1.16 Outlaws
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- Sawyer witnesses his father kill his mother and then kill himself.
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- "It'll come back around." Sawyer hears the whispers in the jungle when he goes after boar and asks Sayid what he heard.
- In Sawyer's hotel room, Hibbs gives him info on the real Sawyer, Frank Duckett, says it'll make up for the Tampa job.
- Sawyer goes to Sydney to kill the real Sawyer.
- Hurley and Charlie bury Ethan together.
From Lost Hatch
- "He killed a guy. He shot him in the chest 4 times." Hurley talks to Sayid about Charlie.
- Sawyer and Kate play I Never.
- "I never cared about carte blanche because I just wanted to spend time with the only other person on this island that just don't belong." Sawyer
- "I never killed a man. Well, looks like we got something in common after all." Sawyer
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- Locke's sister Jeanie died when he was a boy, fell off the monkey bars and broke her neck, his mother blamed herself, 6 months after her funeral, a golden retriever shows up, slept on his sister's bed until his mother passed 5 years later, then disappeared.
- Sawyer is from Tennessee, he tells Frank. He says he loves the south and its women.
- Sawyer meets Christian Shephard in a bar in Sydney.
From Lost Hatch
- "I seem to have misplaced my wallet." Christian
- "It's fate. Some people are just supposed to suffer. That's why the Red Sox will never win the damn series." Christian
- Christian tells Sawyer that his son is a good doctor, that he's a good man, and that he's proud of him.
- "This business that you have, will it ease your suffering?" Christian encourages Sawyer to kill without knowing it.
- "You're not alone. Don't pretend to be." Sayid checks up on Charlie.
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- Sawyer fails at killing the real Sawyer, but kills Frank Duckett and gives him the letter.
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From Lost Hatch
- Hibbs gave him the wrong information to con him into killing someone who owed him money.
- "You didn't have to tell Hibbs. I would've paid. It'll come back around." Frank
- "That's why the Red Sox will never win the series." Jack
- Sawyer realizes that he knew Jack's dad.
- What happened on the Tampa job? Why did Hibbs owe Sawyer?
- Who is the man that Sawyer killed, Frank Duckett? What did he owe money to Hibbs for?
- When Sawyer and Kate play I never, Kate says she's been married. When was she married?
- Did Christian Shephard die after Sawyer drank with him?
- Sayid making fun of Sawyer being taunted by a boar.
- "I only made out with him because torturing him didn't work." Kate
- "Thank you, boar expert." Sawyer says to Kate.
- Hurley saying that Ethan is going to turn into a zombie and eat him because he's slow and he gets cramps.
- Kate making fun of Sawyer for not being able to track the boar.
- "Now that would be silly." Locke says to Kate about her asking if he thought the dog was his sister.
- "Stick 'em up." Sawyer jokes with Jack, but Jack isn't Doctor Giggles.
- The girl that Sawyer brings back to his hotel room, Mary Jo, is the same one that reads off the lottery numbers in Hurley's flashback. She is also Harold Perrineau's wife.
- We find out in this episode that Kate has, in fact, killed someone.
- Sawyer and Kate do actually have a connection. They're the only ones that can really understand eachother on the island.
- The bar Sawyer meets Christian Shephard in is the one where Ana Lucia drops him off in Two for the Road.
- The whispers Sawyer hears by the beach, on left, right and center tracks, from Dark UFO: (Sawyer breathing) There goes another poking his head in here (could be "There goes somebody"). Yeah, let's see what he's doing. Let me decide. Come back. Wait, I see another one. It'll come back around (Frank Duckett's voice).; Oh my god, there's a guy out there. Dennis (?), find out what's going on. Did he see us? Maybe. Open it. Did you see what direction he went? Right through those trees. Go and get him. There is an explanation (resolution?) and I bet you haven't thought of it. What is it? He's been in a plane crash. Are you sure? I know what it's like for a plane to crash. Complain, complain, complain. I want to get closer. I know what you said, but he's looking around. What if he shoots us or something?; There may be something, but it may be slack (?). Let's go. Has he seen us?(Alarms go off) I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. (faint...could be echo from alarm) Intruder, Intruder. Hide against the bushes. Open the door. I know what it's like for a plane to crash. Complain, complain, complain. I know what you said, but...
- The whispers Sawyer hears in the jungle, on left, right and center track, from Dark UFO: How could you say that? I knew he was American. It was a large group. It'll come back around (Frank Duckett's voice). Now listen, here’s what we should do. Nothing. It’s not the one. He’s coming up on the gate; How could you say that? I knew he was American. Hey listen, come on, let’s go. Go and see what he's doing. Duetch negg or Joice leg (perhaps another language or reversed). Like it's your choice. He's coming up on the gate. My guess is to shoot the pig (or "Guess he'll shoot the pig"). Yes, my hand (or head) is free; How could you even say that? I knew he was an American. Hey listen, come on, lets go. Go and see what he's doing. He's coming up on the gate. My guess is to shoot the pig. Okay.
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