5.09 Namasté
- A plane is in the air, Ajira Airways Flight 316, Kate, Sun, Jack, Ilana and Sayid, Hurley, Frank's co-pilot asks if he wants to hear something crazy, he asks Frank if he saw the big guy who got on in Los Angeles, sitting in First Class, the guy with curly hair, a guitar case, Frank asks what about him, the co-pilot says he's one of the Oceanic 6, that the guy has nerves of steel, he survives a crash, now he's flying back over the same South Pacific, Frank says maybe he doesn't believe lightning will strike twice, they begin to experience some turbulence, the co-pilot asks Frank if he's alright, he says he's just fine, in First Class, Hurley tells Caesar to fasten his seatbelt, Frank says oh no, there is a lot more turbulence, the co-pilot says confirms to Frank that the Auto Pilot is off, Frank has the controls, the plane is going down, there's a flash, the plane is flying through the flash, it's dark, they stall, lost power, the co-pilot says he's restarting 1, 2, Altimeter reading 650, come through the clouds and they see the island, Frank says to give him more power, that he can pull them out of this, he says to just do it, the computer repeats "failure," Frank says he's putting her down, the co-pilot calls for a mayday, says they're Ajira Flight 316, Frank spots somewhere to land, the co-pilot asks if it's a runway, the transmission of the numbers plays over the radio, Frank asks for full flaps, the co-pilot says the gear is down, they're at airspeed 190, that he's coming in too steep, but Frank lands the plane on the runaway on The Hydra island, thought they start running out of runway, he tells them to brace for impact, they crash at the end of the runway, Frank is hurt, he's bleeding, but the other co-pilot has been impaled, Frank gets out of his seat, he exits out of the cockpit, Ilana is passed out, Caesar wakes her, asks if she's okay, she notices that Sayid is gone, but Frank notices Sun is there, she asks what happened, Frank says he doesn't know, he asks her where's everyone else, Jack, Kate, Hurley, where'd they go, Ben says they're gone, they ask gone where, Ben says how would he know.

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- Thirty years earlier--Sawyer meeting up with Hurley, Jack and Sawyer, Hurley says he's alive, hugs Sawyer, says he can't believe it, Sawyer says easy on the ribs there, Kong, Hurley says that he actually missed that, Sawyer says he missed Hugo too, Jack shakes Sawyer's hand, Kate gives him a hug, Sawyer says it's good to see her, Kate says you too, James, Sawyer says they're really here, that the son of a bitch actually did it, Locke said he was going to bring them back, but he asks where is he, Jack says John's dead, Sawyer asks how, Jack says it doesn't matter, that he's gone, Hurley says what's up with them in the old DHARMA jumpsuits, Sawyer asks Jin if he didn't tell him, Jin says no, that he was waiting for him, Kate says tell them what, Sawyer says they're in the DHARMA Initiative, Jack asks if DHARMA came back to the island, Sawyer says no, Hurley, Jack and Kate came back, and so did they, he tells Jack that it's 1977, Hurley says what.
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- Jack says he's telling him, that they've been there, living with the DHARMA Initiative for the past three years, Sawyer says that's right, asks how long it's been for them since the chopper, Kate says three years, Miles calls Jin on his walkie, Jin says if he doesn't report in soon, they'll send out a patrol, asks Sawyer what to do with them, Hurley says Jin's English is awesome, Sawyer says what they do is bring them in, back to DHARMAville, they can't be wandering around the jungle with the hostiles, Hurley asks what about everyone else from the plane, Jin asks about everyone else, Jack says they didn't come back alone, that Sayid was on the plane too, Lapidus, and Sun, Jin takes off, says he's going to The Flame, that if a plane landed on the island, Radzinsky will know, he leaves in the jeep, Sawyer says for them to stay put, that he has to figure out what to do with them, how to explain where they came form, Kate asks Sawyer, other than him and Jin who else is still there.
- Juliet asks Miles if he's seen James, Miles says no, and he's not answering his walkie either, Juliet says that Jin called him this morning, and then James ran off without saying what was going on, Miles checks the monitors in the Security station, he spots Sawyer arriving at the barracks.
