2.06 Abandoned
- Sayid builds Shannon new shelter. She's thanks him fondly. Sayid leaves to get water.
- Shannon sees Walt, hears whispers. Sayid doesn't believe her.
- Eko returns to the group, says he saw the Others.
- Shannon teaches ballet, gets phone call about her dad's car accident, to go to St. Sebastian. Jack passes by Shannon and Sabrina in the hospital.
From Lost Hatch
- "Your husband was in a head-on collision with an SUV." Doctor
- "It's not until we're older that we develop a desire to be free." Locke
- Shannon goes after Walt with Vincent. She runs into Boone's grave at Boone Hill.
- Shannon has to wait 6 months for a letter to get an internship in New York.
- Ana Lucia says they came the first night and took 3, then 2 weeks later, they took 9 more.
- "They're smart, and they're animals. They could be anywhere at any time. Now we're moving through the jungle. Their jungle. Just to save your little hick friend over here, and if you think that one gun and one bullet is gonna stop them--think again. So shut your mouth and keep moving." Ana Lucia
- "They took my son." Michael "They took a lot of things." Ana Lucia
- "I know what it is to lose someone you care deeply about." Sayid
From Lost Virtual Tour
- Shannon goes after Walt again. Sayid follows her.
- Boone's mom, Sabrina, screws Shannon out of her dad's money after he dies.
- Sawyer goes into shock from the bullet wound.
- "I did leave you behind." Sawyer tells Michael.
- Cindy disappears. They hear the whispers.
- "I need you to believe in me." Shannon
- Sayid tells Shannon he loves her, that he believes her. He sees Walt too.
From Lost Hatch
- Shannon sees Walt too.
- "Do you see him?" Shannon asks Sayid.
- Shannon is shot by Ana Lucia. She dies.
From Lostpedia
- Why did Walt appear to Shannon? Why did he allow Sayid to see him too?
- Why did the Others take Cindy? Was she meant to be taken earlier?
- The doctor tells Sabrina and Shannon that Adam Rutherford was his head-on by an SUV. Sara also says she was hit head-on by an SUV in Do No Harm, how is this possible?
- Why does Ana Lucia act as if Eko is supposed to know the whole island?
- Sayid says he knows what it's like to lose someone. Who is he talking about? Does he mean Nadia?
- "She's lost." Sawyer "I'm not lost." Ana Lucia "Then tell me, Ponce de Leon, which way are we supposed to go?" Sawyer
- "So, does all this--the tent, flowers, mean that we're serious now?" Shannon "Quite definitely not. I do this for all the girls I meet on deserted islands." Sayid
- "You a shrink? Maybe you ought to talk to my shoulder." Sawyer
- The whispers when the Tailies, Michael, Jin and Sawyer are in the jungle, From Dark UFO: (Left) Who's this in the woods. Sawyer. Ana. I’m in someone’s dream. Ich Weiss Nicht (German for "I don't know"). She’s heavy. Black Rock. Bring the boy. I’m in someone’s dream. (Center) Look in the eyes, right? Do you see her? (or possibly "Lucia") It’s the brothers that help us. I can see eye to eye. Sawyer. Did she see? Bossy, eh missy? I’m in someone’s dream. I know it all. I know it all. It’s the eyes (or possibly "Lucia"). I can see eye to eye. I’m in someone’s dream. (Right) I know it all, I know it all. Do you see her? (or possibly "Lucia") I can see eye to eye. Did she see? Shannon. Hide behind me. Bossy, eh missy? I’m in someone’s dream. I know it all (repeated in background). Under the eye (or possibly "Eye to eye"). It’s the eyes (or possibly "Lucia"). I can see eye to eye. She’s bossy. I’m in someone’s dream.
- The whispers when Sayid and Shannon are in the jungle, From Dark UFO: (Left) Relax, dude. She likes the guy. She’s coming. I don't know if I can run, but I can (or can't) yell. Shannon sighs (scream). Dying sucks. Hurry up. Shh. (Center) She likes this guy. Dying sucks. Hi, sis. Here she comes, here she comes. His mouth. She drives me crazy. Hurry up. I see eye to eye. I see (Right) Relax, dude. She likes the guy. What do you think we should do? She’s coming. We should hide, we should run. Heard some voice. See ya (or possibly "Lucia"). Hide the scope. Hurry up.
- Walt, to Shannon in the tent: They're coming, and they're close.
- Shannon feels abandoned by Sabrina and Boone when her father dies. She feels abandoned by Sayid when Boone dies.
- Ana Lucia really pisses me off in this episode. Shut up!
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