13 July 2011

Episode Analysis of 1.07 "The Moth"

WARNING: If you have not already seen all of LOST, please DO NOT READ THIS.

My LOST re-watch and episode analysis will include major details from the entirety that is LOST, and will be written with the perspective of having seen everything already. You will be SPOILED if you read any further. It is far better if you learn the story of LOST for yourself, as it is meant to be seen. Trust me on this, and don't say that I didn't warn you first. Seriously. Stop it. Now. Go watch it.

To read my original post on this episode, please refer to The Moth.

This episode was written by Jennifer Johnson and Paul Dini, and directed by Jack Bender. It originally aired on November 3rd, 2004.

This is a Charlie Pace flashback-centric episode.

We begin in the caves, where Charlie Pace plays his guitar to try to distract himself from the fact that he's going through extreme drug withdrawals. He is sweaty and shaking. He looks absolutely awful.

John Locke approaches him, suggesting he go for a walk, but Charlie declines, saying that he thinks he'll stay in today. But, Locke insists, telling Charlie that some fresh air will do him good.

On the beach, Jack is at his tent, packing up his things to move to the caves permanently. He looks at Kate's mugshot again, because he can't let anything go.

KATE: [entering] "I take better pictures than that. Smaller, too, if you want something for your wallet."

JACK: "I just came by for a few things and this was.. this was with my stuff. [He hands it to her]."

KATE: "So, you're not staying?"

JACK: "Call me a broken record, but caves are a natural shelter. And, a hell of a lot safer than living here on the beach."

KATE: "You're mad at me."

JACK: "No. Kate, I'm.. I just don't understand why you won't come with me. Us. It's maybe a mile up there, if that."

KATE: "We crashed eight days ago, Jack. I'm not setting up a house here."

JACK: "I want off this Island too, but we both know that's not going to happen any time soon."

KATE: "Sayid has a plan."

JACK: "Yeah, to find the source of the distress code. I know."

KATE: "The signal's coming from somewhere on the Island. If we can find it.."

JACK: "The signal has been running on a loop for sixteen years, Kate. And the woman that left it, she wasn't rescued. What makes you think it's going to be any different for us?"

KATE: "I believe it."

JACK: "Well, I wish I shared your faith."

SAWYER: [entering] "Wouldn't mind sharing a few things with her myself."

KATE: "What do you want, Sawyer?"

SAWYER: "Heard the doctor was vacating the premises. Thought I'd best lay claims to my new digs before somebody else did [he drops his suitcases]. I could fix this place up real good. Might even find somebody to share it with me [looking at Kate]."

JACK: [to Kate] "I'll talk to you later."

[Kate watches Jack leave with a sad look on her face. Sawyer, smiling, waves.]

Charlie walks through the jungle. He hears strange noises, and looks around for Locke, asking if the noises are coming from him. He hears animal sounds, and begins running in slow motion so he can enter his flashback.

In his flashback, Charlie is in a church, giving his confession to a Priest.

CHARLIE: "Bless me father, for I have sinned. It's been a week since my last confession."

PRIEST: "Go ahead, my son."

CHARLIE: "Last night, I had physical relations with a girl I didn't even know."

PRIEST: "I see. Anything else?"

CHARLIE: "Yeah. Uh, right after that I had relations with another girl. Then, straight after that I watched while they had relations with each other. You see, it's, it's my band, father.. Drive Shaft. We've been playing the clubs in Manchester. And, uh, we've been getting some heat.. A following, you know? And, uh, the girls.. There's some real temptations that come with the territory, if you know what I mean."

PRIEST: "Well, we all have our temptations. But, giving into them, that's your choice. As we live our lives, it's really nothing but a series of choices, isn't it?"

CHARLIE: "Well, then, I've made my choice. I have to quit the band."

[We see Charlie leaving the church. Someone is there drumming, with his feet up on the pews.]

LIAM: "..And the meek shall inherit the Earth."

CHARLIE: "Liam! What are doing? [Shoving Liam's feet off the pew.] This is a church."

LIAM: "Relax, Choir Boy. I bring good tidings of great joy. We've just been signed. A recording contract. You're going to be a Rock God."

On the Island, Charlie runs from a boar in the jungle. Suddenly, something falls, and the boar is pulled up by a trap that is set in a tree.

LOCKE: "Nice work, Charlie. You make excellent bait."

CHARLIE: [angrily] "I'm glad I could oblige. Now give me my bloody drugs. [Locke doesn't answer him.] Did you hear what I said? I want my drugs back. I need 'em."

LOCKE: "Yet you gave them to me. Hmm?"

CHARLIE: "And I bloody well regret it. I'm sick, man. Can't you see that?"

LOCKE: "I think you're a lot stronger than you know, Charlie. And, I'm going to prove it to you. I'll let you ask me for your drugs three times. The third time, I'm going to give them to you. Now, just so we're clear, this is one."

CHARLIE: "Why? Why? Why are you doing this? To torture me? Just get rid of them and have done with it."

LOCKE: "If I did that you wouldn't have a choice, Charlie. And, having choices, making decisions based on more than instinct, is the only thing that separates you from him [indicating the boar]."

[Locke grabs the boar's ear and goes to slash it's throat. Charlie looks away.]

On the beach, Kate and Boone gather with Sayid, who has built an antenna on a pole.

SAYID: "Three antenna. Three points of a triangle. One here on the beach. Another, Kate will position in the jungle, roughly two kilometers in, and the third I'll take to high ground, up there. If the French transmission is coming from somewhere within our triangulation, I'll be able to locate the source. But, there are two complications."

BOONE: "Of course there are."