- Juliet goes home to meet Sawyer, who is gathering clothing, asks for his baggy sweatshirt, Juliet asks what's going on, Sawyer tells Juliet that they're back, Juliet asks who's back, Sawyer says Jack, Hurley, Kate, says he knows, they came back, Juliet asks if they're here now, Sawyer says yeah, they're at the North point, waiting for him to tell them what to do, Juliet asks how did they get there, Sawyer says he's not sure, but they said they were on a plane, that he doesn't understand it anymore than she does, but they're here, and he has to figure out a way to bring them in, before someone else finds them and they screw up everything they have there, Juliet says there's a sub coming in this afternoon.
- Jin drives the Jeep to The Flame, where there's a man building a model of The Swan station, asks Jin if he understands the concept of knocking, Jin rushes in, looks at the monitors, print outs from The Flame computer, the man says hands off, no one handles the gear in the station except him, Jin says he needs to check the radar logs, that he needs to know if a plane landed on the island, the man says so he thinks if a plane landed on the island, he'd be over there building a model, and he wouldn't put out an alert, Jin says check with the other stations, maybe he missed it, Radzinsky says attention all stations, calling from The Flame, checking to see if anyone's seen a plane flying over the island, he asks Jin why a plane is so damn important, Jin says that it just is.

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- "Attention all stations, this is a system-wide broadcast from Radzinsky at the Flame. I'm checking in to see if anyone's seen an airplane over the Island. [Chuckles] No one else has seen an airplane, but if you have, could you call in to me, please? Over." Radzinsky
- On the beach, Sun is holding Jin's wedding ring, the survivors of the Ajira Airways crash sit on the beach, with the plane parked on the runway, Ilana asks Sun if she's lost someone, says she thought maybe she lost someone on the plane, Sun says no, she was traveling alone, Frank asks for everyone's attention, he says to listen up, he doesn't know where they're at, the radio is dead, so he hasn't been able to call in their situation, but as soon as they figure out that they're not where they're supposed to be, they'll come looking for them, so the best thing to do right now, is to just stick together, and wait until help gets there, Caesar asks where is here, Frank says the island is not on charts, Caesar says there are buildings over there, with animal cages, that down the beach, you can see a bigger island across the water, Ben listens near by, Caesar says maybe he should get some new charts, Frank says right now he's trying to keep everyone safe, they should gather firewood, Sun sees Ben take off, she follows him, Caesar says maybe Frank wants to wait, but he says to search the building, that maybe they have a radio, or some food, he asks who wants to help, Frank sees Sun and Ben leave, he follows after them.
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- "Can I get everybody's attention?! Everybody, please! Listen up, folks! Here's where we're at. The radio's dead, so I haven't been able to call in our situation. But that's all right. Soon as they figure out we're not where we're supposed to be, they'll come looking for us. So best thing to do right now is just stick together. Stick together, hunker down and just wait till help gets here." Frank
- Sun following Ben, who still has his arm in a sling, with bag, he stops, knows she's following him, doubles back and catchers her from behind, asks why she's following him, Sun asks where he's going, he says back to their island, he asks if she wants to come.
- In the barracks, Juliet takes Amy's chart, she's sleeping on a hammock, but Juliet accidentally wakes her up, says she just came to get the sub manifest, she tells Amy that obviously she doesn't want her to be working today, Amy says thank you, Juliet asks if there's a full load, Amy says two recruits dropped out in the 11th hour, that they didn't want to take the sedative, Amy asks Juliet to tell Pierre for her, Juliet checks on the baby, picks him up, asks if Horace and her decided on a name yet, Amy says they're going to name him Ethan, Juliet immediately gets freaked out, gives him to Amy, Amy asks when her and Jim are going to have a baby, Juliet says she doesn't know, the timing has to be right.
