3.04 Every Man For Himself
- Desmond watching Claire and Aaron, says she has a problem with her roof, but Charlie and Claire decline his help, say the shelter is fine.
- Jack watching cartoons, Juliet brings him blueberry pancakes, Jack says that maybe he should take to Ben, but Juliet says Ben isn't in charge, that they make decisions together.
- Ben says he needs Juliet, that the sub is back.
- The Others return with Colleen, Sawyer says they did it.
- Sawyer's hatching a plan, the electrocution of Pickett, with water and the electricity from the machine in his cage, Kate's impressed, but she asks what about Jack.
- "We've got to take care of us. It's every man for himself, Freckles." Sawyer
- Sawyer in prison, boxing, Munson being bullied, ripped off the government for 10 million, they never found it, the warden is protecting him, Sawyer imprisoned for 9 months, says warden is buttering Munson up, then he'll use his wife against him, test book con.
- Sawyer, 180 lbs., 35 years old, he tries to pull his electrocution trick on Ben, but Ben beats the crap out of him with his beating stick.
- Tom says it's been 2 days since the sky turned purple, the comms are down.
- Sawyer is strapped to a table, needle in sternum, Jack hears Sawyer screaming on the intercom in his cell.
- Desmond asks Paulo for a golf club.
- There is a bunny with a #8 painted on it, Ben shakes the cage, apparently kills it, says he put a pacemaker in it like Sawyer, 70 bpm resting heart-rate, 140 active, above that will cause Sawyer's heart to explode, gives him a pulse monitor, 15 beats within the danger zone, it starts to beep, can't tell Kate or he'll put one in her too.

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- Sawyer is brought back to his cage, where Kate asks what happened, but Sawyer says nothing, that he doesn't tell her everything. They give Sawyer and Kate something to wash off with, and her something new to wear. When Kate undresses, Sawyer's heart monitor goes off.
- Cassidy Phillips visits Sawyer in prison, while Costanza sits by, talking to his wife. Cassidy turned Sawyer in, she tells him about daughter, that they live in Albuquerque, near the University, her name is Clementine, Sawyer says it's not his kid.
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- Juliet asks Jack for help, brings him out, past the cages where Sawyer and Kate are being held, they sound an alarm and put a bag over Jack's head so he can't hear or see Kate and Sawyer yelling for him.
- Jack is scrubbing up for surgery and sees x-rays, Juliet says they aren't hers, he tries to save Colleen, gives her CPR, but she dies, because they have no crash cart, Juliet says they haven't had anything happen, that it's broken.
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- Danny Pickett beats the crap out of Sawyer for the death of his wife, Colleen, asks Kate if she loves him, she confesses that she does, and he stops beating Sawyer.
- Sawyer reads Of Mice and Men, Munson wants him to move the money, says he wife hired a Private Investigator.
- Kate climbs out of her cage, Sawyers says to leave him behind, that it's every man for himself, Kate says she only said she loved him, so Pickett would stop hitting him, Kate climbs back in, says it's live together, die alone, Ben watches on the monitors.
- "I don't know what they did to you. But I know you're scared enough to lie about it. And that scares me more than anything that they have done to us before." Kate
- Juliet tells Jack she's a fertility doctor, the woman who died was Colleen, Jacks asks about spinal x-rays that he saw, a man about 40, large tumor on L4 vertebrae, says that he's a spinal surgeon, he asks who he's there to see, who has the tumor.
- Desmond pitches a lighting rod near Claire's tent, he watches nearby, as it starts to rain, there is a bolt of lightning that the rod catches, which almost hits Claire's tent.

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- Ben takes Sawyer for a walk early in the morning.
- Sawyer finds where the money is, he was working for the warden, Agent Freedman of the Treasury Department, the money, 10 million is in a red Bronco in a Stor-Quik Facility, Sawgrass, off 441, unit 23C, last 6 years of his sentence commuted, his commission, put in an account in Albuquerque, in the name of Clementine Phillips, with no way to find out where it came from.
- Ben shows Sawyer another island, they're island, which they're no longer on, he has no pacemaker, they only put doubt inside him, the bunny was given a sedative, shows him a bunny with the #8 painted on it, Ben tells him that the island they're on is a small island roughly twice the size of Alcatraz, that there's nowhere to run, threatening Kate is what scared him, Ben quotes Of Mice and Men.
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- "We did all this because the only way to gain a con man's respect is to con him. And you're pretty good, Sawyer. We're a lot better. Funny thing is, us telling you about the pacemaker wasn't what kept you in line. It was when I threatened her. You work so hard to make her think you don't care--that you don't need her, but, "A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. It don't make no difference who the guy is, long as he's with you. I tell you, I tell you a guy gets too lonely and he gets sick." Ben
- Is Clementine really Sawyer's baby? Did Cassidy try to con him?
- Why does Juliet say she not used to death when later, in D.O.C., she says she's lost 9 patients?
- Why does Danny Pickett hate Sawyer so much?
- Why don't the Others just ask Jack to do the surgery?
- "Sound a little stuffy there, Chinatown. You need to blow your nose?" Sawyer
- "You think the warden's breaking up those fights because you're cute, Costanza?" Sawyer
- "God, I hate needles." Ben
- "No, you have to go through the sternum--the sternum, like in the movie." Jason
- "What the hell am I going to write, "Dear Goo-goo, Ga-ga?" She's a baby." Sawyer
- "Is that--art?" Hurley "Nope. Just an experiment." Desmond "Okay. You want some fruit salad?" Hurley
- "That little place you always wanted, George?" Sawyer "Sorry?" Ben "What, don't you read? It's from Of Mice and Men. You'd like it--puppy's get killed." Sawyer
- "What the hell are you talking about?" Sawyer "It's from Of Mice and Men. Don't you read?" Ben
- The title Every Man For Himself is a reference to the Live Together, Die Alone speech Jack made in White Rabbit.
- I believe that this is the first appearance of Ben's baton, the time travel beating stick.
- This is the first episode where Desmond saves Charlie's life.
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