SAYID: "The power cells I grafted onto the antennas are dry. There's no telling how long they'll last. A minute, maybe more, maybe less."

KATE: "So, we have to wait until we're in position before we switch them on."

BOONE: "Wait. Wait a second. How are we going to be able to tell that we're actually in the right position? We have no way to communicate with each other."

[Sayid grabs bottle rockets from a pack.]

KATE: "Bottle rockets?"

SAYID: "Thank God for fireworks smugglers. Now, when I'm in position, I'll fire off my rocket. When you two see it, you fire yours. As soon as the last one has gone up we all switch on our antennas."

KATE: "Okay, but you said there are two complications."

SAYID: "The battery in the transceiver is dead. Without the transceiver all of this is for nothing. Something from a laptop computer would probably work, but I've not been able to find anything."

KATE: "I think I might know where to look."

Kate is in Jack's old digs, which is now Sawyer's tent.

KATE: "You're hoarding like a pack rat since the crash, and you don't have a single laptop?"

SAWYER: "We are testy. Still upset about your little break up? You and Jacko?"

KATE: "It must be exhausting."

SAWYER: "What's that?"

KATE: "Living like a parasite.. Always taking, never giving."

SAWYER: "Well, you got me pegged, don't you?"

KATE: "I get it now. You don't want off this Island because there's nothing for you to go back for. Nobody you miss. And, no one misses you."

SAWYER: "Oh, you're feeling sorry for me."

KATE: "I don't feel sorry for you. I pity you."

[Sawyer looks hurt, then smiles, and reaches into a suitcase, pulls out a laptop, and gives her the battery.]

SAWYER: "All you had to do was say please."

[She reaches for it, and he pulls it away and then hands it to her again.]

Back at the caves, Charlie continues to play his guitar, while Jack and Hurley enter the caves carrying luggage from the beach. Charlie notices them, and gets up to help.

HURLEY: "Dude, what's in these things, cinder-blocks?"

JACK: "I packed everything I thought might be useful here without leaving the others shorthanded."

CHARLIE: "Hey, you guys need a hand? [Hurley and Jack drop what they're carrying]. I used to load the band's equipment, before we had roadies, way back in the day. Here, let me.."

JACK: "Charlie, the zipper's..[Charlie grabs a bag and everything spills out.] broken."

CHARLIE: "Sorry, just trying to help."

JACK: "I know, I know. It's okay. [to Hurley] Hey, want to help me grab the rest of those bags?"

HURLEY: "Oh, could I?"

[Shot of Charlie riffling through the bag looking at the prescription bottles.]

JACK: "What are you doing?"

CHARLIE: "Oh, uh, I have a headache."

JACK: [grabbing the bottle Charlie's holding] "Diazepam. That's for anxiety."

CHARLIE: "I was looking for aspirin."

JACK: "Pretty strong stuff for a headache."

CHARLIE: "Yeah, right."

JACK: "Hey, you okay? [Looking at Charlie's face] You're looking a little.."

CHARLIE: "No, it's nothing.. It's just a headache."

[Charlie starts cleaning up the spilled suitcase.]

JACK: "Charlie, leave it. Go get some water. Maybe you're dehydrated. [stopping him Charlie, I got it. Go take care of yourself, man. We don't need you right now."

[Charlie goes back to his guitar.]

In his flashback, we hear the sound of church bells ringing.

LIAM: "Come on, Charlie boy. We can't do this without you. You are bloody Drive Shaft."

[We see nuns walking by.]

CHARLIE: "Watch the language."

LIAM: [holding the record contract] "This is our shot at the big time. What? You don't want to be famous?"

CHARLIE: "It's not about all that. I only care about the music."

LIAM: "Yeah, your music. Your songs that got us signed. I'm just a clown with a pretty face that sings them. And, you want to take away my chance to be somebody?"

CHARLIE: "Liam, it's not about you. It's.. I love the band. It's not who I am. Sometimes, I just get lost in it."

LIAM: "It won't happen, because I'll be there looking out for you. We'll look out for each other. That's what brothers do, right? Right?"

[Liam starts horsing around with Charlie.]

CHARLIE: "Wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait. Just promise me one thing. If things get too crazy no matter what, if I say we're done, we walk away."

LIAM: "We walk away."

CHARLIE: "Liam, promise."

LIAM: "We walk away. You're the Rock God, baby brother."

[Big smiles and then they run around, playing.]

On the Island, Jin gets some water in the caves, while still wearing the handcuff on his wrist. Sun suggests that he have the doctor, Jack, take a look at it. Jin says that it's fine, and it will heal, while noticing that she's wearing a sleeveless top, and remarking that it's indecent, telling her to cover herself. Sun says that it's too hot.

Elsewhere in the caves, Hurley approaches Charlie, bringing his guitar to him.

HURLEY: "Hey, dude. This yours?"

CHARLIE: "Oh yeah. You're probably wondering because I play bass in Drive Shaft. I wrote a bunch of tunes on that.. You All Everybody."

HURLEY: "Listen, uh, man. Jack just wants you to find another place for it. He's moving supplies and says it's in the way."

CHARLIE: [walking inside the cave where Jack is] "You know? A lot of people look up to me. They respect me. And you, you just treat me like I'm some bloody child! Like I'm some useless joke!"

JACK: "What are you talking about?"

CHARLIE: "Charlie's not good enough to do this. Charlie's just in the way. Put Charlie on to that.."

JACK: "Sit down. Let me take a look at you, man."

CHARLIE: "Oh, you're going to look out for me, yeah?! We'll look out for each other, that's how it is?! I'm not interested!"

JACK: "Charlie, just calm down, alright? You're not yourself."

CHARLIE: "You don't know me! I'm a bloody Rock God!"