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- Jack, Kate, Hurley waiting, Kate asks Jack if the woman who told him he had to come back mentioned that it would be 30 years ago, Jack says no, she left that part out, Kate asks so what are they supposed to do now, Jack says he's not sure yet, Horace notices Sawyer's back, drives up in a DHARMA van, Sawyer gives them some clothes, he says they're going to be the second batch of recruits coming off the sub, they're pulling in right about now, so they don't have much time, Sawyer says nice suit, Doc, but it's not exactly island wear, Jack asks if he wants to them to say they came in on the sub, asks how that's going to work, Sawyer says that everyone gets knocked out before the trip, so no one meets until they process them, Jack says they need to find the rest of the people from the plane, Sawyer says if there's a plane, that Jin will find it, he says they'll be camping in the jungle for a long time if they don't go with him, that there isn't another batch of recruits due in for six months, Jack asks Kate what she thinks, Kate says she thinks they should listen to Sawyer, Hurley says he votes for not camping, Sawyer says if they do everything he says, they'll be fine, let's move.
- Jin at The Flame, Radzinsky says he just heard from The Looking Glass, that they're the last station to check in, Radzinsky tells Jin to go home, says that he'll call him if something happens, beeping, something shows up on a monitor, Radzinsky says it's grid 325, the motion sensor alarm has been tripped, that there's a hostile inside the perimeter, Jin takes off.
- Jin runs through the jungle with a rifle, he comes upon Sayid, he says to stop right there, Sayid is still wearing handcuffs, Jin asks him where's Sun, Sayid says he doesn't know, Radzinsky gets there, Jin says to shut up, get down, Sayid says another word and he's dead, Sayid gets on his knees, doesn't say anything.
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- Sawyer driving DHARMA van, Hurley says so it's 1977, and they're all members of the DHARMA Initiative, he asks Sawyer you do realize those guys got wiped out, says he saw the pit where all the bodies where, asks Sawyer isn't he going to warn them, stop it from happening, Sawyer says he isn't there to play Nostradamus, he says besides, Faraday has some interesting theories on what they can and can't do, Jack asks about Faraday, if he's there, Sawyer says he's not anymore.
- "Okay, so it's 1977." Hurley "Yep." Sawyer "And... you guys are all members of the DHARMA Initiative." Hurley "Yep." Sawyer "Well, you do realize those dudes get wiped out, right? I saw where all the bodies got dumped." Hurley "What about it?" Sawyer "Well, aren't you gonna warn 'em? Aren't you gonna stop it from happening?" Hurley "I ain't here to play Nostradamus to these people. Besides, Faraday's got some interesting theories on what we can and can't do here." Sawyer
- At the barracks, a sign says "Welcome New Recruits," the DHARMA van pulls up, Sawyer says they recruits will be going inside for processing, it's where they'll be given their work assignments and lodging, he says to put these necklaces on, and listen up, he says that Juliet put their names on a list, Sawyer says when they get in there, they'll watch a meet and greet video, when they call their name, just smile, step up, take their jumpsuits and work assignments, Sawyer says he has it all worked out, Hurley asks what if they start asking them questions they can't answer, like who was President in 1977, Sawyer says it's not a damn game show, but he'll be in there to get their backs.
- At the Processing Center, Miles pulls up in a van, calls La Fleur, asks where he's been, says he's been trying to reach him on his walkie, Miles sees Hurley, Jack and Kate, La Fleur says they're the new inductees, that he'll explain everything later, he tells Miles to stop staring, says to tell him what the damn problem is, Miles says it's Jin, that there's a 14-J at The Flame, La Fleur asks what, speaks to Jin, calls him on his walkie, says that he found a hostile, La Fleur asks where, Jin says he was wandering in the jungle, he says that Radzinsky is taking care of it now, La Fleur asks Jin what he's doing in their territory, he says that it's a violation of the truce, Jin says that it's Sayid, La Fleur is surprised, he asks what, says son of a bitch, he asks if anyone else was with him, Jin says no, that he was alone.
