3.07 Not In Portland
- Juliet sitting on a beach, crying, she goes into a building, Ethan passes her in the hallway, she enters a room, takes out a vile, draws something into a syringe, a woman wakes up, it's her sister, Rachel, she appears to have cancer, Juliet says that they don't have to keep doing it, but Rachel asks if she's afraid it won't work, Juliet injects her, opens the curtains in the apartment, they live in Miami, an Oceanic plane passes by.
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- Jack tells Kate to go, tells Tom that Juliet can't fix Ben, not a surgeon.
- Sawyer beats the crap out of Pickett, Kate and Sawyer run.
- Juliet, Medical Research Lab of Miami Central University, the bio-research building, Diana from Mittelos Bioscience calls, she has an appointment at 2 with Dr. Alpert, she steals 2 viles marked "Test Sample," while her ex-husband, Edmund, who is there with another woman, Sherry, catches her in the building when she's not supposed to be.
- Juliet tells Jack about that Kate and Sawyer aren't going to make it back to their side of the island because they're not on that island, they're on a smaller island 2 miles off shore, Jack tells Tom about her plan to kill Ben, Tom tells her to leave.
- Pickett goes after Kate and Sawyer, who are looking for a boat, Alex comes to save them, she helps them hide in a hole she dug underground.
- Tom asks Jack if what he said about Juliet is true, Ben wakes up, he says to get Juliet.
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- Edmund wants to see Juliet, Sherry is the new research assistant, wants in on her research, knows what she took from the lab, read her notes, says potentially genius, ethical questions, could be criminal, but they could collaborate, with his reputation, cutting edge science, win prizes, drink champagne, do good, give time to think about it.
- Tom gets Juliet, tells her Ben is awake, that he wants to talk to her.
- Alex has a boat, says that she'll help Sawyer and Kate if they help her with Karl.
- Jack tells Ben that he stopped the operation, he says that he's been able to hear him for a few minutes, he talks to Juliet alone, Jack gives them 3 minutes.
- Tom introduces himself to Jack, tells him Juliet and Ben have history.
- Juliet tells Jack to continue the surgery, that she's going to help Kate and Sawyer escape.
- Juliet has her meeting with Dr. Alpert, Mittelos Bioscience, Oregon, just outside of Portland, privately funded, means freedom, she asks why they would want her, he says Juliet successfully impregnated a male field mouse, she says it didn't carry the term, he shows her an x-ray of a human womb, Juliet says it's a woman somewhere in her 70s, but Alpert says she's only 26, that he'd give her the complete freedom and money to find out about it, thinks she's special, lead a team, she says her ex-husband wouldn't let her, Alpert says that maybe they could reach out to him on her behalf, she says he would only let her go if he were hit by a bus, she says no to the job, that she's not a leader.
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- Juliet sees Kate, Sawyer and Alex on a monitor in The Hydra.
- Sawyer, Kate and Alex see Aldo guarding a door, reading A Brief History in Time, Alex says that Karl has to be in there, she's looked everywhere else, they play the wookiee prisoner gag, Aldo calls Pickett on the walkie, Kate threatens to shoot Aldo in the knee, he tells her Karl is in the building, in Room 23.
- Room 23, very loud music, screen, flashing pictures and words, flowers, coins, keyboards, the moon, Gerald DeGroot, "Plant a good seed and you will joyfully gather fruit," "Everything changes," Karl with an IV, wearing some kind of lighted glasses, "We are the causes of out own suffering, "God loves you as he loved Jacob, "Think about your life," Sawyer seems to be hypnotized, transfixed by the screen, but Kate yells at him and he snaps out of it, Alex removes the IV and glasses from Karl.
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- Pickett arrives at the building, finding Aldo knocked out, Juliet tells Pickett that they're letting them go, Ben gave the order.
- "I know Ben would rather die than let them go." Pickett
- Juliet tells her sister the Portland job wasn't for her, too far away, the research doesn't work, Rachel says she's pregnant, her whole life she waited to have a baby, now she can because of her, now she just has to get healthy.
