1.15 Homecoming
- Claire comes back and doesn't know who anyone is.
- "We were all on that plane. It crashed here, on this island. That was almost a month ago." Jack, to Claire.
- "Carpe Diem, my friend." Charlie
- You All Everybody is playing on the jukebox in the bar.
From Lost Hatch
- "I want her back. You bring her here, or I'm going to kill one of them." Ethan attacks Charlie in the jungle when he's talking to Jin. Ethan is freakishly strong again.
From Lostpedia
- "What if Ethan isn't alone?" Locke
- "Liam and I don't exactly keep in touch." Charlie
- Charlie says that Drive Shaft is on a hiatus. Liam had a daughter, it's been a year since they were together.
- Ethan kills Scott. Scott's neck was broken, both of his arms, and all his fingers.
From Lostpedia
- "They came in from the water." Kate
- Scott Jackson, internet company, Santa Cruise. He won a sales prize, two week Australian vacation.
- Charlie tells Tommy he doesn't think Liam is coming back.
- Charlie steals from Lucy to buy drugs, but he takes a job from her dad anyway.
- The copier that Charlie is trying to sell is a C815.
- Charlie kills Ethan, shoots the gun 6 times and hits him 4 times in the chest.
From Lostpedia
- "He deserved to die. I wasn't going to let that animal anywhere near her again." Charlie tells Jack why he killed Ethan.
- "You'll never take care of anyone." Lucy, to Charlie.
- Why is Ethan so strong?
- Why didn't Ethan just bring his people and ambush them to take Claire like they did with the tail section?
- Why does Locke always seem to know what's happening on the island?
- Did Ethan get help from The Others when he killed Scott? How did he come in from the water?
- Why don't Charlie and Liam keep in touch?
- Did Ethan do something to Claire to make her not remember anything?
- Boone falling asleep while he's supposed to be watching for intruders.
- "I guess Steve drew the short straw." Sawyer "Dude, that was Scott." Hurley
- "Sorry I kept calling you Steve, dude." Hurley
- Jack asking Locke if he knows how to use a gun and Locke immediately loading it.
- Charlie trying to sell the copier and getting sick on it.
- "I remember peanut butter. Why do I remember peanut butter?" Claire
- They use Claire as bait to lure Ethan in, then Charlie kills him.
- The actor that plays Steve is the one that dies, but they say it's Scott.
- Lucy tells Charlie that he won't take care of anyone, but he does end up taking care of Claire on the island.
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