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- Ben and Sun walking through the jungle, she says to wait, Ben says that waiting doesn't interest him, that there are three outriggers near there, he's going to take one of them, he says that she can help him and row, Sun asks Ben why he's leaving, he asks her why she's staying, she says the main island, asks is that where Jin is, Ben says honestly he doesn't know, but that's where he'd start looking, Frank calls for Sun, asks if she's alright, he says he got worried when couldn't find her, that he saw Ben leaving, asks what they're doing out here, Sun says that Ben knows where there's a boat, that she's going back to the main island with him, Frank asks Sun if she thinks she can really trust this guy, she says she has to trust him, Frank goes with them, they find the outriggers, covered up, Ben asks if they're ready, Frank says to think about it, he says this guy is dangerous, that the boat he came on, it was filled with commandos, who's only mission was to get him, Ben asks and how'd that work out, Frank says don't do it, Sun asks why he doesn't come with them, Frank says that he can't, he has a group of people to take care of, Ben says that's right, a Captain's first responsibility is to his passengers, Ben says he has people he has to take care of too, he says that across the water, on the other island, there's a small dock, about a half mile due South, that it leads to a town where he used to live, he says there are resources there, so if anyone can help him and the rest of the plane get out of there safely, Sun knocks Ben out with an oar from the outrigger, Frank says he thought she trusted this guy, Sun says she lied.
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- Jack and Kate watch an Orientation video at the Processing Center, Pierre Chang talking, he says Welcome to the island, for their own comfort and safety, they ask that they stay in the confines of their new living quarters, their barracks are protected by a high frequency, sonar fence, you are now a member of the DHARMA Initiative.
- Orientation Video playing: "Welcome to the island. For your own comfort and safety, we ask that you stay within the confines of your new living quarters. Our Barracks are surrounded by a high frequency sonar fence to protect us from the Island's abundant and diverse wildlife." Pierre Chang
- Someone calls Jack Shephard's name, it's Phil, he says to have a seat, Pierre Chang says of course it isn't here, Jack asks what's that, Pierre says his file, how could they be any more disorganized on the other side, he says namasté, introduces himself as Pierre Chang, says welcome to the DHARMA Initiative, asks Jack how was his ride in, Jack says it was fine, Pierre asks who was shuttle driver, Jack says he's sorry, Pierre says the shuttle from the sub, Jack says that was uh, La Fleur, Pierre says he's a good man, La Fleur, runs a very tight operation, he says he's sorry for the disorganization, that the woman who was supposed to process them in had a baby last night, and he got pulled out of his lab, he tells Jack his job assignment, that he's been assigned to the shed, that he's a workman, Jack asks what is that, Pierre says that, based on his aptitude test, he'll be doing janitorial work.

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- Phil asks Kate, if they haven't called her yet, asks her name, she says she's Kate Austen, Phil says she's not on his list, and not on the sub manifest either, he asks who her recruiter was, Juliet comes in, says hold on Phil, she has a new list from Amy, some last minute additions, Juliet says, including Ms. Austen, Phil says alright, Kate is all hers, Juliet tells Kate sorry for the mix-up, Juliet introduces herself to Kate, she says welcome to the island.
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- Jin at The Flame, Sawyer gets there, asks what happened, Jin says that Sayid just came walking out of the jungle, wearing handcuffs, Sawyer asks if he said anything about the plane they were on, Jin says no, but Radzinsky thinks he's a hostile, he won't leave him alone, Sawyer says he has this, asks where is he, Radzinsky says he's locked in the storage room, La Fleur says to give him the key, Radzinsky asks why he needs to know, that the hostile saw the model of The Swan, that he could've seen the survey of where they're building it, Radzinsky says that he's a spy, that this whole thing is an act, that either they play into it or they don't and end this right now, La Fleur asks what he's talking about, Radzinsky says to shoot him, La Fleur says he appreciates his input, but he wants to talk to him first, he says to give him the damn keys, La Fleur gives them to Jin, who takes Sayid out of the storage room, sits him down, Sawyer says his name is La Fleur, that he's the Head of Security, that he wants him to listen real carefully to what he has to say, he says that if he does that, he'll be fine, he asks Sayid if he understands, Sayid nods, La Fleur says to identify himself as a hostile, he says that the terms to the truce say that he has to identify himself as a hostile, or they have the right to shoot them, Sayid says that they do not refer to themselves as hostile, but yes, he is one of them, La Fleur says good, now they can proceed like a couple of gentlemen, he says let's go, that he's taking him back to the barracks, Radzinsky says that he's making a mistake, that he's going to talk to Horace about this.
