2.14 One of Them
- Iraq, Gulf War, bombing, shredding documents, Sayid says his commanding officer isn't there, Kate's dad, Sargent Sam Austen is in US Army, Sayid tells him officer fled to Hillah.
- Ana Lucia tells Sayid she saw Rousseau, he tells her to go back, Rousseau takes him to a trap she set, Sayid is weary.
- Sayid translates between his commanding officer and the US Army Sargent Austen, they want to know where a pilot is, Tariq tells Sayid that he is a disgrace, to kill them.
- Sawyer finds Hurley with his stash of food.
From Lost Hatch
- Danielle takes Sayid to a man she caught in one of her traps. Henry Gale, from Minnesota. Sayid cuts him down, he starts to run, but Rousseau shoots him with a bow and arrow that she made, she believes he's one of them.
- "He is one of them. Tie him up. You should take him to your doctor. He's no good to you dead." Rousseau "And then what?" Sayid "You talk to him, Sayid. As I recall, that is what you do. But know this--he will lie, a long time. He will lie." Rousseau
From Lostpedia
- Tariq, Sayid's commanding officer, before was head of Chemical Warfare Battalion in the North, personally supervised Sarin gas on a village, Sayid had relatives there.
- "Loyalty is a virtue, but unquestioning loyalty, I don't think that's you." CIA operative Joe Inman says Sayid will have to make Tariq talk to him.
From Lostpedia
- Sayid wakes Locke, shows him Henry Gale, he says 4 months ago he crashed in his balloon trying to cross the Pacific, wife died 3 weeks ago, Sayid believes he is suspicious, he tells Jack not to untie him.
- Jack removes the arrow from Henry, Locke says Gale is convincing. Sayid asks Locke to change the combination on the armory.
- They put Gale in the armory, Sayid locks himself in with Henry.
- Sayid tortures Tariq to get information. The pilot of the plane was executed 2 days ago, buried in a field 4 kilometers away, he tells Joe Inman.
- "Sayid, you are a loyal soldier. The son of a great hero. Do not disgrace your father!" Tariq
- Jack questions Locke and Sayid's decision to torture Henry, that he might be telling the truth, but Locke asks what if he is lying.
- Henry Gale says he and his wife stayed on the beach, had ADF beacon, wife's maiden name was Murphy, they met at the University of Minnesota, she got sick, started as a fever, after 2 days she was delirious.
- Sayid says he was 23 years old when the Americans came to Iraq, he was a good man, a soldier, but that it changed him, the next 6 years he tortured men.
- "There is a part of me which was always capable. You want to know who I am? My name is Sayid Jarrah and I am a torturer." Sayid
- Henry says his balloon is 140 feet high, 60 feet wide, 55,000 cubic feet of helium, 100,000 of hot air to keep her up, big yellow smiley face. He was rich, it was his dream, Jennifer though it would be neat, so he sold his mining company, non-metallic metals, he buried his wife in the jungle by his balloon.
- "You would remember! You would remember how deep. You would remember every shovelful, every moment. You would remember what it felt like to place her body inside. You would remember if you buried the woman you loved. You would remember if it were true!" Sayid "Did you, did you lose someone? Did you lose someone here on the Island? Did you lose someone, too? What happened to her?" Henry Gale
From Lostpedia
- Jack hears Sayid torturing Henry and makes Locke give him the combination to the armory before he can push the button, the time goes down past zero and hieroglyphs show.
- "You talked me into pushing that button once, John, but it's yours now. You're the one who won't risk it, you. Me? I don't think anything's going to happen when we get down to zero. You want to see what's going to happen? Let's just see what's going to happen!" Jack

From Lostpedia
- Jack pulls Sayid off of Henry, there are whispers apparently. Sayid tells Jack that Henry Gale is lying, Jack asks how he knows.
- "Because I know. He is one of them." Sayid
- Kate's dad, Sargent Sam Austen, on US Army helicopter, holding a picture of her.
From Lost Hatch
- The US Army is pulling out, not going to Baghdad, Kelvin speaks Arabic, Sayid says he'll never torture again, Kelvin gives him $600, bus fare back to Ramadi.
- "What you made me do, no human being should ever have to do to another." Sayid "One of these days, there will be something you need to know, and now you know how to get it." Inman "I will never do that again." Sayid
From Lostpedia
- Sayid tells Charlie about Henry Gale, that Rousseau found him, that he beat him, Charlie asks him how he knows he's lying.
- "I know because I feel no guilt for what I did to him." Sayid tells Charlie that everyone has forgotten about what happened to him and Claire, how they were taken, that Charlie was hanged and left for dead, that the Others are merciless.