[There is a noise above them, inside the cave. They begin to crumble, and then completely collapse.]

HURLEY: "Oh, no."

[Jin and Sun look over. Hurley, Jin and Sun run up. Charlie runs out of the rubble, escaping the collapse.]

HURLEY: "Charlie, where's Jack? Where's Jack?"

[Charlie points to the blocked cave.]

HURLEY: "Jack? Jack, can you hear me?"

CHARLIE: "I don't know what happened. We were just talking and it, and it came down on us.. It all happened so fast."

HURLEY: "Dude, we gotta get help. Charlie, go down to the beach and get help."

CHARLIE: "Okay, I'm on it."

HURLEY: "And, make sure you tell Kate!"

Kate and Sayid talk, while they walk through the jungle.

KATE: "What we're doing.. Chasing some phantom distress signal. What are the odds of this working?"

SAYID: "No worse than the odds of our surviving that plane crash."

KATE: "People survive plane crashes all the time."

SAYID: "Not like this one. The tail section broke off while we were still in the air. Our section cart-wheeled through the jungle, and yet we escaped with nothing but a few scrapes. How do you explain that?"

KATE: "Blind, dumb luck?"

SAYID: "No one's that lucky. We shouldn't have survived."

KATE: "Sorry, Sayid. Some things just happen. No rhyme, no reason."

[We see Charlie suddenly running onto the beach.]

CHARLIE: "Hey! Hey, we need help."

MICHAEL: "What's wrong, man?"

CHARLIE: "It's Jack. He's trapped."

BOONE: "What?"

CHARLIE: "A cave collapsed. We don't even know if he's alive. Come on, we've gotta go."

MICHAEL: [looking over at some other survivors] "Hey, uh, uh, Scott?"

STEVE: "I'm Steve."

SCOTT: "I'm Scott."

MICHAEL: "We've got an emergency. Grab a couple of guys, and let's go."

CHARLIE: "We've got to go now."

[Boone starts running off with them, but runs back to Shannon.]

BOONE: "Shannon, you have to be ready to do something really important, okay? At five o'clock sharp, you have to be ready to turn that antenna on over there [points]. There's a switch at the base."


BOONE: "Because Kate and Sayid are triangulating the French signal. But, the antenna's power is really weak, so you have to wait until they fire their bottle rockets. Then you fire this one [shows her a bottle rocket]. Then you turn on the antenna. Got it?"

SHANNON: "The switch is where now?"

BOONE: "Did you hear a word I said? Can you or can't you do it?"

SHANNON: "Yeah, I can."

BOONE: "Okay. [hands her the bottle rocket] Okay." [He takes off for the caves.]

CHARLIE: [running to go back to the caves] "Wait. Kate. Hey, we have to tell Kate about Jack."

SAWYER: [Coming out of his tent as Charlie runs by, and overhearing him.] "Sorry, Sport. You just missed her. Her and Mohammad headed into the woods about ten minutes ago."

CHARLIE: [stopping] "Which way?"

SAWYER: "Don't sweat it, amigo. I know which way they went."

CHARLIE: "Yeah, but.."

SAWYER: "I'll tell her. You just keep doing.. Whatever it is that you do around here."

In a flashback, Charlie plays on-stage with Liam and their band, Drive Shaft.

They play their hit song, You All Everybody. As Charlie goes to sing his part, which is the chorus, as Liam, enthusiastically, and without any warning whatsoever, takes over. Charlie is not happy about this. He gives Liam the stink-eye from across stage.

After the show, the band enters the backstage area and is greeted by everyone. Charlie is pissed, but Liam is too busy being friendly with everyone and trying to party to notice. Liam pours alcohol for himself, while Charlie decides to confront him about what happened on-stage.

CHARLIE: "What the hell was that?"

LIAM: "That was another kick ass show. You were bloody brilliant."

CHARLIE: "I sing the chorus to You All Everybody."

LIAM: "Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. [A Photographer approaches.] I got caught up in the moment. Like, the crowd wanted it, you know?"

CHARLIE: "Yeah, I know. But, if I start, and then you come in after me.."

LIAM: [to security] "She's cool. Let her in. [to Charlie] I won't let it happen again. I promise. [Liam goes over and gets the groupie, pulls out some drugs, as Charlie sees him.] Chill, baby brother."

On the Island, Charlie is still at the beach. At the caves, people arrive to help, while others are already moving rocks out of the way to dig Jack out. Michael arrives with Walt and Vincent.

MICHAEL: "Wait. Hey! Wait."

HURLEY: "Jack's in there."

MICHAEL:" Let me check it out before you start moving things around. If it's unstable.."

HURLEY: "Well, how do you know.."

MICHAEL: "Eight years of construction work. Hey, Walt.. Get back, man. I don't want you near the rocks, okay? And, take the dog with you."

WALT: "You guys need Mr. Locke."

HURLEY: "Locke's out in the jungle killing stuff. Who knows where he is."

[Michael looks around at the cave.]

MICHAEL: "Alright. This area here is load-bearing. [He points to where the cave collapsed.] We've got to dig where there's no danger of the wall buckling in on itself. [He goes over to another end of the caves.] Here. We dig in here so the wall doesn't collapse. Four at a time, by hand, until we can find some kind of shovel. We take shifts, and go slow. Whoever isn't digging should be clearing the rocks that we clear out and bring the water to whoever is working. Okay? Let's move."

[Shot of Walt looking on at his father.]

Kate and Sayid continue walking through the jungle, as Sawyer catches up and approaches them.

SAWYER: "Hey."

KATE: "What the hell are you doing here?"

SAWYER: "Easy. [out of breath] Just came to tell you something."

