5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened
- Jin in the jungle, someone radios his walkie, asks are you there, if he can hear him, Jin wakes up from being knocked out by Sayid, talks on his walkie, it's Phil, who asks where has he been, Phil says that the hostile escaped, that they're searching in the East grid, Jin says that he's heading North, Phil asks how he knows that, Jin says because he attacked him, Phil asks where are you, Jin sees Ben's body, Ben says to please help him, Jin picks him up, puts him in the DHARMA van, drives away.
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- Horace gathers everyone to explain the situation, he says to listen up, he says we don't know yet if another attack is coming, to take their security assignments, and make sure they're in contact with their team leaders, he says that La Fleur has search parties out, but the hostile has a jump on them, Hurley asks Jack if he's talking about Sayid, Jack asks if he was locked up, how he could start the fire, Horace says that someone else torched the van, gave him help, since the security cameras didn't catch any of the hostiles crossing the perimeter, he says it was one of them, they'll have a full report on cleanup.
- "We don't know yet if another attack is coming. So everybody needs to be ready for your security assignments. Make sure you're in contact with your team leaders. La Fleur's got search parties out, but the hostile's got a good jump on us. We're pretty sure he used this fire as a diversion in order to escape." Horace
- Roger Linus asks Kate for help with the van, but she doesn't know what he's talking about, Roger says to crank her up, asks if they just stuck her in the Motor Pool when she got there, Kate says yes, Roger says they couldn't sucker anyone into getting on the sub if they told them that they were going to be grease monkeys, Kate introduces herself, Roger says welcome aboard, tells her his name is Roger Linus, Kate says nice to meet you Roger, Jin shows up with Ben's body, Roger says that's his kid.
- Kate is driving, listening to Patsy Cline, she drives up to a house, parks n the driveway, takes Aaron out of the backseat, he's still a baby, only a few months old, Kate sings him Catch A Falling Star, she goes up to the house, rings the doorbell, Cassidy Phillips answers, she's surprised to see her, says she saw Kate on the news, told her friends she knows that woman, Kate introduces her to Aaron, Cassidy says that she survived a plane crash, that's amazing, tells Kate that she never thought she'd see her again, asks what she's doing there, Kate tells Cassidy that Sawyer sent her there.
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- "Oh, my God! I saw you on the news! I told all my friends, "I know that woman!" [To Aaron] Hi!" Cassidy "This is Aaron." Kate "Hi, Aaron." Cassidy "Say hi." Kate "You survived a plane crash. [Kate nods.] It's amazing. I never thought I'd see you again. What are you doing here?" Cassidy "Sawyer sent me." Kate
- Kate gives Cassidy an envelope filled with money, Cassidy says Sawyer, that son of a bitch is still alive, Kate says that he was when she left, Cassidy says so he asked her to go there and give her an envelope full of money, Kate says that he told her where to find her, and said to take care of Clementine, his daughter, Cassidy says she's asleep in her crib right now, doesn't want to wake her up, Kate says she shouldn't have bothered her, Cassidy says she could've sent it, asks why'd she tell her all of this, why did she trust her, Kate says that she thought her daughter had a right to know that her father cared about her, Cassidy asks why he didn't come back with them, Kate says that the helicopter they were on was running out of gas, so he jumped, so that they could make it to the boat, Cassidy says what a coward, Kate says he was trying to do the right thing, Cassidy says he was trying to get away from her, that she told him he had a daughter, and he never so much as lifted a finger to call her, so now she's supposed to think he's a hero because he told her to come there, she says she bets the money isn't even his, she asks is it, Kate says they gave a settlement after the crash, and she didn't need it all, Cassidy says she doesn't have to explain it, that she has the same look on her face that she had when Sawyer ditched her, Cassidy says that all she has for her is sympathy, she asks Kate is it his, her son, is it Sawyer's, Kate says no, she was pregnant before she met him, Cassidy says that's not her baby, she just told her that her and her friends cooked a whole story for the world about what happened on the island, she says that Kate tells her the truth about that, asks why is she lying about him, Kate says because she has to.