From Lostpedia
- Was "Henry Gale" caught in Rousseau's trap on purpose?
- Is Danielle Rousseau working with the Others, with Ben Linus?
- How, when did Sayid learn to speak English?
- What happened to Sayid's family? Who was his father?
- Did Ben know about Shannon's death?
- "Tell him his mother is a goat." Tariq
- "You know you're supposed to refrigerate that after you open it." Sawyer "Well, actually in the back it says it'll keep at room temperature for up to 7 years." Hurley
- "You shot him with an arrow?" Jack "Do I have a bow?" Sayid
- "If this was a scary movie, I'd be with a hot chick, not you, Barbar." Sawyer
- "It kind of reminds me of a turtle I once had. Its name was Stuart. It ran off when I was 10. Well, that's what mom said. I kind of think she threw him out." Hurley
- Henry Gale is the name of Dorothy's uncle in the 1939 film, The Wonderful Wizard of OZ, where he arrived in the land of OZ when his balloon took him there by mistake.
- Henry Gale is "one of them," meaning the others, and Sayid is "one of them" when he works with the Americans in the Gulf War.
- This is the first time we see Henry Gale, or Benry. What were we getting ourselves into, Benjamin Linus?
- The Sayid and Henry Gale scenes are so powerful, kudos to Naveen Andrews and Michael Emerson. I really love those scenes.
- The apparent whispers when Jack is pulling Sayid off of Henry Gale, From Dark UFO: Too close (Right after Henry says “I’ll tell you whatever you want”). Don't talk to them (Behind "He's lying"). That guy's stupid (Behind "He's lying"). I'd never let them beat me. I protect my people. What do you want to do? (Very faint) Don't let them break you, Henry (Very faint). Who told you they're gone? Think carefully now. How are we gonna save Henry? You can't save him. I can hear you. What have I got to do? Try to save Henry (I can't see you).
- The whispers when the countdown clock hits zero, From Dark UFO: (Center Channel) Let go of Henry. Can we (just) abort? I warned him not to do it. Can't do it from the shelter (south)? Can't move him ? Hello? Apparently they have done this before. Time to get another. I've decided to go with this (I want to see it). We'll decide. (Center Channel Fast)Stop him. That'll do (I'll go). I would have saved him but she ran into him. We need a torturer (Silence). Control of his buddy (Silence). You've heard them fighting for control? All over. (Center Channel Super Fast) What are they going to do to Henry in there?(Silence) Plan something. He got busted. It's not over (This part was a different speed than the rest). Obviously he knows something. Drop the (blast) door. It's gone wrong (In background). Don't set 'em free. (Left & Right Channel) You tell him what to do. Is he crawling? Why don't you tell him who you are? Thought I could get you to them. It's not over. Who called the doctor? (Left & Right Channel Fast) I don't think he'll be able to con them. Boy, that makes you confident. Is that computer on? How long has it gone for?(Combined with music) He's fine (Combined with music). (Left Channel Super Fast) Stand up so they'll call it off. Who are you caring about? He don't work. We wanted to share it. (Right Channel Super Fast) Somehow we will go and reach him. From here it wasn't so great.
- The whispers during the interrogation/torture scene, From Dark UFO: Maybe we should have stopped it/him. Try to execute. We've got to see if we can get through to him (Sayid: Tell me about this balloon). Get off for a second (Henry: What?). Something's blocking it. It's right beside him (Sayid: This balloon that brought you here with your wife). Go ahead and do it. Might have heard from him. My eyes hurt (Henry: What do you want to know). Is he gonna give it away? He's interrogating him (Sayid: Everything). Calmly begin speaking and act completely. So, it's okay. We can get you through this ordeal. We are minding the radio (Henry: She's a hundred and forty feet high, sixty feet wide.) It ain't sixty feet. It can't be much taller than that, maybe a hundred footer (Henry: and when she's up in the air, 550,000 cubic feet of helium.) Clearly he thought you were on top if it. Clearly he's not too on top of it. That gives more to do. (Henry: And if you could look down on her.) He's on to him. Probably blew it. (Henry: you'd see a.) So, he buys it. He played him. (Henry: big yellow smiley face on top) It's not quite ready. I need help. They don't believe him. (Sayid: Why would you travel in that way?) Tell him "for my business." Why else would he do it? (Henry: Because I was rich.) Any country might have fit. Just stay calm and he won't hurt you. (Henry: It was my dream.) I know you're doing something. Screwed something up. He "beeped" it up. I don't know how else to put it.
- I do not hear any of these whispers.
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