KATE: "What makes you think I'm interested in anything you have to say?"

SAWYER: [after a long pause] "I just came to tell you, you were right about me.. That I don't help anyone but myself. Well, here I am.. Ready to pitch in."

KATE: "You're here to help?"

[Kate and Sayid walk away.]

SAWYER: "Hey, you act anymore surprised, I'm going to get offended."

In the jungle, John Locke skins a boar, as Charlie approaches him.

LOCKE: "Something wrong, Charlie?"

CHARLIE: "Yeah. It's Jack. He's, uh.. There's been an accident at the caves. Jack's trapped in a cave-in."

LOCKE: "Is anyone trying to get him out?"

CHARLIE: "Yeah, there's a bunch of people there now."

LOCKE: "Then why aren't you with them? You didn't come here to tell me about Jack, did you?"

CHARLIE: [looking like he going to cry] "I want my stash, Locke. I can't stand feeling like this."

LOCKE: "Come here. Let me show you something. [They walk to a tree with a cocoon on it]. What do you suppose is in that cocoon, Charlie?"

CHARLIE: "I don't know, a butterfly, I guess?"

LOCKE: "No, it's much more beautiful than that. That's a moth cocoon. It's ironic, butterflies get all the attention, but moths.. They spin silk, they're stronger, they're faster."

CHARLIE: "That's wonderful, but.."

LOCKE: "You see this little hole? This moth's just about to emerge. It's in there right now, struggling. It's digging its way through the thick hide of the cocoon. Now, I could help it. Take my knife, gently widen the opening, and the moth would be free. But, it would be too weak to survive. The struggle is nature's way of strengthening it. Now, this is the second time you've asked me for your drugs back [he holds the heroin up]. Ask me again and it's yours."

Back at the caves, people continue to try to dig Jack out. Michael struggles at the base of the cave, with the opening finally giving out. Michael indicates that they have a hole to get through to Jack. Hurley calls out for Jack, to see if he's still alive in there. They eventually hear the sound of Jack moaning coming from inside the cave. Jack tells them that he's pinned, and he can't move. Worried, he says that Charlie was with him, but they quickly tell him that Charlie is okay, that he got out. Michael tells Jack that they're going to get him out of there.

In the jungle, Sayid, Kate and Sawyer continue to hike. They come to a clearing, on high ground, and stop.

SAYID: "We'll place the second antenna here. [to Sawyer] You want to help?"

[Sawyer nods. Kate pulls the antenna out of Sayid's pack and hands it to him. Sayid hands it Sawyer.]

SAYID: "Attach this antenna up in that tree [he points to a large tree], as high up as you can."

SAWYER: "Golly, thanks, boss." [He walks toward the tree].

SAYID: [in a lowered voice to Kate] "Five o'clock. Watch for my flare, then it's your turn. I don't trust him."

KATE: "Who does?"

SAYID: "I don't trust him with you."

KATE: "I can handle him." [Sayid smiles.]

[Shot of Sayid leaving. Sawyer up in the tree.]

Back at the caves, Michael is planning out how to rescue Jack.

MICHAEL: "Okay. We can't safely make that tunnel any bigger, but since Jack can't get out, one of us is going to have to go in and un-pin him."

HURLEY: "What, crawl through that?"

BOONE: "I think we need someone smaller."

[Jin says something in Korean.]

HURLEY: "Dude, we don't understand Chinese."

MICHAEL: "Korean, man. They're Korean."

CHARLIE: [off camera, entering] "I'll do it."

HURLEY: "Charlie?"

MICHAEL: "No, man. Look, you're still too shook up. I might be able to squeeze through.."

CHARLIE: "Hey, who's going to take care of your son if something happens? [he points to Sun] She's got a husband, [to Boone] he's got a sister. I'm alone here. No one on the Island. Let me do this."

Back in the jungle, Sawyer sits on a log, while Kate stands and holds the bottle rocket, constantly looking at her watch and in the direction of where Sayid is headed.

SAWYER: "Still ain't five. Just like the last time you checked your watch."

KATE: "I just don't want to miss Sayid's signal. Remember, I'll fire the flare, you set off the antenna."

SAWYER: "I just thank the Good Lord I've got you here to keep reminding me."

KATE: "It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it."

SAWYER: "So, what is it about that guy.. Jack? [Kate sits down by Sawyer] What it is about him makes you all weak in the loins?"

KATE: "Do you try to be a pig, or does it just come naturally?"

SAWYER: "So, he's a doctor, right? Yeah, the ladies dig the doctors. Hell, give me a couple of band aids, a bottle of peroxide, I could run this Island too."

KATE: "You're actually comparing yourself to Jack?"

SAWYER: [looking hurt] "The difference between us ain't that big, sweetheart. I guarantee you, if he had survived a few more weeks on this Island, you'd have figured that out.."

KATE: "What did you just say?"

SAWYER: "Ah, damn. Didn't I tell you? Word from the valley is Saint Jack got himself buried in a cave-in."

KATE: "What?"

SAWYER: "Look at the bright side. Now you have someone else to pity."

[Shot of Kate tossing the bottle rocket at Sawyer's feet and running off.]

Back at the caves, Charlie prepares to go in and rescue Jack. Michael tells him to go slow, and to try not to nudge any of the rocks around him. Michael and Hurley tell him good luck, while Boone says to be safe. Charlie thanks them. He looks into the tunnel and begins to crawl through to Jack.

In a flashback, Charlie goes into a backstage area before a Drive Shaft gig. He is not happy. Liam is sitting on a couch with a girl on either side of him, clearly drunk and on drugs.

LIAM: [to the girls] "Everybody wants more. Everybody wants to have a piece. All these people, they can't leave you alone when you're.."

