3.15 Left Behind
- Kate is being held in the rec-room, she hears someone coming, attacks Juliet, who lays her out, says she was just bringing her something to eat.
- Kate's car broke down, being towed, Patsy Cline playing, will take 3 days to get her car fixed, fan belt, she's in Iowa.
- Kate at the mechanic shop, she sees Cassidy running cons, Kate helps her out so no one calls the cops, buys one of her bracelets to convince a guy that they're real, Cassidy wants to know why she helped her, says she's stranded there for some reason and didn't want the guy to call the cops, she gives Kate a ride to town.
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- Locke goes to see Kate, who's playing backgammon, he says they captured him, but only temporarily, came to say goodbye, he's leaving with them, Jack has to stay behind like her, doesn't want to go home, says that he made a strong case for her, told them she was a good person, reliable, smart, honest, but they told him who she was, and what she'd done, that forgiveness isn't one of their strong suits, he wishes her good luck, says he's sorry, and leaves her there.
- Hurley discretely tells Sawyer there's going to be a vote to banish him tomorrow, after the Nikki and Paulo thing, there's a consensus that he has to move half a mile down the beach, Hurley says that he needs to make amends, that there are benefits of being part of their society, that he can't even feed himself, he uses their latrine.
- Kate eats her sandwich from the floor, she sees the Others, they are leaving the barracks, they're gathered, packing bags, putting on gas masks, a canister is thrown into the rec-room, Kate tries to escape, covers her mouth, but the gas gets her, she loses consciousness.
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- Kate tells Cassidy that her name is Lucy, Cassidy says that's not her real name, that nex time she shouldn't think about it, Lucy says it's after a saint, says a few months ago, she killed her stepfather and escaped from a US Marshal, her father was a bad guy, she's in Iowa to talk to her mother, Cassidy says she'll help, tells her she fell in love with the wrong guy, that he took her life savings, they bond.
- "I fell in love with the wrong guy. And then I gave him my life savings. He conned me, and embarrassed me. He was a bad guy. So, I'll help you get the meeting with your Mom, Lucy, because one of us deserves something good." Cassidy
- Kate wakes up in the jungle, handcuffed to Juliet.
- Sawyer tries to fish to prove that he doesn't need anyone, but he's unsuccessful at cleaning it, he wants Hurley to help him make amends, change the vote.
- Kate steals Juliet's knife while she's unconscious, but Juliet wakes up, Kate tries to pick the handcuffs, says they're going back, that her friends are probably gassed, Locke came in and said goodbye, that they were all going somewhere.
- Cassidy poses as Kate, goes to her mother's door, but the feds, the Marshal, come out, Cassidy says she's just selling bibles.
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- Cassidy goes to meet Kate, says they questioned her for half an hour, 6 guys waiting there, that she doesn't know what she did to the Marshal, but if he ever gets his hands on her, it's going to be her or him, wants to know why, Kate tells Cassidy what she did, step-dad used to get drunk and beat up her mom, made it look like an accident, a gas leak, that she took out an insurance policy on the house, mom gave her up, she wants to know why.
- Kate looks for a trial, asks why they're in the jungle, Juliet says Ben has a thing for mind-games, Juliet says she hopes that she's not dragging her all the way back there for him, he told her not to come back, and she ruined his chance to get off the island, Juliet and Kate have a chick fight, the monster comes, Juliet dislocates her shoulder, they run, Juliet asks what it is, but they hide in a tree, she sees the monster, it approaches them, it flashes, appears to take photographs, and it doesn't attack them.

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- Hurley tells Sawyer to make nice with Claire, that she's really influential, if she votes for him to stay, he's home free, tells him to show interest in Aaron.
- Sawyer brings a blanket to Claire and Aaron, tells them he doesn't need it.
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- Juliet says she's never seen the monster, that it's the 4th time her shoulder has been dislocated, wants Kate to pop it back in, says Jack saw Kate and Sawyer on the monitor, told them not to come back because she broke his heart. Kate isn't gentle, pops Juliet's shoulder back out, Juliet screams.
- Sawyer and Desmond go boar hunting, Desmond says he's never said three words to him, asks about his angle, Sawyer says he has hearts and minds to change, have to give the people what they like, meat. They get a boar.
- Juliet and Kate get going.
- Cassidy goes to Diane's diner, spills soup on her, so Diane goes into the bathroom, Kate is there waiting for her, wants to know why, Diane says she thought maybe she was sorry, that you can't help who you love, that she'll scream if she sees her again, won't tell 2 men waiting outside, they've been following her for a month.