- "Why didn't he come back with the rest of you?" Cassidy "The helicopter that we were on was running out of gas, so he jumped so that we could make it to the boat." Kate "What a coward." Cassidy "He was trying to do the right thing." Kate "He was trying to get away from you. I told him he had a daughter. He never so much as lifted a finger to try to call her. So now I'm supposed to think he's a hero because he told you to come here and help us? Hell, I bet this money's not even his, is it?" Cassidy
- "That's not your baby, is it? Kate, you just told me that you and your friends cooked a story for the whole world about what happened on that island. So you tell me the truth about that? Why are you lying to me about him?" Cassidy "Because I have to." Kate
- At the Security station, Sawyer looks at the monitors, Kate comes in, asks what happened, Sawyer asks what she's doing there, Kate says that it's Ben, the kid that was shot was Ben, Sawyer says to keep her mouth shut and don't draw any attention to herself, to leave, he doesn't want her around here, Kate says she just wants to know what's going on, Horace comes in, asks what she's doing there, La Fleur says Kate, that she's new at the Motor Pool, he was just seeing if she saw anything suspicious but she didn't, Horace asks if he checked out the hostile's cell yet, La Fleur says he's been too busy trying to keep the town from burning down, they look at the cell, which has keys still in the cell door, they say he didn't break out, that someone let him out, La Fleur says they're janitor's keys, Horace says they only have three janitors, Roger, Willie and that new guy, that he just met him, his name is Jack, La Fleur says that he just brought him in on the sub, he will go talk to him, asks Miles to come with him, Miles says sure, boss.
- Sawyer tells Miles to find Jack, Hurley and Kate, to put them in a house and sit on them, he doesn't want them talking to anyone, doesn't want this thing to spin out of control, Miles says okay.
- La Fleur goes to the Infirmary, Roger is waiting there, he asks who did this, La Fleur says he's trying to figure that out, that he's going to talk to Juliet, asks Roger for his keys, but he doesn't have them, says he must have left them at home, La Fleur says it's okay, he goes inside.
- Juliet is trying to save Ben, but she can't stop the hemorrhaging, Sawyer asks where's the doctor that's supposed to be there, Juliet says he's at The Looking Glass station until Friday, Juliet says she can't fix it, that someone needs to get in there, find the damage, he needs a real surgeon.
- "No, it's not all right. Someone needs to get in there who can find the damage that bullet did and fix it. [Whispers] He needs a real surgeon." Juliet
- Miles with gun, Jack says he's telling him they're under house arrest, Miles says they're all free to leave whenever they want, but he'll shoot them in the leg, Jack asks and who's idea is this, Kate says that Sawyer's just doing his job, Hurley looks at his hand, says he's trying to see if he's disappearing, like Back to the Future, he says they came back in time to the island, that it can change stuff, he says that if little Ben dies, then he can't grow up to be big Ben, which means they don't come back to the island, therefore, they don't exist, Miles says that he's an idiot, that it doesn't work like that, you can't change anything, that his maniac, Iraqi buddy shot Linus, but it always happened, they just never experienced how it all turns out, Hurley says it's confusing, Miles says the good news is that Linus didn't die, which means the kid can't either, Kate says it didn't look like that, Miles says if he's wrong then they all stop existing, and then it doesn't matter.
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- "What the hell are you doing, Tubby?" Miles "Checking to see if I'm disappearing." Hurley "What?" Miles "Back to the Future, man. We came back in time to the island and changed stuff. So if little Ben dies, he'll never grow up to be big Ben, who's the one who made us come back here in the first place. Which means we can't be here. And therefore, dude? We don't exist." Hurley "You're an idiot." Miles "Am I?" Hurley "Yeah. It doesn't work like that. You can't change anything. Your maniac Iraqi buddy shot Linus. That is what always happened. It's just...we never experienced how it all turns out." Miles "This is really confusing." Hurley "Yeah, well, get used to it. But, the good news is that Linus didn't die, so that means the kid can't either. He'll be fine." Miles "Didn't look like he was gonna be fine. What if you're wrong?" Kate "Well, if I'm wrong, then I guess we all stop existing, and none of it matters anyway then, does it?" Miles
- Sawyer comes in, tells Jack they need his help, he says that the kid is losing blood, Jack says no, Sawyer says if he doesn't go with him, the kid is going to die, Jack says then he dies.