- "You need to know, La Fleur--he saw the model of The Swan, and he could've seen the survey of where we're building it." Radzinsky
- "My name's La Fleur. I'm Head of Security. I want you to listen real carefully to what I got to say. And if you do that, you'll be fine. Understand? [Sayid nods.] All right, let's start simple. Identify yourself as a Hostile [Sayid says nothing.] The terms of the truce say you gotta identify yourself as a Hostile, or we got the right to shoot you." La Fleur
- At night, Frank and Sun paddling the outrigger canoe, they get to the dock, Frank says to remind him why they're doing this, Sun says that Ben says her husband is on the island, that the best place to start looking is there, some advice she took before whacked him in the head, the dock looks old and worn, falling apart, they hear the Smoke Monster sound, Sun says it's probably just an animal, they walk through the barracks, Frank says he doesn't think she'll find her husband there, Processing Center sign hanging, light on in house, DHARMA symbol on the door, a man comes out, it's Christian Shephard, he says hello, Frank asks who the hell is he, he says his name is Christian, Sun says she's looking for her husband, that his name is Jin Kwon, she asks Christian if he knows where he is, Christian says to follow him.

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- In the DHARMA rec room, pictures are hanging on the wall, Christian takes one off the wall, 1977 Recruits, Sun asks where her husband is, Christian says that he's with her friends, Sun asks what he's talking about, he shows her the photograph of Hurley, Jack and Kate in the DHARMA Initiative, Christian says that Sun has a bit of journey ahead of her.

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- "I'm sorry, but you have a bit of a journey ahead of you." Christian Shephard
- In the barracks, a photograph is being taken, NAMASTE NEW RECRUITS, Hurley, Jack, Kate, refer to their protocol handbooks, Phil says they're perfectly safe there.
- Sawyer calls Phil on his walkie, says he's ready, coming in with a 14-J, Sawyer arrives with Sayid, Phil asks everyone to hold back, he says they have a minor security situation, they take Sayid out of the van, Hurley, Jack, and Kate, see him, Hurley says he guesses they found Sayid.
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- "So you guys have the rest of the day to get acquainted with your security protocol handbooks waitin' in your new digs. Now some of it may seem a little scary, but I promise you all, we are perfectly safe here, okay? So make yourselves at home." Phil
- Sayid is taken into Security, they put him in a cell, Sawyer says to hang out there until he can figure out what the hell to do with him, Phil asks what they'll do with him, La Fleur says to bring the man some damn food, that they're not savages.
- "Bring the man some damn food. We're not savages." La Fleur
- Jack asks Phil where James La Fleur lives, Phil says his house is right there, Jack says thanks, Phil says he wouldn't call him James, that he hates it, Jack knocks on La Fleur's door, Juliet answers, she says hey Jack, they hug, Jack says he saw her earlier today, that she was helping Kate, he wanted to say something to her then, Juliet says but they're not supposed to know eachother, Jack says he was looking for Sawyer, but he must've came to the wrong house, Juliet says no, to come in, Sawyer is inside, reading a book, Jack is surprised, Juliet says she's sure they have a lot to talk about, she leaves them.
- Sawyer asks Jack if he wants a beer, Jack says he's fine, Sawyer asks what he can do for him, Jack says he doesn't know where to start, how about with Sayid, Sawyer says he had no choice, he was running around the jungle, he got caught by his people, he says they can't tell the truth about how he got there, so he had to improvise, and now Sayid is safe, and that's all that matters, Jack asks where they go from there, Sawyer says he's working on it, Jack says it looks to him like he was reading a book, Sawyer says he heard once that Winston Churchill read a book every night, even during the Blitz, he said that it made him think better, Sawyer says that's how he likes to run things, he thinks, he says that he's sure that doesn't mean much to Jack, because back when he was calling the shots, he pretty much just reacted, he didn't think, and as he recalls, a lot of people ended up dead, Jack says he got them off the island, Sawyer says but here he is, right back where he started, so he's going to go back to reading his book, and he's going to think, that's how he saved his ass today, and that's how he's going to save Sayid's tomorrow, he tells Jack what he has to do, is go home and get a good night's rest, and let him do what he does, he says ain't that a relief, Jack says yes, he leaves, Sawyer walks him out.
