1.13 Hearts & Minds
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- "This isn't a game, man." Hurley, to Boone about hunting for boar.
- In the flashback where Boone is playing tennis, he is wearing an Italian football jersey.
- "You don't want to make an enemy of him. We're going to want him on our side." Locke says to Boone about feuding with Sayid.
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- Locke tells Boone about Michelangelo, that his father didn't want him to work with his hands, so he stared at marble for 4 months, 3 years later it was the statue of David.
- "What we're doing is important. Right now, this is our priority." Locke, about the hatch instead of hunting.
- Boone's flight to Sydney took 15 hours.
- "You don't know her. She's smart. She's special, in a lot of ways." Boone says to Locke about telling Shannon what's going on with the hatch.
- "Camp is 4 miles due west." Locke "Which way is west?" Boone
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- "You say she's your sister. So, why is her name Rutherford and yours Carlyle?" The detective asks.
- Boone was 10, Shannon was 8 when their parents got married.
- Boone sees Sawyer in the police station in Sydney.
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- "I was on my way to Bali. I travel a lot. I was looking forward to exploring the island. Somehow I ended up on a flight to LA instead. I guess that falls under the category of be careful what you wish for." Kate tells Sun.
- Locke gives Sayid his compass. "Don't you need this?" Sayid "Not anymore." Locke
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- Locke tells Sayid he was a Webelo, that he wasn't the most popular kid.
- Sayid shows Jack that north is in the wrong direction on the compass.
- "A minor magnetic anomaly might explain a variance of 2 or 3 degrees, but not this." Sayid
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- Boone offers to pay Bryan off for $25,000 but Bryan says he wants $50,000. He says that Boone's mother took all of Shannon's father's money after he died.
- "If there was one person on this island that I'd put my absolute faith in to save us all, it'd be John Locke." Charlie tells Jack what he thinks about Locke.
- When Boone is hallucinating, he tells Shannon that Locke is the only one who has a clue to what's going on.
- "Is that what it made you see?" Locke "You drugged me." Boone "I gave you an experience that I believe was vital to your survival on this island. It was only as real as you made it. How did you feel when she died?" Locke "I felt relieved." Boone "Time to let go." Locke
- "Follow me." Locke says to Boone, as if he is ready to follow him after his realization about Shannon.
- Is Locke testing Boone?
- Was Boone supposed to find his place on the island?
- Shannon says Boone is in love with her. But is she in love with him too?
- Boone hallucinates Shannon's death, being killed by the monster. Is this foreshadowing or is he somehow seeing the future? Did the island make him see it?
- Where the hell did Locke learn how to make the wacky paste?
- Sayid giving Shannon a gift. "Another mysterious force of the island revealed." Smooth, brotha.
- Hurley's doctor/patient talk with Jack, telling him about his digestive issues and that he soiled Jin's family honor by not taking his fish.
- "Dude, you gotta pee on it! Pee on it!" Hurley tells Jin he has to pee on his foot because he stepped on a sea urchin.
- Sawyer in the Sydney police station.
- Jin finally giving Hurley a fish he caught.
- "He probably killed all his mates at the Post Office the day his mum forgot to put a cookie in his lunch box." Charlie, about his first impression of Locke.
- Kate figures out that Sun speaks English.
- Boone figures out that Shannon screwed him for money many times over.
- Sawyer in the same police station as Boone in Sydney is the first island connection.
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