3.13 The Man From Tallahassee
- Locke has an appointment with a social worker, asks about his condition, he says he's single, has no girlfriend, was raised in foster care, that he never knew his parents, he stopped going to therapy, the woman says that his benefits have been suspended, that depression can be temporary, and if he starts going to therapy again, his benefits will be reimbursed.
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- Jack is still playing football with Tom, he stops to talk to Juliet, Kate tells Sayid and Locke that Juliet helped them escape, Rousseau is gone, they watch, Jack goes to see Ben at his house, who is in his wheelchair, shakes his hand, talks to him.
- "This is going to be more complicated than we thought." Locke
- Kate tells them they're here to rescue Jack, Sayid says they can't just start shooting, that the circumstances have changed, Jack may not want to be rescued, Kate says that's not him, that they drugged them, but Sayid says that he doesn't look drugged, that until they know, their lives are a risk, Locke says that Jack must have reasons, they should wait until dark, when Jack is alone, and if he wants out, they'll get him out.
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- "It's Jack. The first time I saw him he was risking his life pulling people out of burning airplane wreckage. If he's shaking hands with the Others, I'm sure he has a good reason. We just have to go down there and find out what it is." Locke
- Locke is alone in his apartment, watching Exposé, eating a TV dinner, a man comes to his door, Peter Talbot, wants to talk about his mother who is in trouble, she met a man, Adam Seward, a retired computer entrepreneur from Ontario, had something special, after 2 months she agreed to marry him, but Peter sensed there was something wrong about him, he says that Locke donated a kidney to him, that Adam Seward used to be Anthony Cooper, but Locke lies and says that it was anonymous.
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- It's night, they watch Jack talk to Juliet, and then go into a house. Kate goes in while Locke and Sayid guard the house, Jack is playing piano inside, there are cameras in the house, Jack says that they're watching them, that she has to go, but Sayid is captured and brought in by Ryan, Kate surrenders, she says it's only the two of them.
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- Locke goes to Ben's house, Ben says he can tell him where Jack is, but Locke says he's looking for the submarine, that they use it to travel to and from the island, Mikhail told him before he killed him, Alex comes in, there is a knock at the front door.
- Tom is at Ben's house while Locke hides in the closet with Alex, he says Austen and Jarrah have been captured, Ben says separate them, that he wants to know how they found them, Ben wants to talk to Richard, Tom leaves, says he'll wait outside.
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- Ben tells Richard to bring him the man from Tallahassee, Richard asks what they need him for, Ben says to just do it, he leaves, Locke asks what that means.
- Locke wants the pack Sayid had with him, sends Alex to go and get it, Ben says that his daughter currently hates him, but Alex agrees to go.
- John follows Cooper to a flower shop, where he's picking out flowers for his wedding with Mrs. Talbot, Locke says he's conning her, tells him about her son, Peter, wants him to end the relationship, leave town, or he'll tell her the truth, Cooper says he'll do it.
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- "Because. Because it's not fair! You make people think that you're their family. And then you leave their life in ruins. And I'm not going to let you do it again! You're going to call off your engagement and go... or I'm going to tell her the truth. I want to hear you say it! You say you're going to leave!" Locke
- Ben wants to get out of bed, sit in his wheelchair, says Locke knows what it's like to want some dignity, asks how he's going to pilot the sub, Ben says if he met Mikhail, he was in the communications station, he found the C4, that he's not planning on piloting the sub, but planning to destroy it, says he knows him, born in California, raised in foster care, wasted big part of his life in Tustin, pushing papers of company that manufactured industrial boxes, 4 years prior to the island he was in a wheelchair, knows how he ended up in it, asks if it hurt, Locke says he felt his back break.
- Kate is being held in the rec-room, getting out of the handcuffs, Jack visits her, Tom tells him to be careful, Jack says they didn't hurt him, Kate says they didn't hurt her either, Jack says that this is where they live, Kate wants to know about the people they took, the kids, Jack says they're all safe, that's he's not with anyone, that he told her not to come back, he tells her he made a deal with them, they're going to let him go home, first thing in the morning, he trusts them because she told him to, when she asked him to save Sawyer's life, that it's their best chance, Juliet says they have to go, he says that he asked her not to come back for him and he wishes that she hadn't, but that he'll come back for her.