- "Juliet said the kid's losing blood, and we ain't gone none to put back in him. So, we need you to show us where he sprung a leak." Sawyer
- Kate asks Jack what he's doing, Jack says he's making a sandwich, Kate says he's just a boy, that they can't just let him die, Jack says she heard Miles, they can't change what happens, Kate says unless he's the one that's supposed to save him, Jack says that 30 years from now, that boy is going to be a man, that locks him in a cage because he needs surgery, and then she's going to come in and beg him to operate on him because he's threatening to murder Sawyer, he already said this once, he already saved Ben's life for her, and he's not going to do it again, Kate says it's their fault, that they brought Sayid back, they caused this, Jack says did she ever think that maybe the island just wants to fix things itself, that maybe he was just getting in the way, Kate says she doesn't like the new him, that she liked the old him, who wouldn't just sit around and wait for things to happen, Jack says she didn't like the old him, Kate leaves.
- "You heard Miles. We can't change what's already happened. This has nothing to do with me." Jack "Unless you're the one who's supposed to save him." Kate "30 years from now, that boy's gonna be a man...that locks me in a cage because he needs surgery. And then you're gonna come in and you're gonna beg me to operate on him because he's threatening to murder Sawyer. I've already done this once. [scoffs] I've already saved Benjamin Linus, and I did it for you, Kate. I don't need to do it again." Jack "This is our fault. We brought Sayid back. We caused this." Kate "You know, when we were here before, I spent all of my time trying to fix things. But...did you ever think that maybe the island just wants to fix things itself? And maybe I was just...getting' in the way?" Jack "You know, I don't like the new you. I liked the old you, who wouldn't just sit around and wait for things to happen." Kate "You didn't like the old me, Kate." Jack
- Juliet is trying to help Ben, Kate comes into the Infirmary, the nurse tells Juliet that she said Ben needed blood, and Kate's a universal donor, Juliet says that James told her that Jack wouldn't help, but didn't say why, Kate says if she understood why Jack does what he does, she wouldn't be there, Juliet asks if off island something happened with them, Kate says they were engaged, does that count, Roger comes into the Infirmary while Kate is giving blood, he asks what's going on, Juliet says Kate is giving fresh blood so they can transfuse Ben, Roger refuses to leave, so Kate says Juliet can check on Ben, and Roger will keep her company to make sure she doesn't pass out, Juliet says okay, Roger thanks Kate, Roger says Ben stole his keys, La Fleur asked him for his keys, that he doesn't ask any questions that he doesn't know the answers to, which means Ben stole his keys to bust the hostile out of jail, Kate asks why he would do that, Roger says because of him, asks Kate if she has kids, she says no, Roger says he thought he was going to be the greatest father ever, that he guesses it didn't work out that way, Kate asks what about Ben's mother, if she's still around, Roger says no she's dead, that she died that day he was born, Kate says she's sorry, he says him too, that he tried to do what he thought she'd want him to do, but he guesses a boy just needs his mother, Ben starts choking, going into hypoxic shock, Juliet says to get Roger out of there.
- "La Fleur asked me where my keys were. That bastard doesn't ask any questions he doesn't know the answers to...which means my son stole my keys so he could bust that animal out of jail." Roger
- "I thought I was gonna be the greatest father ever. You know? [Whispers] I guess it didn't work out that way." Roger "What about his mother? Is she still around?" Kate "No, she's dead. She died the day he was born." Roger "I'm sorry." Kate "Yeah, me, too. [Sighs] I tried to do what I thought she'd want me to do, but...I guess a boy just needs his mother." Roger
- Hurley says to get this straight, all this already happened, Miles says yes, Hurley says so this conversation we're having right now, we already had it, Miles says yes, Hurley asks so what he's going to say next, Miles says he doesn't know, Hurley says then his theory is wrong, Miles says for the thousandth time, the conversation already happened, but not for them, for them, it's happening right now, Hurley says if all this already happened to him, then why doesn't he remember any of it, Miles says because once Ben turned that wheel, time isn't a straight line for us anymore, our experiences in the past and the future, occurred before these experiences right now, Hurley says say that again, Miles says to shoot him, gives Hurley his gun, Hurley says that he can't shoot him, because if he dies on the island in 1977, then he'll never come back on the freighter 30 years from now, Miles says that he can die, because he's already come to the island on the freighter, that any of them can die, because this is their present, Hurley says but he said Ben can't die because he still has to become the leader of the island, Miles says because this is his past, Hurley says when they first captured Ben, and Sayid tortured him, then why wouldn't he remember getting shot by that same guy when he was a kid, Miles says huh, he hadn't thought of that, Hurley says huh.
