3.05 The Cost of Living
- Eko and Yemi steal food, a nun makes Eko give confession for stealing.
- There is a close-up of Eko's eye, Sayid is back and he checks on Eko, who is unconscious, Hurley says he's been like that for a couple of days.
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- Eko is having a dream of his brother, Yemi, scenes from The 23rd Psalm, confession, becoming a priest, the drug plane, Yemi in Eko's tent, with a lighter.
- "It is time to confess, to be judged, brother. I will be waiting. You know where to find me." Yemi appears to light Eko's tent on fire.
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- They save Eko from his burning tent, Eko says "My brother," then disappears.
- Ben is wearing a robe, he asks Jack to go for a walk, gives him a robe to wear, Jack asks if it hurts, his neck, numbness in his fingers and toes, like pins and needles, but permanent, tumor on his spine, aggressive, no more walks, Ben says he has no idea what he's talking about, Jack says it must be his mistake.
- Jack goes to funeral with Ben, Juliet says she hates funerals, Colleen on water, fire, Brenda Lee's I wonder plays on the loud speakers.
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- Ben asks Juliet about x-rays and Jack, she says she didn't tell him.
- Sayid and Locke talk about finding Jack, Desmond says he's pretty sure that the computer in the hatch was used to communicate with other stations.
- Locke wants to go to The Pearl and find Eko and use the computer to try to communicate with the Others.
- Soldiers from the runway, where Yemi was shot and left in the drug plane, take Eko back to Yemi's church, where Eko finds a photograph of him and Yemi when they were young in Yemi's bible, he tells a woman that Yemi was called away, down South, emergency at refugee camp, says he will take Yemi's place there, in London too.
- Eko and the monster, he sees a bloody man, afraid of him, then an alter boy that says "confess."
- Locke, going to The Pearl, he asks people to go along, Nikki and Paulo.
- Locke tells Desmond that Eko is heading for the plane that crashed on top of The Pearl station, Desmond says it's a coincidence.
- "Don't mistake coincidence for fate." Locke
- Eko washes his hands with holy water, the alter boy says he's not supposed to do that, that Father Yemi wouldn't, but Eko says that he is not Yemi.
- Men arrive at Yemi's church, they're looking for him, but the boy's mother says the shipment is late, vaccine from Red Cross, they keep 20% and give the rest to Emeka and his men, for protection, Eko says that he's not afraid of them, but Emeka kills a blind woman, says he'll be back for the vaccine.
- Eko stops at a stream to put dirt on his wounds and he sees the smoke monster, it leaves and Locke arrives with everyone else at the stream.
- Juliet brings Jack a cheeseburger, Ben wants to talk to him, alone, doctor-patient confidentiality.
- Ben says that they had a wonderful plan to break him, wear him down, gain his trust, he'd choose to do what they wanted him to, he'd get invested, Juliet resembles his ex-wife, plan was shot when he saw the x-rays, wants him to want to save his life, wants him to think about it, 2 days after he found out about his tumor, a spinal surgeon fell out of the sky.
- "Two days after I found out I had a fatal tumor on my spine, a spinal surgeon fell out of the sky. And if that's not proof of God, I don't know what is." Ben
- Eko leads to plane, Locke asks about Yemi and Eko attacks him, saying not to speak his brother's name, Locke asks why he's so afraid.
- They get vaccine every 6 months, agreement with militia, high price on black market, before Yemi, they got nothing, Eko reminds her of Yemi, says that he's a good man too.
- Eko is selling the vaccine, and is leaving the country, to go to London.
- Locke asks Eko about the monster, says he saw it once, a bright light, beautiful, while Eko checks the plane, says that's not what he saw, Yemi's body is missing. Locke says maybe his body burned when he set the plane on fire, and he gives Eko the cross he found. Eko looks at the photo of him and Yemi.
- Emeka and his men come back to the church, figure Eko out about selling the shipment, they're going to cut off his hands, but Eko kills them with a machete, walks out of the church and everyone sees him.
