2.12 Fire + Water
- Charlie's dream, painting, The Baptism Of Christ, Charlie as a child wearing bunny slippers, his mom gives him a piano, his dad disapproves of his music career. He is a butcher.
- "You're special, love. Some day, you're going to get us out of here. All of us." Megan
- "Save us, Charlie. Save us." Megan and Liam tell Charlie.
- In the ocean, Charlie as an adult playing the piano, Aaron is crying, whispers, Aaron in piano floating in the ocean. Charlie is wearing the taped FATE on his fingers again.
From Lostpedia - Claire is getting close to Locke, wants Charlie to stay away.
- Liam's daughter in the hospital, Karen named her Megan, after Charlie and Liam's mother. Charlie lies and says Liam is on his way.
- The same Kinks song that Charlie was singing to Jin in the previous episode, He's Evil, is on in the background in Charlie and Liam's apartment.
- Charlie's dream, like the painting, guitar, baby crying, Aaron's cradle in the ocean, Charlie goes in to save him, he can swim now. Claire and his mother tell him "You have to save the baby, Charlie." Beachcraft, doves, Hurley as John the Baptist asks what he is doing, which causes Charlie to snap out of his dream.

- Charlie asks Locke for help, he says to leave Claire alone.
- Drive Shaft commercial for baby diapers. "You All Every Butties." Liam going through withdrawals destroys their chance at making some money.
From Lostpedia - Hurley and Libby do laundry in the hatch. Libby questions why the washer and dryer are newer than everything else in there. Hurley says he knows her from somewhere. Libby says that Hurley stepped on her foot on the plane.
- Charlie tells Eko about his dreams, flying doves, Claire and his mom say to save the baby. Eko is marking trees.
- Charlie tells Claire that Aaron is in danger, that he has to be baptized.
- Charlie and Liam write a song about two brothers. Karen kicked Liam out for dropping Megan.
- Locke follows Charlie to his stash, takes it from him.
From Lostpedia - "You said everything happens for a reason. This island tests us. That's what this is, John, a test. This is my test. That's why these are here." Charlie
- Liam sells Charlie's piano, been clean for 2 days, quits the band. He's going to Sydney for a job and so he can go to rehab and be with his family.
- "What about my family?" Charlie asks Liam, while you can see the London Underground in the background.
- Charlie starts fire on the beach camp, takes the baby, Locke beats him up.
- Charlie tells Jack that he started the fire while Jack repairs his wounds.
- Claire asks Eko about baptism, he baptizes the both of them.
- Locke changes the combination to the armory, put the Virgin Mary statues inside.
Questions:- What was the significance of Charlie's dream? Was it really to baptize Aaron or is he in greater danger?
- Why are the washer and dryer newer than everything else in the hatch?
- Did Hurley really step on Libby's foot? How does he really know her?
- Was Charlie doing drugs?
- Why is Charlie's relationship with his father painted so negatively in this episode?
- Is Mrs. Pace dead?
- Did Charlie really know how to swim or was it just the dream?
Favorites:- "Well, you got a little love connection brewing over there, Jabba?" Sawyer
- "Hey, Libby!" Sawyer
- "Because these are the ones I like." Eko
- "You hittin' that?" Ana Lucia asks Jack about Kate.
- Eko baptizing Claire and Aaron.
Notes:- I like the dream sequence in this episode, but otherwise it's pretty disappointing. I can see how a lot of people dropped the show during Season 2. It definitely isn't my favorite, but I enjoy it a lot more now going back and watching than I did when it aired.
- The scene with Ana Lucia and Jack coming out of the jungle is purely there to show us that they're talking about raising an army, which is pure crap because they never do anything with it.
- It is impossible for Hurley to have stepped on Libby's foot considering he was in the front of the plane and she was in the back. How did she know he was the last one on the plane? How could she have known he was sweaty and had headphones, especially considering he didn't put his headphones on until the plane took off?
- Claire is allowed to be crazy and annoying in this episode. However, Locke has no excuses.
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