3.16 One of Us
- Sayid, Kate, Juliet, Jack going back, stop at a stream, going to camp for the night.
- Jack and Kate go to collect firewood, Jack says he made a deal with them, if he took care of Ben, they'd let him off the island, he did what he was supposed to do, didn't ask questions.
- Juliet says let's have it, Sayid questions her while they have a moment alone.
- "I want to know what you people are doing on this Island. Why you're terrorizing us. Making lists. Kidnapping children. I want to know everything. But the first thing I'd like to know is, who are you?" Sayid
- Juliet, driving up to Mittelos Bioscience, Downtown playing in the car, Rachel is with her, Ethan gets her bags, Richard Alpert tells Rachel they're borrowing her sister for a few months, Juliet is worried about leaving her, but Rachel says the cancer is gone, she's pregnant, Juliet says she'll be back before she gives birth.
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- Juliet says that if she told him who she was, everything she knows, he'll kill her, Jack says to leave her alone, but Sayid says sooner or later, she'll answer his questions, Jack says she's under his protection, that she'll answer questions when she's ready.
- Claire is sleeping, while Aaron is crying, she doesn't hear him, Charlie comes to help, Claire doesn't feel well, Charlie watches Aaron, she goes back to sleep.
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- Sayid wants to kill someone, chopping through the jungle with a machete, Kate is mad too, Jack says they'll come around.
- "My people kept Sayid chained to a swing-set for three days, then I dragged Kate into the jungle, handcuffed myself to her and lied about it. How much time do you think they need?" Juliet "We'll be back at our beach in a couple of hours, they'll probably be over it by then. [Both laugh] You nervous?" Jack "Hell yes." Juliet
- At Herarat Aviation, Richard says Juliet will be with them for 6 months, that time will fly once she's there, Ethan takes her vitals, Richard says everyone's excited, her research will have impact, gives her a sedative, tranquilizer, says the trip is kind of intense, Juliet says she was okay with signing paper work, agreeing not to talk to anyone for 6 months, no one in medical community heard of Mittelos Bioscience, Richard says she was fine with those things because she knows the place she's going to is special.
- "Let me ask you, Juliet. You took a woman, your own sister, whose reproductive system was ravaged by chemotherapy, who was sterile. And you made her pregnant. You created life where life wasn't supposed to be. That's a gift, Juliet. You have a gift. And don't you think you're meant to do something significant with it? Where we're going, you can do just that." Richard "Where exactly are we..." Juliet "I can't tell you that. But what I can tell you is that, you'll see things there that you never imagined. Now, no-one is forcing you to do anything, so if you change your mind we're happy to take you back to..." Richard
- Juliet downs the orange juice really fast, passes out immediately.
- Juliet wakes up strapped to a bed in a bunker, Ethan says the last leg was a little bumpy, she gets out of the submarine, she's on the island, Ben comes to introduce himself.
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- Claire is sick, doesn't look so good, she says her head is pounding, Sawyer gets her aspirin.
- Sawyer sees that Jack is back, everyone greets eachother, they all embrace, Kate hugs Sawyer, Jack and Sawyer shake hands, Juliet watches from afar, Sawyer spots her, asks what the hell she's doing there.
- Hurley approaches Juliet sitting alone on the beach, he talks to her, asks if she's one of them, says he doesn't remember her from the dock, when the put bags over their heads, shocked them, Juliet says she had off that day, he asks if she's a doctor, she says that she's more of a researcher, he says that the last one of them who was there, Ethan, the he kidnapped Claire, then Charlie got upset, and he points out where they buried Ethan's body.
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- In The Staff, a woman dies on Juliet's table, Ethan is there, Goodwin says she tried, that it's okay, that he'll talk to Ben.
- Juliet talks to Ben, he says it was Sabine's choice to get pregnant, Juliet says she thinks it happens at conception, nothing she could do about it there, wants to take a woman off the island, back to Miami, Ben says no. Juliet says she can't help, that it's time to go home, Ben says her sister won't be giving birth in 3 months, the cancer is back, she'll be dead, shows her reports, x-rays, got them form Mikhail, says she can go home, but if she stays, he'll cure her sister's cancer, Jacob said he would take care of it, if she stays.
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- Jack wants everyone to trust Juliet, Sawyer wants Sayid to question her, but Sayid says he doesn't torture people anymore, but that he doesn't trust her, if she's innocent, why wouldn't she answer his questions, Jack says to give her time, she's afraid, tells them that Locke went with them, destroyed the sub that was going to take him off the island.
- Claire is bleeding, she collapses in front of everyone.
