2.13 The Long Con
- Jack brings the 6 guns in the Halliburton case to Locke so he can put them in the armory with the Virgin Mary statues. Jack asks why he didn't break them, Locke says that he's superstitious.
- Jack goes through Sawyer's stash for medicine, he takes his painkillers.
- Sawyer and Cassidy, he tries to pull his long con on her, she figures him out, says she didn't take anything in her divorce, that he should've done his research.
- Sawyer tells Kate about Jack and Ana Lucia's army.
- Hurley gives Sayid the radio from the tailies.
- Sun is almost taken by "others," knocked out, hands tied.
From Lostpedia - Sawyers tells Kate he thinks it's one of them, that they left a trail, the hood they used was different.
- "Here's the good news, baby. Everybody's scared, but the thing they're scared of most is missing an opportunity." Sawyer
- Kate questions Ana Lucia to Jack, how well he knows her.
- Ana Lucia tells Jack that Sun's attack is making more people join the army, including Steve. Jack asks her where she was when Sun was attacked.
- Kate thinks it was Ana Lucia's play to get her hands on the guns, she tells Sawyer, asks him to help her by going to the Swan to warn Locke, who is alphabetizing the library.
From Lost Hatch - The long con, get somebody to do something like it's their idea, but it's your idea. Sawyer thinks Cassidy has $40,000, but she admits she lied and got $600,000 from her divorce.
- Sawyer tells Locke about Ana Lucia and Jack coming to get the guns, he asks Sawyer to help him move the guns, Sawyer says he's telling him to piss off Jack.
- Sawyer in diner, orders 2 beers, the waitress is Kate's mom, Diane. Gordy, Sawyer works for, conning Cassidy for 6 months, says he has feelings for her.
From Lost Hatch - "A tiger doesn't change his stripes." Gordy
- Gordy says he'll kill both of them if he doesn't get his money.
- Jack confronts Locke about the guns, but it was Sawyer the whole time.
- "You were so busy worrying about eachother, you never even saw me coming, did you?" Sawyer
- "There's a new sheriff in town, boys. You all best get used to it." Sawyer
From Lostpedia - Sawyer tells Cassidy the truth, that Gordy is going to kill him, that he knew about the money, that she was the long con, tells her to leave, go to Sioux City, Sage Flower Motel off Highway 29, wait for him, says he loves her.
- Kate figures everything out, that Sawyer played them all. She thinks that he wants everyone to hate him and that's why he did it.
- "Good thing you don't hate me, freckles. You run, I con. A tiger don't change his stripes." Sawyer
- Hurley reads a manuscript from the plane, Bad Twin. Sayid tries to fix the radio, listens with Hurley on the beach, find Rousseau's transmission, and they find a station, WXR, Glenn Miller Orchestra, Moonlight Serenade.
From Lostpedia
From Lost Hatch - "It could be coming from anywhere." Sayid "Or any time. Just kidding, dude." Hurley
- "How does someone think of something like that?" Charlie helped Sawyer with the guns, he wanted Locke to feel like a fool, he didn't want the Virgin Mary statues.
From Lostpedia - Sawyer conned Cassidy again in the end, he never gave her the money.
- "I'm not a good person, Charlie. Never did a good thing in my life." Sawyer
Questions:- Did Sawyer plan the long con on Cassidy from the start or did he improvise when she figured him out?
- How did Sawyer know Kate would ask him to go to Locke?
- How did he know that Locke would move the guns?
- Did Sawyer con Gordy too?
- Where did the radio transmission come from?
- Did Sawyer really love Cassidy?
Favorites:- "You want to break 7 Virgin Maries, be my guest. I'm superstitious." Locke
- "You even got Locke to take a swing at you. Hell, that's like gutting Gandhi to beat his kids." Sawyer
- "Well, as much as I'd like to learn to feather my hair, I lost my damn glasses on the raft. You want to read it to me? What, you got an appointment or something?" Sawyer "Alright, 10 Ways To Tell If He's A Sensitive Man." Kate "Now, there's a sensitive man." Sawyer referring to Locke spending time with Claire.
- "Hey, man. You gonna put the lime in the coconut, drink 'em both up?" Hurley
- "You couldn't get away. You versus Sun, hot oil death match--my money's on you, Sheena." Sawyer
- "It looks like the good folks of Island Town are about to form a posse, get themselves armed up. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Jack didn't find himself that horse of yours and start leading the charge in a big white hat." Sawyer
- "One second, I'm like this close to the high score on Donkey Kong." Sawyer "Where's Locke?" Jack "I don't know. I think he said something about going to the store for a pack of smokes." Sawyer
Notes:- We the viewers are put on a long con because the first person they show when Sun is attacked is Sawyer, leading us to believe that he has nothing to do with it.
- It's amazing how much Sawyer has changed and grown as a character. He says that he's never done a good thing in his life, but in the end, he does.
- Sawyer cons Cassidy off-island and knows that she will figure him out and want to work with him, while he cons the survivors on-island and knows that Kate will ask him to help her. They both play into Sawyer's hands.
- I believe that Sawyer long conned Gordy as well as Cassidy.
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