3.08 Flashes Before Your Eyes
- Desmond watches by, as Charlie and Hurley go through Sawyer's tent, Desmond wants them to come with him, to tell him about Eko's death, bring him to his grave, where Locke says they buried him yesterday, the island killed him.
- Desmond runs to the beach out of nowhere, saves Claire, Charlie asks him how he knew.
- "That guy sees the future, dude." Hurley
- Desmond, looking at the photograph of him and Penny, Claire comes by to say thank you, she says Penny's beautiful.
- Charlie plots to get Desmond drunk to find out what's going on with him, he steals a bottle of whiskey from Sawyer's stash.
- Charlie says thank you to Desmond, that he has a peace offering, MacCuthcheon's whiskey, Desmond sees the bottle and starts laughing, agrees, says let's drink, they sing.
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- They get bloody drunk, Charlie asks Desmond how he knew Claire was drowning, he says that he could hear her calling for help, Hurley says he was a mile away, Desmond says he has good hearing, Charlie asks if he hears the lightning as well, by chance he pitched his rod outside Claire's tent, then lighting strikes, Desmond doesn't want to talk about it and leaves, Charlie called him a coward, then Desmond attacks him.
- "Hey, I don't know what you're doing--you best tell us. Oy! You think because you turned some key that makes you a hero? You're no hero, brother. I don't know how you're doing what it is you're doing, but I know a coward when I see one." Charlie
- "You don't want to know what happened to me when I turned that key!" Desmond
- Desmond has a flashback of what happened in the hatch, the clock, alarm going off, hieroglyphs, telling Locke see you in another life, Desmond turning to failsafe key, saying he loves Penny, he has flashes of his life, then it turns to a close-up of his eye, covered in red, paint, Penny, apartment, ice, ladders and drinking.

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- Desmond's apartment, the clock is 1:08, Desmond getting dressed in a suit and tie, job from Penny's father, she says it's not the end of the world if he's too daft to see how brilliant Desmond is, he hears beeping like the computer from the hatch, but it's the microwave, Desmond tells Penny he had deja vu.
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- Desmond goes to the job interview at Widmore Industries, asks for Mr. Widmore and there is a man delivering a parcel for 815, Desmond has a flash of the numbers, computer, clock.
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- In Mr. Widmore's office, painting on the wall with a polar bear, a Buddha, Namaste written backwards, Mr. Widmore looks at Desmond's resume, he worked in set design at the Royal Shakespeare Company, Desmond says he looked after his 3 brothers, after his father, but then gets cutoff by Mr. Widmore, didn't graduate from University, no military experience, Desmond sees a model boat, Mr. Widmore's foundation sponsoring solo race around the world, Desmond has a flash of the sailboat, Elizabeth, the storm, dead Kelvin, Widmore says he'll give Desmond a position in the administrative department, Desmond says that he's really there to ask for his daughter hand in marriage, they've been together 2 years, she moved in, that he loves her, wants his permission, that it would mean everything to him, Mr. Widmore says he's impressed, noble gesture, he takes out a 60 year MacCutcheon, named after Anderson MacCutcheon, an esteemed Admiral from the Royal Navy, retired with more medals than any man before or since, moved to the Highlands, a great man, whiskey was his crowning achievement, pours one glass, says the swallow is worth more than Desmond can make in a month, to share it would be a waste and disgrace to the man who made it, because Desmond will never be a great man, not worthy of drinking his whiskey, certainly not worthy of his daughter.

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- When Desmond leaves Widmore Industries, takes off his tie, hears music, he sees Charlie outside, playing guitar, Wonderwall.
- "I said maybe; You're gonna be the one who saves me; Maybe; And after all; You're my wonderwall." Charlie
- Desmond asks where he knows him from, remembers, says he's Charlie, but Charlie says it's because of his sign that says his name, Charlie Hieronymus Pace, Charlie says he'll remember if he could get some help, some money.
- Desmond has a flash, the hatch, the button, bookshelf, getting the failsafe key, Charlie saying "Can I get some help?"
- "Who--they--they. It--it was in the hatch. I remember seeing you. There was a--there was a computer. There was a button. We--we were on an island. No this--I remember this. This all happened before. Today--th--th--this happened today. This--I remember that he said I wasn't worthy--and then I--and then I--and then I came down and I--and I took off my tie and I--and then I lost my tie and Penny said where was it and then it started to rain and... [It starts to rain.]" Desmond is confused.