- "Let me get this straight. [Miles is pacing.] All this already happened." Hurley "Yes." Miles "So, this conversation we're having right now...we already had it." Hurley "[Claps his hands] Yes!" Miles "Then what am I gonna say next?" Hurley "I don't know. [Shakes his head.]" Miles "Ha'! Then your theory is wrong!" Hurley "For the thousandth time, you dingbat, the conversation already happened, but not for you and me. For you and me, it's happening right now." Miles "Okay, answer me this. If all this already happened to me, then...why don't I remember any of it?" Hurley "Because, once Ben turned that wheel, time isn't a straight line for us anymore. Our experiences in the past and the future occurred before these experiences right now." Miles "Say that again." Hurley "[Pauses in exasperation and pulls out his gun and holds it out for Hurley to take.] Shoot me. Please. Please!" Miles "Aha! I can't shoot you. Because if you die in 1977, then you'll never come back to the island on the freighter 30 years from now." Hurley "I can die because I've already come to the island on the freighter. Any of us can die because this is our present." Miles "But you said Ben couldn't die because he still has to grow up and become the leader of the Others." Hurley "Because this is his past." Miles "But, when we first captured Ben, and Sayid, like, tortured him, then why wouldn't he remember getting shot by that same guy when he was a kid?" Hurley "[Miles blinks and looks around. Hurley raises his eyebrow.] Huh. I hadn't thought of that." Miles "Huh. [Crossing his arms.]" Hurley
- Roger is pacing outside the Infirmary, Kate waits too, Juliet comes out, Roger asks how is he, Juliet says he's stable, Roger asks if he's going to be okay, Juliet says that he has some fresh blood running through him, which is a good thing, Juliet wants Roger to go to medical station, she says there are some supplies there that they don't' have here, Roger says he just wants to say thanks, he knows that she's doing everything she can to save him, Roger says he's going to go, Kate asks Juliet if he's better, Juliet says he's stable, but she can't fix him, Kate says what about the sub, that they can take him somewhere, Juliet says no, that the sub is gone, and it won't be back for a few months, Kate says there has to be something they can do, they have an entire camp, Juliet says there may be something they can do, the others.
- Juliet and Kate take Ben out of the Infirmary, put him in a DHARMA van, Juliet says okay let's go, but Kate says no, that if she gets caught, she doesn't want to get her in trouble, that if Sawyer knew, he'd kill her, Juliet says he's going to find out that Ben is gone, and she'll have to tell, but she'll give her a head start, as much as she can, Kate leaves.
- "No, no, no, no. If something goes wrong or we get caught, it doesn't matter for me, but you've got a whole life here. And besides, if Sawyer knew that I got you involved in this, he'd kill me." Kate
- At the Long Beach Marina, Ben talks to Sun, he says the same person that's going to show them how to get back to the island, Kate asks is that what this is about, Jack says that he wasn't pretending anything, Kate leaves, in the car, Aaron says he's thirsty, wants some milk, Kate goes to grocery store, but now Aaron wants a damn juice box, Kate asks a stock boy what aisle they're on, her phone rings, Kate lets go of Aaron's hand, Jack calling her, Kate looks down and Aaron is gone, Kate frantically looks for him, calls Aaron's name, looks down all the aisles, she runs around the store, at the front, she sees Aaron holding the hand of a woman with blonde hair, who looks just like Claire, but it isn't her, says she found him by the fruit, was going to make an announcement, Kate says thank you to the woman, she comforts Aaron.
- Kate drives to the pylons, stops there, Ben is choking, says he needs help, to tell his dad he's sorry he stole his keys, Kate says to try not to talk, Sawyer shows up in another DHARMA van, Kate says she knows he's gotta stop her, but that she can't just let that kid die, Sawyer says dammit freckles, that he isn't there to stop her, he's there to help her.
