11 December 2008

3.02 The Glass Ballerina

  1. Sun, as a little girl, breaks glass ballerina, blames it on the maid, tells her father, Mr. Paik, who says he has to fire her if she's the one who broke it. From Lostpedia
  2. Jin says that Jack should be there already, Sayid wants to light another fire, but Jin says no, Sun says that she can sail, that she'll help Sayid.
  3. Juliet brings Jack soup, Ben watches in a monitoring room, says that she never made him soup.
  4. Colleen says that the Iraqi found the decoy village, Ryan radioed in, says they have a boat, they can find them, Ben wants it.
  5. Pickett takes Sawyer and Kate out of their cages, gives them lunch.
  6. Sun says she shouldn't have disagreed with Jin, that she doesn't want to be without him.
  7. Sun and Jae Lee had an affair, he gives her a Pearl necklace, says he doesn't want to share her, her English is good, can go to America, Mr. Paik shows up.
  8. Sawyer and Kate work for the Others, Kate chops rocks loose, Sawyer hauls them out, Pickett says they do anything wrong, they get shocked, Kate says she's not doing anything until she sees Jack, and Pickett shocks Sawyer.
  9. Mr. Paik says Jae Lee stole from him, wants Jin to kill him, Jin says no, tries to quit, Paik says he soiled the family name, shamed him, manipulates Jin by calling him son.
  10. Sayid, Sun and Jin arrive at the dock, Pala Ferry, Sayid says the dock is decaying, it's safe, wants to dock there, Jack will be able to see fire. From Lostpedia
  11. Kate talks to Alex, she asks about Karl, says they're not supposed to be in those cages, says dress is hers, the she can keep it.
  12. Sayid builds another fire, Sun knows he's lying, Sayid says they've been captured, tracks on the dock, fresh, as recent as yesterday, that the fire is for the Others, when they see smoke, send scout party, night, he'll ambush, take 2 hostage, one to make the other cooperate.
  13. Jin tells Sun about the message he's supposed to deliver, she says don't do it, he says that he has to, that's what it takes to be married to her.
  14. Jin figures Sayid out, asks him for gun, knows it's a trap, they want Sun to go to the boat, Sayid tells her about gun if the Others get past them.
  15. "He says he understands English better than I think he does." Sun
  16. "If they get past you, that means my husband is dead, and I won't care anymore." Sun
  17. Juliet gives Sawyer her water, but he spills it out, he kisses Kate, he fights some of the Others, gets a taser but it doesn't work, then he gets one of their guns, but Juliet holds a gun to Kate, calls him James, Pickett shocks Sawyer. From Lostpedia
  18. Sayid and Jin waiting in the trees, the Others sneakily on boat.
  19. Jin at Seoul Gateway, threatens and beats the snot out of Jae Lee, who says he's sorry, knows that Jin is Sun's husband, but Jin only thinks he's there for Mr. Paik, feels guilty, he says leave country, never return, doesn't kill him, but Jae Lee commits suicide, jumps from the balcony and lands on Jin's car, with pearl necklace in hand. From Lostpedia
  20. Colleen knows who Sun Kwon is, that she's not a killer, she has 5 friends with her, says they're not the enemy, but she does shoot Colleen, shooting goes on between the Others, Sun and Jin, Sun escapes from the boat, falls into water, the Others drive off with the boat. From Lostpedia
  21. Jae Lee's funeral, Sun goes, Mr. Paik shows up, says he does business with his father, that he won't tell Jin about the affair, it's not his place.
  22. Sayid apologizes to Jin and Sun, says that next time he'll listen.
  23. Kate and Sawyer are back in their cages, Sawyer says 2 guards have a real fight in them, heavy set guy packs a good punch, shaggy haired guy has Martial Arts training, zappers things have a safety, they've never seen any real action, the blonde would've shot Kate, no problem, Kate asks why she called him James, Sawyer says because that's his name, that they wait for them to make a mistake, Ben watches and listens on the monitors. From Lostpedia
  24. Ben talks to Jack, introduces himself, Benjamin Linus, lived on the island all his life, he tries to shake Jack's hand, but Jack leaves him hanging.
  25. "Hello, Jack. You know what's crazy, Jack? A week ago, you and I were in exactly the opposite situation. I was the one locked up and you were the one coming in for visits. And I know that you were angry that I lied to you about who I was; but, hell, do you blame me? I mean, let's face it, if I had told you I was one of those people that you and your friends have been calling Others all this time it would have been right back to Sayid and his--fists. Wouldn't it?" Ben
  26. "I want for you to change your at--perspective. And, the first step in doing that would be for me to be decent enough to introduce myself honestly, so--Hi, my name is Benjamin Linus and I've lived on this island all my life. You're not going to shake?" Ben
  27. Juliet brings a television into the other side of Jack's cell, he asks about Kate and Sawyer, Ben says they're fine and close, says if he cooperates, they'll send him home, Jack asks if that's where he sent Walt and Michael, why they'd be there if they could leave, Jack says they're stuck there just like he is, but Ben says they do have connection to the outside world.
  28. "Your flight crashed on September 22nd, 2004. Today is November 29th. That means you've been on our island for 69 days. Yes, we do have contact with the outside world, Jack. That's how we know that during those 69 days your fellow Americans re-elected George W. Bush; Christopher Reeve has passed away; the Boston Red Sox won the World Series. [Jack starts laughing] What?" Ben
  29. Ben shows Jack the tape of the World Series, says if he listens, he can go home. From Lostpedia
  1. What were Sawyer and Kate helping the Others build?
  2. Where did the Others come from when they got to the dock? Did they take the submarine? How could they get onto the sailboat without Sayid and Jin noticing?
  3. Why does Sayid decide to go back instead of looking for Jack, Kate and Sawyer?
  4. How could the Others know a minute detail like Jack being a Boston Red Sox fan?
  1. "You expect me to work in this dress?" Kate "Well, it's up to you. You can take it off if you want." Pickett "How dare you!" Sawyer
  2. "I got a question, boss." Sawyer
  3. "You're not going to shake?" Ben
  4. "If you wanted me to believe this, you probably should have picked somebody else besides the Red Sox." Jack "No, they were down 3 games to none against the Yankees in the league championship, and then they won 8 straight." Ben "Sure. Sure, of course they did." Jack
  1. I don't really understand how Danny Pickett went from the guy who said "See you in the funny pages" to Michael when he took blood from him, to so angry toward Kate and Sawyer when they're breaking rocks, even before Colleen dies.
  2. I absolutely love the scene where Jack sees the Red Sox winning the World Series. It's probably the only scene, besides where Jae Lee commits suicide, that I like in this episode.
  3. Upon initial reaction, I never thought that Sun pushed Jae Lee off the balcony, although I wouldn't put it past her, and can definitely see the symbolism.
  4. It's really cool that LOST started the phrase, "That's why the Sox'll never win the Series," and it not only paid off in this episode, but the Red Sox, in fact, did win the World Series the same year that LOST aired and started using the phrase on the show, 2004. Coincidence?

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