3.06 I Do
- Kate, hotel, wedding veil, policeman at door, her fiance.
- Jack looks at x-rays, Juliet took blood tests, x-rays a week ago, borderline inoperable, the line goes away in a week, the operating room is equipped, with anesthesia, sterile, Jack didn't say he was going to do it, wants Ben to understand how he's going to die.
- "You think I trust you? That I'm just going to do the surgery, and then I'm just going to HOPE that you let me go?!" Jack
- Before wedding, 12 hours, been fast, Kevin, Kate is Monica.
- Kate doesn't want to work alone, she's afraid to leave Sawyer behind.
- Locke says bury Eko where they are, too many funerals, Sayid goes with Locke to get a shovel, Locke says monster did it, tells Sayid that he saw it once, that he believes Eko died for a reason, just doesn't know what it is yet, says they have to make a detour first.
- "I believe in what I can see. But obviously you have. So, why don't you tell me what you think it is?" Sayid "Might be what brought us here." Locke
- Compound breach, Pickett wonders if the doctor got out again, but it's Alex, wants to know where Karl is, don't believe them, she says to Kate and Sawyer, they're gonna kill Kate's boyfriend, just like they killed hers.
- Juliet tells Pickett that the schedule's been moved up, Pickett says that it's supposed to be two weeks, asks if it's an order.
- Juliet says Pickett will kill Sawyer, that she can do something to save his life, she tells Kate.
- Monica in wedding dress, mother-in-law, gives her necklace that her mother gave her, she had 4 boys, Suzanne. Monica gets married in a church.
- Kate goes to see Jack, they're both okay, Kate says they're outside in cages, making them work, something big, hauling rocks, he asks if they hurt her, says it's going to be alright, she says he has to do the operation, they didn't do anything to her, that they'll kill Sawyer if he doesn't, they'll let them go, she has to believe it.
From Lostpedia
- Monica is grocery shopping, taco night, she s calls Edward Mars in hone booth outside, puts a timer on, he asks why she hasn't called, he says he thought they were friends, she doesn't want to run anymore, she loves Kevin, he asks if he knows who she is, says if she can stay put, settle down, he'll stop chasing her, the timer goes off, and she hangs up.
- Pickett tells Sawyer and Kate to say what they have to eachother tonight.
- Eko's funeral, Locke says "I'd like to think you died for a reason, Mr. Eko. I just hope that it's not too long before we find out what the heck it might be.Rest in peace, Mr. Eko Thank you for helping me find my..."
- Locke sees a message written on Mr. Eko's Jesus stick, "Lift up your eyes and look North," and John 3:05 written underneath the passage.
From Lostpedia
- Kate tells Sawyer about Jack, Ben and the surgery, saving his life, climbs out of cage, Sawyer tells her no, that there's nowhere to go, that they're on another island, he didn't tell her so she'd believe they still had a chance, they have sex.
- Kevin surprises Monica with Oceanic Airline tickets to Costa Rica, for their honeymoon, says they've been married 6 months, but he's been too busy to go. He leaves for work, works for the Miami Dade Police, Monica looks worried.
- Kate admits that she loves Sawyer without actually saying it, he says he loves her too.
- Jack hears a message on the intercom, that appears to be Alex, tells him to try the door, Jack discovers the monitoring room, 6 televisions, an armory, takes a gun, he sees Kate and Sawyer on a monitor, Ben shows, Jack says he'll do the surgery tomorrow, needs Ben's word that he'll let him off the island.
- Monica takes a pregnancy test, it's negative.
- Kate drugs Kevin when he's working on a fugitive recovery in Tampa, tells him she's a fugitive, on the run, for blowing up her father, that her name isn't Monica, she loves him, but she can't stay, drugged him so people wouldn't think he knew, didn't want him to lose his job, he collapses and she leaves, crying, gives him the necklace back.
- Jack and Juliet begin Ben's surgery, before Ben goes under, he asks if Alex asked about him, Juliet says no, that they took her home last night.
- Danny Pickett says the Shephard wasn't even on Jacob's list, then he leaves to kill Sawyer while Jack's doing the surgery on Ben, so no one can stop him.
- Jacks begins the surgery, he cuts Ben's kidney sack, knocks one man out, Tom watches what's happening, in shock, Jack says if he doesn't stitch it up in the next hour, Ben will die.
From Lostpedia
- Sawyer and Pickett fight, Sawyer grabs Pickett's gun, but he says let go or he'll kill Kate too. Kate says no, don't do it, don't give up, but Pickett tells Sawyer to get on his knees, that he wants Kate to watch, but Sawyer tells Kate to close her eyes. Pickett tells Sawyer that he's killing him for Colleen, an eye for an eye.
From Lostpedia
- Tom radios in before Picket can do so, tells him to give the walkie to Kate, Jack says he'll kill Ben.
- Jack tells Kate and Sawyer to go, hour head start, tells her when she's safe, to radio him and tell him the story that he told her on the day of the crash, if she doesn't call, he'll know something went wrong, and then Ben dies.
- Kate doesn't want to leave without Jack.
- "Kate, dammit, RUN!" Jack
- Why would Edward Mars stop chasing Kate if she settles down with Kevin? Isn't the point to put her in prison? Why is he so obsessed with her?
- When did Jacob make a list? Who was on it? Why not Jack? Why Kate and Sawyer?
- Did the Others hurt Kate?
- Was the Tampa paperwork that Kevin was doing involved with Sawyer?
- "Well, Jack. I'm very disappointed in your decision." Ben "Well, Ben. At least you won't have to be disappointed for very long." Jack
- "It's bad luck to see the bride in her dress before the wedding. You, my friend, are naked." Kevin
- "I suppose this would be the proverbial nail in my coffin, wouldn't it." Ben
- "It's not a joke. I almost had a baby, Kevin. Me, a baby! I can't do this! Taco night?! I don't do taco night!" Kate
- Wrong Kate, you break the rocks, Sawyer hauls them!
- This episode is probably my least favorite of the first 6 episodes of Season 3, and the supposed "cliff hanger" sucks, in my opinion. Especially considering the cliff hanger of Jack saying "Dammit, Kate, run!" was in every single promo for the episode. The only saving grace is Nathan Fillion.
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