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- "Your thesis is a bit neat. The wild card part which is unpredictability--run the same test 10 times, you'll get 10 different outcomes. It's what makes life so wonderfully..." Donovan
- Desmond goes to see his friend, Donovan, they go to a pub, he asks him about time travel, tells him story about the island, Donovan is a physicist, Desmond says he's gone back in time, living his life over again, Donovan questions if the events with Mr. Widmore are influencing Desmond, he hears the Mama Cass song on the radio, Make Your Own Kind of Music, Desmond says he remember that night, Gray Bridge came from 2 goals down, Jimmy Lennon hits the bartender with a cricket bat, owes him money, but he's wrong, it doesn't happen, Donovan says no such things a time travel, to just marry Penny.
- Desmond goes home, tells Penny he didn't get the job, that her father was lovely, Penny says they should celebrate, fate has spare him a miserable existence at Widmore Industries, lobsters at the pier, her treat, because she loves him, Desmond asks why she loves him, she says that he's a good man, and they're hard to come by.
- Desmond goes to pick out a ring at a second hand shop, tells the woman that he's not a man of means, but he hopes someday, she picks one out, he says that he'll take it, but the ring lady says that he doesn't buy the ring, that he has second thoughts, she calls him Desmond, he wants to know how she knows his name, she says he doesn't ask Penny to marry him, that he enter a sailing race to prove her father wrong, that it brings him to the island, where he spends the next 3 years pushing the button, he sees the failsafe key.
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- "This is wrong. You don't buy the ring. You have second thoughts; you walk right out that door. So, come on, let's have it." Ms. Hawking "I don't know what you're on about." Desmond "You don't buy the ring, Desmond." Ms. Hawking "How do you know my name?" Desmond "Well, I know your name as well as I know that you that don't ask Penny to marry you. In fact, you break her heart. Well, breaking her heart is, of course, what drives you in a few short years from now to enter that sailing race, to prove her father wrong, which brings you to the island where you spend the next 3 years of your life entering numbers into the computer until you are forced to turn that failsafe key. And if you don't do those things, Desmond David Hume, every single one of us is dead. So give me that sodding ring." Ms. Hawking
- Across from the London Underground, Ms. Hawking and Desmond talk over chestnuts, there is a man in red shoes that she points out, Desmond says she's part of his subconscious, that there is no island, no button, a building nearby collapses on the man in the red shoes, Desmond says she knew it would happen.
- "Because it wouldn't matter. Had I warned him about the scaffolding tomorrow he'd be hit by a taxi. If I warned him about the taxi, he'd fall in the shower and break his neck. The universe, unfortunately, has a way of course correcting. That man was supposed to die. That was his path just as it's your path to go to the island. You don't do it because you choose to, Desmond. You do it because you're supposed to." Ms. Hawking "I'm going to meet Penny in an hour. I've got the ring, she'll say yes. I can choose whatever I want." Desmond "You may not like your path, Desmond, but pushing that button is the only truly great thing that you will ever do." Ms. Hawking
- On his way to meet Penny, Desmond passes an advertisement for the Royal Scots Army.
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- Desmond meets Penny on the Thames, they pass a man taking photographs, says it's something to show the grand kids, they take a photograph in front backdrop of a marina scene, Desmond has no money to pay for the photograph, 5 quid, but Penny does, which causes Desmond to have an epiphany.
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- "I can't do this." Desmond
- Desmond says that Penny deserves someone better, that loves isn't enough. Penny is very upset and tells him to admit that he's a coward.
- "It's all happening too soon -- you moving in. You're painting rooms; you're changing things. I don't even like red. Why would you leave your flat, your expensive flat..." Desmond "[slapping Desmond's face] Don't do that. Don't you pretend you don't care. And don't you dare rewrite history. I left my expensive flat because you were too proud to live there, remember? If you want me to go, if you want me to leave, then don't make this about what I do or don't deserve. And have the decency to admit that you're doing this because you're a coward." Penny "I'm sorry, Pen, but this--we're not supposed to be together." Desmond
- Penny leaves, and Desmond throws the ring in the water.

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- Desmond goes back to the pub, he sees the MacCutcheon's whiskey behind the bar, but asks for a pint of the cheapest they have, he tells the bartender that he made the biggest mistake of his life, the worst part is that he thinks he's made it before, the bartender tells him that it's deja vu, he hears the song again, Make Your Own Kind of Music, Gray Bridge comes from 2 goals down, Desmond realizes that he had the wrong night, Jimmy Lennon comes in with cricket a bat.
- "I had the wrong night. I was right. I was off by a night. I heard the song and then--I remember this. I'm not crazy. I can still change things. I can still change it." Desmond
- "Duck, brotha." Desmond says, then he gets cracked with the cricket bat.