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- Edmund is talking to his mother on his cellphone, Juliet shows up and tells him Rachel's pregnant, he wants to see the labs, but she tells him that she's not interested in publishing, he steps out into the street and gets hit by a bus, just like Juliet said to Dr. Alpert, there is also an Apollo Candy logo on the bus.

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- Jack asks why they wouldn't just go to a facility, Tom says because every since the sky turned purple, but then gets interrupted by Jack nicking an artery and the heart monitor beeping.
- Sawyer, Kate and Alex take Karl to Alex's boat, Pickett shows up, is going to kill Sawyer, but so does Juliet and she kills Pickett, tells them to leave, but Alex can't go, she says goodbye to Karl.
- Kate tells Jack that they're safe, that the blonde woman helped them, she tells him the story from the day of the crash, he tells her to promise she'll never come back there for him, Kate, Sawyer and Karl leave Alcatraz island.
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- "You were doing surgery on a girl and you messed up. You made a mistake. You tore something on her back and all the nerves came loose. And you said you were so afraid. And you said the fear was so real. And you didn't know what to do, so you counted to five. And then you weren't afraid anymore. And then it was just gone. And you fixed her. You saved her." Kate
- Jack fixes Ben, tells Juliet he removed the tumor, to do a biopsy, see if it's malignant, he asks her what Ben said to her.
- Juliet is identifying the body of Edmund at the morgue, filling out paperwork, she's upset, Ethan offers her a tissue, she asks if they've met, Alpert shows, she tells them she said that she wanted him to get hit by a bus in the interview, Richard claims that he doesn't remember it, that they still want her to work for them, 6 months, and then she'll be back before her sister gives birth, that they're thorough in their recruitment process, she asks if her sister can come, he says that the job is not quite in Portland.
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- Juliet's tells Jack what Ben said to her when they were talking.
- "I've been on this island for 3 years, Jack. 3 years, 2 months, and 28 days. He said that if I let him live and I helped you, that he would finally let me go home." Juliet
- Why did Ethan pass Juliet in the hallway when she was going to see her sister?
- Is Richard Alpert really a doctor?
- Why does Danny Pickett say that he knows Ben would rather die than let them go? Was there another plan for them? What was it?
- Why does Tom say that they didn't take Ben to a facility because the sky turned purple?
- Did Richard Alpert and Ethan have involvement with Edmund Burke's death?
- "Tell him I said hi--get to the point!" Sawyer telling Kate to talk to Jack.
- "Nice to meet you, Sheena." Sawyer
- "Shephard says he's a spinal surgeon, not an anesthesiologist." Tom
- "This a hobby of yours, Underdog--digging holes?" Sawyer "Yep. That and basket weaving. Want one?" Alex
- "I'm Tom, by the way." Tom
- "I've got an idea." Kate "Of course you do." Sawyer
- "Don't get mad at me just because you were dumb enough to fall for the old Wookiee prisoner gag." Sawyer
- "Damn, good con, Freckles. I almost believed you were going to shoot that boy." Sawyer "It wasn't a con." Kate
- "Because you're insufferable. And you're mean. Well, you asked me for the truth, Mom." Edmund Burke
- "You okay?" Jack "Yeah, I just don't like blood too much." Tom "Well, then you probably won't want to be looking at that [holding a chunk of tissue in the air]." Jack
- "So, you're the boss's daughter, huh? I never saw that coming. Let's go, Cheech, we're going for a little ride." Sawyer
- Kate tells Jack the same story that he told her the first time they met, in The Pilot, Part 1.
- When reversed, a voice repeats a phrase in Room 23, "Only fools are enslaved by time and space," which clearly foreshadows upcoming events in the series, including the episode which starts it, Flashes Before Your Eyes.
- Juliet says that she's been on the island 3 years, 2 months, 28 days. That would make her arrival to the island September 5, 2001.
- This is the first episode where we meet Richard Alpert!
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