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- Locke is returning home with groceries, detectives are waiting for him, they question Locke about Peter Talbot, he says he was a solicitor, but the detectives say that he's wroth $200 million, they say that John's name and address were on a paper in his pocket, that they know that because he's dead.
- Ben says it wasn't easy being in the hatch knowing Locke had no business walking around, couldn't ask about it without telling who he really was, so Locke says to ask him now that he knows, Ben wants to know if he was walking the day of the crash, if it was immediate, the moment he got there, Locke says he's wondering why it hasn't happened for him, Ben says he wants to destroy the sub because he's afraid it'll go away, the he knows if he ever leaves the island, he'll be back in the wheelchair again.
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- "That's what immediate means, Ben. You’re wondering why it hasn't happened for you. You're not recovering as fast as you'd like. How long has it been since Jack fixed you? A week? Now that I think about it, how'd you get sick in the first place?" Locke
- Sayid is being held by Ryan, tied to a swing-set, Alex comes to get the pack, tells him her dad wants it, Sayid calls Alex by her name, says she looks like her mother, but Alex says her mother is dead, Sayid says he's sure that's what they told her, but before they can continue, Ryan beats him, tells him to shut up.
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- Locke asks where they get their electricity, eats some of Ben's chicken, Ben says if Locke blows up the sub, there's a big problem with his people, says he was born on the island, not many can say that, most were recruited and brought there, love the place, do anything to defend it, but they need to know they can leave if they want to, the sub maintains that illusion, they're here because they want to be, but some not ready to make a full commitment, John has made that commitment, he can show him things, he says to picture of a box, imagine somewhere on the island, there's a very large box, that whatever he imagined, when you open the box, there it would be, Locke says imagine himself a sub, says Ben is cheating, that he's a hypocrite, Ben's in a wheelchair and Locke isn't.

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- "And now you have a choice. Because if you stop and if you think, I can show you things. Things I know you want to see very badly. Let me put it so you'll understand. Picture a box. You know something about boxes, don't you, John? What if I told you that somewhere on this island, there's a very large box... and whatever you imagined, whatever you wanted to be in it, when you opened that box, there it would be. What would you say about that, John?" Ben
- "Because you're cheating! You and your people. Communicate with the outside world whenever you want to, you... you come and go as you please... you use electricity and running water and guns... You're a hypocrite! A pharisee. You don't deserve to be on this island. If you had any idea what this place really was... you wouldn't be putting chicken in your refrigerator!" Locke
- "You've been here 80 days, John; I've been here my entire life! So how is it that you think you know this island better than I do?" Ben "Because you're in the wheelchair, and I'm not." Locke
- Alex returns with the pack, Locke takes the C4, Ben says Jack is leaving, the anomaly wiped out communications, it's a one way ticket, the sub can never come back, no one will find the island.
- Alex says Ben manipulates people, she brings Locke to the sub, he goes inside.
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- "That's what my father does. He manipulates people. He makes you think it's your idea, but it's his." Alex
- Rousseau watches Alex on the pier from the jungle.
- Ben is putting the chicken away, Jack and Juliet show up to talk to him, Jack asks a favor of him, Ben says he'll let friends go as soon as he leaves, gives Jack his word.
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- Locke is leaving the dock, dripping wet, Juliet and Jack show up with the Others, Locke says that he's sorry, he blows up the submarine, the Others capture him.
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- Locke confronts Anthony Cooper about Peter Talbot, says he thought he was going to leave, accuses him of killing Peter, Cooper says he was looking for an angle to make some money, that he's a con man, not a murder, that Mrs. Talbot is upset, she called off the wedding, he's drinking MacCutcheon's Whiskey, Locke doesn't believe him, says he's going to call the woman, but Cooper pushes him out the window.
