2.11 The Hunting Party
- Gabrielle and Angelo Busoni travel to see Jack from Italy because of his expertise in spinal surgery. She wants him to do surgery on her father because of his success with Sarah's surgery, but Jack is reluctant. He agrees to do the surgery anyway.
From Lostpedia - Jack discovers that Locke has been knocked out, Michael locks Jack and Locke in the armory so that he can go after Walt. He says that it's his right and no one is going to stop him from doing it, that he has to do it alone.
From Lostpedia - Kate and Sawyer go to the hatch to have Sawyer's bandages changed. They find Jack and Locke, who decide to go after Michael. Sawyer wants to go too, but Jack won't allow Kate.
- Jack is at the hospital doing tests on Mr. Busoni until 4:30 AM. He goes home and Sarah tells him she thought she was pregnant.
- "That's the price of being a miracle-worker." Sarah
- Locke, Jack and Sawyer follow Michael. Locke asks Sawyer what direction they came from, the East, but Michael is going North. Michael is traveling in a straight path.
From Lostpedia - Jin wants to go after Michael, but Sun won't let him.
- Christian warns Jack to be careful with Ms. Busoni. He suspects something.
- "Careful. There's a line, son. You know it's there. And pretending it's not--that would be a mistake." Christian Shepard
- "No, your name. Why'd you pick Sawyer?" Locke "What do you mean, pick?" Sawyer "After the census, Hurley gave me the flight manifest. Your name is James, right? James Ford. Just an interesting name to choose is all. Where'd you get it from?" Locke
- Locke, Jack and Sawyer hear shooting, they find 3 shell casings, but they heard 7 shots.
- Mr. Busoni dies during the operation, his heart gave out 7.5 hours into the operation.
- Gabrielle thanks Jack in the parking lot, they kiss, Jack leaves.
- Locke wants to go back, he lost the trail. Jack says no, Zeke agrees.
From Lostpedia - Hurley and Charlie listen to Geronimo Jackson in the hatch, Hurley asks him about Libby.
- Zeke, or Mr. Friendly, the same man from the boat that took Walt, talks to Jack, Sawyer and Locke.
- "Walt's fine. He's a very special boy." Mr. Friendly
- "Just sit down, Jack. Nobody's going to hurt you." Mr. Friendly
- "Since the dawn of our species man has been blessed with curiosity. You know the other one about curiosity, don't you, Jack? This is not your island. This is our island." Mr. Friendly
- Jack thinks that they have the others outnumbered, but he's wrong. They also have Kate, who followed them. Zeke gives Jack a line that he's not supposed to cross, tells them to go home, they take their guns away and they leave. Sawyer says they're not done.

- Jin doesn't like to be told what to do, Sun was for 4 years.
- Kate tells Jack she's sorry.
- Jack tells Sarah that Gabrielle kissed him. Sarah tells Jack she's leaving him, that she's been seeing someone, that she already planned to do it.
- "You will always need something to fix." Sarah
- "How long do you think it would take to train an army?" Jacks asks Ana Lucia.
Questions:- Would Michael really have shot Jack if he tried to stop him?
- Why does Locke ask Sawyer about his real name? Does he know he got it from his father, the real Sawyer?
- Why does Jack make Kate stay behind?
- Why don't the Others just explain the situation to them?
- Why don't they just take them right there?
- Why would Mr. Friendly quote Alvar Hanso? Is he Dharma?
- What happened to the damn army?
Favorites:- "Did you just throw a banana at me? There are better ways to wake a man up, Freckles." Sawyer
- "It's a good thing I'm traveling with my doctor." Sawyer
- "Well, yeah, there's my favorite leaf. How could I forget this place?" Sawyer
- "Why'd you pick that name?" Locke "Ain't it obvious? All you need is an earring and a mop." Sawyer
- "Do you think Claire's missed me yet?" Charlie "Dude, it's been a day." Hurley
- "This music is quite depressing." Sayid
From Lostpedia - "That's an interesting theory." Mr. Friendly
- "You and me ain't done, Zeke." Sawyer
Notes:- Jack, stop being such a big baby. If you weren't so awkward and emotional about everything and had taken Kate with you, she wouldn't have been captured by the Others and used against you!
- Um, Jack, brilliant idea, but why don't you ask the one dude on the island who has actually been in an army?
- The scene with the Others and Mr. Friendly is clearly the best scenes in this episode, otherwise it is by far not one of my favorites.
- "Since the dawn of our species man has been blessed with curiosity." A quote from Alvar Hanso.
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