2.04 Everybody Hates Hugo
- Hurley has a dream. He raids the food pantry. There is a milk carton with Walt on the side of it that says "MISSING." Jin and a man in a chicken suit appear.
From Lost Hatch
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- "Everything is going to change." Jin
- Mary Jo is the lottery woman from the news.
- Charlie asks Hurley about the hatch, but he won't disclose information.
- Hurley tells Rose and brings her to the hatch.
- Claire finds the message in a bottle from the raft.
From Lost Hatch
- Hurley has a job sorting all the food. He isn't supposed to give anyone anything.
- Rose tells Hurley that she knows Bernard is fine.
- "You're about the only one on this island that everybody loves." Rose tells Hurley that everyone won't hate him for making decisions with the food.
- Hurley is contemplating his lottery ticket at his job.
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- He gets in trouble for eating an 8-piece dark meat combo.
- Hurley's manager at Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack, Randy, is the same guy from the box company that Locke worked at. He was also Locke's manager.
From Lost Hatch
- Hurley quits his job at Mr. Cluck's, and so does Johnny.
From Lost Virtual Tour
- Locke tells Charlie about the hatch, Desmond, and pushing the button.
- Sayid and Jack explore underneath the Swan station. Sayid says there's a geothermal generator behind the wall, the power source.

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From Lost Hatch
- Sayid says the wall is 8 to 10 feet thick.
- Michael tells his story to supposed "others," they believe him because they were on the plane too, in the back. They are the survivors from the tail section of the plane.
- Hurley and his friend, Johnny, find Drive Shaft album in $2 Sale bin.
From Lost Hatch
- Hurley asks Starla out, tells her he quit his job.
- "The last time I heard of concrete being poured over everything in this way was Chernobyl." Sayid
- Libby tells Michael that 23 of them survived.
- The tail section survivors found another station, The Arrow. It is an empty station.
From Lost Hatch
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- There were 23 of them.
- Claire and Shannon tell Sun about finding the bottle of messages on the beach.
- Locke is in the armory. Hurley confronts him about telling Charlie.
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- Hurley and Johnny write "CLUCK YOU" in lawn gnomes on Randy's lawn.
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- Hurley makes Johnny promise him that things won't change.
- Rose stops Hurley from blowing up the food pantry.
- Johnny discovers that it was Hurley who won the lottery.

From Lost Virtual Tour
From Lost Hatch
- Hurley tells Jack he decided to have a party with the food instead.
- Hurley gives Charlie a jar of peanut butter.
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- Sun buries the bottle, no ring on her finger.
- Michael, Sawyer and Jin meet Bernard. He asks them about Rose, tells them she's his wife.
From Lostpedia
- Is Rose humming the same song from the beginning?
- If titanium isn't magnetic then how did the magnetic anomaly bring the plane down when Desmond didn't push the button?
- How does Sayid know that the concrete is 8 to 10 feet thick?
- Was The Arrow station a storage facility? Was it ever occupied?
- How did the guy at the gas station know it was Hurley who had the winning lottery ticket?
- Will we ever see Johnny again? What happened between he and Hurley?
- "Dude, you speak English?" Hurley "No, you're speaking Korean." Jin
- "Have a cluckity cluck cluck day, Hugo."
- "Maybe you should pee on it." Sawyer
- "It's Jesus! He wants to know what color car you want!" Carmen Reyes
- Charlie calls Hurley on lying about the hatch, like he did about having a lot of money, but Hurley says he didn't lie about that. "I'm sorry, I must have confused it with the 900 trillion I am worth myself. And this baby's made of chocolate lollipops. So, if you'll excuse us, I'm going to flap my wings and fly off this island." Charlie
- "Honey, I don't even know what I would say." Rose, about telling people about the hatch.
- "You didn't say three." Sawyer
- "If you don't push it every 108 minutes the island will explode." Charlie "It's not gonna explode." Hurley "Haaa!" Charlie
- "I'm sorry, I must have confused it with the 900 trillion I am worth myself. And this baby's made a chocolate lollipop; so if you'll excuse us, I'm going to flap my wings and fly off this island.
- I'm sorry, I must have confused it with the 900 trillion I am worth myself. And this baby's made a chocolate lollipop; so if you'll excuse us, I'm going to flap my wings and fly off this island.
- "Drive Shaft? More like Suck Shaft!" Johnny
- "Dude, you've been crushing on this girl for months and doing nothing. Today you're freakin' Fabio!" Johnny
- "Hey." Jack "Hey." Kate
- "Not only will I stay gold, ponyboy, but I'll drink to it." Johnny
- I really like the closing montage scene with everyone sharing the food and Bernard asking Michael, Sawyer and Jin about Rose.
- There appears to be a Dharma-type logo on the back of Johnny's van.
From Lost Hatch
- From Wikipedia: Chernobyl was a city in northern Ukraine, in the Kyiv Oblast near the border with Belarus. The city was evacuated in 1986 due to the Chernobyl disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.
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