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- Kate says she doesn't know him, but Juliet says she knows all about Jack, where he was born, what his parents did for a living, that he was married, who he was married to, why he got divorced, how his father died, his height, weight, birthday, blood type.
- Kate and Juliet hear the monster again, they run, fall in mud, come to the sonic fence, Juliet opens the handcuffs with a key she has, says the fence is off, Kate is reluctant but she goes to the other side, Juliet turns the alarm on, the monster approaches, but hits the fence and stops, then goes away, Juliet says they don't know what it is, but that it doesn't like the fences, she says that she was left behind too, spent the past 3 years of her life with them, maybe if she thought they were in it together, she wouldn't get left behind again.

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- Charlie likes the boar, Sawyer says he hopes remembers that at the vote later, but Charlie doesn't know what he's talking about, Sawyer figures Hurley out.
- Hurley says he didn't con him, that he needs to be the temporary leader, says Jack didn't want it either.
- "Jack's gone, Locke's gone, Kate and Sayid, you're all we got. And Paulo and Nikki dying, we all look to you. Then again you totally tried to steal the diamonds, but we wanted to look to you. Look around, you made everyone happy. Just for today, they can eat boar, laugh, and forget that they're totally screwed. And who did that for them dude, you." Hurley
- Sawyer feeds everyone, they're all happy, he holds Aaron.
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- Juliet and Kate return to the barracks, Kate gets Jack, Juliet gets Sayid, Kate says they all left because of her, that she should have listened to him, she says she's sorry, tells Jack that they left Juliet too, Jack says they go back now.
- Kate wants to help Cassidy, she tells Kate she's pregnant, the baby is his, that she still loves him, Kate says to call the cops, have him locked up, tells her that her name is Kate.
- Sayid says that he checked all of the houses, that there are no weapons, no trail, 50 people disappears into thin air, Jack says they should take what they can find and leave, Sayid says no Juliet, Jack says she's coming because they left her behind too.
- Has Juliet seen the monster before?
- Why did the monster take photographs of Juliet?
- Why doesn't the monster like the fences? Why can't it go over the fence?
- Why has Juliet's shoulder been dislocated so many times?
- "You know how for three days, ten hours and fifteen minutes I ain't allowed to use nicknames?" Sawyer "Yeah?" Hurley "Well, you, Sir Hugo, are rotund, annoying, and you're ruining my damned view. How's that for amends?" Sawyer
- "I ain't gonna get the Korean vote." Sawyer
- "Dude you stink. What is that, fish?" Hurley "No." Sawyer "Did you try to gut one yourself? How have you not learned that by now? I mean we've been here like, three months." Hurley
- "Apologize for calling me all those names." Hurley "[Sighs] I'm really sorry I called you rotund." Sawyer "Really?" Hurley "Ah God, you're worse than a girl. Come on, let's, spread the love." Sawyer
- "Welcome to the wonderful world of not knowing what the hell's going on." Kate
- "No. I just came by to say, your baby's... he's not as wrinkly as he was a couple weeks ago." Sawyer "[Puzzled, then laughs] Yeah, I, I guess he's not. Thanks!" Claire "Oh and er, this is for you. [Hands Claire the blanket]" Sawyer "Thank you." Claire "I don't like, blankets. Well goodnight." Sawyer
- "How's your shoulder?" Kate "Awesome." Juliet
- "[At the beach, Sawyer pours beer over the skinned boar as he cooks it] Ahaha!" Sawyer "Um, ah, its delicious. Just a little DHARM-A1 and paprika." Charlie "I hope you'll remember this little barbecue at your meeting later." Sawyer "Oh what meeting?" Charlie "Hurley told me about the vote." Sawyer "Vote? Since when did anyone around here vote?" Charlie
- "You son of a bitch. There wasn't ever gonna be no vote." Sawyer "But, wasn't it nice, being nice?" Hurley "You tricked me into being decent? That's gotta be the lamest cons in the history of cons." Sawyer "It wasn't a con dude. If you're gonna be our temporary leader, you need to do some damage control." Hurley "Leader? The hell are you smokin'?" Sawyer
- Sawyer was reading Watership Down again.
- Although, Kate having a flashback entirely devoted to her meeting Cassidy and her mother telling her why she screamed in Born to Run, is kind of lame, I don't really mind this flashback.
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