1.24 Exodus, Part 2
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- They arrive at the Black Rock, Rousseau leaves.
- "What are we a couple of miles inland? A tsunami probably swept it here." Arzt
- The Black Rock was a slave ship, in route to a mining colony on the eastern coast of Africa, Mozambique.
- Arzt teaches about dynamite and nitroglycerin and then explodes handling the dynamite.
- Jin meets man in airport bathroom, speaks Korean, works for Mr. Paik, says he knows that Jin was running away, that he must do his job and return or he will lose Sun.
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- "How does a place this big never get discovered?" Michael
- "Do you like to play games, John?" Jack "Absolutely." Locke
- Claire notices scratches on Rousseau. "When did I do that? Why did I scratch you?"
- Rousseau attacks Claire and takes the baby.
- Charlie is attacked by a Drive Shaft groupie in his hotel room in Sydney.
- "That's Steve. Scott's dead." Walt corrects Sawyer about Tracy sleeping next to Scott when she has a husband and 2 kids at home.
- "I didn't write one. The only letter I wrote is to the man I'm gonna kill." Sawyer
- Sayid and Charlie go after Rousseau.
- Michael says that him having Walt was never part of the plan, he asks his mother to take him, Walt overhears his conversation. Locke passes in his wheelchair.
- Michael teaches Walt how to steer the raft. "We're going approximately North by Northeast."
- Sun tells Shannon that Boone died bravely.
- "Do you think all this, all we've been through, do you think we're being punished?" Sun "Punished for what?" Shannon "Things we did before. The secrets we kept. The lies we told." Sun "Who do you think is punishing us?" Shannon "Fate." Sun "No one is punishing us. There's no such thing as fate." Claire
- Sayid and Charlie run into beachcraft. Sayid says it's from Nigeria, 2 men dressed as priests, drug runners in disguise, plane loaded with heroin.
- "Hope. I think hope's inside it." Hurley asks Locke what he thinks is inside the hatch.
- Bird flying overhead appears to say "Hurley."
- The monster attacks, everyone runs, but Locke pauses and stares at it, it tries to drag him underground. "Just let me go, I'll be alright." Locke tells Jack.
From Lost Hatch
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- Jin gives Michael the watch he was supposed to bring to Los Angeles.
- Claire names the baby Aaron. "I don't know what Aaron means."
- Charlie wounded by Rousseau's trap. Sayid seals it with gun powder.
- Hurley is late for his flight. He's staying in room 2342. He encounters Charlie in the elevator when the doors open.
- The numbers appear in Hurley's car on the way to the airport.
From Lost Hatch
- The plane is boarding in Gate 23. Hurley pays man $1600 for his scooter, passes soccer players with that numbers. Hurley is in seat 20G.
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- "I thought I heard 23." Kate "Does that mean something to you?" Hurley "The guy who called the feds on me back in Australia did it for a $23,000 reward." Kate
- Jack says the monster was going to kill Locke, but he says that it wasn't going to hurt him, that he was being tested.
- "You're a man of science. I'm a man of faith. Do you really think this was an accident? That we, a group of strangers, survived? Many with just superficial injuries? Do you think we crashed in this place by coincidence? Especially this place? We were brought here for a purpose, for a reason." Locke "And who brought us here, John?" Jack "The island. The island brought us here. This is no ordinary place, you've seen that, I know you have. But the island chose you too, Jack. It's destiny." Locke "Did you talk to Boone about destiny, John?" Jack "Boone was a sacrifice that the island demanded. What happened to him at that plane was a part of a chain of events that led us here, that led us down a path, that led you and me to this day, to right now." Locke
- "Survival is all relative." Locke "I don't believe in destiny." Jack "Yes, you do. You just don't know it yet." Locke
- "My daddy never got a chance to beat me. Shot himself when I was 8." Sawyer tells Michael. "That why you want to die?" Michael
- Locke is carried on to the plane by the flight attendants.
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- "I heard them whispering. The others said they were coming for the child. They said they were coming for the boy." Rousseau
- Hurley sees the numbers on the hatch. "The numbers are bad!"
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- The rafties see something on the radar, they fire the flare gun.
- "We were on an island. Flight 815." Michael
- "Only the thing is.. We're gonna have to take the boy." Walt is taken by the others.
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From Lost Hatch
- Sawyer pulls his gun and is shot by one of the others, Jin dives into the water after him. Michael falls off the raft, the others torch it and there is an explosion.
- Aaron is returned to Claire by Charlie and Sayid.
- Charlie is seen with one of the statues from the beachcraft.
From Lost Hatch
- We see everyone boarding the plane. Claire, Kate and Edward Mars, Sawyer.
- Locke is sitting near Jack. They look at eachother and Jack smiles.
From Lostpedia
- Charlie is storing his guitar in a luggage compartment, Jin and Sun are together and Jin is looking at the watch he has to deliver, Michael is buckling Walt's seatbelt and Walt is playing his gameboy, the Marshal is fastening Kate's handcuffs, Sayid is looking at his photographs of Nadia, Shannon is searching for her inhalers and Boone gives them to her, Hurley gives him a thumbs up and Walt smiles.
- Hurley is reading the comic book that Walt has later.
From Lost Hatch
- Dr. Arzt helps Claire with her bag.
- The dynamite works and the hatch door is blown open. It is a long metal shaft with a broken ladder leading down inside it. There is no end in sight.
From Lostpedia
- Why did Claire name the baby Aaron?
- Where did the others get that boat from?
- Did the bird really say Hurley? Where did it come from? What kind of bird is it?
- Why is Locke happy when he first sees the monster, and then terrified the second time he sees it? What does he see?
- When Charlie is in his hotel room, he says he has a plane to catch. But when he visits his brother in Sydney, he also has a plane to catch. How did he visit his brother before he got on the plane if he was in a rush to catch it?
- Did Rousseau really start the fire? Did she hear the whispers?
- Why did the others take Walt?
- Why is the ladder in the hatch broken?
- "How exactly does something like this happen?" Hurley "Are you on the same island as I am?" Rousseau
- "I'm sorry I'm not cool enough to be part of your merry little band of adventurers. I know a clique when I see it." Arzt
- "Man, who doesn't like Bob Marley?" Michael
- "He just..exploded..right in front of us." Hurley
- "You ever play operation? I always got nailed on the funny bone. Bzzzz." Locke scares Jack.
- Charlie hits Sayid. "Do not hit me again."
- "Dude, you got some Arzt on you." Hurley
- "Who the hell is Hugo and how's he got $160 million to leave to his mom?" Sawyer
- "So dude, what do you think is inside that hatch thing?" Hurley "What do you think's inside it?" Locke "Stacks of TV dinners, from the 50's or something. And TVs, with cable, some cell phones, clean socks, soap, Twinkies--you know, for dessert, after the TV dinners. Twinkies keep for, like, 8000 years, man." Hurley "I like Twinkies too." Locke
- Michael asking Jin what he can say in English.
- "This is not going to be pleasant." Sayid
- We find out in a later episode that Claire scratched Rousseau when she saved her from the others.
- Locke expresses that they should take twice the amount of dynamite they need in case one blows up, a failsafe.
- Claire finally names the baby.
- Jack needs to stop trying to control everything always.
- Walt being taken on the raft is one of the first times I've been completely fooled on this show. I didn't see it coming at all.
- Upon initial reaction, I thought the others were pirates. Sometimes I still do.
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