- "I know you gotta stop me...but I can't just let that kid die." Kate "Damn it, Freckles. I ain't here to stop you. I'm here to help you." Sawyer
- Kate with Aaron, a few years old, she goes to Cassidy's house, which has a no soliciting sign on it, Clementine says hi Auntie Kate, Kate says hi Clementine, asks for her mom, Clementine says I'll go get her, inside Kate talks to Cassidy, she says they're gong back to the island, Cassidy says why in God's name would they want to do that, Kate says she doesn't know, that Jack says that they weren't supposed to leave, Cassidy says well Jack sounds like a piece of work, that Kate should take a nap, and she'll watch Aaron, Kate says she lost him, that she doesn't know what happened, but she was in the supermarket, and she turned around for one second and he was gone, and the crazy thing is as scared as she was, she wasn't surprised, all she could think was, it's about time, she asks Cassidy why would she feel that way, why would she expect him to be taken, Cassidy says because she took him, Kate says no, Claire was gone, she left him, that she had to take him, that he needed her, Cassidy says that she needed him, that Sawyer broke her heart, she asks Kate how else was she supposed to fix it.
- "They're going back? To the island? Why in God's name would they wanna do that?" Cassidy "I don't know. Jack says that we weren't supposed to leave." Kate "Well, Jack sounds like a piece of work. You look exhausted. Drink this. Curl up on my bed. Take a nap. [Pours liquid] I'll watch your fella." Cassidy "I lost him." Kate "What?" Cassidy "I don't know what happened. We were in the supermarket, and I turned around for one second, and he was gone. [Wiping away her tears] And, you know, the crazy thing is, is that...[sitting up] as scared as I was...I wasn't surprised. All I could think was, it's about time. Why would I feeel that way? I mean, why would I expect him to be taken?" Kate "Because you took him, Kate." Cassidy "No, I...Claire was gone. I mean, she left him. I had to take him. He needed me." Kate "You needed him. Sawyer broke your heart. How else were you supposed to fix it?" Cassidy
- Sawyer punches in the Security code, asks Kate if she figured out how she was going to carry him by herself, Kate says that the line is right there, they're just on the other side, asks Sawyer why he's doing this, why he's helping her, Sawyer says when found out Ben was gone, he asked Juliet the same question, why she's helping Ben, and she said no matter what he's going to grow up to be, it's wrong to let a kid die, so that's why he's doing this, he says that he's doing it for her, they walk through the pylons.
- "Hey. Why are you doing this? Why are you helping me?" Kate "When I found out Ben was gone, and Juliet told me what you were up to, I asked that exact damn question. Why are you helping Ben? And she said...no matter what he's gonna grow up to be, it's wrong to let a kid die. So...that's why I'm doing this. I'm doing it for her." Sawyer
- Juliet goes into the house, she asks Miles and Hurley where's Jack, they say in the shower, Juliet says she just needs to talk to him, if they mind giving them some privacy, Hurley and Miles leave, Miles says to ask him more questions about time travel, Jack taking a shower, Juliet busts in, waiting for him when he gets out, she says she needed him, that kid was bleeding out, he's a surgeon and she needed him, Jack says that kid is Ben, Juliet says that it's not Ben yet, Juliet says that he made it clear he wasn't interested, and it's up to Kate and Sawyer now, they're helping him, that she doesn't need his help now, Jack says he came back there because he was trying to save them, Juliet says they didn't need saving, they've been fine for three years, she says that he came back for him, to at least give the courtesy of telling her why, Jack says he came back because he was supposed to, Juliet asks supposed to do what, Jack says he doesn't know yet, Juliet says that he better figure it out, she leaves.
- "We didn't need saving. We've been fine for three years. You came back here for you. At least do me the courtesy of telling me why." Juliet
- In the jungle, Kate says she can take him for a while, Sawyer says sure she can, they stop at a creek, Kate says his father said he thinks Ben broke Sayid out, Sawyer says that a kid would do almost anything if he's pissed off enough at his folks, Kate asks if that's why he asked her to take care of his daughter, Sawyer says did she, Kate says of course she did, Sawyer asks what's she like, Kate says Clementine, oh she's beautiful, that she looks just like him when she smiles, she says that she's growing up fast, that she already has a little attitude, Sawyer says he bets her and Cassidy had a lot to talk about, Kate says she had an interesting theory on why he jumped off the chopper, Sawyer asks what's that, Kate says Cassidy thought he was worried about what would happen if he didn't, Sawyer says that they would've never worked out, that he wasn't any more fit to be her boyfriend, than he was to be that little girl's father, Kate says he seems to be doing alright with Juliet, Sawyer says he's had a lot of growing up in the last three years.
