- Kate and Sawyer find bodies and Halliburton case in lake.
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- The tide is shifting. They move up the beach.
- Kate, New Mexico, photographer for a coffee table book.
- Rose tells Charlie that he doesn't get to not help, that nobody blames him for what happened to Claire. "Maybe I should've died." Charlie
- The guy Kate cons to rob the bank for her is named Jason.
- Sayid has maps from Rousseau. He tries to translate. He asks Shannon to help him.
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- "We have a problem, or you have a problem?" Jack, to Kate. In the Halliburton, 4 9mm guns and boxes of ammo.
- The sea of silver sparkles that change, next to the pond, blue infinity. "There's something about this that seems so familiar." Shannon translates for Sayid.
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- Jack threatens that he won't give Sawyer his drugs so he'll give him the case. "Whatever she told you, she lied." Sawyer
- Kate opens security box in the bank, #815. She's not a signatory.
- "It belonged to the man I loved. It belonged to the man I killed." Kate
- Rose says that she knows her husband is alive. "There's a fine line between denial and faith. It's better on my side." Rose
- Charlie asks her for help. "I'm not the one that can help you." They pray.
- Shannon tells Sayid that the notations from the maps are from the song La Mer.
- Toy plane in envelope from Halliburton and safe box.
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- How does Kate know about the safe deposit box? How does she get the other key? Did Edward Mars give it to her?
- How did the plane get to the deposit box? Did he put it there? Why is Kate so attached to that damn toy plane?
- How does Rose know her husband is alive?
- What do the maps and notations mean?
- "I'm protecting you!" Sawyer "Protecting me from what? Southern perverts?" Kate
- Shannon asking Boone if Locke is his new boyfriend.
- Sawyer and Kate fighting over the case. When Sawyer climbs up the cliff to drop the case, she runs in and takes it, while giving him a snickering look. It makes me laugh every time.
- "You're wasting your time, man. If you pick the lock on a Halliburton, I'll put you on my back and fly us to LA." Michael "You better find yourself a runway, daddy, cause there ain't a lock I can't pick." Sawyer
- "Do you think you're the only one on this island that's got something to be sad about? Baby, I've got sob stories for you." Rose, to Charlie.
- The bodies underwater and Kate and Jack digging up the marshal's body is totally creepy.
- For once Jack does something right. He figures out Kate's motives.
- Jack finally does something good, but then he has to mess it up with wanting to know everything about Kate. What's she supposed to tell you her life-story, dude?
- It's really awesome that Maggie Grace sang La Mer.
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