2.19 S.O.S.
- Rose and Bernard are organizing the food, they argue about everyone settling on the island, Bernard says that everyone's given up on getting rescued.
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- Locke attempts to recreate a map drawing from the blast door.
- Jack checks on Henry's wound, tells him he wants to make a trade.
- "They'll never give you Walt." Benry
- Rose is stuck in the snow, Bernard tries to help, she says she's been driving in snow her whole life, but Bernard ends up healing her anyway, the first time they meet, she asks him if he wants to have coffee with her.
- Bernard gathers people to help him, Libby, Sun and Jin, Jenkins, Neil Frogurt.
- Jack is going to the line they're not supposed to cross, he asks Kate to go with him.
- Bernard wants to do something to try to get off the island, they've been there for 2 months, he decides to make a sign, tries to gather people to help, but Rose doesn't approve and undermines him.
- Rose and Bernard go to Niagara Falls, he asks her to marry him, says he's been a bachelor for 54 years, they just met 5 months ago, she tells him she's dying, she's sick, been in remission for the last couple of years, has about a year left, maybe longer, but Bernard asks again, she says yes.
- Bernard asks Charlie and Eko for help, but they say no, he says everyone's building something on the island, but he's trying to get them saved.
- "People are saved in different ways." Eko
- Locke asks "Henry" if he pushed the button, Henry is in Locke's head.
- No one is very enthusiastic about Bernard's idea of building a huge sign and carrying rocks from a lava field half a mile away.
- Rose and Bernard go to Australia on their honeymoon, Bernard brings her to a faith healer, made a $10,000 donation to see him, but Rose doesn't want to go, she's accepted her death, he asks her to try anyway for him because he can't accept it.
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- No one will help with Bernard's sign, he says it's Rose's fault for not standing behind him, but Rose says that he's always trying to do something, that he can't just be.
- "If I didn't always have to do something, you wouldn't be here." Bernard
- Jack and Kate get caught in a net, Kate says that the Others are more sophisticated, that it must be one of Rousseau's traps.
- Rose and Locke talk, Rose tells him Bernard is building a sign, Locke says that he's done with the hatch, Rose says that he's just frustrated and he'll be back, Locke tells her that Jack said it would be 4 weeks before his leg gets better.
- "But, honey, you and I both know it won't take that long." Rose

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- Rose goes to the faith healer, Isaac of Uluru, he has many thank you letter and cards from patients, wheelchairs and crutches from people that he's healed. He says that there are places on the earth with energy, perhaps geological or magnetic, that he harnesses the energy and gives it to others, he tries to read Rose's energy, but he appears frightened by what he feels or sees, and he says that he can't help her, that it isn't the right place for her, there are different energies, but Rose isn't surprised, she didn't expect him to heal her anyway, she says not to return Bernard's money, that she's going to tell him he fixed her.
From Lost Hatch
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- Kate tells Jack about the medical station, costumes, fake beard, they reach the place they're not supposed to cross, where they gave up the guns to the Others, Jack yells for them, but nothing happens, no one is there, no one answers him.
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- Rose tells Bernard that Isaac didn't heal her, that after the crash she was healed, that the island did it, he asks how she knows and she says she just knows.
- Rose sees Locke in a wheelchair in the Sydney Airport.
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- Bernard says Rose can't leave, that she thinks if she leaves, it will come back, he tells Rose that they don't have to leave, that he'll stop building the sign.
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- Locke returns to the hatch, with a new-found faith, he begins to draw the map again.
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- Charlie and Eko work on the church, Jin rubs Sun's belly, Claire plays with Aaron, Hurley makes shadow puppets for Libby, Sawyer feeds Vincent, Rose and Bernard cuddle as Otis Redding's "These Arms Are Mine" plays, Bernard is wearing his wedding ring again.
- Kate and Jack still at the line, Kate says she's sorry she kissed him, but Jack says that he's not, and then Michael returns, collapses in front of them.
From Lost Hatch
- Isaac tells Rose that it's not the place for her, but there are other places, did he know that it was the island that would heal her?
- How did the island heal Rose's cancer?
- Does Benry know what the button does, what happens when you don't push it?
- If Bernard had finished the sign, would someone have spotted it from above?
- "Oh happy day, here comes Doctor Giggles." Sawyer
- "So, what does God have to do to get your attention?" Rose
- "I think I liked you better when you just hit people with your stick." Bernard "I like you just the way you are." Charlie
- "Oh, now you're just frustrated. You'll be out of that splint and running around the island again in no time." Rose tells Locke.
- "I would offer to take down the sign, but we didn't get very far." Bernard
- Isaac has a similar reaction to Rose as Richard Malkin did to Claire in Raised By Another.
- Although this is a filler episode, I really enjoy the Rose and Bernard flashback.
- Jack tells Kate that he asked her to go with him because the Others don't want either of them, but he is wrong because they are two of the three that the Others take in Live Together, Die Alone.
- Jack trying to keep Kate from picking up the doll and not getting caught in the net is like the worst acting job ever.
- Jack screaming at the line they're not supposed to cross is the craziest Jack ever.
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