- Desmond wakes up in the jungle after the hatch implosion, he sees the photograph of him and Penny on the ground.
- "Please, let me go back. Let me go back one more time. I'll do it right. I'll do it right this time. I'm sorry, Penny. I'll change it. I'll change it." Desmond
- Desmond flashes back to when he attached Charlie, Hurley pulls him off, Desmond tells Charlie he's a good man, tells him what happened, that he was saving him, not Claire, that he's going to die, that he drowned trying to save Claire.
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- "When I turned that key my life flashed before my eyes. And then I was back in the jungle and still on this bloody island. But those flashes, Charlie--those flashes--they didn't stop." Desmond "So, you're telling me you saw a flash of Claire drowning this morning--that's how you knew how to save her?" Charlie "I wasn't saving Claire, Charlie, I was saving you. This morning you dove in after Claire. You tried to save her but you drowned." Desmond "What are you talking about? I didn't drown." Charlie "When I saw the lightening hit the roof you were electrocuted. And when you heard Claire was in the water you--you drowned trying to save her. I dove in myself so you never went in. I've tried, brother. I've tried twice to save you, but the universe has a way of course correcting and--and I can't stop it forever. I'm sorry. I'm sorry because no matter what I try to do you're going to die, Charlie." Desmond
- Did Desmond time travel?
- Did Desmond really meet Charlie in the past? If so, why didn't either of them remember?
- Did Thomas paint the painting in Mr. Widmore's office?
- Has Desmond met Ms. Hawking before? How does she know about him?
- Why does Desmond have to push the button? Why would everyone die?
- How did Penny get a copy of the photograph?
- Why did Desmond go back to the island when the cricket bat hit him?
- Why did the failsafe key and the hatch implosion make Desmond have flashes?
- Could Desmond have changed what happened?
- What happened to Desmond's brothers? His father? Are they okay?
- "He would want us to ransack his tent and take his stash? Yeah, that sounds exactly like Sawyer." Hurley "Well, he stole all this in the first place. I mean, people need food. They need medical supplies. They need--[Charlie looks down and sees a stack of magazines] shocking amounts of pornography."
- "Dude, you okay? Hey guys, what's wrong with Desmond?" Hurley
- "I don't buy this precognitive insanity rubbish. Look, if the bearded wonder could predict the future he wouldn't have ended up here, would he?" Charlie
- "You do realize he's going to know your plan before you even come up with it, dude." Hurley "In that case, we're going to have to get him really bloody drunk." Charlie
- "Alright then, let's have it. No, the bottle, brother. I mean, if you've come to drink, let's drink." Desmond
- "Hey, do you know any songs about drinking and fighting and girls with one leg?" Hurley "Well, girls with one leg and a heart of gold." Charlie and Desmond
- "Well, what's happening is the result of combining ladders, painting a ceiling, and alcohol. Are you okay? You nauseous?" Penny "This is my flat?" Desmond "Mmm-hmm, although, if you want me to feel at home you might start calling it our flat. How many fingers, Des? [he looks around, awestruck] Love, look at me. What's wrong?" Penny
- "We are on an island, mate. This is England." Charlie
- "That's why we don't do drugs." Charlie
- "Case in point, who could have known that a drenched Scotsman would appear in this rotunda?" Donovan
- "Which part? The island full of mysterious hatches? Or the computer which keeps the world from ending?" Donovan
- "Alright, then--what happens next?" Donovan "It doesn't work like that. I don't remember everything, just--just bits and pieces." Desmond "How wonderfully convenient." Donovan
- "You smell like a pub." Penny "That's because I was at the pub." Desmond
- "Do you like chestnuts?" Ms. Hawking "What?" Desmond
- "Just thought it was a bold fashion choice worth noting." Ms. Hawking
- " Oh, come on, Des, let's do it--for all those grandkids." Penny
- "Ah, I love the Alps." Desmond "Oh, I hate the Alps." Penny
- Guitar in case, Charlie, not sign.
- Ms. Hawking is a reference to Stephen Hawking.
- The man wearing red shoes who has a building fall on top of him is a reference to The Wizard of Oz.
- Flashes Before Your Eyes aired on Valentine's Day 2007. How appropriate.
- How Henry Ian Cusick has not won an Emmy, I really don't know.
- Desmond and Penny's storyline often makes me unable to distinguish the difference between the show, fantasy and the real world, because I get so caught up in it. This episode still makes me head hurt, even after watching about a billion times, and I love it nonetheless.
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