1.19 Deus Ex Machina
- Locke works in a toy store, says he played mouse trap with his brother.
- Aisles 8 and 15 for footballs.
- Boone and Locke have been working on the hatch everyday for 2 weeks.
- "One minute you're quoting Nietzsche, the next you're an engineer." Boone, to Locke.
- They build a trebuchet, it doesn't work and it breaks. They can't open the hatch.
From Lostpedia
- A piece of the broken trebuchet is in Locke's leg. He is starting to lose feeling in his legs.
- "Everything breaks if you apply the right force." Locke
- Locke sees the woman who asked about the footballs from the store watching him, he is hit by the same Pontiac Bonneville as Michael when he goes after her.
From Lostpedia
- She is his mother, Emily Annabeth Locke.
- Locke was raised in several foster homes.
- "I want to tell you that you're special, very special. You're part of a design. You do realize that, don't you? That our meeting, me finding you, this is a sign of things to come. Great things." Emily tells Locke he was immaculately conceived.
- "Don't tell me what I can't do!" Locke
- "We're supposed to do this." Locke
- Locke has a dream, he sees plane fly over island. Boone says "Theresa falls up the stairs. Theresa falls down the stairs." He is covered in blood. Locke is in his wheel-chair again.
From Lost Hatch
- Locke uses an private investigator to find out information about his mother, and he finds out about his father too. Emily Annabeth Locke was institutionalized several times for schizophrenia at Santa Rosa.
- "I've done this enough times to know this stuff isn't meant to be, even though it may feel that way. But this probably won't have a happy ending." The private investigator, Frainey.
From Lost Hatch
- Locke finds his father, Anthony Cooper. He says he didn't know about John until a year after he was born. Emily said she put him up for adoption.
- Anthony Cooper asks John if he has a family, he says no. "I tried it a couple of times. It didn't take." Cooper
- Cooper asks Locke if he hunts, he says no.
- Locke tells Boone about his dream, that he asked for a sign, then saw a plane crash.
- Locke and Boone find a dead priest in the jungle, with a gun on him and Nigerian money.
From Lost Hatch
- Cooper is on dialysis. Locke finds out.
- "Jack wouldn't know the first thing about what's wrong with me." Locke tells Boone when he tells him they have to go to Jack about his legs.
- Locke tells Boone that he was in a wheelchair when they crashed, that he was paralyzed for 4 years.
- They've been on the island 4 weeks.
- "This island changed me. It made me whole. There's something that we were meant to find. I know it." Locke
- Boone tells Locke about Theresa. She was his nanny, fell down the stairs when he was 6.
- They find the plane from Locke's dream.
- "See you on the other side, son." Locke gives Cooper his kidney.
- Boone climbs up into the plane, finds Nigerian maps, lots of heroin, priest bodies, tries to send out a mayday on the radio, plane falls off cliff.
From Lostpedia
- "We're the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815!" The voice on the radio.
- Locke brings Boone back to Jack and then leaves.
- Cooper abandons Locke after the operation. Emily tells him he was conned for his kidney, that she needed money. "It had to be your idea."
- Locke goes to Cooper's house and he won't let him in.
- Locke goes back to the hatch, sees a light coming out of it.
- "I've done everything you've asked me, so why did you do this to me?" Locke
From Lost Hatch
- John Locke has a moment of great epiphany when he sees the light coming from the hatch door beneath him, suddenly stopping his moment of anger.
From Lostpedia
- How did Locke become so skilled at hunting when he only went bird hunting with Cooper?
- Did the island take the use of Locke's legs away from him?
- How did Locke continue to walk when he couldn't feel anything?
- What is the purpose of the dreams people have on this island?
- Why does Emily tell Locke that he was immaculately conceived?
- How did the beachcraft get on the island?
- Did the island take the use of Locke's legs away so that Boone would climb up to the beachcraft and die?
- Was Locke supposed to find the Pearl station when he found the plane?
- Why was Locke suddenly able to walk after the plane fell with Boone inside?
- Locke telling Boone that his story would bore him.
- "All I'm gonna get for my trouble is a snappy one-liner and if I'm real lucky, a brand new nickname." Jack, about helping Sawyer with his headaches.
- "Really? Well, I guess that makes me God, huh?" Cooper responding to Locke telling him that his mother said he was immaculately conceived.
- "Have you been using the wacky paste stuff that made me see my sister get eaten?" Boone
- "You picking up a little Korean there, Michael?" Jack "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know how to say faster, and idiot." Michael
- "Sorry, Doc, sound fun, but my insurance ran out." Sawyer "Insurance ran out? That's a good one." Jack
- "Do I get a lollipop?" Sawyer talking to Kate about going to see Jack fro help.
- Jack testing Sawyer to see what's wrong with him. "When was your last outbreak?" Jack
- Boone tells Locke a traumatizing story about his Nanny and Locke just starts laughing because he sees the plane form his dream.
- Jack telling Sawyer he has hyperopia.
- "Dude, it looks like someone steam-rolled Harry Potter." Hurley
- They mention Locke's brother in this episode and then we never hear about him again.
- There is some major Mouse Trap symbolism in this episode.
- Wow, Jack can actually be funny. Is this the first and only time?
- With the 4 guns from the Halliburton, 1 from the marshal, and 1 from the dead priest, they have 6 guns now.
- When Boone puts out the mayday on the beach craft, we later find out the the voice on the other end is Bernard, Rose's husband, who is with the others from the tail section.
- We find out later that Desmond heard Locke in the hatch.
- The scene where Locke goes to Anthony Cooper's house at the end and he goes back to the hatch on the island are almost mirror images of eachother. Cooper took Locke's kidney away and he didn't get what he wanted. The island took Boone and he didn't get what he wanted from it. He was conned. He put his time into these two things and thought he'd get something in return and he didn't. The stories parallel eachother.
- From Lostpedia: Deus Ex Machina originated as a theatrical device in ancient Greek theatre. This device consisted of a physical crane that lowered a character down onto the stage, the character representing a god. This god would help the characters with a sudden twist in plot. This term would come to mean any device within a plot that provided a sudden change, or solution, in plot; Deus Ex Machina literally translates into "God from the machine" in Latin; In script writing, the term Deus Ex Machina is often used to refer to a solution to the story, a means to an end that comes out of nowhere and has nothing to do with the story, sometimes leaving the audience feeling cheated; Deus Ex Machina is one of the final chapters of Watership Down written by Richard Adams.
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