he loves her, but Jack says no, not anymore.
- "Um..on September 22, 2004, Kate (sighs, smiling)--Ms. Austen and I were both passengers on Oceanic Flight 815, which crash-landed on an island in the South Pacific." Jack
- "Only eight of us survived the crash. We landed in the water. I was hurt, pretty badly. In fact, if it weren't for her, I would have never made it to the shore. She took care of me. She took care of all of us. She--she gave us first aid, water, found food, made shelter. She tried to save the other two, but they didn't--" Jack
From Lostpedia
- Kate wants to use Sawyer, to help her bust Ben out of Locke's basement.
- Sawyer goes to Locke's house, asks him to play backgammon, Locke asks Sawyer if he thinks he knows what he's doing, if he's worried, Sawyer says he'd be more worried if he was at the beach, Locke asks what everyone else is saying, Sawyer tells him Kate wanted his help busting Ben out, she talked to Miles, he told her to bring Ben to him, Sawyer wants his word that he won't do anything to her.
- Sawyer and Locke go to the boathouse to get Miles, but no one is there.
- Kate is at Ben's house with Miles, breaks in, gives him one minute to talk to Ben.
- Miles asks Ben if he knows who he is, who he works for, Ben says yes, Miles says then he knows that his boss put a lot of time and energy into finding him, and now he found him, that he can tell his boss exactly where he is, or he can lie and say he was already dead, he'd be willing to do that for $3.2 million.
- Ben asks why $3.2 million, what makes him think he has access to that kind of money, Miles says not to treat him like he's one of them, like he doesn't know who he is, what he can do, Ben says his friend Charlotte has seen him, knows where he is, but Miles says he'll take care of Charlotte, that he has 2 days, but Ben says his situation is a little restricted right now, so Miles gives him a week, and wants the money in cash.
From Lostpedia
- Kate says their time is up, takes Miles out, wants to know if he knows who she is now.
- Miles says they got her name when they called the freighter, knows about her and everyone else on the 815 manifest, he knows her name, her charges, wanted for murder, fraud, arson, a bunch of other stuff, that she was a fugitive, was caught in Australia, the feds were bringing her back, he says he'd stay there if he were her, on the island, that maybe she didn't' survive the crash.
- Kate starts to take Miles back, but Sawyer and Locke show up, Locke tells her to go home.
From Lostpedia
- Kate goes home, Locke comes over to talk to her, wants to know what they said, Kate tells him about the money, that Miles said he would lie to the people on the boat, that he would tell them that Ben is dead, Locke says she's not welcome there anymore, wants her gone by morning.
- Kate's lawyer brings her mom, Diane, to see her, so they could talk, she wants to know if Kate really is a hero, if what Jack said was true, Kate says she won't talk to her because the last time she saw her, she screamed for help, called the Police, but Diane says it all changed when she thought Kate was dead, she's been given 6 months to live for the last 4 years, she doesn't know how long she's going to last, that she doesn't want to testify, she just wants to see her grandson, wants to meet him, but Kate says no, she doesn't want her near him.
From Lostpedia
- Kate goes to Sawyer's house, he says he wanted Locke to think she fooled him too, Kate tells him Locke banished her, but Sawyer says she can stay, that he'll keep her safe.
- Daniel and Charlotte are playing cards, Daniel is trying to remember three cards that were turned over, he says they are the Queen of Diamonds, 6 of Clubs, and the 10 of Hearts, but he gets the last one wrong, it's the 5 of Spades, Charlotte says it's not bad, that he made progress, but Daniel says 3 cards isn't progress.
From Lostpedia
- Jack still can't reach the freighter, he tells Charlotte and Daniel to call the emergency line.
- Regina answers the line, Charlotte says Minkowski wasn't answering, they want to talk to their friends, that they left last night, but Regina doesn't know what they're talking about, she says that she thought the helicopter was with them.
- Locke put Miles back in the boathouse, comes to talk to him in the morning, puts a grenade in his mouth, says he's responsible for the well-being of the island, leaves him there, tied up and with the grenade still in his mouth.
- "I realize that when I tied you up in here the other day, I made the mistake of failing to introduce myself. My name is John Locke, and I'm responsible for the well-being of this island. Eventually, Miles, you're going to tell me who you are, and you're going to tell me about the people on the boat, and you're going to tell me why you're so interested in Ben. In the meantime, however, you're going to keep your mouth shut. I learned something yesterday. There's no use in having rules if there's no punishment for breaking them. You'll be fine if you bite down on the trigger. Enjoy your breakfast." Locke
From Lostpedia
- Sawyer wants to have sex, but Kate says no, Sawyer says she's still worried about the pregnancy thing, but Kate says that she's not worried, and she's not pregnant, Sawyer is happy, but Kate asks if it would be the worst thing in the world, Sawyer says yes, Kate says she's going back to the beach, but Sawyer calls her out, says she's just looking for an excuse to go, that she'll come running back to him when Jack pisses her off.