- Juliet says she can help Claire, that she did it to her, her immune system is turning on her, it's a reaction to the medication in her blood stream, designed by her to keep her alive, during late stages of the pregnancy, women there can't have babies, mother's body turns on the pregnancy, treat it as a foreign invader, every pregnant woman on the island has died, until Claire, Ethan infiltrated their camp right after the crash, took blood samples, Claire didn't conceive on the island, but her symptoms were consistent with the previous mothers, the kidnapping wasn't supposed to happen, he improvised, kidnapper her, it was never the plan, without the injections, she would've died, she needs the serum, Ethan kept a stash of medical supplies near the caves, she can get them, Jack says go.
- Juliet with Goodwin, says she's been on the island for 3 years, there's a knock at the door.
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- Juliet looks at x-rays that Karl developed for her, leaves to go tell Ben he was a tumor, he's reading Carrie by Stephen King, Juliet asks why Ben is scared, he told her no one on the island ever had cancer, said he curer her sister, says he lied to her, asks if he can cure cancer, then why he has it, wants to talk to Rachel, wants to go home, Ben says Rachel is fine, he told her the truth, gave her his word, he says no.
- Juliet finds the hidden medical stash by a tree, with the same marking the Others gave her on her back, Sayid and Sawyer show up, they followed her, they want answers.
- "You know its interesting, that you two are now the camp's moral police. I'm curious, Sayid, how long was it before you told everyone on that beach exactly how many people you've tortured in your life. Do they know about Basra? And I'm sure the first thing you did when you got here, James, was to gather everyone in a circle, and tell them about the man you shot in cold blood the night before you got on the plane. So why don't we just skip the part where you two pretend to be righteous. I'm taking that medication back to Claire. And you're gonna let me. Because if she doesn't get it, she's gonna die. And the last thing, that either of you need right now, is more blood on your hands." Juliet
- We flash back to the day of the plane crash, the Book Club meeting, Downtown playing, plane crash, Ben takes Juliet for a walk, they go to The Flame, Oceanic Flight 815, Sydney to Lost Angeles, 324 on board including the flight screw, Ben wants detailed files on every passenger, Mikhail says he's already working on it.
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- Ben tells Mikhail to up-link to Richard in Arcadia Park, Ben says it's live, Richard shows her a newspaper, dated September 22, 2004, Rachel with her son, Ben says 2 years ago her cancer went into complete remission, gave birth to a healthy baby boy, named him Julian, Juliet wants to go home, Ben says when her work is finished, Juliet says there are no more mothers, Ben says they'll find more, maybe even one on the plane.
- Juliet comes back with the case and the serum, Jack tells Charlie he trusts her, to trust him, she gives Claire a shot, says they'll see results in a few hours.
- Jack says if it doesn't work, he won't be able to protect her anymore, she'll be on her own.
- Charlie watches Aaron, Claire wakes up, she's okay.
- Jack brings Juliet some supplies, he says they're all good people, willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, but he says that eventually they'll need answers, Jack says he trusts her because she wants to go off the island, that she's one of us.
- "You were there. You were standing right next to me when that submarine exploded. In that moment, I saw it in your eyes. You wanna get off this Island more than anything else in the world. That makes you one of us." Jack
- Juliet and Ben talk, going over a plan, he tells her to drag Austen to the jungle, handcuff herself to her, tell her she was gassed too, admit it if she catches her in the lie, only want to earn her trust, go back to the beach with them, Ben says he activated the implant in Claire, symptomatic within 48 hours, crisis for her to solve, hide case at Ethan's old drop-point, tell Jack she can save her, he'll see her in a week.
- Was Juliet lying about Claire being sick?
- Why do pregnant women die on the island?
- Did Jacob really cure Rachel's cancer or did it really even come back?
- Why does Ben have a tumor when he said no one on the island has ever had cancer?
- What happened in Basra? How did Juliet know so much about Sayid and Sawyer?
- When did Juliet stop working for Ben?
- "If I told you who I was. If I told you everything that I know. You'd kill me." Juliet "What you think I'll do if you don't?" Sayid
- "Erm, you probably shouldn't have drunk that so fast." Ethan
- "Well if it ain't three men and a baby.. I counted Hugo twice. Oh what, come on I used your name." Sawyer
- "Mikhail! It's Ben. I'm here with Juliet, we're approaching the house. Don't shoot us..." Ben
- "A plane fell out of the sky, Mikhail. Of course we saw it." Ben
- What a great reveal at the end of the episode, even though it didn't really go anywhere.
- Michael Emerson and Elizabeth Mitchell, where are the Emmy nominations?
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