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- Locke is in the hospital, he survived, the detectives visit him and say that his father is gone, fled to Mexico, disappeared, could be anywhere in the world right now, a physical therapist tells the detectives that's enough, Locke has work to do, but he doesn't want to, the physical therapist forces Locke out of bed, says he fell 8 stories and survived, he picks him up and puts him in a wheelchair, Locke is frightened.
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- "John. You fell eight stories and survived, okay? I don't want to hear about what you can't do. Now let's go. It's going to be all right." Physical therapist
- Locke is being held prisoner by Ben, he says he knows Ben wanted it to happen, that's why he left the C4 in Sayid's bag, that he wanted him to make it happen, Ben tells Richard to uncuff Locke.
- "Do you remember earlier, John, when you called me a cheater? When you said I didn't deserve to live on this island? Well get this: there I was, shaking hands with Jack, and thinking I'd give almost anything to come up with a way to stop him from leaving... because to let him go would be a sign of weakness, of failure, of defeat. People would see that. They would know it. And that, John, would be the end of me. But to kill him... that would be cheating, because my people also heard me make a promise, and to break my word... that would be the end of me too. And then you came striding out of the jungle, John, to make my dream come true." Ben
- Richard, Ben and Locke leave the room, head down the hall.
- "When I asked you earlier if it hurt when you suffered your injury, I think you misunderstood me. Seems fairly obvious that when a person's back smashes into a hard surface after being thrown from a building, that that's going to sting a little. But I really wasn't asking about the physical pain." Ben "What, do you want to know if it hurt my feelings?" Locke "No John. I wanted to know what it felt like when your own father tried to kill you. He's the reason you destroyed the submarine, isn't he? You're afraid. You're afraid of him and this is the one place he can never find you. This is the one place he can never get to." Ben "What do you want from me?" Locke "I don't know how it happened, but you seem to have some communion with this island, John, and that makes you very, very important. You have no idea what you're talking about, of course, but in time you'll have a better understanding of things. So what do I want? I want to help you, John." Ben "Why?" Locke "Because I'm in a wheelchair and you're not. Are you ready to see?" Ben
- Ben shows Locke what's in the magic box, Locke is amazed, it's Anthony Cooper.
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- "Dad?" Locke
- How did Ben know that they would need the man from Tallahassee?
- When did Richard and Ben discuss Anthony Cooper? How did Richard get him?
- Why is Locke dripping wet when he leaves the sub?
- How and when did Anthony Cooper get to the island?
- What is the magic box?
- "I'm sorry. No solicitors. [points to a sign that says "NO SOLICITING"] I have a sign." Locke
- "The man from Tallahassee? What is that? Some kind of code?" Locke "No, John, unfortunately we don't have a code for "There's a man in my closet with a gun to my daughter's head." Although we obviously should." Ben
- "So tell me, John. How do you expect to pilot our submarine? I mean, it's a complicated piece of machinery. You don't just press "submerge." Ben
- "Where do you get electricity?" Locke "We have two giant hamsters running in a massive wheel at our secret underground lair." Ben
- "Mmm. I never really appreciated chicken until right now." Locke
- "I'd say I hope that box is big enough to imagine yourself up a new submarine." Locke
- If Jack had actually left the island, that probably would have been the last time he saw Kate.
- Did it hurt? Did it hurt, when you fell from the sky, John?
- I love the scene where the physical therapist is putting John in the wheelchair, it's shot phenomenally well. The wheelchair becomes a character and Locke is so frightened by it. Good work, Jack Bender.
- One of the best episode endings ever.
- The food in Ben's refrigerator changes from when Locke opens it to when Ben opens it.
1 comment:
Holly Schlaack inspired from the tragic case of Marcus Fiesel, Holly Schlaack, a respected and experienced social worker and guardian ad litem, draws the reader into the world of the foster care system. She shows its successes and its failures. Holly has her feet on the ground and her heart with these troubled children, but she gives us practical recommendations to help make their situations better. Her insights and observations are told in a restrained yet powerful prose. This book Invisible Kids though it could be an addition to a collection of training texts, is as readable as a novel. (www.InvisibleKidsTheBook.com)
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