- A close-up of Claire's eye, she is dazed and bloody, was in a car accident, her mum went through the wind-shield, is laying in the street, unconscious, a truck is in front of them.
From Lostpedia
- Claire wakes up, Charlie fixed a picnic for her, says he wants to seize the day.
- Sayid says the Others are 2 miles away according to the map, Locke says it's an electrical wiring map, it may not be accurate, Sayid and Locke argue, but Kate just asks Mikhail if they're going the right way, he says yes, Rousseau says to shoot Mikhail, but Kate says no.
- Claire and Charlie are having their picnic, but Desmond shows up and asks Charlie to go boar hunting with him, Claire sees birds flying overhead and says she thinks she knows how to get off the island.
- Claire wants Jin's nets and fish, a flock of sea birds flew over, they're migratory, heading south, scientists tag birds to track them, they'll eventually land in Australia or New Zealand, someone gathers them, they can catch one and send a message with it.
- Charlie is doubtful about Claire's plan, asks how she knows so much about birds, she says she watched a lot of nature shows with her mum.
- Claire gets stitches, an Officer questions her, asks how the accident happened, she says that a truck forced her off the road, she was driving, father died when she was 2, truck hit them, came out of nowhere, the Officer says it's standard procedure when there's fatality, but her mother isn't dead, she's in surgery.
- Kate questions why Rousseau hasn't asked questions about Alex, Rousseau asks her if she cares about her friend, Jack.
- "Imagine sixteen years from now, you’re told he’s still alive, but in your heart, you know that he wouldn’t remember you, he wouldn’t know you. He wouldn’t even know that you ever cared about him. I haven’t asked you questions about my daughter, because I do not want to know the answers." Rousseau
- Mikhail says he was recruited when he was 24, approached by a man, brought in on the submarine, 2 weeks ago underwater beacon stopped emitting locator signal, an event, electromagnetic pulse, impossible to come back, not capable of understanding because she's not on the list.
- "The man who brought me here, who brought all of my people here, he is a magnificent man. I will try to make this as simple as I can. You are not on the list because you are flawed. Because you are angry, and weak, and frightened." Mikhail
- "The more I learn about your people, the more I suspect you’re not as omniscient as you’d have us believe. Don’t speak to us as if you know us." Sayid
- Mikhail knows all of them, about them.
- "Of course I don’t know you, Sayid Jarrah. How could I? And you, Kate Austen, are a complete stranger to me. But you John Locke, you I might have a fleeting memory of, but I must be confused, because the John Locke I know was paral—" Mikhail
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- Rousseau interrupts Mikhail to point out the sonic fence.
- Jin and Sun help Claire, get nets, make chum, Sun says her mother had high hopes for her, this would be her worst nightmare, Claire says her mum was a librarian.
- Claire visits her mom in the hospital, Aunt Lindsey blames her, doctor says stabilized immediate injuries, mom suffered a severe head trauma, wait for swelling in her brain to go down before determining the extent of her injuries, looking at widespread damage, that right now machines are keeping her alive.
From Lostpedia
- The expenses have been taken care of, the doctor has been asked to keep it confidential.
- Claire is about to catch one of the birds, but Desmond scares the birds away with gun shots, Desmond says sorry, he was catching a boar, but Claire wants to know what's going on, is suspicious of Demond and Charlie.
- Sayid says don't touch the pylons, Mikhail says they're a security parameter, sensors triggered if anyone passes between them, alarm system, trap, Mikhail says it hasn't functioned in years, they encircle entire barracks, no way around.
From Lostpedia
- Locke pushes Mikhail through the sensors to see if they work or not, the barrier goes on, Mikhail starts to have a seizure, falls to the ground, from a cerebral hemorrhage, blood coming out of the ears, foaming from the mouth.
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- "Thank you" Mikhail
- Sayid and Kate are angry about what Locke did, but say they'll talk about it later, first they have to figure out how to get through the fence, Kate says they don't go through, they go over the fence, asks Sayid to get the axe, which is in Locke's pack, which also has C4. Sayid asks why, Locke says you never know when C4 will come handy.
- Charlie doesn't want to give Claire false hope, thinks she might be overreacting, but she kicks him out of her tent, doesn't want her baby around liars.