CHARLIE: "Bloody hell."

LIAM: "Hey, baby brother, grab a bird and sit down!"

CHARLIE: [to a girl standing at the buffet table] "Get out. [to another girl] You too, get out."

LIAM: "Oh, I spilled on myself."

CHARLIE: [to the second girl] "Out!"

LIAM: "Out?"

CHARLIE: [to the girls on the couch] "Come on! Now!"

LIAM: "Come back in five minutes."

[The girls leave the room.]

CHARLIE: "Sound check. You missed sound check. You don't show up for rehearsal. We've got a show in an hour."

LIAM: [clearly high] "Oooh.. Show! I like shows."

[Liam gets his drugs. Charlie looks on worriedly.]

CHARLIE: "Alright. That's it. After tonight, we cancel the rest of the tour."

LIAM: "What?"

CHARLIE: "We walk away."

LIAM: "Are you off your head?"

CHARLIE: "We're walking away, like we said we would if things got.."

LIAM: "Walk away and go where?"

CHARLIE: "Liam, you're killing yourself with this junk. You're destroying Drive Shaft!"

LIAM: [yelling] "I am Drive Shaft! No one even knows who the sodding bass player is! This is it, Charlie.. End of the rainbow. You really think you can walk away? Then what, eh? Face it.. If you're not in this band, what the bloody hell use are you?"

[Liam staggers out.]

CHARLIE: "Liam?"

LIAM: "Piss off!"

[Charlie is devastated, and alone. He sits in front of the mirror and takes a long look at himself. He pushes a bottle out of the way and notices the drugs Liam left behind. He picks up a bag and begins to cry.]

On the Island, Charlie continues to crawl through the tunnel to Jack. He continues squeezing through the tunnel, as the caves start rumbling and dirt and rocks begin to fall. Michael and Hurley look on from the entrance of the caves. Michael hears the caves crumbling, and yells at Charlie to move fast. Charlie begins crawling through the tunnel as fast as he can, and he gets to the opening inside the cave, just as the tunnel collapses behind him. He finds Jack inside the cave.

CHARLIE: "Hi. I'm.. I'm here to rescue you."

[Jack smiles at him. Charlie smiles back.]

Outside the cave where Jack and Charlie are, Michael, Hurley and Boone try to figure out what to do to get them out, while Kate arrives to help.

HURLEY: "I say we try again."

BOONE: "We can't just leave them."

HURLEY: "If we don't move, they're going to run out of air."

MICHAEL: "Would you stop talking? I'm trying to think."

KATE: "Where is he? Where is he?"

MICHAEL: "Kate."

KATE: "Where is he? Where's Jack?"

[Shot of everyone looking helpless, and they don't want to tell her.]

HURLEY: [nodding toward the now rubble-filled tunnel entrance] "He's in there."

KATE: "Does anyone know if he's alive? Is he alive?"

MICHAEL: "We don't know. Charlie went in there through a tunnel that we dug, but it collapsed."

KATE: "Why is nobody digging?" [She starts digging, the others follow.]

Inside the cave, Charlie struggles to get leverage to pull the rock that's pinning Jack down.

CHARLIE: "Okay. One, two, three. [He moves the rock. Jack yells out in pain, and holds his shoulder]. Sorry, Jack. Sorry. You alright?"

JACK: "My shoulder's dislocated."

CHARLIE: [looking terrified] "What?"

JACK: "You're going to have to pop it back in."

CHARLIE: "No. I can't."

JACK: "I need your help on this, man."

CHARLIE: "I can't do it, Jack."

JACK: "Yes, you can. Yes, you can."

CHARLIE: "Okay, what do I.. What do I do?"

JACK: "Take my hand.."

CHARLIE: "This hand? [He grabs Jack's hand.] Okay, okay. Wait.. Okay, okay." [Charlie positions himself]

JACK: "Now, when I tell you to, I want you to pull as hard as you possibly can."

CHARLIE: "Jack, I don't know. I don't, I don't.."

JACK: "You can do this, Charlie."

CHARLIE: "Okay, okay. Okay, okay."

JACK: "Now."

[Charlie pulls his arm. Jack yells out in agony. He grabs his shoulder.] ..And we are graced with a Crazy Jack face.

In his flashback, there is a wind-chime on a porch, while Charlie walks up to the door of a house and knocks. The door opens.

LIAM: [off camera] "Charlie? What are you doing here?"

CHARLIE: "A bloke can't pay his big brother a visit once in a while?"

LIAM: "Of course you can. Why didn't you call, you lunatic? [They hug]. What are you doing in Sydney?"

[We see Charlie and Liam in the yard. Liam is pushing his young daughter on a swing.]

CHARLIE: "It's all lined up, Liam. Eight weeks on tour opening for some band called Meat Coat. First gig's in Los Angeles. LA, Liam. This is a chance to get back on a label. A real one. [Liam sets is daughter in a sandbox. Liam and Charlie sit down at a table.] This is our comeback."

LIAM: "Charlie, I don't want to come back."

CHARLIE: "Yeah, right. Well, here's the thing. They won't book Drive Shaft without you. So, I'm asking as a brother, the way you asked me."

LIAM: "You were with me the night I missed Megan's birth. You were the one I was stumbling around Dresden with trying to find a sodding fix. [Charlie's hands shake.] Oh man, you're still using, aren't you?"

CHARLIE: "Don't change the subject."

LIAM: "That's why you haven't been returning my calls."

CHARLIE: "Look, are you going to go on tour with us or not?"

LIAM: "You said you were going to get some help, man."

CHARLIE: "I lost your sodding number, okay?"

LIAM: "You're still a junkie."