- "Evening, Doc." Sawyer [Door closes] "[Sighs] Well, I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about." Juliet "Take a load off. You want a beer?" Sawyer "No. [Chuckles] No, I'm fine." Jack "What can I do for you, Jack?" Sawyer "[Exhales deeply] I don't even know where to start. Uh... how about with Sayid?" Jack "I had no choice. He was running around in the jungle, got caught by my people. And seein' as how he can't tell the truth about how he got here, I had to improvise." Sawyer "Improvise?" Jack "Uh-huh. And for now, Sayid is safe, which is all that matters." Sawyer "So, where do we go from here?" Jack "I'm working on it." Sawyer "Really? Because it looked to me like you were reading a book." Jack "[Chuckles] I heard once Winston Churchill read a book every night, even during the Blitz. He said it made him think better. It's how I like to run things. I think. I'm sure that doesn't mean that much to you, 'cause back when you were calling the shots, you pretty much just reacted. See, you didn't think, Jack, and as I recall, a lot of people ended up dead." Sawyer "I got us off the Island." Jack "But here you are... [sighs] right back where you started. So I'm gonna go back to reading my book, and I'm gonna think, 'cause that's how I saved your ass today. And that's how I'm gonna save Sayid's tomorrow. All you gotta do is go home, get a good night's rest. Let me do what I do. [Door creaks] ...now ain't that a relief?" Sawyer "Yeah." Jack
- Sawyer sees Kate from his porch, he waves to her reluctantly.
- At Security, Ben says hey Phil, he says that he's just going to go in there and deliver him a sandwich, Sayid in his cell, Ben says he brought him a sandwich, that he didn't put mustard on it, he says if he'd like some, he can get some, Sayid says this will be fine, Ben asks if he's a hostile, Sayid asks does he think he is, Ben asks what his name is, Sayid, he asks what's yours, Ben, Sayid is surprised, he says it's nice to meet you, Ben.
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- "Are you a Hostile?" Ben "Do you think I am?" Sayid "What's your name?" Ben "Sayid. What's yours?" Sayid "I'm Ben." Ben "It's nice to meet you, Ben." Sayid
- Why are the numbers heard in the cockpit of Flight 316?
- Why was Frank Lapidus supposed to fly a plane that lands on the island?
- Why are Sun, Ben and Frank not transported to 1977?
- How could anyone possibly not notice that Hurley, Jack and Kate didn't come in on the sub?
- Why have the barracks and Pala Ferry been changed?
- Why are there still DHARMA remnants in the barracks?
- Has there been a time shift for those in the present? Have those in 1977 changed the future?
- What is the journey which Christian Shephard refers that Sun has ahead of her?
- Why does Christian Shephard appear to Frank and Sun?
- Why is Sun the only one of the Oceanic 6 that was not sent back in time? Is it because John Locke never went to see her when he was off the island?
- Does Ben remember meeting Sayid in 1977?
- "Is that a runway?" Co-Pilot
- "How would I know?" Ben
- "Easy on the ribs there, Kong." Sawyer "Kong. I actually missed that." Hurley "Missed you, too, Hugo." Sawyer
- "We're in the DHARMA Initiative." Sawyer "They came back to the Island?" Jack "No. We came back. And so did you. It's 1977." Sawyer "Uh... what?" Hurley
- "Dude, your English is awesome." Hurley
- "Oh, get your hands off that! I thought you learned English. I said, hands off!" Radzinsky
- "Why are you following me?" Ben "Where are you going?" Sun "Back to our Island. ...You wanna come?" Ben
- "Have you and Horace decided on a name?" Juliet "Yeah, we have. We're gonna name him Ethan." Amy
- "I don't know. Timing's gotta be right." Juliet
- "Nice suit, doc. Not exactly Island wear." Sawyer
- "I vote for not camping." Hurley
- "Work assignments?" Jack
- "What if they start asking us questions we can't answer, like, uh, who's President in 1977?" Hurley "It's not a damn game show, Hugo." Sawyer
- "What--what the hell are they doing here?" Miles "They're our new inductees. I'll explain everything later. [Lowered voice] Stop staring and tell me what your damn problem is." Sawyer
- "It's Sayid." Jin "What?! Son of a bitch!" Sawyer
- "I thought you trusted this guy." Frank "I lied." Sun
- "Ah, yes. Good man, LaFleur. Runs a very tight operation." Pierre Chang
- "Work man. What does--what does that mean?" Jack "Based on your aptitude test, you'll be doing janitorial work." Pierre Chang