- Christian Shephard is with Claire's mom, Lindsey says Carole wouldn't want him there, they argue, but Christian tells Claire he's the one taking care of the bills, that he's her father.
- They chop down a tree and place it on top of the pylon, Kate climbs up the tree and over the fence, jumps down, she's okay, everyone follows.
- "The system appears to fire a sonic pulse when an object breaks the plane between two pylons. So, as long as we don’t break the plane, we should remain unharmed." Sayid
- Sun tells Claire she has every right to be upset, Charlie and Desmond are arguing, Claire asks Sun to watch Aaron, says she's going to get some answers.
- Christian goes to see Claire at her piercing shop, they have coffee, he says his doctor friend told him about the accident, him and mom had a fling, was in Los Angeles when she was pregnant, came out a bunch of times when she was little, stayed over, gave her toys, sang to her, stopped coming because Lindsey hates him, mother didn't like that he had another family, that he came because he wants to help, wants her to look at alternatives, to relieve her pain, Claire gets angry, doesn't want to kill her, says he might be her father, but she doesn't even know his name, and wants to keep it that way.
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- "Claire! Claire, Claire listen to me. Do not keep your mother alive for the wrong reasons. Now there is hope and there is guilt. And believe me, I know the difference. Bye kiddo, it was great seeing you again." Christian
- Claire follows Desmond, he catches a bird, she asks how he knew, he says he didn't, but Claire says he walked straight there, Desmond tells her what's going on with Charlie.
From Lostpedia
- "I don’t know, but you know, you walked straight here, no doubt at all about where you were going. You came right to this beach and right to this rock, and lo and behold, there’s the bird. What the hell is going on Desmond?" Claire "See that spot over there? That’s where Charlie slipped and fell in and got pounded again and again by the rocks and broke his neck." Desmond "What? What are you talking about?" Claire "That’s where Charlie died." Desmond
- Claire shows Charlie the bird that Desmond caught, with the tag on it.
- "Desmond told me everything. About all his visions; that he knew you were gonna get hit by lighting; that you were gonna drown, trying to rescue me in the ocean; how you died trying to get me this bird." Claire
- Claire goes to see her mom in the hospital, she's pregnant, she turns the television on so mom can hear her nature shows, tells her about the baby, giving it away, for the best, doesn't know how she did it, raising her alone, that she's sorry, for the awful things she said to her in the car, that she wished she was dead, the accident, everything.
From Lostpedia
- Charlie reads the note Claire wrote and Claire sets the bird free with the note attached.
- "To whom it may concern, we are survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. We have survived on this island for 80 days. We were 6 hours into the flight when the pilot said we were off course and turned back towards Fiji. We hit turbulence and crashed. We’ve been waiting here, all this time, waiting for rescue that has not come. We do not know where we are, we only know you have not found us. We’ve done our best to live on this island. Some of us have come to accept that we may never leave it. Not all of us have survived since the crash, but there is new life too, and with it, there is hope. We are alive. Please don’t give up on us."
From Lostpedia
- Claire says she's not giving up on Charlie, that it's going to be okay, they'll get through it together.
- Kate sees the birds flying overhead, they arrive at the barracks.
- They see Jack running toward them, but he's playing football with Tom, being friendly.
From Lostpedia
- How did Mikhail know John Locke?
- Why wasn't Locke on Jacob's list?
- Why does Claire think her mother, Carole, is dead?
- Why didn't Desmond just let Claire catch the bird the first time?
- Did Desmond's vision have to happen exactly the way he saw it?
- What happened to the bird with the message?
- "Well it’s certainly not as infallible as the magical carvings on your stick." Sayid
- "What do you suggest; we shoot him like a dog?" Sayid "No, I like dogs." Locke
- "Pardon me, for not knowing that they had err, err, a sonic weapon fence." Locke
- Par Avion is French for "by way of air" and is used to designate Air Mail.
- Christian Shephard telling Claire he is her father, a very Star Wars moment, with Claire and Jack becoming Luke and Leia.
- I love the scene where Desmond catches the bird, a wave crashes on him.
- Mr. Friendly throws like a girl.
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