CHARLIE: "You did this to me! It was about the music! The music, Liam. You took that away from me."

LIAM: "Listen, why don't you stay with us for a few weeks? Karen and me, we can get you help. Sydney's got some really good programs."

CHARLIE: "Forget it." [He gets up and starts to walk away.]

LIAM: "Don't go."

CHARLIE: "Thanks for your help, brother."

LIAM: "Stay. Please? I'm just looking out for you!"

CHARLIE: [angry] "You never looked out for me! I have a plane to catch."

[Slow motion of Charlie walking away.]

Back in the caves, Charlie's hands continue to shake from drug withdrawals. Jack finally takes notice.

JACK: "How long has it been, Charlie?"

CHARLIE: "I don't know what you're going on about.."

JACK: "How long since your last fix?"

CHARLIE: "Almost a day and a half."

JACK: "How's the withdrawal treating you? Any hallucinations?"

CHARLIE: "Apart from the conversation I had with you about an hour ago in the jungle? No, not really." [They both laugh.]

JACK: "Why didn't you say anything? I could've helped you through this."

CHARLIE: "Yeah.. You think I'm useless, and a junkie to boot."

JACK: "Useless? You're not useless. That took a lot of guts getting in here and trying to rescue me. I won't forget that."

CHARLIE: [ironically] "For the rest of our lives?" [They both smile.]

JACK: "At the rate we're using our oxygen in here, that won't be too long."

CHARLIE: "This place, it reminds me of confession.. Those little claustrophobic booths."

JACK: "I wouldn't have taken you for a religious man."

CHARLIE: "I used to be. Hey, you want to hear my confession? Might take a while."

JACK: "Hey, I'm no saint, either. [Charlie looks up, and sees something.] What's wrong?"

CHARLIE: "It's a moth."

JACK: "A what?"

CHARLIE: "Right behind you! Look. [He points.] There's a bloody moth in here. Look!" [Charlie starts to follow it. Jack makes another weird face.]

JACK: "Charlie, what are you doing?"

[Charlie is feeling around in the cave.]

[Shot of people on the outside pulling rubble away.]

MICHAEL: "Hey, Kate. You need to take a break."

KATE: "I'm fine."

MICHAEL: "We've got enough people to dig. You keep going at this pace, you're going to kill yourself."

[Back in the cave.]

CHARLIE: "There's light!"

JACK: "What?"

CHARLIE: "I can see light."

[Outside, they are digging. Inside, Charlie is crawling. Shot of ground outside. Then, Charlie's hand comes up through the ground.]

[Shot of people outside digging. Shot of Walt. Vincent barks.]

WALT: "Hey, it's the doctor!"

[Jack and Charlie enter. Kate practically pushes everyone out of her way to run over and give Jack a hug.]

JACK: "Ow. Easy. My shoulder.. Careful."

HURLEY: "How'd you get out?"

JACK: "Charlie. Charlie found a way out."

HURLEY: "Dude, you rock."

[Hurley hugs Charlie. Congratulations all around. Shot of Charlie looking proud.]

In the jungle, Sayid looks at his watch. He says a quick prayer to himself and then lights his bottle rocket.

SAYID: [to himself] "Alright everyone, now it's your turn."

[Shot of Shannon laying on beach, talking to a female redshirt.]

SHANNON: "We're in Malibu part of the year, but the guys there are such idiots.."

[We can hear the sound of the rocket exploding. The female redshirt points to the sky].

SHANNON: [hurrying] "Dammit! Dammit, dammit, dammit." [She lights the rocket].

SAYID: [seeing the beach rocket explode] "Come on. Come on.. One more. Come on, Kate. Come on."

[We see the third rocket go off.]

SAYID: "Yes. Yes. [He gets the transceiver out of his pack and turns it on. The little screen on the transceiver says ACQUIRING SIGNAL.] Where are you? [The little screen on the transceiver says RECEIVING SIGNAL.] Yes! [The little screen on the transceiver shows a strong signal.] Where are you? Where are you?"

[We see movement behind Sayid. We hear some noise. Sayid gets whacked on the head with a big stick and falls to the ground, unconscious.]

Back at the caves, Hurley gets some water and brings it over to Charlie, who is sitting with Jack.

HURLEY: [to Charlie] "Dude, you feeling okay? You look a little.."

JACK: "Flu. He's got the flu."

HURLEY: "Oh, man. That's rough. After all you've been through.. Take it easy, man."

[Shot of Charlie looking gratefully at Jack. Shot of Locke waiving a palm frond over the boar, which is cooking on a spit. We see Charlie watching him.]

CHARLIE: "I think I'm going to stretch my legs."

[Shot of Walt and Michael in the caves.]

WALT: "This place is cool. Can we live here?"

[Michael looks over at Sun. She returns his gaze. Shot of Jack looking at the fire. Then we see a rag being put over his head. Kate has brought him a sling.]

KATE: "Made you something."

JACK: "Awww. My very first sling."

KATE: "How's that?"

JACK: "Good. Thank you."

KATE: "So, these are the safe caves you've been going on about?"

JACK: "This was a fluke. Michael checked out the integrity of the rest of the caves and gave them an okay. So, you're heading back to the beach, huh?"

KATE: "Sayid should be back there by now, and if his plan worked. then.."

JACK: "Then we're one step closer to getting off this Island. [Kate looks down.] Thanks for the sling, Kate."

KATE: "You're welcome."

[Locke brushing the boar. Charlie walks up.]

CHARLIE: "Give them to me."

LOCKE: "This is the third time. Are you sure you really want them?"

CHARLIE: "I've made my choice."

[Locke hands the drugs to Charlie. Charlie looks at them, and then throws them into the fire. Locke smiles.]