- They re-watch the Orientation film in The Pearl, Sayid says the wiring is only one way, that it's a closed system, Nikki says there are 6 stations, plays the tape of Dr. Mark Wickman, other monitors, Sayid tries to patch in another station, they see machines, a computer, in another station, a man with an eye patch.

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- Juliet apologizes, shows Jack a movie, talks to him while it's playing, but there is a message she's relaying to him on the screen, she tells him to do the surgery.
- "I felt like I should apologize. Say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for bringing you here. And for everything that's been done to you. And your friends. You have to know we were desperate. It was only so that we could save his life. Ben. He's a great man. I know you find that hard to believe but he is. You probably feel like you don't have a choice. But you do, Jack. Free will is all we've really got, right? Anyway, just wanted to put in my two cents. I told you before, you can trust me. I want you to trust me, now, when I tell you that doing the surgery is absolutely the right thing for you to do. It's the right thing because he deserves to live." Juliet tells Jack while the video is playing and she's relaying a completely different message.
- "Ignore everything I'm saying. Ben is a liar. And he is very dangerous. Some of us want a change. But it has to look like an accident. It has to look like we tried to save him. And that's up to you, Jack. It's a complicated surgery. No one would ever know. And I would protect you. Now tell me to turn off the movie." Juliet tells Jack on the movie.
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- "Turn the movie off." Jack
- Eko goes to London, the alter boy asks if he's a bad man, that his mom says he's a bad man, they are boarding up the church, the woman tells him he owes Yemi a church.
- Eko sees Yemi again, follows him, asks why confession now, he says he doesn't want forgiveness, that he had not sinned, Yemi appears to be a manifestation of the smoke monster, and the monster attacks Mr. Eko, while he starts reciting the 23rd Psalm.
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- "I ask for no forgiveness, Father. For I have not sinned. I have only done what I needed to do to survive. A small boy once asked me if I was a bad man. If I could answer him now, I would tell him that when I was a young boy, I killed a man to save my brother's life. I am not sorry for this. I am proud of this! I did not ask for the life that I was given. But it was given, nonetheless. And with it I did my best." Mr. Eko
- "You speak to me as if I were your brother." Yemi
- "The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. The Lord is my shepherd." Mr. Eko
- Locke and Sayid find Eko's body, Eko relays a message to Locke as he's dying.
- "He said we're next." Locke
- Was Yemi and manifestation of the smoke monster?
- Where did Yemi's body go?
- Why did the smoke monster seem frightened or skeptical of Mr. Eko in his previous encounter with it, but attack him now?
- Where did the Others get their funeral rituals from?
- Why would the island want Mr. Eko to die?
- Is the glass eye found in The Arrow Mikhail's?
- Again, why didn't Ben just ask Jack to do the surgery?
- Why do Eko and Locke see two different versions of the monster? Can it appear differently to each person?
- Why does Juliet ask Jack to kill Ben? If he doesn't, won't Ben die anyway?
- If Eko had confessed, would he still have died?
- "Is that supposed to hurt my feelings?" Desmond
- "I'm not that big on mysteries." Jack
- "You people have cheeseburgers?" Jack "You have no idea what I went through to make this for you. I killed the cow, processed the meat, baked the bun. And the fries... try rendering animal fat." Juliet "No ketchup?" Jack
- " I'm telling you this, Jack, because my wonderful plan got shot to sunshine when you saw my damned x-rays and figured out I was dying." Ben
- As much as I liked Mr. Eko, for some reason, I felt completely unaffected by his death. I'm still not sure why, because he's one of the characters I miss the most. It's unfortunate to find out that he was only killed because the actor no longer wanted to be in Hawaii.
- You still owe Yemi one church, Mr. Eko!
- The Others appear to be very cult-like in this episode with the funeral.
- I love the actors that play young Eko and Yemi, who are really brothers.
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