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- "Kid'll do almost anything if he's pissed off enough at his folks." Sawyer "Is that why you asked me to take care of your daughter?" Kate "Did you?" Sawyer "Of course I did." Kate "What's she like?" Sawyer "Clementine?" Kate "Yeah, Clementine." Sawyer "Oh, she's beautiful. Looks just like you when she smiles. She's growing up fast. Already has a little attitude." Kate "I bet you and Cassidy had a lot to talk about." Sawyer "She had an interesting theory on why you jumped off the chopper." Kate "Yeah, what's that?" Sawyer "She thought you were worried about what would happen if you didn't." Kate "You and me would've never worked out, Kate. I wasn't any more fit to be your boyfriend than I am to be that little girl's father." Sawyer "You seem to be doing all right with Juliet." Kate "Yeah. I've done a lot of growing up the past three years." Sawyer
- The hostiles suddenly come out of the jungle, with guns, approach Sawyer and Kate, they say don't move, that they're in violation of the truce, Sawyer says they know, but this kid has been shot, so unless they want to go to war, they're going to take them to Richard Alpert and they're going to do it now.
- Kate at a door, Ms. Littleton answers, she introduces herself as Kate Austen, Carole says she knows who she is, to come in, Kate says thank you, Carole says your friend, Dr. Shephard came here last night, that he was going on and on about some person named Aaron, and when she asked who that was, he ran out of there like the room was on fire, Kate says he's her grandson, and her daughter Claire is alive, Carole says what are you talking about, that Claire died in the plane crash, Kate says no, she survived, that when they crashed, her daughter was already 8 months pregnant, that she's the one who had the baby, Kate says there were other people they left behind, Carole asks why would you leave her there, Kate says because she disappeared, she left the baby behind, that they looked everywhere, and that's when she started taking care of Aaron, when they got rescued, they had to decide what to do with him, and she knew that Claire wanted him to be adopted, but she couldn't, she had to protect him, so she said he was hers, Carole asks why she would lie, why didn't she come to her in the first place, Kate says because she needed him, she says she's sorry, she says that Carole will see that he's so sweet and kind and good, shows her a picture, Carole asks where is he, Kate says that she checked in two doors down, he's asleep, that she knows that this is a lot for her to handle, but when she's ready, that he's waiting for her, Kate says she told him that she's his grandmother, and that she'll take care of him while she's gone, and that she'll be back soon, Carole asks where are you going, Kate says she's going back to find her daughter.
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- "What are you talking about? Claire died in the plane crash." Carole "No, she survived. When we crashed, your daughter was eight months pregnant, and...she's the one who gave birth on the island, not me. We lied. There were other survivors, too. We just left them behind." Kate "Why? Why would you leave her there?" Carole "Because she disappeared, and she left the baby behind. We looked everywhere, but...that's when I started taking care of Aaron. And when we were rescued, we didn't--we had to decide what to do with him. And I knew that she had wanted him to be adopted, but I couldn't. I had to protect him, so I said he was mine." Kate "Why did you lie? Why didn't you come to me in the first place?" Carole "Because I needed him. I'm sorry. You're gonna see that he's so sweet [hands Carol a picture] and kind and good." Kate "Where is he?" Carole "Um, I checked in two doors down. He's asleep. I know that this is a lot for you to handle. But...when you're ready, he's waiting for you. I told him that you're his grandmother. That you'll take care of him while I'm gone and that I'll be back soon." Kate "Where are you going?" Carole "I'm going back to find your daughter." Kate
- Kate goes back to her hotel room, she sits by a sleeping Aaron and cries, she's devastated, but she says goodbye to him, then she leaves him in the hotel room.