LOCKE: "I'm proud of you, Charlie. Always knew you could do it."

[Charlie looks up and sees a moth.]

Interesting Notes & Observations:
  • In the beginning, when Charlie is playing his guitar, you can clearly see his Dexter Stratton ring, which his brother, Liam, gave him on their Second Tour of Finland, as stated in Pilot, and see in Greatest Hits.
  • Charlie looks so fucking awful. How exactly has no one besides Locke figured out that he's a drug addict yet? Are these people in their own little world? I mean, they're on a freaking island. There's no exactly that much to do besides observe the other survivors. 
  • Okay, John Locke. Leave Charlie alone now. You're starting to get creepy, dude. 
  • Maybe it's just me, but I'm already tired of Jack and Kate's act. Come on, now. Either go into the woods and bone or just give it up already. If I were on this island, I would've already had a love-triangle going by episode two. I wouldn't have waited three seasons for it like these idiots.
  • Jack, you are a broken record. That's why people call you one.
  • Seriously? Charlie only gave his confession a week ago, and now he's giving it again? This dude must be getting some serious tail on tour. 
  • When Charlie is leaving the confessional, there is a Virgin Mary statue in the church. This foreshadows Virgin Mary statues which will later be found on the Island, in the beachcraft by Boone, in Deus Ex Machina, containing heroin, which tempts Charlie to break his sobriety.
  • From Lostpedia: The Bible: When Charlie is leaving the church, Liam can be heard saying "..And the meek shall inherit the Earth." This is a saying from the Beatitudes, from the Sermon on the Mount, which, according to the Gospel of Matthew 5-7, was a particular sermon given by Jesus of Nazareth to a large crowd. The saying implies that those who forgo worldly power will be rewarded in the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • Umm.. Fireworks smugglers, Sayid? Seriously? Who brings fireworks on a plane? Especially after 9/11? 
  • Sayid says "Thank God" for fireworks smugglers.. Maybe this is a stupid question, but do Muslim's say "Thank God" just in passing like that, or is that just a Christian, or even an American thing? I'm not religious at all, so I honestly have no idea. I don't mean to say that Muslims don't thank God, but more so if they would say that in passing, while not actually meaning to thank God. What I mean by that is that, I say "Thank God" sometimes even though I don't mean that at all. Alright, now that I just got myself in trouble with the internet for contemplating something insignificant outloud.. Moving on.
  • When Kate asks Sawyer for the laptop battery, he's still reading Watership Down.
  • Kate calls Sawyer out for being exactly the same thing that she is, saying that he's always taking and never giving, and that he has nothing to go back to if he leaves the Island. Uh, Kate. Last time I checked, the only reason you wanted to leave the Island is so you can get away before a rescue party gets to you and you get caught for being a fugitive. Hypocrite. Shut up. No one misses you either.
  • Um, Jack? Charlie said he was looking for aspirin for a headache. Just because he happened to have Diazepam in his hand when you walked up to him, doesn't mean he was actually going to take that for a headache. Also, this was the first of many clues where you should have figured out that he was a drug addict. You know, since you're a damn doctor and all.
  • When Charlie and Liam are leaving the church, the set where they walk out is the same place that was used when Desmond visited Daniel Faraday in The Constant.
  • The fact that Liam will break his promise to Charlie about walking away from Drive Shaft if things ever got too crazy is really fucking heartbreaking.
  • First the button, and now it's too hot to cover up? Damn, Sun
  • Charlie just wants to be wanted. It's kind of sad, actually. And, everything in this episode pretty much confirms what he feels. I mean, maybe he's blowing it a little out of proportion because he's going through severe drug withdrawals, but no one gives a damn if he's okay. Everyone is just worried about Jack. It's been that way pretty much since the moment he got on the Island. No one cares about him or his damn band. His band was all he had, and his own brother took that away from him.
  • Charlie tells Jack "I'm a blood Rock God!" right before rocks start to fall, and the caves collapse.
  • Everyone is all "OMG! WHERE'S JACK?" No one gives a shit about poor Charlie.
  • Why is it so damn important that Kate knows what happened so quickly? They're not dating or something. I mean, damn. Jack can't even check her out correctly.
  • Sorry, Kate. But, I'm with Sayid on this one. Dude knows what he's talking about. Surviving a plane crash like that is weird, huh Jacob?
  • I'm embarrassed to say that, even though I put up a screen-cap on this post, I still don't know which one is Scott and which one is Steve. Oh well. Whatever.
  • During the scene where Drive Shaft plays on-stage, we see some of the other members of the band for the first time, such as the guitar player, Roderick.
  • This is the first time that we hear the song "You All Everybody" by Drive Shaft. I believe, on the Season One DVD Bonus Features, they tell the story of home this song came to be. Apparently someone was watching daytime television talk shows, and some lady stood up and said "You all everybody, acting like those stupid people, wearing expensive clothes." which are the actual lyrics to the song.
  • From Lostpedia: The shirt Charlie wears for the Drive Shaft performance reads "St Tropez", the French town where Shannon lived briefly with her boyfriend.
  • Sawyer catches up with Sayid and Kate in the jungle to tell them about Jack, but Kate is too busy being a bitch to Sawyer to let him tell her what happened.
  • It's pretty obvious that, at least early on, they had intentions of there being some sort of connection between Sayid and Kate. I wish they would've carried on with it more throughout the series. Whether it was meant to be romantic or not, I find the Sayid/Kate relationship way more interesting that the love-triangle bullshit.
  • Sawyer isn't exactly wrong. The difference between he and Jack isn't really that big.
