12 May 2009

Season 5 Finalé Expectations

This season has left me feeling kind of uneven. While I've liked a lot of things in it, I also haven't liked some things in it. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but this season it's felt as though some thing has been missing. Perhaps it could be that most of my favorite characters were hardly in it, especially for long periods of time. With no Desmond for most of the season, Sayid disappearing into the jungle, Rose and Bernard MIA, John Locke taking a nap in a coffin, I'm left feeling a little empty.

I've enjoyed the time travel and debating what works and what doesn't, what the paradoxes are, and how everything fits within it. I've also extremely enjoyed being back in Dharma times. It's made me learn to appreciate Season 2 so much more than I did the first time. So many questions have been answered from back then. However, this season has felt too predictable to me. A lot of things many people have seen coming from a mile away, and the dramatic reveals when you know something is going to happen is a little cheesy and tiring. It occurs to me that with the heavy mythology this season, which I have enjoyed, the characters have suffered immensely. There have been a lot of things that have seemed very out of character for me.

This season hasn't been exactly what I had thought or hoped for. One of the biggest things that has annoyed me about it is the sloppiness. The writers have been so smart in the past. Cleverly tying things in to something that happened seasons ago. But this year, the continuity has been off for me. While there have been a ton of call-backs to things in the past, even early on in the show, there have also been a lot of inconsistencies.

I have faith though. I have always believed in the creators and writers of this show. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they're going to make it all worth while in the end, that this season's finalé will allow everything to come together, while giving both a great character and mythological story. With that said, I've been mulling over some of my expectations.
  • I want to see Rose and Bernard, and Vincent! Tell me where the hell they've been for the entire season, guys.
  • Can someone please mention Claire? I know she got annoying and everyone wants her to die, but can someone just mention the elephant in the room? She's been missing for an entire season, and it would be notice if someone just paid some attention to it, especially considering she left her son motherless.
  • If I don't see Jacob, I'm going to be seriously pissed off.
  • I want to know Locke's mission and how he's getting so much information, if his fate is going to end up being good or bad.
  • Please don't detonate Jughead and stop the plane from crashing to begin with.
  • What exactly is going to be the ending to the Desmond and Penny story? If they were going to string their story along needlessly this season, they should've just ended it happily at the end of last season. I would be been satisfied never seeing them again, knowing their story ended appropriately. If you're going to keep it going, make it purposeful.
  • Will Desmond go back to the island?
  • What is the purpose of Hurley's guitar case? What's in it? Why did he get on the plane?
  • Who is the real evil one? Benjamin Linus or Charles Widmore?
  • Who are the new people on the island, from the Ajira plane? Are they the new Dharma Initiative?
  • How exactly was John Locke resurrected or was he at all? Is he alive or some form of smokey? What exactly happened?
  • What exactly was the purpose of them going back to the island?
  • I want to know more about Richard Alpert for once. I want to know how he got to the island, if he was born there, if he came on the Black Rock, why he doesn't age, why he looked like a pirate when Ben met him for the first time in the jungle, how exactly he came to be the consiglieré for the leaders on the island.
  • Was Desmond's vision real? Why did he see Claire and Aaron leaving the island on a helicopter? Please clear up that inconsistency.
  • Was Hurley the voice that broadcasted the numbers?
  • Enough with the relationship quadrangle crap.
  • Lastly, but most importantly, please kill Radzinsky and Phil already. And don't bring Oldham back. He was lame.

Obviously I know that all of these won't be answered, but hopefully the most important ones will be, and the final episode of this season will be as amazing as it always is.

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