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- Sawyer carries Ben through the jungle, with the others, the hostiles, Sawyer says don't worry, tells Kate that they have them right where they want them, Richard comes out of nowhere, he says hello, Sawyer asks where'd he come from, Richard says he asked his people to bring them to him, so here he is, Richard asks is that Benjamin Linus, Sawyer says you two know eachother, he tells Richard that he was shot, Richard asks who Kate is, Sawyer says she's with me, Richard asks why are you here, they need him to save his life, Kate asks can you, Richard says if he takes him, he's never ever going to be the same again, Kate asks what he means by that, Richard says that he'll forget this ever happened and that his innocence will be gone, that he will always be one of them, Richard says you still want me to take him, Kate says yes, one of the others approaches Richard, says he shouldn't do this without asking Ellie, and if Charles finds out, Richard dismisses him, he says that he doesn't answer to any of them, Richard takes Ben, Kate asks where he's taking him, Sawyer says to come on, they leave.
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- "If I take him, he's not ever gonna be the same again." Richard "What do you mean by that?" Kate "What I mean is that, he'll forget this ever happened, and that...his innocence will be gone. He will always be one of us. You still want me to take him?" Richard "Yes." Kate
- Richard Alpert carries Ben through the jungle, he goes to The Temple, goes through the side door, which is covered in ancient hieroglyphs, he goes inside it, not underneath, as we've seen before.

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- "I don't answer to either of them." Richard
- Ben wakes up in The Hydra station, Locke is there waiting for him, he says hello Ben, welcome back to the land of the living, Ben is frightened and surprised to see him.
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- "Hello, Ben. Welcome back to the land of the living." Locke
- Why is there a doctor at The Looking Glass station?
- How exactly do they expect the DHARMA Initiative to not notice all of these doctors suddenly springing out of nowhere? And where the hell are there own doctors?
- What the hell is going on between Kate and Roger Linus?
- Why doesn't Ben remember Sayid shooting him in the future?
- Why did they have to go back if no one needed saving?
- Why exactly is Kate so upset because she gave Aaron to his grandmother?
- Will Kate ever find Claire?
- Will Aaron and Claire ever reunite?
- How was Ben healed at The Temple?
- How did he lose his memory and his innocence?
- What exactly is the purpose of The Temple?
- Why shouldn't Richard do anything without consulting Ellie and Charles first?
- Why doesn't Richard answer to either of them?
- "Who are you?" Horace "Jack Shephard. I'm...I'm new." Jack
- "This is, uh...Kate. She's new over at the motor pool. I was seeing if she saw anything suspicious, but she didn't, so...you can run along, thanks." Sawyer
- "You're telling us we're under house arrest?" Jack "No, you're all free to leave whenever you want...but I'll shoot you in the leg." Miles
- "Off island, did something happen with you two?" Juliet "We were engaged. Does that count?" Kate
- "Well, they ain't right on the other side." Sawyer
- "Where's Jack?" Juliet "Uh, he--he's in the shower. I think." Miles "Is he in trouble?" Hurley
- "Hey, ask me more questions about time travel." Miles
- Juliet walking in on Jack in the shower.
- "Your friend, Dr. Shephard came here last night, going on and on about some person named Aaron. When I asked him who that was, he ran out of here like the room was on fire." Carole
- "Don't worry. We got 'em right where we want 'em." Sawyer "Shut up and keep moving." Hostile "What's it look like I'm doing?" Sawyer
- "Hello there, James. [Walking out from the jungle.]" Richard "Where the hell did you come from?" Sawyer
- The look on Ben's face when he sees John Locke, alive.
- The episode title, "Whatever Happened, Happened," was previously said by Daniel on two occasions, in Because You Left and La Fleur, while trying to explain that the past cannot be changed.
- Young Ben's bullet-wound moves from the right side of his chest in the previous episode, to the left side and lower in this episode. I mean, come on, guys, did you really think I was going to believe you'd kill Ben so much in the last episode, and now you go and change the location of the wound and I'm supposed to take your seriously? Was that the April Fool's joke? Although, I really wanted Ben to be dead, not matter how much of a paradox that would have been. It would have been awesome.
- From Lostpedia: (1) The episode was first broadcast on April 1st, 2009 (i.e., March 32nd), and it shares the central theme of the story March Has 32 Days from Mystery Tales No. 40, the comic book that was one of Richard's items presented to John Locke as a test in "Cabin Fever". In the 1956 story, a time traveler tries to alter history when he relives a day in his own past after struggling with the question of whether it would be possible to do anything differently if he had the opportunity to go back in time, just as Hurley and Miles struggled over the question. (2) In reference to Back to the Future, Hurley looks at his hand, waiting to see if he disappears. In this movie, Marty McFly's hand starts to disappear as he was being erased from existence because he had interfered with his parents' past, preventing his mother from falling in love with his father.
