2.22 Three Minutes
- 13 Days Ago--Michael asks John about guns, knocks him out, talks to Walt on the computer, Walt tells him to go North, to a rock with a hole in the middle, by the beach.
- Today--Michael with paper, burns it, Jack says they need to talk, they plan to go across the island, Sawyer says there are 11 rifles and pistols, that they took 5 off them, Michael says if they leave now and move fast, they can get to the Others camp in the middle of the night tomorrow, that just the 5 of them should go, Jack questions Michael's decision making, says they'll bury Ana and Libby tonight, then figure out what's next.
- 13 Days Ago--Michael runs through the jungle, checks his compass, runs into a man taking a piss, Danny Pickett, Mr. Friendly comes up from behind, Michael runs, firing, Pickett fires back, and the Others capture him.
- Today--Eko tells Michael about boy at his church who killed his dog.
- "For a brief time I served in a small parish in England. Every Sunday after Mass, I would see a young boy waiting in the back of the church. And then one day, the boy confessed to me that he had beaten his dog to death with a shovel. He said that the dog had bitten his baby sister on the cheek, and he needed to protect her. And he wanted to know whether he would go to hell for this. I told him that God would understand, that he would be forgiven, as long as he was sorry. But the boy did not care about forgiveness. He was only afraid that if he did go to hell, that dog would be there waiting for him." Eko
- Michael tells Jack that everything has to go his way, that it has to be just the 5 of them, that it puts them in more danger, that it's his son, Jack says that's the way it will go then.
- Charlie gives Claire and Aaron the vaccine from the pallet, that they have to take it every 9 days, that it's a pneumatic injector, he says that he tried it, that he wanted to make sure that it was safe for her and the baby, that he feels fine.
- Michael returns to the beach camp, everyone is happy to see him, but then discover the bodies of Ana Lucia and Libby being buried.
- "They were murdered." Michael
- 13 Days Ago--Michael captured and Kate, who was following Sawyer, Jack and Locke.
- "You make one sound and you'll never see your boy again." Mr. Friendly
- Mr. Friendly speaks to the Hunting Party, Alex talks to Michael, tells him it's alright, that he's just delivering a message to his friends, she asks about Claire, if she's okay, if she had the baby and if it's a boy or a girl, after Mr. Friendly leaves the hunting party, Alex apologizes and then knocks Michael out with her rifle.
From Lostpedia - Today--Jack and Sawyer go his tent to get the guns, Sawyer asks Jack about what happened with him and Kate in the jungle when they went to the line, Jack says they got caught in a net, Sayid asks about Benry escaping, asks who's going after him, he wants to go with them, but Jack says that he can't go, but Sawyer gives him a gun anyway.
- Eko is in the hatch, Charlie visits, asks where he's been, Eko tells Charlie that he's not working on the church anymore.
- Sawyer tells Michael that Sayid's on board to come with them, but Michael isn't happy.
- "Oh, well I'm sorry. I just figure if we going to war, we'd want the one guy who's actually been in a war. That a problem?" Sawyer
- 11 Days Ago--Michael at Others camp, big rock with hole in the middle, tents, dirty people, raggedy clothing, camp fires, a hatch door being guarded by two men with rifles, people with fishing nets, Danny Pickett draws Michael's blood.

From Lostpedia - "See you in the funny pages." Danny Pickett
- Ms. Klugh asks questions about Walt, if he's Michael biological son, age he first spoke, illnesses, headaches, fainting spells, Michael says he wasn't there, that Walt was halfway around the world.
- "Did Walt ever appear in a place he wasn't supposed to be? You say he was halfway around the world, but did you see him?" Ms. Klugh
- Today--Michael tells Sayid that he's not coming with them because he's going after the guy that escaped and Michael's going after his son.
- Charlie works on Eko's church, Vincent brings him a Virgin Mary statue with the heroin inside, he leads Charlie to Sawyer's stash, Charlie takes all of the statues and throws them in the ocean as Locke watches from afar.
- Sawyer tells Jack he screwed Ana Lucia, that was how she lifted the gun off of him.
- "Why are you telling me this, Sawyer?" Jack "Because you're about the closest thing I got to a friend, doc." Sawyer
- Hurley and Kate dig Libby and Ana Lucia's graves, Hurley questions why he'd go with them, Michael tries to convince him, he says because they killed her.
- 3 Days Ago--Ms. Klugh tells Michael there's something he needs to do, that there's been a development, that one of their people were taken by one of his, Michael insists on seeing Walt, Ms. Klugh says Walt is right outside, she says he can talk to him, but only for 3 minutes.
- "They make me take tests." Walt "We're not going to talk about that." Ms. Klugh
- "They're not who they say they are. They're pretending." Walt "Walt! Do you want me to put you in the room again?" Ms. Klugh
From Lostpedia - Ms. Klugh says Michael has to do something else after he releases their man, she gives Michael a list of four people, that he has to bring them but only them, and if he doesn't, he'll never see Walt again, the names on the list are Jack Shephard, Kate Austen, Hugo Reyes, James Ford, Michael asks who James Ford is, Ms. Klugh says that if he does it, that he and Walt will be let go, Michael says that he also wants the boat.
From Lostpedia - Locke takes the splint off his leg and walks off into the sunset.
- Jack tells Sayid about his dad, Sayid says that he thinks Michael has been compromised, that his actions are not that of a man that is telling the truth, that a father would do anything for his son, that he believes Michael may have freed Henry and he believes that Michael is leading them into a trap. Sayid says to let Michael believe that he's in control so that they can create an advantage.
- "You believe a lot, Sayid." Jack "I also believed that Henry was one of them." Sayid
- There is a funeral held for Libby and Ana Lucia, Jack speaks about Ana Lucia and Hurley speaks about Libby, gets angered and says he's going with them.
From Lostpedia - "She probably helped a lot of people. She helped me and she was my friend. It's not fair that this happened to her. It's not. I'm going with you. Goodbye, Libby." Hurley
- Claire grabs Charlie's hand, Sun looks out on the water.
- "Boat." Sun
Questions:- Did Walt really talk to Michael on the computer?
- How did Kate not know that Michael was there when she was captured by the Others?
- What did Danny Pickett draw Michael's blood for?
- Did Michael ever see Walt in a place he wasn't supposed to be?
- What room would Ms. Klugh put Walt in? Room 23?
Favorites:- "You're Walt's old man, aren't you?" Danny Pickett
- "So, what do you say, doc? I was thinking the Irish drink when someone dies." Sawyer "I'm not Irish." Jack "Neither am I." Sawyer
- "Yeah, well, him says even though Pippy Longstocking and the damn Grape Ape are ideal candidates for the Dirty Dozen, I'm just going to say we might just want to bring the Red Beret." Sawyer
- "We got caught in a net." Sawyer
Notes:- As far as I'm concerned, Mr. Eko, you still owe Yemi one church.
- Libby dies as Desmond returns with her husband's boat to the island, how convenient.
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