- "I'm sorry for the mix-up. I'm Juliet." Juliet "Kate." Kate "Hi, Kate. Welcome to the Island." Juliet
- "Well, I appreciate your input there, quick draw." La Fleur
- "We do not refer to ourselves as "Hostile", but yes, I--I am one of them." Sayid "All right. Good. Now we can proceed like a couple of gentlemen." La Fleur
- "Who the hell are you?" Frank
- "Namasté." Everyone "Nama-what?" Hurley
- "I guess we found Sayid." Hurley
- "Ah, excuse me. Um... Could you tell me where James La Fleur lives?" Jack "Uh, that's his house right there." Phil "Thanks." Jack "But I wouldn't call him "James". He hates it." Phil
- "Um... I was looking for Sawyer. I guess I came to the wrong house." Jack
- Frank Lapidus lands Ajira Airways Flight 316 on the runway that Juliet told Sawyer they were building on The Hydra island, in Through the Looking Glass.
- I love how Frank Lapidus is like the best frakking pilot ever.
- In 316, Ms. Hawking said that if they didn't bring them all back, and recreate the circumstances of the original flight, that the results would be "unpredictable," which leads me to believe this is why some of them flashed to present time, and some went back to 1977. This also makes me wonder who else had to come back. Perhaps, Aaron, Ji Yeon, Walt, and Desmond, are some, if not all of those who were supposed to go back. It also makes me wonder why some went to one time and some went specifically to another time.
- Radzinsky was first mentioned in Live Together, Die Alone. One of the biggest build-ups for one of the most annoying characters that has ever been on this show. I guess it helps a little to know that he killed himself.
- Juliet holding young Ethan is just too frakking creepy.
- Amy Goodspeed may be the same "other," named Amelia, that Juliet speaks to in A Tale of Two Cities.
- The DHARMA Initiative appears to use the code 14-J to signify a security breach, just as was heard in The Shape of Things to Come, when Alex tripped the alert signal at the pylons, after she was captured by Keamy and his men. It is also interesting that the hostiles kept most of DHARMA's protocols.
- I love any time that Sun gets to be badass. I hope there's more of that to come.
- This is the first time any of the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 have actually met Pierre Chang, after watching him under multiple pseudonyms in DHARMA Initiative Orientation films. The first time he was scene was in Orientation when Locke and Jack watched The Swan Orientation film.
- I can't help but think that Jack becoming a workman and Kate's name being mysteriously left off the list, until Juliet comes in at the last second to save her, making her sweat standing there with Phil, is a bit of a dig and they're being messed with by Sawyer and Juliet a little. I'd like to think that Sawyer and Juliet enjoyed having a little fun with Jack and Kate. Also, I think that's pretty awesome if it's true.
- I also love how Jack and Kate look like complete idiots in this episode.
- It appears as though the barracks have changed from the times we have seen them in present day before this episode. There is a PROCESSING CENTER sign hanging and several DHARMA symbols, including on the doors. We have never seen this before in the present day. It appears as though there has been a time shift for those in the present, perhaps an alternate reality, or that those in the past have changed or altered the future of the island in some way, and that the DHARMA Initiative was there for significantly longer than we thought, and the hostiles never wiped them out and took over the barracks.
- Yeah, Jack, I guess you got the wrong house, you idiot. You seriously can't fathom that you can't have EVERYTHING you want, huh?
- I really enjoy that not only is the leader, and a really great, successful leader, but he also puts Jack right in his place and speaks the absolute truth about him. He's not being a d, he's being honest.
- Sayid and Ben's roles are reversed from what they were in One of Them. This time Sayid is the prisoner and Ben is the one who is visiting him, which is quite ironic, especially after all that has happened with them.
- I know a lot of people think young Ben is just some sweet kid, but I find him overly creepy. I would never eat a sandwich that he made for me.
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