2.09 What Kate Did
- Sayid digs the grave for Shannon's body.
- Sawyer says he loves Kate. Jack hears him.
- Kate sees a black horse in the jungle.
- Kate sitting on steps at a house, truck pulls up, lighter, she puts him to bed, gas explosion, drives away on a motor cycle.
- Diner, Kate is 24, her mom, Diane, is a waitress, Wayne is her dad. Kate took out an insurance policy for the house.
- "Just remember that you were here and you didn't see me." Kate
- They have a funeral for Shannon at Boone Hill.
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- Kate plays Patsy Cline in the hatch. "Why did you kill me?" Sawyer
- Kate is buying a one-way bus ticket to Tallahassee, Edward Mars finds her, says her mom gave her up.
- Locke cuts Jin's handcuff off. "Free at last." Locke
- Kate feels vulnerable and kisses Jack.
- Michael asks Locke about the blast doors.
- Eko and Michael watch the Orientation film.
- "What about all the missing pieces?" Michael
- Sayid tells Kate that he saw Walt in the jungle before Shannon was shot.

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- Edward Mars is taking Kate to the arraignment, he asks her if Wayne abused her too. They get in a car accident, he's hurt, she escapes, takes the car and drives away, sees the same black horse from the island in front of the car.
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- Michael asks Locke why he can't put the code in at any time, Locke says you can only do it at 4 minutes. Michael asks if he can take a look at the equipment in the Swan.
- Eko tells Locke a story about the King of Juddah, Josiah, a temple in ruin, people worshiped idols, false gods. Josiah sent the secretary to treasury to rebuild the temple with gold. "We found a book." An ancient book, The Book of Law, The Old Testament, they rebuilt the temple with it.
- Eko tells Locke they found a place like the Swan on the other side of the island, and they found a book, with the film strip inside of it, he gives it to John.
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- Sun leaves Kate with Sawyer.
- Military office, Sayid on television, Kate goes to see her dad, Same Austen, says she had photos of him in Korea up until 4 months before she was born. Wayne was her father.
- "I didn't tell you because I know you'd kill him. And your mother loved him. You were 5 years old. I wanted to take you along with me. She wouldn't let me." Sam Austen
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- Kate thinks she's going crazy, that Sawyer is Wayne.
- "Can you hear me? Sawyer? Wayne? I'm probably crazy and this doesn't matter, but maybe you're in there somehow. But you asked me a question. You asked me why I--why I did it. It wasn't because you drove my father away, or the way you looked at me, or because you beat her. It's because I hated that you were a part of me--that I would never be good. That I would never have anything good. And every time that I look at Sawyer, every time I feel something for him--I see you, Wayne. It makes me sick." Kate
- Sawyer wakes up. "Are we saved?" Sawyer
- Eko and Locke put the film back together.
- "Somebody made this film. Someone else cut this piece out. We crash. Two halves of the same plane fall on different sides of the island. You're over there, I'm over here, and now, here's the missing piece, right back where it belongs. What are the odds?" Locke "Don't mistake coincidence for fate." Eko
- Sawyer and Kate leave the hatch, they see the black horse, he sees it too.
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- Jack and Ana Lucia have a drink.
- Eko and Locke watch the film again.
- "Do not attempt to use the computer for anything else other than the entering of the code. This is its only function. The isolation that attends the duties associated with Station 3 may tempt you to try and utilize the computer for communication with the outside world. This is strictly forbidden. Attempting to use the computer in this manner will compromise the integrity of the project and worse, could lead to another incident. I repeat, do not use the computer for anything other than entering the code." Dr. Marvin Candle
- Michael talks to someone on the computer, presumably Walt.

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- Is Kate's horse real? Is it the smoke monster?
- Was Sawyer really possessed by Wayne? Did Kate imagine it?
- Why was part of the Orientation film cut and put in the Arrow station?
- Who communicated with Michael on the Swan's computer?
- Did Wayne abuse Kate as well as her mother?
- Why would a Marshal hunt Kate for years because she killed her alcoholic, abusive father?
- Can the smoke monster possess people and animals? Is it the island?
- Why was Sayid on the television?
- Why did Sam Austen think Kate was capable of murder?
- "What's that smell?" Wayne "Probably your breath." Kate
- Hurley giving Jin a thumbs up when he walks out of his tent with Sun.
- "It looks like they went bloody Lord of the Flies out there. You haven't listened to a word I've said." Charlie talking to Kate.
- "I spent a week in Tallahassee one night." Guy in line at the bus station.
- "Sooo.. Rose's husband's white. Didn't see that one coming." Hurley
- "So, you're like, mad at him?" Hurley "Why would I be mad at Sawyer?" Jack "Maybe because he's the one that always comes down here and chops wood, and now you are? It's like, transference." Hurley
- "That's about the sweetest thing I've ever heard." Sawyer
- "Who the hell's Wayne? I'm in a bunk bed." Sawyer
- "If you mean the big ass horse standing in the middle of the jungle, then yeah." Sawyer
- I was pretty disappointed with what Kate did after waiting two years to find out. She may be a murderer, but she killed her father under some reasonable circumstances. She was made out to be this cold-hearted killer that a US Marshal spent years following, and then all she did was blow up her alcoholic wife-beating father? I mean, come on!
- There are differences between the original Orientation film and the revised version.
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- I still don't understand what Edward Mars' personal vendetta against Kate is.
- This episode is the first time where Kate and the Marshal, Edward Mars, meet.
- Of course Kate drives a motor cycle!
- Jack and Kate kissing. Yuck!
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