2.17 Lockdown
- John is packing a picnic, he's going to ask Helen to marry him.
- Helen reads the obituaries, Anthony Cooper is dead.
- Henry Gale tells Jack and Locke about the map, that he was just kidding. Jack tells him to draw it again, but Locke says that it's too late. Jack tells Locke to put Henry back in the armory, and Henry asks why he lets Jack talk to him that way, which angers Locke
- Sayid, Charlie and Ana Lucia search for Jennifer Gale's grave, Charlie finds it, and they find the balloon Henry claims took him to the island in the trees above them, "Proudly Sponsored By" Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack, Nozz-a-La Cola, a Widmore Labs logo, and Minnesota Metallurgy & Mining Co. logo.

From Lostpedia
- Jack checks on Aaron, who is now no longer sick.
- Locke rides the exercise bike in the hatch, plays music, he hears voices on the loud speaker, 20 minutes to Lockdown, Locke tries to fix the speaker, feedback, 17 minutes to Lockdown, Henry asks what's the matter, what's going on.
- Anthony Cooper's funeral, John and Helen are the only ones there, two guys watch from a distance, a car also.
- "I forgive you." John says at Anthony's funeral.
- In the Hatch, protocol, please proceed, countdown from 10, blast doors come down, but Locke manages to stick a crowbar underneath the door.
- Locke is a home inspector in California, he inspects Nadia's house, he asks her about her husband, but she says she's not married.
From Lostpedia
- Locke sees the same car from his father's funeral, it's Anthony Cooper, he says he faked his death because the guys from the funeral that were watching were after him, he took them for $700,000, a retirement scam, the money is in a safe deposit box, wants John to get it for him and keep $200,000, says he'll understand if he never sees him again.
- Locke tells Henry about the blast doors, asks him for help, Henry agrees but makes a deal for Locke to protect him.
- Jack plays Sawyer in Texas Hold'em for the medicine.
- Henry and Locke try to pry the blast door up, but it comes down on Locke's leg, traps him underneath, Henry tries to help Locke.
From Lostpedia
- Locke goes to safe deposit box 1516, gets the money.
- When Locke goes home, there are two guys from the funeral waiting for him, asking about Anthony Cooper, if John knows if he's still alive, if he's seen him, he says no, they look in his bag and there are work papers, no money, Helen asks if he was lying, but Locke says that he was just scared.
- Locke tells Henry Gale about the button, to go through the vent in the pantry, Henry falls and hits his head, is knocked out.
- Jack catches Sawyer dealing from the bottom of the deck.
- Jack wins in poker, takes all of Sawyer's fruit and the medicine, Sawyer asks why he didn't want the guns.
- "When I need the guns, I'll get the guns." Jack
- Henry wakes up while the timer is going off, he goes through the vent.
- John at a hotel, an Oceanic Airlines plane flies overhead, he gives Anthony Cooper his money, and Anthony leaves John his, but Locke says that he didn't do it for the money. Anthony asks about Helen, John tells him that he's going to ask her to marry him that night.
- When Anthony opens the door to leave, Helen is there, she followed John.
- "Are you him?" Helen asks Anthony.
- She leaves, but John follows her, asks her to marry him, but she says no and leaves, there is another Oceanic plane that flies overhead.
- The alarm for the computer and the button is going off, numbers flipping sound, light out, then there is a black light that goes on, a map on the blast door in front of Locke.

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- A few moments later, the doors go up, and Henry comes back.
- Kate wants to go to the hatch for a shower, but Jack tells her the pipes are busted, they see a flashing light in the jungle, a beacon, a parachute, pallet, food drop, they run into Sayid, Charlie and Ana Lucia on their way back from the balloon.
From Lostpedia
- Henry says that he put in the numbers, but nothing happened, the clock flipped back, and then nothing, crawled back into the vent, and then the doors came up, the lights back on.
- Sayid says that they found the balloon, the grave, but Sayid didn't believe it, so he dug up the grave, found a man's body, named Henry Gale.
- "We did find your balloon, Henry Gale, exactly how you described it. We also found the grave you described. Your wife's grave. The grave you said you dug with your own bare hands. It was all there. Your whole story, your alibi, it was true. But still, I did not believe it to be true. So I dug up that grave and found that there was not a woman inside. There was a man." Sayid reveals the real Henry Gale's drivers license.
From Lost Hatch
- Where are the food drops coming from? Where are they still coming after the purge happened? Does the Dharma Initiative know what happened?
- Do the blast doors come down so that no one sees where the pallet comes from? How did no one see it?
- Did Locke take the money from Cooper?
- Who killed and buried the real Henry Gale? Why?
- When are we going to have an episode about Jack learning to play poker in Phuket?
- "Hey, maybe he left you his kidney." Helen
- "Why don't you put your mangoes where your mouth is?" Sawyer
- "So, where'd you learn to play cards, doc?" Sawyer "Phuket." Jack "What the hell were you doing in Thailand? What? You don't think I know where Phuket is? Just cause I dropped out in the 9th grade don't make me an idiot. Far East, huh? Wouldn't have taken you for a world traveler. that where you got the art on your shoulder?" Sawyer
- "You may have been to Phuket, doc, but I've been to Tallahassee. Let's just say something was burning and it wasn't from the sunshine." Sawyer
- "What's going on?" Libby "Jack and Sawyer are finally gonna beat eachother up." Hurley
- Sawyer's comment about Jack getting the art on his shoulder in Phuket, amongst Kate asking where Jack got his tattoos from earlier in House of the Rising Sun, opened up the vault for the possibly the worst episode ever, Stranger In A Strange Land, where there is an entire episode about Jack going to Phuket and getting a tattoo.
- On the Blast Door Map, the Monster is called Cerberus.
- In Solitary, Sayid states that Nadia is dead to Rousseau, but we clearly see that Nadia is alive and well in this episode.
- Another indication that Anthony Cooper is the real Sawyer.
- Sayid = one badass mutha fucka.
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