  • In the scene where Charlie tells Liam he wants to walk away from the band like they said they would, he picks up Liam's drugs after he leaves. We don't know this for certain, but I'm pretty sure that this is the moment where Charlie first uses drugs, because the situation with his brother, Liam, has broken his heart and he doesn't know how else to deal with the situation other than joining him. I can't say that I really blame him.
  • From Lostpedia: In the flashback scene with Charlie and Liam alone in the dressing room, a picture of the Egyptian God, Anubis, can be seen on Liam's T-shirt.
  • From Lostpedia: Star Wars: After Charlie climbs through the newly dug tunnel, he says to Jack, "I'm here to rescue you." Luke Skywalker said the same thing to Princess Leia when he found her in the Death Star in "Star Wars: A New Hope"
  • Kate starts digging to friggin' China when she finds out that Jack is still trapped in the cave. Calm down, Kate. They're not going to kill the hero just yet.
  • Jack's shoulder is dislocated. This seems to eventually become a common-occurrence on this show for whatever reason.
  • When Charlie visits Liam in Sydney, he refers to the night Megan was born, and how he was so messed up on drugs that he missed her birth. We see this happen in Fire + Water.
  • This is the last time that Liam ever saw his brother, Charlie
  • It would have been interesting to see what happened to Liam after the plane crash.
  • When Sayid is knocked unconscious from behind, we clearly cannot see the person who does it.
  • We know that Kate left Sawyer alone to light his own bottle rocket (No pun intended.), and turn on the antenna, so clearly we are meant to think it is him who knocks Sayid out somehow, because they don't get along and he's been the one who has been difficult about everything.
  • Ugh. Jack and Kate make me sick. You've known eachother for eight freaking days and you act like you're the bestest of friends and are in High School. Get a room already. It's sickening.
  • A real drug addict would've jumped in that fire after the heroin.
Answered Questions:
  • In The Substitute, we find out that the reason those who survived the plane crash actually did was because they are candidates to take over Jacob's job as protector of the Island, and therefore cannot be killed. Also, in What They Died For, Jacob explained exactly why they were specifically chosen and brought to the Island. 
  • In The Greater Good, we find out that it was John Locke who knocked Sayid out from behind when he was triangulating the signal of the distress call from Danielle Rousseau.
Unanswered Questions:
  • Why in the hell did John Locke knock Sayid out for triangulating the signal?
Favorite Moments:
  • CHARLIE: "Last night, I had physical relations with a girl I didn't even know." PRIEST: "I see. Anything else?" CHARLIE: "Yeah. Uh, right after that I had relations with another girl. Then, straight after that I watched while they had relations with each other. You see, it's, it's my band, father.. Drive Shaft. We've been playing the clubs in Manchester. And, uh, we've been getting some heat.. A following, you know? And, uh, the girls.. There's some real temptations that come with the territory, if you know what I mean."
  • SAYID: "Thank God for fireworks smugglers."
  • CHARLIE: "You don't know me! I'm a bloody Rock God!" 
  • MICHAEL: "Hey, uh, uh, Scott?" STEVE: "I'm Steve." SCOTT: "I'm Scott." And, so it begins..
  • Sawyer calling Charlie "sport" is hilarious. 
  • I don't know why, but the way Liam says "Chill, baby brother." and the look on his face cracks me up every time. Whenever I see Liam, or even the actor who plays him, Neil Hopkins, I say "Chill, baby brother." 
  • LOCKE: "You see this little hole? This moth's just about to emerge. It's in there right now, struggling. It's digging its way through the thick hide of the cocoon. Now, I could help it. Take my knife, gently widen the opening, and the moth would be free. But, it would be too weak to survive. The struggle is nature's way of strengthening it. Now, this is the second time you've asked me for your drugs back [he holds the heroin up]. Ask me again and it's yours."
  • Charlie finally giving up his drugs by choice, instead of allowing it to own him.
Overall Significance:
  • In this episode, Kate says that she has faith they will be recused. Although, Kate is correct, and Jack is, once again, wrong (Even though he does say that if they are rescued, it won't be for a long time. I just like to point out when Jack is wrong, okay? Leave me alone.), they (The Oceanic 6, Desmond and Frank Lapidus) won't actually leave the Island until There's No Place Like Home.
  • Jack also states that finding the source of the distress code will get them closer to getting off the Island, which did end up being true as well. Okay. Fine. He was kind of right.
  • Kate also says that the source of the distress signal is coming from somewhere on the Island, but they won't actually find it until they visit the radio tower with Danielle Rousseau in Through the Looking Glass.
  • Jack and Kate discuss the woman who left the distress call, how it's been playing for sixteen years on a loop, and how she was never actually rescued because it is still playing. Sayid will discover Danielle Rousseau shortly, after he leaves the group and is captured by her in Solitary
  • Kate tells Sawyer that he doesn't want to leave the Island because he has nothing to go back for, but she's wrong, because he has a daughter named Clementine Phillips, as we find out when her mother, Cassidy Phillips visits Sawyer in prison, in Every Man For Himself. Sawyer will also eventually end up growing a heart, and Kate will find out about his daughter in There's No Place Like Home when she leaves the Island and Sawyer tells her to contact his daughter, which she does in Whatever Happened, Happened.
  • Sawyer tells Kate that he could run the Island too. He does, in fact, end up becoming a leader of sorts, and completely PWNS Jack about his lackluster leadership skills after he returns to the Island in 1977, in Namasté.
Final Thoughts:
  • I really enjoy the flashback scenes in this episode, but the on-Island stuff kind of bores me, to be honest.
  • This episode has an incredible amount of symbolism.
I'll be back next week with my analysis of Confidence Man. Hell of an episode. It's about bunnies.

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