- "Don't make this about me, Kate. You didn't want a baby any more than I did. You're just looking for some excuse to split, and now you got one. But it's alright, freckles, I ain't gonna hold it against you. I'm just gonna sit right here in my comfy bed. Because in about a week, you'll find some reason to get pissed at Jack and bounce right back to me." Sawyer
- Diane is unable to testify in court because of medical reasons, the DA loses her star witness, she says she'll give Kate 4 years, but her lawyer says no jail time, the DA offers time served, plus 10 years probation, in agreement that she doesn't leave the state, Kate agrees immediately, says she just wants it to be over, that she won't go anywhere because of her son.
- "No jail time. Kate Austen is a worldwide hero who saved five other people's lives after a plane crash, and nearly starved to death on a deserted island. And after all that, you put this woman on trial for rescuing her mother from an abusive husband. If you think that jury is going to give her actual time, then you must have a hell of a closing, Melissa." Lawyer
- Kate leaves court, goes through the back door, Jack is there, waiting, her lawyer gave him a heads-up, owed him one, Kate says she's heard him tell that story so many times, she's starting to think he believes it, Jack says that what he said in court, he didn't mean it, Kate asks him to come to her house for a visit, but Jack says he has to get back to the hospital, maybe they could go for coffee sometime, Kate says she knows why he doesn't want to see the baby, but that until he does, there's no going for coffee, that anytime he changes his mind, to come and see them, Jack says okay.
From Lostpedia
- Kate leaves, gets in a taxi, goes home, to a nice house, a nanny greets her, she says he missed her so much, Kate asks if she kept him away from the television, she says yes, that he's sleeping, Kate goes upstairs and wakes up her son, and it's Aaron.
From Lostpedia
- Why isn't Kate charged for the bank robbery and shooting in Albuquerque?
- Why is she being tried in the State of California, in Los Angeles, and not in Iowa?
- Why does Jack say that they crash-landed on an island if he then says they landed in the water?
- How could Kate get them to shore, take care of them, if she was 6 months pregnant?
- Why do they say that 8 people survive survive the crash?
- Why does Miles ask Ben for exactly $3.2 million?
- What does Miles mean by he knows what Ben can do?
- How is Kate's mom, Diane, still alive?
- Why is Daniel trying to remember the cards? Is he time-jumping? Does he have brain-damage? Why does he have a loss of memory?
- Did Kate's mom not testify because of medical reasons or did she just back out?
- "Excellent, John! You're evolving!" Ben
- "You got blood..." Kate "I just killed a chicken. What can I do for you?" Locke
- "You may think this is a democracy, Kate, because of the way Jack ran things, but this is not a democracy." Locke "Well, I guess that makes it a dictatorship." Kate "If I was a dictator, I would just shoot you, and go about my day. Dinner's at six if you're hungry." Locke
- "Hey, Hurley! You bringing that to Miles?" Kate "Yeah." Hurley "Well, Locke asked me to do it." Kate "Cool. That dude creeps me out." Hurley "He's still in the rec room, right?" Kate "Naw, we moved him to the boathouse that...You just totally Scooby-Dood me, didn't you?" Hurley "Sorry." Kate
- "What did you do?" Miles
- "So...what do you wanna watch? Xanadu or Satan's Doom?" Hurley "I'm reading. Turn that thing down, dammit! " Sawyer
- "Got something in your eye, Hugo?" Sawyer
- "You are terrible at this, freckles. You already said you didn't stay behind for me. So, at least be woman enough to tell me you want to use me for something." Sawyer "I want to use you for something." Kate
- "I think they're saying "Baa." That's the nice thing about sheep. They're predictable." Sawyer
- "What, the boathouse down by the dock? If Hugo knows, everybody knows." Sawyer
- "You've arranged this meeting so you could blackmail me?" Ben "It's extortion if you want to get technical." Miles "3.2? But why not 3.3 or 3.4?" Ben
- "Ooh, this is hot." Miles
- "What, he banished you? Well, I unbanish you. You can stay right here. This is my house.
[The toilet flushes.] Okay, me and Montezuma's house." Sawyer - "Open your mouth. Open your mouth. [Locke forces Miles' mouth open, and shoves a grenade in.] Wide. Don't talk, bite down, bite down." Locke
- "Enjoy your breakfast." Locke
- "Oh, come on! It's not like we ain't never done it before. Now, I'm cool we didn't go all the way last night. I get it. You were sad. But I mean, how can you resist after that whole "I'll keep you safe" thing?" Sawyer
- It is said that when Kate enters the courthouse, when there are protesters outside, the man yelling says "Claire will hate you."
- Sawyer finally calls Kate out for not being able to choose between him and Jack.
- I still don't know what the hell Eggtown means or what relevance it has to this episode.
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