- Kate sings Catch A Falling Star to Aaron, which Claire stated that she wanted to be sung to Aaron in Raised By Another. However, as far as we know, Claire never told Kate this. Although, it is perhaps true that Jack may have been the first to sing it to Aaron, considering Christian Shephard, both he and Claire's father, is the one that Claire got the song from to begin with. In Par Avion, Christan visits Claire in Australia and tells her that he visited her as a baby and sang that song to put her to sleep. It is possible that he also sang this song to Jack as well, who then passed it on to Aaron, and is the source from which Kate got the song. This song also played in the nursery for Aaron in The Staff, in Maternity Leave.
- In Left Behind, Kate met Cassidy before she was on the crash of Oceanic Flight 815.
- Sawyer and Cassidy met in The Long Con, and Sawyer anonymously set up money for his daughter, Clementine, while he was incarcerated in Every Man For Himself.
- Kate doesn't seem surprised that the mother of Sawyer's Daughter, Clementine Phillips, is the same woman she met in her past. This indicates that she probably did some research before meeting her.
- I totally disagree with Cassidy's theory on why Sawyer jumped off the chopper. I do agree that he was selfish, but he's changed since she knew him. I truly believe that Sawyer did it to save his friends.
- Jack, Kate and Hurley are like the worst liars ever. All they do is bring attention onto themselves, when they should be trying their damnedest to blend into the background.
- Jack is such a d. Seriously, Jack, you complain, beg, cry and kick and scream about having to go back to the island, even go as far as to team up with the evil Benjamin Linus, and once you get there, you act like an asshole the whole time and you don't want to save him even when he's a damn child? What if you were the one that saved him? Seriously, what a douche.
- You're right, Jack, Kate never liked the old you. That's the only thing I like about you in this episode.
- Jack seems more and more like he is evolving into the character of John Locke.
- Oh, you're a Universal Donor, Kate? Maybe that would've helped when Boone was dying!
- No, Roger, a boy doesn't just need his mother. He needs a dad that's not an alcoholic douche bag that can't even remember his birthday even though it's the same day his wife died. You'd think he would have been a better father after this happening.
- While Hurley and Miles discuss time travel, Hurley wonders why Benjamin Linus wouldn't remember Sayid from their first meeting in 1977, when the meet for a second time in One of Them.
- Hurley and Miles' Discussions on Time Travel 101 are seriously brilliant.
- I love how Juliet, Kate and Sawyer work together in this episode against Jack.
- If I have to see that scene at the Long Beach Marina where Ben tells Sun about Jin being alive and the woman in Los Angeles that can help them, I am going to kill either someone or myself.
- The scene in the supermarket is both frightening and disturbing.
- Again, Cassidy, you're wrong. Sawyer didn't break Kate's heart, she broke his. I totally disagree.
- I love Juliet sticking it to Jack and calling him out on his bullshit.
- It makes no sense whatsoever how distraught Kate was over leaving Aaron. She left him with his frakking grandmother. If she comes back from the island, with or without Claire, obviously she'll be able to see Aaron again. Don't ever ask you about Aaron again, really?Overreaction much, Kate? Seriously, I thought Kate killed Aaron or something. She acted like a crazy person. Why are her stories always so disappointing?
- I think Ben suddenly losing his memory and innocence is a little too convenient for the story, and pretty damn cheap, if you ask me.
- The "Previously on LOST" sucks. I hate when they give away what's going to happen in the episode by explaining everything that came before it, so you know exactly what's going to be revealed in the new episode. It ruins watching the whole thing for me. If it weren't for that, I may have liked this episode a little bit more. I'm sorry, but if you haven't seen the episodes that came before, then go watch them. Fans of this show are loyal and thorough. I don't like being treated like I'm not smart enough to remember what happened before. That's why I watch LOST and not Grey's Anatomy. Don't treat me like I'm an idiot.
- They explain the rules of time travel really well in this episode. Also, hilarious.
- That all being said, I'm not the biggest fan of this episode either.
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